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The Scientific Study of General Intelligence
This recent book looks at the current debate on general intelligence, including
the various adversarial opponents who deny that intelligence is highly genetic,
and that there are differences in average intelligence in different races.
Arthur R. Jensen's 1998 book The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability,
remains the most thorough treatment of general intelligence. This book builds on
Jensen's work, and expands into some areas not covered by Jensen.
Table of Contents
General Introduction: Arthur
Jensen - The Man, His Friends and This Book by Helmuth Nyborg--pg. xiii
Part I: The g Factor
Introduction--pg. 3
1. The Higher-stratum Structure of Cognitive Abilities: Current Evidence
Supports g and About Ten Broad Factors by John B. Carroll--pg. 5
Part II: The Biology of g--pg. 23
Introduction--pg. 25
2. Brain Imaging and g by Britt Anderson--pg. 29
3. Positron Emission Tomography Studies of Intelligence: From Psychometrics to
Neurobiology by Richard J. Haier--pg. 41
4. Reaction Time and Psychometric Intelligence: Jensen's Contributions by Ian
J. Deary--pg. 53
5. Inspection Time and g by Ted Nettelbeck--pg. 77
6. Factors Influencing the Relationship Between Brain Size and Intelligence by
Gilles Gignac, Philip A. Vernon and John C. Wickett--pg. 93
7. Molecular Genetics and g by Robert Plomin--107
Part III: The Demography of g--pg. 123
Introduction--pg. 125
8. The Geography of Intelligence by Richard Lynn--pg. 127
9. Race Differences in g and the "Jensen Effect" by J. Philippe
Rushton--pg. 147
10. Sex Differences in g by Helmuth Nyborg--pg. 187
Part IV: The g Nexus--pg. 223
Introduction--pg. 225
11. Genius and g: Intelligence and Exceptional Achievement by Dean
Keith Simonton--pg. 229
12. Mental Retardation and g by Herman H. Spitz--pg. 247
13. The Ubiquitous Role of g in Training by Malcolm James Ree,
Thomas R. Carretta and Mark T Green--pg. 261
14. Education and g by Phillip L. Ackerman and David F Lohman--pg.
15. g, Jobs and Life by Linda S. Gottfredson--pg. 293
16. Crime, Delinquency and Intelligence: A Review of the Worldwide
Literature by Lee Ellis and Anthony Walsh--pg. 343
Part V: Reservations About g--pg. 367
Introduction--pg. 369
17. "My House is a Very Very Very Fine House" - But it is Not the Only
House by
Robert J. Sternberg--pg. 373
18. Jensen's Genetic Interpretation of Racial Differences in Intelligence:
Critical Evaluation by Nathan Brody--397
19. New Concepts of Intelligence: Their Practical and Legal Implications
for Employee Selection by Gerald V Barrett, Alissa J. Kramen and Sarah B.
20. The Sociology of Psychometric and Bio-behavioral Sciences: A Case
Study of Destructive Social Reductionism and Collective Fraud in 20th Century
Academia by
Helmuth Nyborg--pg. 441
21. Why Ignore the g Factor? - Historical Considerations by
Christopher R. Brand, Denis Constales and Harrison Kane--pg. 503
Part VI: Epilogues --pg. 531
22. An Arthurian Romance by Rosalind Arden--pg. 533
23. Jensen as a Teacher and Mentor by Philip Anthony Vernon and Other
Former Students--pg. 555
Bibliography 573
Author Index 599
Subject Index 619
Nyborg, in the interest of fairness, invited not only admirers of Jensen's work
but detractors as well to contribute chapters to the book. As he explains:
"I, in fact, also asked a number of outspoken opponents of g-theory to write a
chapter, and reserved a full part of the book for them, with the explicit
purpose of seeking a balanced presentation of g theory. Unfortunately, I
did not have much success in reaching this goal. One opponent said he had over
the years had so many occasions to criticize g that he would consider it
inappropriate to once more present his critical points in a book of this kind.
