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Systemic Racism: A Theory of Oppression
by Joe Feagin
Social science has given up empirical science for narrative for the simple
reason that just telling stories and making broad accusations are not
falsifiable. As such, it is treated as a religionone has faith that the reason
minorities do badly is because we all live in a racist society. A society that
is run fundamentally on racist rules of conduct, and where only White Americans
are united in this conspiratorial effort to oppress others for the benefit of
Whites alone. It is an interesting story with little coherency or even a
systematic logic as to the benefit Whites receiveaccording to Feagin's
If Feagin is right, and systemic racism (henceforth racism) is a means whereby
minorities are oppressed for the economic or emotional benefit of Whites, then
Whites should be better off than any other ethnic/racial group. Reality is far
different however. When we look at the economic success of Whites, they fall
rather in the middle of the pack when it comes to income and wealth. In his
book, The Jewish Phenomenon, 2000, by Steven Silbiger for example he
lists the comparative household incomes of U. S. ethnics:
Jewish 172
Japanese 132
Polish 115
Chinese 112
Italian 112
German 107
Anglo-Saxon 107
Irish 103
U.S. Average
Filipino 99
West Indian 94
Mexican 76
Puerto Rican 63
Black 62
Native American 60
The reason for this is what Feagin worries people will find out or already
intuitively know: different groups have different average mental abilities,
conscientiousness, and even creativity (as measured by the behavioral trait of
In Systemic Racism: A Theory Of Oppression by Joe R. Feagin, 2006, he
states that, "This archetypal oppression of black Americans is responsible for a
substantial portion of the initial white wealth on which the American economy
and government were built. For more than two centuries, enslaved African
Americans labored arduously (usually on land stolen from Native Americans) to
develop agricultural and other economic prosperity for millions of white
Americans in many walks of life. For many white families, this early prosperity
led to some assets being passed down over later generations of whites to the
present day. This wealth generation could be seen in many areas. For example,
the trade in enslaved Africans and African Americans was a central reason why
New York City early became one of the world's major cities. World-famous Wall
Street was early on a center for slave buying and selling. In addition, enslaved
workers built many of the country's first great houses and mansions,
including such famous homes of presidents as Thomas Jefferson's Monticello and
George Washington's
Mount Vernon. Enslaved African Americans also built major educational
facilities, such as buildings at early colleges and universities like William
and Mary and the University of Virginia. Enslaved workers also constructed the
great buildings that have become the most important political symbols of the
United States the White House and the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Ironically,
these enslaved black workers put a bold Statue of Freedom on the top of that
Capitol dome."
Feagin tries to weave a story about how initial wealth of a nation under
slaveryis somehow a permanent wealth that never diminishes. In fact, wealth has
to be continuously regenerated because any accumulated wealth in terms of
infrastructure, manufacturing plants, buildings, natural resources like oil and
water, personal assets, even the quality of agricultural land erodes and has to
be rebuilt over and over again. Everything wears out rather quickly and only a
sustained effort will increase wealth rather than let it slip away. What Feagin
ignores is that slaves were an economic benefit until emancipation. After that,
they became an economic liability and they remain so today because of their low
productivity in relation to their high demands on society's resources from
schools, to prisons, medical care, difficulty in educational achievement, etc.
This also includes the aesthetic costs of a race that to many, have a tendency
to elicit disgust due to their odd behavior and appearance.
Feagin, "As I will show, this white-generated and white-maintained oppression is
far more than a matter of individual bigotry, for it has been from the beginning
a material, social, and ideological reality. For a long period now, white
oppression of Americans of color has been systemic that is, it has been
manifested in all major societal institutions. This oppression has long been a
dialectical reality; while it has been an intense system of oppression, it has
also constantly encountered resistance."
Feagin has a habit of mixing up several statements together like run-on logic
that becomes incoherent when looked at after being taken apart. He claims that
"I will show," but of course he never does, because he uses only Hegelian means
of "thesis and antitheses argumentation" to make conclusions. He has no
empirical means of presenting his arguments much less showing them to have any
substance. He then claims that oppression is only attributed to Whites while
Blacks are equally upset with, for example, Jews, Koreans, Hispanics, etc.
because they also feel oppressed by these other minorities. He claims White
oppression is a "material, social, and ideological reality," but he never
explains the desire, the means or the process for such oppression. He claims
racism is in "all major societal institutions." How and by what means I must
ask? And a dialectical reality is no reality at all like religion it is a
dogmatic faith in an antiquated method. He also, throughout the book, likes to
claim that Blacks were always magnanimously fighting back, resisting, planning,
organizing, and keeping the family intact the best they could even when the
women were repeatedly raped by White masters.
The history of course does not show that. Whites tried to enslave Indians but
could not. Blacks were selected because of their low intelligence and
pliability. They could quite easily be brutalized into submission. And even the
charges of rape may be less than correct, as women often will have sex with
powerful men for resources, protection, and yes maybe for love or lust. The fact
that a woman submits to a powerful boss or a powerful master does not change the
chemistry between the sexes.
Feagin, "Indeed, an additional sign of the centrality of black Americans in this
country's history can be seen in the impact that centuries of black resistance
to oppression have had on society. For centuries, black Americans have fought
against their oppression, as individuals and in groups. They have engaged in
slave revolts, in fleeing slavery to Canada, in legal challenges in court, in
civil rights organizations and movements, and in urban riots and revolts.
Indeed, over the long course of this history, black Americans have probably been
the most consistent and insistent carriers of the much-heralded values of
expanded liberty, equality, and social justice for this society."
There were a handful of intellectuals among Blacks that were leaders. What
Feagin leaves out however is the compelling evidence that Blacks were
unsuccessful in their struggle for equality until the Jews and some Whites came
to their rescue, set up the NAACP, and provided the intellectual means for them
to challenge segregation. On their own, and that is still the case today, they
would make little progress. Even today, it is White males who are promoting
Barack Obama to become the first African American President according to the
primary polls. What happened to that systemic oppression?
Feagin, "Today, fortunately, these values are still very much in the air, but
local, state, and federal governments in this country still lag greatly, and
political parties still hesitate, in eradicating racial discrimination and other
forms of racial oppression. Research study after research study demonstrates
that African Americans, as well as other Americans of color, still must struggle
against placement by whites at the bottom of this country's racial hierarchy.
For example, a recent survey of 202 black Bostonians found that 80 percent
viewed racial discrimination in Boston as a significant problem. More
specifically, 85 percent of the respondents felt that African Americans lose out
on good housing because of fear of how they will be received in certain Boston
communities. Substantial percentages reported facing discrimination from the
police or in workplaces, and nearly half felt they were unwelcome in shopping
areas or restaurants in the metropolitan area."
This may well be true, but is it racism or is it the multiple social and
intellectual shortcomings of Blacks and "some" others of color that is the cause
of being treated, on average, as different. Human nature uses both stereotyping
and information about individuals to make decisions. If an employer wanted a
steady, trustworthy, dependable person of color as a computer programmer say,
they would certainly select an East Asian over a Black person based on numerous
differences in their patterns of behavior and innate talents. Since companies
are restricted to a significant degree from using intelligence tests as a tool
for selection, they are forced to use stereotypes that are based on hard facts
about the average intelligence of different racial groups. To do otherwise would
be detrimental to the process of hiring, based on probability, the best person
for the job.
Feagin, "The great and disproportionately black suffering of men, women, and
children after 2005's Hurricane Katrina was, simply put, substantially the
result of slavery still unwilling to die. Scenes of black mothers and fathers in
these Deep South areas being unable to feed, clothe, and protect their children
were in some respects reminiscent of the eras of slavery and Jim Crow when black
mothers and fathers were often powerless to care for their children properly.
The large-scale suffering and death in the Deep South revealed once again that a
majority of whites have long been unwilling to give up any significant share of
the unjust enrichment that they have collectively gained over centuries of
systemic racism and to do something substantial about the unjust impoverishment
faced by enslaved African Americans and passed along to their descendants over
several centuries to the present day."
And when it was all over and time to rebuild, who would do the rebuilding?
Primarily Hispanics moved in to get the job done. A tad more intelligent than
Blacks, and far more willing to work, they were the stereotyped ethnic group
that had the best record to get the job done.
Feagin, "Today, very few white political, economic, religious, or educational
leaders are speaking out about, and working diligently to reduce, the
devastating consequences of centuries of white-on-black oppression. Indeed, from
the 1970s to the present day, most of the country's white leadership has
supported a slowing of progress toward, or an actual backtracking on, the task
of remaking this country into a true democracy where there really is 'liberty
and justice for all.' Today, we are once again in a deep struggle for the soul
of this country, for, in spite of the widespread profession of certain religious
commitments, a great many white Americans still put much effort into maintaining
the well-entrenched system of racial oppression."
After 1970, equal opportunities for Blacks had been realized, and had also gone
beyond a just and racially blind system of opportunity. All kinds of overt and
covert means were used to place unqualified blacks in jobs, thus displacing
Whites. Equality wasn't good enough, so reverse discrimination was advanced to
force equal outcomes where a meritocratic system did not provide the results
that Feagin and his Marxist cohorts' desired. The rules of the game have been
continually altered after each attempt to show that Blacks can compete equally
as well with other racial groups and the effort fails. He also claims that we
need a "true democracy," but he failed in the book to elaborate what is wrong
with the democratic process that we now have. He probably wants a "peoples'
democracy" similar to that once found under Soviet Communism.
Feagin, "Even though they may not now be aware of it, many white families today
are comfortable or affluent because of these past and vast federal giveaways
[the Homestead Act]. The enhanced incomes and wealth garnered by white Americans
in one generation have generally been transmitted by them to later generations.
This type of inheritance has enabled later generations of whites to provide much
better educational, housing, and other socioeconomic opportunities for their
children than the later generations of black Americans whose ancestors did not
receive access to such wealth-generating resources because of massive racial
discrimination and segregation. The other side of this centuries-long unjust
enrichment for white Americans is the centuries-long unjust impoverishment for
African Americans; this unjust impoverishment has often, with the help of
continuing white discrimination, been passed along from one generation of
African Americans to the next."
Feagin's assertion just does not stand up to research on the generational
transfer of wealth nor the accumulation of wealth by people who had very modest
upbringings. Fortunes are lost and fortunes are made, but most people are just
part of the middle class. Fortunes are not some tangible quantity that maintains
value through time but is elusive to maintain without work and intelligent
investment. All one has to do is look at those families who have become lottery
millionaires overnight, and see how many of them end up broke, modestly well
off, or turn their fortunes into even more money. Most of them, not having the
intelligence or the caution to act wisely, lose much of their wealth. When it
comes to generational wealth, the same thing happens. The irresponsible children
that show up in every family tend to lose the family fortunes. Others however
may remake new fortunes because of their own individual talent. Feagin simply
has no hard data on how one generation with wealth can benefit all of the
subsequent families that follow. The wealth is simply too often lost over time.
But the genetic quality that runs in families is a far better indicator of
future fortunes made and kept.
Feagin, "To make sense out of the experiences of all non-European Americans, we
must constantly accent the role of whites, especially elite whites, as the
originators, enforcers, and remodelers of systemic racism in the United States.
In addition, white-on-black oppression is an independent social reality that
cannot be reduced to other social realities such as class stratification, though
all major forms of oppression do interact and intersect with it historically.
Indeed, white-on-black oppression today remains a major nightmare weighing on
the brains and lives of Americans of all backgrounds."
Feagin fails to recognize that the White elite generally tend to embrace
affirmative action more than lower class Whites who are adversely affected by
quotas, set-asides, easy college admissions, etc. Is Bill Gates one of those
elite Whites when he gives millions of dollars to fight aids in Africa rather
than helping his own kind? Most White elites are generally indifferent to who
loses and who wins in the zero sum game of the racial spoils system. Elites run
in a multicultural world of other elites from around the world, they are
isolated from their own kind and their own country. What they are mostly
concerned about is their reputation, and if they get involved in racial politics
it is usually on the liberal side. Few elites seem to care about their own
ethnic group they have simply left the village for the cosmopolitan adventure.
Feagin's paranoid world view, "An approach accenting systemic racism differs
significantly from the conventional race-and-ethnic relations framework. The
word 'systemic' comes from two Greek words meaning to place or stand together. I
use it here in the sense of an organized societal whole with many interconnected
elements. In later chapters, drawing on the commentaries of many black and white
Americans in major historical eras, I explore how U.S. institutions have been
thoroughly pervaded by enduring racial stereotypes, ideas, images, emotions,
proclivities, and practices. This system of white-on-black oppression was not an
accident of history but was created intentionally by powerful white Americans.
Whites labored hard to bring it forth in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries and have labored to perpetuate this system of oppression ever since.
While significant changes have occurred in systemic racism over time, critical
and fundamental elements have been reproduced over this period, and U.S.
institutions today reflect and imbed the white-over-black hierarchy initially
created in the seventeenth century. Today, as in the past, this oppression is
not just a surface-level feature of U.S. society, but rather pervades and
interconnects major social groups, networks, and institutions across the
Feagin makes it sound like a vast White conspiracy is controlling America. But
such conspiracies simply do not exist. And for what purpose? Now let's look at
what is really happening in institutions: diversity training, sensitivity
training, teaching the benefits of multiculturalism, banning any speech that is
offensive to minorities, etc. If anything, the socialist/Marxist left is in firm
control of institutional indoctrination programs. Whites have been put on notice
that they are no longer in charge of the indoctrination agenda, and anyone who
tries to open up the conversation to alternative viewpoints such as genetic
differences between races is quickly condemned and censored. Feagin would be
hard pressed to show any instances of institutions putting forth anything but a
politically correct approach to human interaction and policies.
The Feagin narrative, "Examining the lived experiences of African Americans who
endured slavery and subsequent racial oppression, I will show that they
constantly contended with exploitation and coercion, including physical and
psychological violence, at the hands of white oppressors acting as individuals
and in groups. These black Americans describe their oppression as crushing
physically and psychologically, yet they also recount much personal and
collective resistance to it. To understand profoundly and well the nearly four
hundred years of white-on-black oppression and other white oppression in North
America, one should study closely the experiences, views, understandings, and
interests of those oppressed, as well as the experiences, views, understandings,
and interests of their oppressors."
Social science is no longer scientific because it has turned to narratives
rather than hard research using well developed tests that are unbiased. By
selecting a few personal stories by a handful of Blacks does not prove anything
anymore than listening to Islamic terrorists telling us anything about what
their real motivation is. Stories or narratives, especially when they are
selected based on what Feagin wants to prove, are a poor substitute for unbiased
research where if narratives are to be used, they have to be taken down
in a methodological manner that can be quantified and verified, and then
followed up with additional datasets to validate results.
Feagin on labor, "What are the motor forces that drive systemic racism? Why does
one form of systemic racism, white-on-black oppression, have such centrality and
staying power over the course of this society's long history? One major answer
to these questions lies in the long-term dependence of white Americans on
African American labor. As I have noted, systemic racism began historically with
extensive economic domination and vigorous economic exploitation, that is, with
the violent theft of other peoples' land and other peoples' labor."
So is that why after slavery was ended there were movements to relocate Africans
back to Africa? And why is it the Blacks are unemployed but corporations are
pushing for open immigration so that they can hire immigrants rather than
readily available Blacks? I have never seen anyone claim that our economy would
be better off with more rather than fewer Blacks. In fact, Blacks dominate in
the public sector job market rather than the private sector job market because
companies that want to make money would rather hire any other minority over
Blacks (well, maybe not American Indians). Feagin is truly delusional, but then
his whole theory rests on observations that are in fact just the opposite of
Feagin's obsession with sex, "Historically, the enslavement of African Americans
encompassed the exploitation of black men's, women's, and children's labor in
fields and factories, yet it also involved the exploitation of the procreative
(reproductive) labor of those who were enslaved. In the South and the North, the
forced breeding of black women and men and the rape of black women by white
slaveholders and their hirelings accelerated the reproduction of an enslaved
people to the economic and sexual advantage of many whites. This unpunished rape
of black women continued after slavery during the era of legal segregation,
indeed until the 1960s. This sexual violence by white men during slavery and
legal segregation has had major consequences to the present day. For example,
Patricia Williams, a distinguished law professor, has recounted the story of
Austin Miller, her white great-great-grandfather. Miller, a prominent white
lawyer in the South, bought Williams's eleven-year-old black
great-great-grand‑mother during the slavery era. He raped the youngster, who
thus became the mother of Williams's great-grandmother Mary."