He nobly added that his respect for Arthur Jensen was so great that he would
rather see the book appear as laudatory as could be. Other opponents were rather
brisk: 'I do not want to contribute to such a book'. Still others, such as
Howard Gardner and Daniel Goleman, could neither find the time nor the motive to
write a chapter. From the balance point of view, this is regrettable because
science progresses best by first presenting all the pros and cons and then
making an informed decision. But then again, it is a free country. Perhaps
Robert Sternberg from Yale University is not directly opposing g theory,
but he has his reservations, so I asked him to write a chapter for this honorary
volume for Arthur Jensen. Surely he did. He paid back by comparing Arthur Jensen
to a naive little boy living in his little house of g, too afraid to
leave his narrow site and find out that the world outside has many more houses,
that are much more interesting and, not to forget, also Sternberg's own tower!
As an editor I welcomed the scientific aspects of Bob's chapter, but I must
admit that it caused me personal grief to see the undeserving ad hominem remarks
about Art's immaturity, in particular in a tribute such as the present. I
decided, nevertheless, to include Bob's chapter, and will invite the reader to
form his/her own judgment in the matter."
What is noteworthy with the above is that opponents of the concept of g
and its implications for differences between races, has virtually run out of
opponents. Sternberg seems to be the only serious alternative to g, and
yet his approach is not that different from Jensen's. It seems that Sternberg is
driven either by ego or by political motives in trying to derail Jensenism - but
only he knows - unless like so many others he is self-deceiving.
Nyborg states that:
"In Chapter 2, Britt Anderson takes a closer look at the brain size-g
relationship. He first discusses the low and variable relationships found in
earlier studies using such rough measures as external head circumference, and
then presents the outcome of studies using more exacting in vivo
neuro-imaging techniques. The overall conclusion is that anatomical and
metabolic imaging techniques using magnetic resonance technology suggest a
correlation in the order of 0.35 between brain size and IQ, a finding that is
consistent across multiple experimental groups. Another important conclusion is
that the majority of individual variation in intelligence is not explained by
variation in brain volume. A third conclusion is, that we still do not know
whether specific brain regions or compartments are the principal basis for the
size-IQ correlation, and this sets the stage for further experiments exploiting
the many new capabilities of magnetic resonance imaging and other brain image
He also notes that others have concluded that, "between 80~90 percent of brain
volume is heritable, and that the genetic correlation between brain volume and
IQ is 0.48."
Haier demolishes the "some people just try harder" argument, showing that those
with more mental ability also exert less effort in processing data, "The higher
the RAPM [Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices test] score, the lower the
GMR (glucose metabolic rate). Thus, it would appear that the harder
the brain was working, the less well a subject solved the non-verbal, g-loaded
problems of the RAPM. We interpreted this as evidence for a brain efficiency
model of intelligence. Remarkably, in the same subjects, we found inverse
correlations between degree of GMR decreases after practice and scores on the
RAPM, suggesting that the brightest subjects become the most brain efficient
with learning."
Haier then brings up a fascinating aspect of consciousness, one that could have
a huge impact on eugenics:
"These studies did not include a focus on intelligence but pilot data suggest
that the IQ of the subjects in these studies may interact with main effects of
drug or cognitive condition. We are now pursuing this possibility. For example,
we are designing functional imaging studies to address questions such as, are
intelligent people more conscious than others and does the neuro-circuitry
of consciousness, as revealed by studies of anesthetic drugs, overlap with the
neurocircuitry of intelligence? We can address these questions with new image
analysis software, PET hardware, MRI co-registration (for anatomical
localization), and fMRI techniques that were not available for our first series
of studies."
The reason the above is so important to eugenics is that it allows us to define
humanness as the uniqueness of intelligence and/or consciousness. Note that very
young children may have potentials for mental ability and/or consciousness, but
they are neither fully functional data processing machines nor fully conscious.