Of course, Feagin has no way of knowing how violent or how loving these
Black-White sexual liaisons were, but there was one outcome that has greatly
benefited Blacks far more than it has harmed them. Blacks have about 20% White
or Jewish blood in them raising their average intelligence from 70 in
sub-Saharan Africa to 85 in the United States. In addition, some Blacks have
exceptionally smart White or Jewish ancestors and they are extraordinarily
intelligent and are advocates for Black advancement. Barack Obama is a good
example of just what having White blood can do for one's status (is his
extraordinary charisma from his Irish side or his Kenyan side which is probably
a mixture of Black, Semitic, and South Asian ancestors). So Blacks today are far
better off because of the admixture of White and Black blood. If there had not
been sexual relations between Blacks and Whites, Blacks today would most
certainly be far more oppressed by their own failures to be able to adapt to
modern society.
Feagin ignores Africa, "These costs can be seen in every era, from slavery to
the present day. Thus, a 1990s United Nations report calculated a Human
Development Index to assess the quality of life for various groups and
countries, an index that included data on education, income, and life
expectancy. Among all the countries and groups examined, white Americans ranked
first in quality of life, while
black Americans ranked only thirty-first on the list."
One wonders where most African countries fell on the index no doubt towards the
very bottom. Again, Blacks are not seen trying to leave in droves to go back to
Africa for the good Black life.
Feagin speculates, "Firmly at the top of the U.S. racial hierarchy are
individual whites of all backgrounds and their families. They, as a group, hold
the top position in terms of racialized privileges and power. Below whites in
this racial hierarchy is the large class of men and women of color and their
families. Initially, in the first century of European colonialism, the workers
of color included some Native Americans and a great many African Americans, but
in the nineteenth century increasing numbers of other workers of color were
brought into the racial hierarchy by white employers and expansionists. At
points in U.S. history, whites, especially those in the elite, have moved
certain groups of color up or down the racial status continuum as they have seen
fit. However, no matter what their work efforts, education, or income may be,
Americans of color have never been able to attain the
full array of privileges and power
long reserved for whites."
I think Feagin would have a very hard time finding any area of "privilege and
power" that minorities have not fully penetrated. In fact, it is even hard to
think of what the average White would consider as "privilege and power" as most
of us put up with the same government intrusions, difficulties on the job,
trying to raise children, etc., as all other people. Most people, no matter what
race, have similar concerns and struggles, even if overall they do better or
worse than average. And, the most important fact that Feagin ignores, is that
Whites fall in the middle of the economic success pecking order, with East
Asians and Jews doing better than Whites and Whites doing better than Hispanics
and Black son average. It is pretty absurd then to claim White privilege and
power and yet we are just average in the overall contest for success. If
anything, Whites have failed miserably at promoting their genetic interests over
other races.
Feagin claims, "Nothing is more central to U.S. history than the ongoing
struggle of working-class and middle-class whites to maintain their unjustly
gained material advantages and this psychological wage of whiteness. Indeed,
this historical reality is the reason that the United States has much weaker
unions and a quite different labor history from numerous European countries: The
many better jobs, opportunities, and resources reserved for whites only have
constituted a great 'social safety-valve;' sharply reducing labor struggles with
capitalists over the course of this country's long history."
Labor history in the United States, when it comes to unions is very recent and
the advantages that might have accrued to Whites over Blacks was short lived
between the Great Depression and the introduction of affirmative action in the
1960s, a short period of 30 years. But why wouldn't capitalists use Black labor
if it was valued equal to Whites to break up the power of White unions? Why
would capitalists side with and pay higher wages for union labor when Blacks
could have been used to bust the unions? In fact, that is why unions and
socialism are so weak in the United States. Any nation that is highly diverse in
terms of ethnic groups is also a nation that is far less egalitarian than the
homogeneous states of Europe. When a people are of one kind, whether racially,
genetically, or culturally, it is far easier to implement socialist policies.
Where the society is fragmented unions are hard to maintain, along with many
other socialist programs. (Salter, 2004)
Feagin, "U.S. racism is both complex and highly relational, a true system in
which major racial groups and their networks stand in asymmetrical and
oppositional relations. The social institutions and processes that reproduce
racial inequality imbed a fundamental in egalitarian relationship on the one
hand, the racially oppressed, and on the other, the racial oppressors. For
example, at an early point in time, one such in egalitarian relationship
counterpoised white slaveholders (later, white employers) to enslaved black
Americans (later, free blacks). The system of racism aggressively separates and
alienates those defined and elevated as the 'superior race' from those defined
and subordinated as the 'inferior race.' Generally speaking, those targeted by
exploitation and oppression lose substantial control over many important aspects
of their lives over their land or labor, over the products their labor
generates, over their relationships to others in their work group and to those
in the oppressing group, and ultimately over their ability to develop the full
range of their talents and abilities as human beings."
In fact, Blacks are obsessed with other races status and tend to be in conflict
with Whites, Jews, Koreans, Hispanics, etc. If there is any "complex and highly
relational" system in place, it is maintained and made salient by Blacks
Whites. Whites are basically indifferent to relationships with regards to the
status of Blacks as a group we simply don't care for the most part. In
Hatred: The Psychological Descent into Violence, Willard Gaylin does not
recognize what Feagin calls systemic racism: "A culture of hatred is not
necessarily a culture of haters. At least it may not start out that way. Even
were every German an anti-Semite, which we know was not the case, prejudice is
still not hatred. The typical anti-Semite is not an active Jew hater. Like any
typical racist, he is relatively unconcerned about the disdained population. He
stereotypes them, denigrates them, and for the most part ignores them. He may be
a bigot, concerned with protecting himself from the contamination of the pariah
population in his clubs and community, even in his schools. He may take pleasure
in their humiliation, but he is not preoccupied with them. He wants less
involvement, not more. His sin is in his exclusion of an individual from his
concerns and compassion on the basis of his prejudice."
Feagin observes, "Typically, old racist images, understandings, and related
emotions become part of an individual white consciousness at an early age and,
indeed, often exist in individual minds at a no reporting and unconscious level.
Thus, researchers have recently found that, when given a test of unconscious
stereotyping, nearly 90 percent of whites who have taken the test implicitly
associate the faces of black Americans with negative words and traits such as
evil character or failure. That is, they have more difficulty linking black
faces to pleasant words and positive traits than they do for white faces. Most
whites show an anti-black, pro-white bias on psychological tests. In addition,
when whites are shown photos of black faces, even for only 30 milliseconds, key
areas of their brains that are designed to respond to perceived threats light up
automatically. In addition, the more unconscious stereotyping they show on
psychological tests, the greater their brains' threat responses when they are
shown photos of black Americans."
The question remains, do Whites have a fairly accurate image of Blacks when it
comes to perceived threats, respect for their intelligence, and comfort with
their more expressive manners compared to Whites? White reaction to Blacks as
described by Feagin seems to correlate well with what we know about the average
differences between the two groups. It seems reasonable that the response is
quite rational in terms of the differences between Whites and Blacks.
Feagin claims that, "Recurring discriminatory action and other oppression
targeting Americans of color require a breakdown of normal human empathy.
Major Western social theorists have mostly missed the central importance of the
fact that all human life begins in empathetic networks that are central to human
societies. The first network is the dyad of mother and child, a network linked
to other relatives. Usually central to these first networks is a basic human
empathy, a desire and ability to understand the feelings of others. Thus, as it
develops, racial oppression not only severely distorts human relationships but
also desensitizes the minds of those involved in oppressing others. Racial
oppression requires and stimulates in the oppressors a lack of recognition of
the full humanity of the exploited and racialized others. Psychiatrists use the
term 'alexithymia' to describe individuals who are unable to understand the
emotions of, and thus empathize with, other people. Hernan Vera and I have
suggested going beyond this individualistic interpretation to a concept of
'social alexithymia.' Essential to being an oppressor in a racist society is a
significantly reduced ability, or an inability, to understand or relate to the
emotions, such as recurring pain, of those targeted by oppression. Social
alexithymia thus seems essential to the creation and maintenance of a racist
The problem with this view of human interaction contradicts what we know about
evolutionary psychology and the environment of evolutionary adaptation. When
neighboring tribes found themselves fighting over scarce resources, the result
was warfare not empathy. Equal empathy for all humans on earth is a maladaptive
social construct, brought about by an irrational universal moralism and human's
easy indoctrinability with an innate desire to go along with what is the current
zeitgeist. Concern for others, if one considers reproductive viability
for genetic continuity, requires that one supports their own genetic kin over
unrelated genetic kin. From a purely scientific materialist viewpoint, the more
genetically different other humans are, the more indifferent one should treat
them, directing scarce resources towards those you are more genetically related
to. (Salter, 2003)
Feagin claims, "The view of the country held by African Americans has long
encompassed a more inclusive 'family of humanity' understanding that runs
counter to the autocratic 'white father' view of a rigidly and racially
hierarchical society. In their recurring resistance movements, and in their
antiracist framing of this society, African Americans have regularly rejected
their enforced dependent status and indeed envisioned a world of truly
egalitarian social relations. Interestingly, during the 1950s and 1960s and
under the influence or pressure of the black civil rights movement, a
significant number of white Americans abandoned elements of the old 'natural
order' language and metaphorical understandings for society in regard to racial
issues and understandings. They shifted, at least at the level of public
commentary, to a view accenting the more inclusive 'family of humanity' in which
all people should be treated equally under the law."
If Blacks are more egalitarian than Whites it surely results from either
cultural influence or it is innateor a combination of the two. But does Feagin
have any evidence that Blacks are universal egalitarians? Fighting throughout
Africa would indicate that they are not egalitarian, and in fact are highly
tribal when it comes to treating "the other" as they would their own kin. Of any
race where comparisons can be made, as Kevin MacDonald has shown, it would seem
that Whites are the most egalitarian naturally, even though I believe it is
highly maladaptive for Whites to be egalitarian since we produce more wealth
than any other racial group except Ashkenazi Jews. Of course, every antiracist
proclaims that Blacks have a whole litany of positive attributes versus Whites,
even though the evidence is to the contrary.
Feagin states, "One striking feature of systemic racism is how long it has now
persisted with a very in egalitarian hierarchy in place. The perpetuation of this
highly hierarchical system has required a constant reproducing of the major
in egalitarian institutions of this society, with their requisite discriminatory
arrangements and processes. For white-on-black oppression to persist across many
generations since the 1600s, many millions of white individuals and groups have
had to participate actively in the ongoing collective and discriminatory
reproduction of the family, community, legal, political, economic, educational,
and religious institutions that necessarily undergird this oppressive system."
Whites are repeatedly accused of both being racist and at the same time being
indifferent to the plight of Blacks. Simultaneously we are actively oppressing
and inactively indifferent we span the full spectrum of possible responses to
another's existence. However, when Feagin repeats these accusations over and
over again, he never names or describes those "inegalitarian institutions"
and he never explains how Whites "participate actively" in oppressing
Blacks. Feagin simply hates Whites to such an extent that he demagogues on
racism with simplistic accusations without substance. For him the observation is
that "some" minorities are worse off than Whites on average, and this is proof
enough of our evil intent. No other evidence need be considered.
Feagin continues his conspiratorial paranoia, "At the macro level, the
large-scale racist institutions, such as the radicalized economy and governments,
have imbedded white-controlled normative structures and social networks and
routinely perpetuate and are routinely perpetuated by the means of internal
racial hierarchies and inequalities. These institutions are constantly created,
recreated, and maintained by the processes of institutionalization, such as by
legal processes, and by the reproducing and conforming actions at the
micro-level by the many individuals in the numerous social networks within these
institutions. Which aspects of racial oppression are reproduced, and when and
where, varies with the particular institution and with the whites who operate
therein, but the accumulating and comprehensive effect of most whites operating
in socially reproducing ways within major institutions has been to keep the
overall system of racial oppression spanning many generations."
The simple fact is that societies cannot be centrally controlled or collectively
controlled by any conspiring group. People within societies can take advantage
of opportunities and individually do very well in acquiring wealth or power, but
societies are self-organizing systems without any identifiable guiding hand even
though many people would like the government to have the ability to correct all
wrongs. No matter what is done to help Blacks, they are simply incapable of
taking advantage of systems that are beyond their understanding, just as Whites
are incapable of taking advantage of these same systems as Jews areon average.
Feagin claims, "Very important in the perpetuation of systemic racism across the
generations is the role of social networking, which is an essential type of
social capital. For long periods, often centuries, most whites have had access
to critical social networks beyond those of their immediate families. These
networks of white friends, acquaintances, and neighbors provide access to
critical networking resources, such as information about decent-paying jobs,
health care, political participation, and educational opportunities."
This nonsense implies that Blacks are incapable of establishing social networks,
at the same time that Feagin claims that the African community is one that looks
out for each other, is more egalitarian and caring, etc. Whites are evil,
patriarchic, individualistic, have a protestant work ethic, etc. These claims by
Feagin are simply contradictory. Some people are good at networking and some are
not. Social networks are found in every culture, though they can operate at
different levels from the family to one's religious or political affiliation.
Feagin states, "Because of this social reproduction of white-normed and
white-controlled institutions, from the 1600s to the 1960sabout 90 percent of
this society's existence whites were the major or exclusive beneficiaries of
almost all major programs of government aid and resource support, such as the
homestead (land) acquisitions. Year after year, decade after decade, century
after century, major supportive resources and their dispensing institutions were
reproduced almost entirely for whites only. For only 10 percent of the society's
existence, since the late 1960s, have African Americans and other Americans of
color had significant if still substantially restricted by much racial
discrimination access to many of the major wealth-generating resources provided
by an array of local, state, and federal governments in the United States.
Moreover, for generations now, literally thousands of local and federal police
agencies have protected the governmentally provided resource inequalities from
protests and challenges by resisting African Americans and other Americans of
Apparently Feagin thinks that the police should simply step aside when Blacks
feel they deserve more and simply steal, loot or rape their way towards getting
their just deserts. That is, we must be a racist society because we try to
prevent anarchy.
Feagin, "Historically and in the present day, whites have also benefited greatly
from an array of privately provided services and resources, such as much
better access to unions, better-paying union jobs, adequate housing, home buying
resources such as mortgages, health care services, and good recreational
opportunities. These good quality private services and resources have also been
mostly provided by white-controlled and white-cloned private institutions, which
have made these services and resources generally unavailable to African
Americans for much of their historyor have more recently restricted their
availability by means of overt, subtle, and covert discrimination. Over the
centuries, systemic racism has reproduced, and been reproduced by, innumerable
private workplaces that have excluded black workers and many other workplaces
riddled with discrimination and embedding subordination of black labor to white
interests. Likewise, systemic racism has reproduced, and been reproduced by, a
large array of private real estate and banking organizations operating to
exclude or restrict the access of African Americans and other Americans of color
to quality housing and to neighborhoods with good services."
Open immigration has been encouraged by big (White owned) businesses so that
they can get access to cheap labor from a large number of "people of color."
There is no active program of bringing in White immigrants from Eastern Europe
for example. So I ask, why aren't these White owned businesses hiring only
Whites at higher pay to benefit Whites over Blacks? That is what Feagin is
trying to claim. In addition, why are Blacks incapable of organizing themselves
to try and stop illegal immigration that puts additional Blacks out of work?
Most businesses would prefer to hire Mexicans over Blacks.
When it comes to access to mortgages and housing, Blacks again complain no
matter what the market offers. Traditionally Blacks complained that they could
not get a mortgage as easy as Whites, though the data shows they were often
incapable of repayment. Then, the subprime market started handing out loans to
anyone who wanted them, and Blacks are complaining that they should not have
been given these very shaky loans. Blacks do poorly in any free market because
they simply do not understand these markets as well as Whites doon average.
Feagin has an odd notion about mental health, "Also important for white
perpetuation of, and collaboration in, systemic racism is sustained collective
forgetting of society's harsh realities. Perpetuating racial oppression over the
long term requires much collective forgetting and much selective remembering,
most of which abandons white responsibilities for past oppression or glorifies
white achievements, all in line with whites' racial-group interests. The refusal
of most white Americans including many historians to remember clearly and accept
responsibility for a long and bloody past of racial oppression is harmful to
them as individuals and to the society as a whole, for no society can forever
live a profound social lie. Western psychology has long taught that
repressed memories 'remain more alive than ever and give rise to severe
neuroses. It is better to accept a distressing past than to deny or repress it.'
This conclusion seems to hold for both individual and collective memories."
This is truly a load of rubbish. People hold all kinds of folk tales about many
issues that are far from any truth, including belief in false religions (they
can't all be true). If this is true, then any society that adopts a secular or a
theistic belief system that is based on faith alone without any empirical basis,
must be living a profound social lie, and they are therefore neurotic according
to Feagin.
Educated Whites have a good understanding of history and how moral systems have
changed. They certainly understand that slavery was tolerated in the past by
virtually all major nations, and slowly was banned as barbaric. This
understanding however does not mean that people living today have any
responsibility for what others have done in the past, and few Whites obsess
over past injustices or current injustices for that matter unless they impact
them personally.
Feagin, "Negative stereotypes and images of African Americans and other
Americans of color are constantly used, refurbished, played with, amended, and
passed along in millions of white kinship and friendship networks, from one
community to the next and one generation to the next. Today, as in the past,
most whites still view African Americans in terms of at least some of the
age-old negative stereotypes the hoary sincere fictions about black Americans
being 'unintelligent;' 'lazy;' 'immoral;' or 'criminal.' Whites pass along such
views even when faced with evidence strongly contradicting them, and many take
action on the basis of these unsubstantiated collective notions. In their social
networks, whites also pass along an array of sincere fictions about how whites
as a group are superior that is, hardworking, intelligent, and very moral. Most
whites initially learn their sense of racial position, of white superiority and
out group inferiority, as children in critical social networks."
Feagin ignores the latest data on different races compiled by numerous
researchers in the human behavioral field. It has been established by
psychometricians that there remains a 15 point gap in IQ between Whites and
Blacks in the United States, and the average intelligence for Blacks in
sub-Saharan Africa is about 70. It has also been shown that these differences
are about 80% genetic and 20% from unknown environmental influences. With
regards to laziness and immorality I am not aware of any studies, but the data
does show that Black crime rates are much higher than White crime rates probably
caused by low intelligence along with anger over perceived victimhood. As for
White superiority, I am not sure that would include hard work and morality, but
Whites have in fact produced by far most of the modern technology that the rest
of the world desires to have. So yes, when it comes to producing goods,
services, research, scientific advancements, cures for diseases, etc., Whites
stand far out in front of any other race except the even more productive
Ashkenazi Jews. Stereotypes can be profusely false or generally trueand they
are neither good nor bad.
Feagin, "Why are there certain fundamental similarities between white-on-black
oppression today and that of the era of Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and
George Washington? The reason is clear, as I have shown in this chapter. The
oppressive foundation of the country, laid well during and before the founding
era, has never been substantially replaced. Acting in collaborative fashion,
whites in various institutional sectors have worked routinely and often
aggressively to maintain whites' disproportionate and substantial control over
the allocation of the country's major economic resources as well as the
country's major political, police, and media resources."
This statement is only partly true. Whites may be overly represented on police
forces, but that is changing under affirmative action. As for economic,
political and media dominance, again the Ashkenazi Jews are over represented
while Whites are underrepresented (see Jews in American Politics, edited
by Maisel and Forman with an introduction by Senator Lieberman, 2001).
Feagin reports, "A common white stereotype, during slavery as now, is that
African Americans are generally lacking in intelligence and are unreflectivea
view that we will see in the next chapter articulated by slaveholders like
Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington. Yet nothing could be
more inaccurate and unperceptive. Those enslaved often reflected deeply and
analytically about their subordinated condition and about how to free
themselves. From childhood onward, Douglass reports thinking deeply and
intensely about his tortured human condition. Even before he was eight years
old, he recounts that he was often asking himself, 'Why am I a slave?' and 'Why
are some people slaves?'"
The facts do no support Feagin's imagination. Blacks in Africa, when taken as
slaves, had an average IQ of about 70. One of the reasons they were used as
slaves was because with their low IQ they were easy to capture, keep, and
manage. Contrary to what Feagin asserts, they were not wily slaves, often
escaping because of their analytical ability. Native Americans on the other hand
could not be enslaved due to their refusal to work as slaves. Blacks slowly
increased their average IQs to 85 due to an infusion of White genes over time,
and a few of these Blacks had relatively high IQs due to having White ancestors
that were quite brilliant. Feagin uses these few Blacks to try and show that all
Blacks had at least an average IQ rather than just showing that with mixed blood
Blacks, exceptions would be expected. These anecdotal narratives are quite
meaningless when it comes to placing Blacks in the failed race niche.
Feagin states, "Under slavery, there was not only an exploitation of the labor
of production of black men, women, and children, but also an exploitation of the
labor of reproduction of black women. We should note too that white slaveholders
increased the number of people enslaved not only by raping black women, but also
by forcing some black women to 'breed' with black men chosen by the slaveholders
themselves. Indeed, slave breeding in Virginia was one reason why some powerful
and influential Virginia slaveholders had spoken against the overseas slave
trade (for example, at the U.S. Constitutional Convention), for they and their
colleagues had a surplus of enslaved black people for sale. Clearly, the slavery
system was a complicated machine for generating economic wealth and power, which
included a well-developed system for the social and sexual control of both black
women and black men."
Like I stated above, mixing White blood with Blacks has provided them with an
increased IQ (one standard deviation on average) that has benefited them
immensely. If they today had an average IQ of 70 like their left-behind
ancestors in sub-Sahara Africa they would be even worse off today in trying to
compete in a Western technological society. And there is a good chance that they
would have been sterilized or shipped back to Africa as they became a financial
burden on society.
Feagin states, "Reportedly, Madison rarely spoke in public about his
views of African Americans, yet he did publicly support organized efforts to
emancipate and expatriate those enslaved. One reason for this was, as he often
said, their racial 'peculiarities.' Near the end of his life, he became
president of the American Colonization Society, which sought to move freed
African Americans outside the United States. In an 1819 letter to Robert Evans
discussing one emancipation plan, Madison suggests that this emancipation should
take place only with consent of 'the Master & the slave;' and then he adds: 'To
be consistent with existing and probably unalterable prejudices in the U.S. the
freed blacks ought to be permanently removed beyond the region occupied by or
allotted to a White population. The objections to a thorough incorporation of
the two people are, with most of the Whites insuperable.'"
Not much has changed today. Even with so much effort put in to integration,
Whites remain reluctant to live among Blacks unless the Blacks are in the
minority and they have higher status than average Blacks. Whites simply do not
want to be around the antics, the violence, the drugs, the noise, and the lack
of care put into properties and landscaping by Blacks. There are exceptions, but
on average this is how Blacks are viewed.
Feagin claims, "White New Englanders tried to reduce local black populations by
driving them out with settlement laws, taxing them out, working for colonization
overseas, and destroying their homes and community institutions. Pamphlets,
editorials, and cartoons vigorously stereotyped black Americans and pressed for
their removal from the North. New England whites actually invented 'Jim Crow'
segregation with an extensive array of laws and customs excluding African
Americans from public schools, juries, and the voting booth; segregating them in
churches and public accommodations; and even unearthing their deceased loved
ones for medical use by white doctors. By the time of the Civil War, a majority
of whites in most northern areas held to a white-nationalist view. In spite of
centuries of residence there, black Americans were seen as dangerous aliens.
Across the country, the overwhelming majority of whites held an image of
whiteness that was largely generated in counter-point to the negative imagery of
Yet Feagin claims that Blacks produced wealth for Whites because they were
routinely oppressed to work hard for low wages. Something does not match up if
they were not wanted and at the same time they were desired for their cheap
labor. Apparently, Blacks were productive when as slaves they could be forced to
work hard for no pay. But when paid to do the work they were not valued and
other groups could easily displace them with greater productivity.
Feagin, "Most black Americans were forced to labor, by law or economic
necessity, for white employers at low wages. In most employment areas in all
regions, including federal jobs in Washington, D.C., better paying job
categories were usually reserved for whites only. In the South and many areas of
the North, numerous professional organizations and schools excluded or seriously
limited access by African Americans. These included organizations and schools in
law, medicine, dentistry, social work, architecture, chemistry, engineering, and
publishing. Branches of major private associations, such as the American Medical
Association and the American Nurses Association, in the South and other areas
were segregated and would not allow black members."
Today, because of affirmative action, Blacks can go into the high demanding
professions but they are often not qualified to practice. They can't pass the
professional exams or they have to study for years to squeak by. With low innate
intelligence, they often are just not up to the standards displayed by Whites
and Jews, but are given a pass to get through course work. When merit is
destroyed for a quota system, the results become increasing numbers of
incompetent professionals.
Feagin, "As was the case during the slavery era, sexual violence was part of a
much larger use of violence by whites, and especially white men, to enforce
black subordination and segregation. Indeed, white Americans have a very long
history of bloodthirsty lynchings of black Americans. From the 1860s to the
1990s, an estimated 6,000 black men and women were lynched by groups of whites,
small and large, in many areas of the United States, most often in southern and
border state areas. Many of these horrific lynchings were never recorded. Such
displays of white violence often involved the ritualized dismemberment of the
victim's body and the distribution of its parts to white participants, including
women and children. The grotesque and violent rituals generally reflected a
strong sense of white supremacy and racial superiority, as well as an intent to
keep black Americans fully subordinated to white control."
All humans have a bloodthirsty side to them that can become common in any
culture or subdued. Germany, the Roman Empire, the Vikings, the Japanese, the
Soviet Union, American Indian Tribes, etc. The list is long and at certain
periods horrific acts were carried out to instill fear in the enemy and loyalty
from subordinates. There is nothing unique during this period of slavery as
slaves always pose a problem of revolting.
Feagin's fairy tales, "During this extremely oppressive and dangerous era,
African Americans were frequently forced to hide their real thoughts from those
whites likely to do them much harm. They were forced to pretend to be dumb or a
buffoon to survive under the constant threat of white retaliation and recurring
violence. Ironically, many whites, then as now, would say that they 'knew their
black folks' or that 'their black servants liked them.' Yet, it was usually the
whites who were ignorant, naive, and simple-minded about those they exploited
and oppressed. Rarely have so many Americans been wrong so profoundly than the
millions of white segregators who professed dogmatism in regard to knowing
'their blacks.'"
This is just another just-so story by Feagin, because he has no way of
knowing what is going on inside of White slave owners' heads. By cherry-picking
comments and diary entries, any case can be made for all kinds of attitudes and
beliefs. Folk opinions do not take the place of research. This sounds like what
happened to Margaret Mead in her study of Samoans. She was simply played with by
especially the young girls, they told her all kinds of false stories and she
believed them and published the false research. Feagin sees what he wants to see
as reality, not what is actually taking place. It would be interesting to
compare the Blacks who were enslaved by the Arab slave traders, who maintained
an active slave trade from 650 to 1900 (1250 years), to the slaves in the West.
Did these Arabs "know" their Blacksor maybe they just didn't care. (Troost,
Feagin, "A recurring commentary from whites during this era centers on
the alleged lack of intelligence of African Americans. Here this supposed lack
is extended to all people of color and linked to their continuing exclusion from
voting and other aspects of the political process, a problem that lingers in
some form for African Americans to the present day in several areas of the
United States."
Feagin has a habit of not stating what period of time he is talking about and he
tends to extend attitudes over long periods of time based on the flimsiest
comments or writings of a few people. Today, it is recognized that East Asian
"people of color" have a higher mental ability than Whites on average.
Researchers are very aware what the average intelligence is for different races
or for different geographic regions due to selective migration for example
(smart kids leave the farm). The measured 15 point IQ gap between Blacks and
Whites has not changed in over 100 years once adulthood is reached. Any
environmental improvement in intelligence for Blacks is reported at young ages
when intelligence is more environmental (pliable) than genetic. As children
reach adulthood however, the genetic component increases to 80% and the unknown
environmental component shrinks to 20%. No environmental cause has been found,
nor is there even a very active research program to try and find a way to
increase the adult average intelligence of Blacks, because every attempt has
failed. A standard deviation gap of 15 IQ points cannot be closed through
environmental changes. In addition, the real gap is three standard deviations
from an average IQ of about 60 for Australian Aborigines on the low side to an
average IQ of about 115 for Ashkenazi Jews. Steven Pinker has given recent
speeches, and research by others are showing, that the high Jewish IQ is
genetic, and occurred when eugenic pressures and literacy helped push their
intelligence higher than the surrounding population, primarily in Eastern Europe
over hundreds of years.
Feagin, "The bottom-line data on centuries of white-on-black oppression are not
difficult to find, though our schools and the mass media rarely analyze their
deeper significance. Numerous recent research studies have shown time and again
the reality and consequences of continuing antiblack discrimination by whites.
Basic statistics on white-black differences in life chances and experiences
suggest just how much racial inequality remains. Currently, for example,
the unemployment rate for African Americans is more than twice the unemployment
rate for whites, a ratio that has stayed at or near that level for all the
decades since such figures were first tabulated. Similarly, median black family
income today is still only about 58 percent of median white family income, a
percentage that is worse today than at the end of legal segregation in the
1960s. Today the poverty rate for African Americans is about 24 percent, about
three times the white rate. An even larger percentage of the next generation of
black Americans the children live in poverty. Perhaps most indicative of the way
in which unjust enrichment and unjust impoverishment have been reproduced over
many generations is the huge imbalance in the wealth of average white and
black families."
Scientific explanations require parsimony that is, do not explain observations
using complex and unfalsifiable theories. Instead, the simplest explanation for
all of these disparities is the low level of average intelligence in Blacks,
just like the similar disparities between Whites and Ashkenazi Jews can be
explained by genetic differences. One's mental ability goes a long way in
determining how a person's life may turn out statistically. Smart people are
better equipped for life in a technological society.
Feagin, "Recall from the preface the Florida study that found that black
students with unusual names averaged lower scores on tests and got fewer
recommendations to gifted classes than their siblings with less distinctive
names, apparently because exotic-to-whites names brought the former children
less help from their teachers. In ostensibly desegregated public or private
school settings, black children today face an array of racial problems set for
them by many whites, including teachers, students, parents and counselors."
Often these "exotic" names are due to the low intelligence of the parents. They
attempt to name a child phonetically, and then fail to spell the name
reasonably. It is no wonder that teachers sense these children are less
intelligent, so it is hard to tease out the real reason for the poor
performance low intelligence or not being well taught.
Feagin, "One of the ironies of much white commentary on African Americans today
is that whites are so far off the mark in evaluating black families which most
whites likely see as weak, disorganized, or 'broken.' While black communities do
have significant family problems, they are no greater than those for white
communities, especially communities of comparable socioeconomic circumstances.
Indeed, in some important ways, African Americans have stronger family values
than whites, and they also typically have strong family networks."
Earlier Feagin claims that Whites have strong networks and Blacks are shut out
of this advantageous social arrangement. He seems to want to have it both ways.
It is White oppression that causes so much Black pathology, and then he turns
around and claims that on average, Blacks have stronger and healthier social
communities than Whites. If that is true, then they should be able to
out-compete Whites at their own game if they really do have the social cohesion
and the intelligence Feagin claims they have.
Feagin, "Today, as in the past, the well-entrenched frame that the majority of
whites use in making sense out of important racial matters seems to be a
metaphorical extension of the patriarchal model. African Americans are still
often viewed as dependent beings, even as children who should follow the lead of
their white 'elders.' From this perspective, 'American society' still means
whites, and 'moral values' mean white-preferred values. A majority of
white Americans view the continuing racial hierarchy of white over black as
legitimate because they believe whites are culturally and morally and still, for
many, biologically superior to African Americans and other Americans of color.
As I have demonstrated for earlier eras, whites have developed within this
racial frame an ideology defending white privilege as meritorious and accenting
the inferiority of African Americans and other Americans of color. White elites
are especially important in crafting and perpetuating ideological and structural
racism, as they were in previous historical epochs."
I find any discussion of morals and values, and who has more of these
unquantifiable attitudes, to be useless. Whites and Blacks both vary
individually with regards to individual world views when it comes to social
values and morals. However, the question remains that with low intelligence,
Blacks have less ability to use executive cognitive functions to discern the
consequences of their actions and their decision-making. Though they make less
money than Whites, like Feagin points out they have even less wealth
proportionally than Whites meaning that they lack forethought to invest wisely.
Blacks are simply more impulsive and will tend to spend their money rather than
save and invest it.
Feagin, "Some researchers play down the strength of these white views, arguing
that the majority of whites mostly hold suspicions and uncertainties, rather
than firm negative views, about African Americans. Yet much research using
surveys, in-depth interviews, and journals contradicts this view including much
data from the private arenas of white interaction examined later in this
chapter. In thinking about racial matters, the majority of whites today make
much use of the old stereotyped views of African Americans. Thus, one recent
national survey found that 58 percent of whites interviewed still admitted to a
stranger, a pollster, that they held stereotypical images of African Americans
such as these: African Americans are lazy, aggressive, or violent; prefer
welfare; or are always complaining. One third publicly admitted that they held
two or more of these stereotyped views."
The questions then become, are Blacks inclined towards these stereotypes or are
they in error? Many Blacks do seem lazy; they are statistically far more violent
than Whites; which is correlated with aggressiveness; they would probably rather
have a good job than be on welfare but with low IQs they can't find good jobs
so welfare may be a better option; and they do as a group seem to complain
incessantly about their lowly position and blame it on racism. The survey then
may not be that incorrect.
Feagin, "Since well before Thomas Jefferson's time, large numbers of white
Americans have also clung devotedly to the image of black Americans as somewhat
or much less intelligent than whites. Then and now, many whites have been taught
such stereotypes at a young age."
Feagin then goes on mentioning older research, calling it racist, and dismisses
completely the exponential growth in behavior genetics research that shows
conclusively so far that about 80% of intelligence is due to genes and not the
environment when adulthood is reached. Much of this data is being compiled by
cooperative universities, the National Institute of Health, and researchers from
differing fields. Very sophisticated mathematical models are also being
developed to track down the genes (some have been located) that contribute to
intelligence. Feagin and his kind dismiss any research that does not agree with
the Marxist program to simply deny any differences in people assuming that all
humans have equal abilities and it is only the environment that holds people
back from achieving some unknown potential. (Is it possible that all humans
could have an IQ of 200 if just given the chance?)
Feagin, "The absence of equal-status experiences with black families because of
intentionally segregated neighborhoods and communities contributes materially to
white unfamiliarity with black Americans. In Chicago, several journalists did
some interesting field research on the impact of residential segregation on
cross-racial attitudes. They interviewed Chicagoans in two adjacent
working-class suburbs, one predominantly white and one predominantly black.
Whites were found to be very isolated and mostly living out their lives 'without
ever getting to know a black person.' In both communities, there were fears and
suspicions of the other group. However, the source of the fears varied
significantly. The black suburbanites were 'fearful because much of their
contact with white people was negative;' while 'whites were fearful because they
had little or no contact' with similar black Chicagoans."
This is an odd and confusing explanation. I could see Blacks becoming annoyed or
disheartened by getting negative vibes from Whites, but why would that cause
fear if there is no crime, abuse, or misconduct on the part of Whites? Even
stranger is the notion that Whites fear Blacks because of a lack of contact with
similar Black Chicagoans? That statement is not clear and may mean that Whites
usually come in contact with lower class Blacks and therefore fear potential
violence. But I fail to see how having contact with other Blacks in your own
socioeconomic status would make fear of Black street thugs any less.
Feagin, "One societal change evident during and since the civil rights movement
of the 1960s has been the increase in public and academic discussions of the
role of white men in racial discrimination, however gingerly this may be
broached in much of the mass media and in other historically white institutions.
This questioning of white male power and privileges by people of color is new
for white men who have never encountered significant challenges to their top
hierarchical position and power. Not viewing themselves as seriously implicated
in racial oppression, they often refer to themselves (or their families) as 'not
being privileged' or 'not being powerful.' Indeed, many view themselves as
victims of the remedial programs that they see as unfairly benefiting Americans
of color who, in their uninformed view, are no longer victims of racial
Few Whites would in fact see themselves as privileged or powerful because in a
complex society where competition reigns supreme, we are all in positions
somewhere in-between others with more or less power and privilege. It is rare
for anyone to feel these emotions, even if a person does have relatively more
power and privilege than average. Most people feel that they deserve what they
have achieved, even if they come from a wealthy family that helped them get
started. The death tax is so reviled because to most people it seems perfectly
clear that parents should be able to pass on what they have achieved to their
children. Even in Chimpanzee troops, offspring born to high status females also
have high status and dominance. Power, dominance, prestige, privilege,
wealth these are unequally distributed among individuals but not among races,
religions, ethnics, etc. (see Lynn and Vanhanen, IQ and the Wealth of Nations.)If
you were born in Kuwait with massive oil reserves and few citizens, you at least
have plenty of money without much effort.
Universally, fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Most Whites see Black
failure either because they just don't try hard enough (the conservative
perspective), they are not intelligent enough (the scientific perspective), or
they are discriminated against (the egalitarian perspective). None of these is
the single cause, but even if Blacks tried harder, never experienced another
episode of discrimination, they would still fair poorly because of their
cognitive abilities. When you look at the whole trajectory of Black White
relations, it is only natural that either side can experience unfairness. Quotas
are unfair, as well as selecting people based entirely on race. All kinds of
schemes have been implemented that place Blacks and other minorities ahead of
Whites, and the courts have regarded these mechanisms of redress as
unconstitutional. However, if Feagin really does believe that merit counts for
something, we could once again open up job opportunities and advanced education
to those who work the hardest and perform the best on standardized tests. There
are statistical means of making sure such tests are not racially or culturally
biased, and the government could offer free assistance to anyone that needs
additional help to catch up if they got a slow start.
Feagin, "Systemic racism today is clearly different in some important ways from
slavery and legal segregation, but in certain fundamentals including continuing
white-on-black domination and persisting racial inequality in wealth and
privilege it is broadly similar to the racial oppression of the past.
Contemporary racism is still much more than a matter of scattered white bigots
discriminating against other people, but rather is about central U.S.
institutions that still remain racially discriminatory and quite inegalitarian.
As under slavery and legal segregation, U.S. economic, political, educational,
religious, and media institutions remain dominated by whites, racially
hierarchical, often exploitative, and chronically undemocratic."
Feagin obviously does not have any examples of just how U.S. institutions remain
racially discriminatory because he never discusses the process. This seems odd
as he claims it is pervasive, conspiratorial, and even alludes to Whites having
in place a system whereby Whites are actively indoctrinating each generation in
these techniques of discrimination. He also throws in two other demands that are
not his to make. He accuses institutions of being in egalitarian, yet there is no
mandate for an egalitarian society. In addition he claims the institutions are
chronically undemocratic and yet he doesn't explain what he means by this. The
accusation is just left dangling as some sort of social menace.
Feagin, "The black accounts of racial oppression, as well as the white accounts
defending it, indicate clearly that such oppression is not a modest accretion on
an otherwise healthy social system, but rather is a systemic reality central to
a very unhealthy society. Systemic racism is the United States, and the United
States is systemic racism. This is true of this society today, and has been true
for several centuries. A careful examination of the historical and contemporary
realities of this oppression reveals remarkable continuities in
institutionalized oppression over many generations. This country's major
institutions have long involved social arrangements that are racially
exploitative, hierarchical, white supremacist in rationale, and undemocratic in
operation. Especially when seen from the black perspective, the
continuities over the centuries are obvious, well institutionalized, and
extraordinarily inhumane. Ridding U.S. society of systemic racism will require
large-scale efforts, going well beyond the path-breaking civil rights movement
of the 1960s, to bring massive changes in all historically white institutions."
Feagin assumes since Blacks still do not fare well due to their low intelligence
that nothing has changed since the days of slavery. This is of course absurd, as
attitudes have changed drastically during the 20th Century, but may
be changing to once again take into account a person's genetics, as well as how
they were nurtured. He wants to mold humanity into an undifferentiated mass of
sameness, for no other purpose it seems than to make the world in his Marxist
image. Every nation on earth, where there are competing ethnics, have similar
tensions as found in the United States, and in many cases far worse as they
explode into genocidal programs between groups. But Feagin must fail in his
desire to rid the United States of systemic racism because first he would have
to create such a system out of whole cloth, and then try and destroy it. As it
is, it does not exist. Nowhere in the book does he make the slightest effort to
explain the mechanism of systemic racism so that the theory can be tested in an
empirical way.
Feagin, "A central argument of this book is that white-on-black oppression and
its accompanying inequalities have been socially reproduced by the actions of
white individuals and small groups set within critical institutional and
community frameworks. Once members of a group are racially privileged, as whites
were from the extensive exploitation of African Americans in slavery and legal
segregation, they typically pass on that privilege in the form of money capital,
social capital, and/or cultural capital to their descendants, over one
generation after another. This family transmission of privilege and resources is
strongly supported by an array of societal institutions. The ability or
inability of individuals and families to transmit important asset-generating
resources from one generation to the next is highly dependent on the support of
major institutions. Reproduced over time are these racially structured
institutions, such as the economic institutions that persistently exploit and
discriminate against black labor and the legal-political institutions that
protect that oppression. In every generation, major organizational and
institutional structures protect the highly radicalized enrichment and
impoverishment that are central to U.S. society."
Feagin uses a lot of words to state what he sees as THE remedy for oppression
against minorities enforce a strict economic and political egalitarian system
where everything is distributed equally to everyone regardless of anyone's
personal merit, talent, efforts, intelligence, acquired resources, etc. That is,
the state would hand out political offices, both public and private jobs, and
distribute income, housing, etc. based strictly on one's membership in the
society. There will be no need to work hard, take responsibility, be respectful
of your own or other's property, because final responsibility falls to the
government. This is really what he seems to think is necessary to end racismbut
of course such political systems always end up being totalitarian and oppressive
to all those not part of the ruling elite.
Feagin, "Since the days of slavery, most whites have revealed a rather high
level of social alexithymia, the sustained inability to relate to and understand
the suffering of those who are oppressed. As they have developed or participated
in oppression, most whites seem to have lost much of their human propensity for
empathy, especially across group lines. For centuries, this social oppression
has both required and constantly bred a lack of empathy and recognition of the
full humanity of Americans of color. Today, most whites still do not 'see;' or
do not wish to see, the impact of institutionalized racism or to recognize its
determinative role in everyday life. A substantial majority persist in denying
that white racism is systemic, commonplace, and devastating for its targets. The
wide-spread denial of the reality of contemporary racial oppression is part of
the age-old white racial framing of society. Indeed, the commonplace character
of the denial of racism's foundational reality was revealed when I recently did
an Internet search using a leading search engine. Extensive searching of
billions of Internet websites found no references whatever among white
commentators to language indicating a serious in-depth discussion of racial
oppression as a critical and continuing part of the foundation of the
United States."
Apparently Feagin is unaware of National Public Radio, and the hundreds of
antiracist/Marxist web sites that operate on the simple principal that racism is
rampant and it is solely responsible for racial inequality. Of course, Feagin is
using an egregious stereotype about Whites when he claims they lack empathy, and
then we look at European countries, especially Scandinavian countries, that are
by far more giving in aid to third world countries than any other countries. If
anything, Whites suffer from the weakness of universal moralism rather than
tribal moralism that is found among most people in the world. Whites will punish
other Whites for failing to be adequately empathetic and forgiving, while Blacks
are free to accuse Whites of every possible conceivable infraction of injustice.
Whites are extremely generous giving and supporting all kinds of programs around
the world to help "people of color" that are in poverty or in need of medical
care, etc.
Feagin, "Moreover, over more than two centuries, numerous black commentators
have been eloquent in their examination of the negative impact of
institutionalized racism on the entire society and on whites themselves,
including the impact of oppressive institutions on whites' character and
political ideals. These probing black analysts have generally been far more
insightful than most white commentators on U.S. racial matters. With rare
exceptions, leading whites have not examined critically the benefits or
liabilities of systemic racism for themselves or the larger society. In regard
to racial matters, the sociological intelligence of white Americans is on the
average far inferior to that of black Americans. I will return to these
resistance issues in more detail in the next chapter."
Feagin must be listening to a different group of Black commentators than I have
been reading or hearing. One thing that strikes me over and over again is the
almost illiterate presentation and the lack of logic that most Blacks are
capable of providing. Feagin's bias I must assume is not his respect for Black
scholarship because that could easily be verified. Rather, it is his deep hatred
for Whites and all things Western. He suffers from the same envy that radical
Islamists have toward the Westand the major cause of terrorism and hate. The
West produces products, invents cures for disease, we have wholesome and
tolerant gender relationships, we are free to pursue our dreams without
condemnation by others (for the most part), and we are rationally biased towards
what is real rather than what is imagined.
Feagin, "Today, the systemic racism of the United States, with its firm racial
hierarchy, now has impact and influence across the globe, as white Americans
have become what Amy Chua calls the 'world-dominant minority, wielding
outrageously disproportionate economic power relative to our size and number.'
This power is wielded not only by leading U.S. politicians, but more importantly
by U.S.-based multinational corporations, which are clearly among the most
powerful white-controlled organizations on the planet. The economic and
political operations of U.S. multinational corporations, backed by closely
linked high federal government officials, have created increasingly huge wealth
gaps on a global scale, gaps that mostly privilege white groups and mostly
impoverish and subordinate peoples of color."
Feagin is correct that there IS one identifiable racial group that has precisely
the power, wealth, and influence he describes above, but it is not Whitesit is
the Ashkenazi Jews. (This site has a review of Amy Chua's book World on Fire.)
Feagin, "Efforts to counter and change the white racial frame can be undertaken
for all ages, but such efforts are especially important for children. Currently,
the substantially segregated U.S. educational system colonizes young white (and
other) minds with the white racial frame. If we are to dismantle the system of
racism, this educational system must be dramatically reformed so that it is
reasonably integrated along racial lines and, most especially, provides all the
country's teachers and youth with the tools to recognize clearly, analyze
critically, and replace substantially or completely the white frame with its
many racial stereotypes and other bits of racialized misinformation, emotions,
and inclinations to discriminate. By the time white children are in school,
most already hold negative views of Americans of color. Their stereotyped
views must be directly challenged and replaced in a new array of required school
courses. At an early age, students everywhere need to be taught in schools
and other settings just how to break down and critically analyze the many
racial-ethnic stereotypes of this society. In addition, teachers and other
change agents can insist actively and constantly on African Americans and other
Americans of color being viewed seriously as equal and valuable members of
society from whose creativity all can benefit."
A good education includes learning about the world as it is, not as it should be
or the way people want it to be. Tackling any stereotype must include the
recognition that there may or may not be a substantial correlation between a
stereotype and what is reality. If one holds a stereotype that dogs generally
will bite a passing stranger, it would be irresponsible to teach children that
this is entirely a myth. So if Feagin wants honesty and truth when it comes to
stereotypes, he has to be open to the possibility that there is substance to
many of the stereotypes that we hold such as the violence found in Black slums
(best not to walk there at night) and awareness that Blacks are on average less
intelligent than Whites (so make sure your Black surgeon is an exception and not
correctly stereotyped as under qualified).
On the other hand, emotions are quite often implicit and occur spontaneously; it
takes more effort to change emotions. Emotions however are my own to do with
what I will and as long as they do not drive me to break the law they should be
of no one else's concern. We also should never give up our right to be
discriminating because it is an important part of our repertoire of living well.
A non-discriminating society would not be civilized. What Feagin is really
asking for is to use propaganda to enforce a Marxist style of what is truth that
which the state says it is.
Feagin, "No person is an island; all residents of the United States are part of
the same deeply troubled society. All will thus benefit, yet to varying degrees,
from a large-scale change in racial oppression, as well as from change in the
often related oppressions of class and gender. Major racial change will mean
that whites will lose much in the way of racialized power and privilege. Still,
the payoff for them and for the entire society is large, for real liberty,
justice, and equality are impossible without major changes in the racially
oppressive structures of this society. Indeed, this planet will not survive much
longer if we continue to rely so heavily on the white men now at the helm for
key ideas, policies, and actions in regard to the world's ecology, economy, and
politics. Systemic racism has killed not only people, but many important human
values, scores of excellent ideas, and countless innovations and inventions. One
need not be melodramatic to suggest that the survival of the planet likely
depends upon the speedy elimination of racial oppression and other major social
Activists warn us that unless we pay attention to their summation of current
problems and take their advice about the solution, our way of life will be in
jeopardy. And yet, history tells us that we will continue to live our lives
substantially as before without major changes in our happiness, our family
relations, our daily life at work, our individual problems, etc. I read recently
that activists are the new religionists; they adopt a dogmatic stance and
agenda, and then proselytize like crazy as if they know something incredibly
unique. Feagin is the worst kind of advocate for a position that is just not
sustainable under scientific scrutiny. He contradicts himself in almost every
area, relies heavily on conspiratorial views of how a racist society might
operate, he never considers the obvious alternative of differences in people,
and most importantly he is hateful and intolerant of anyone who disagrees with
the notion that Whites are all racists, acting in concert, to keep minorities
The fact is we are not a troubled society at all if you look at the standard of
living and the way people conduct themselves in their daily lives. There are a
few radicals and haters, but for the most part the different races are capable
of getting along quite well at work, and away from work we have the freedom to
go where we want and to do what we want with whatever resources we have. He
says, "real liberty, justice, and equality are impossible without major changes
in the racially oppressive structures of this society." Yet there is no evidence
that America would be a better place if an oppressive central government forced
a radical egalitarian equality on all people against their will. The only
winners in such a system would be the oppressors in the managerial state.
Science alone is the only means for getting at the mechanisms that drive human
social interaction. Feagin needs to put forth a parsimonious theory of why
Blacks fail consistently and then look at all of the evidence in a coherent way,
including looking at alternative theories. This he has refused to do; instead he
just condemns anyone who disagrees with him on racial issues as being a racist.
That is not scientific, but is in fact hateful intolerance, no different from
that he so vehemently condemns.
- Main
- Pierre Teilhard De Chardin
- Introduction
- Principles
- Symbolism
- Transhumanism
- Cryonics
- Island Project
- PC-Free Zone

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