That is, to be more human means to be more conscious which depends on higher
intelligence. Understanding this, we can then place varying levels of human
value on varying levels of humanness. This refocuses the abortion issue, human
rights issues, and numerous other value laden decisions on a definition of human
life that is contingent on intelligence. It also allows eugenic communities to
at least make moral decisions (if not legal decisions) to terminate those lives
that are for any number of reasons, lacking in consciousness - therefore lacking
humanness. I will let others argue that it is not acceptable to make arbitrary
decisions when to terminate a life lacking in consciousness.
Lewontin, Gould and others in the past have criticized intelligence as a unitary
concept, one that is highly genetic, on grounds that without looking at the
actual mechanisms, modeling and testingwas too indeterminate (even with
predictive validity). That is no longer the case, because psychometrics now uses
many tools that triangulate on the validity of g as a unitary, highly
genetic, factor. Haier explains:
"Individual differences as a mainstream discipline within psychology may be
about to reassert itself after near banishment in the wake of the controversies
of the last 30 years. This has already happened in cognitive psychology where
new fMRI studies abound. Correlating cognitive task performance with functional
brain data has yielded some spectacular results. Such correlations are fast
becoming the norm in a branch of psychology where effects of individual
differences were typically regarded as noise and error variance. Even more
dramatic is the growing attention to the profound individual differences in drug
Plomin discusses additional research showing the importance of genes and the
non-shared environment versus the shared environmental influence that is assumed
by social scientists to reign supreme in importance:
"In his chapter on heritability in The g Factor, Jensen also notes one of
the most surprising findings from behavioral genetics research: the heritability
of g increases throughout development and the importance of shared
environmental factors that make family members similar decreases. His hypothesis
to explain this fascinating finding involves genotype-environment correlation:
'From early childhood to late adolescence the predominant component of the GE
covariance gradually shifts from passive to reactive to active,
which makes for increasing phenotypic expression of individuals'
genotypically conditioned characteristics. In other words, as people approach
maturity they seek out and even create their own experiential environment. With
respect to mental abilities, a 'good' environment, in general, is one that
affords the greatest freedom and the widest variety of opportunities for
reactive and active GE covariance, thereby allowing genotypic propensities their
fullest phenotypic expression.'"
"What are the non-shared environmental factors that are responsible for
environmental influence on g after adolescence? Jensen summarizes his
important view of this perplexing problem in The g Factor: 'The causes of
the nonshared environmental variance are still somewhat obscure. I have
presented analyses of MZ twin data elsewhere which suggest that the nonshared
environmental variance is mainly the result of a great many small random effects
that are largely of a biological nature. Such effects as childhood diseases,
traumas, and the like, as well as prenatal effects such as mother-fetus
incompatibility of blood antigens, maternal health, and perinatal effects of
anoxia and other complications in the birth process, could each have a small
adverse effect on mental development. Such environmental effects could differ
randomly among twins or ordinary siblings. Some individuals would have the good
luck of being 'hit' by very few such adverse random effects, compared to the
average, and others would have the bad luck of being 'hit' by many more than the
"Concerning assortative mating, Jensen noted that the correlation between
spouses for g is above 0.40, which is much higher than for other traits.
In The g Factor, he uses his important 'method of correlated vectors' to
show that assortative mating is largely a matter of g. That is, the degree to
which cognitive tests show assortative mating is highly correlated with the
tests' loadings on the g factor. Similar results for the method of
correlated vectors are found for kinship correlations and for heritabilities
tests with greater g loadings show greater heritability. All of these
findings suggest that the g is the central plot in the story of cognitive
"Jensen also describes the results of multivariate genetic analysis that suggest
that what the genetics of cognitive abilities is about is g. Although it
is surprising that g accounts for about 40% of the phenotypic variance of
diverse cognitive tests, it is truly amazing that about 80% of the genetic
variance of such tests is explained by g. That is, multivariate genetic analyses
have consistently found that genetic correlations among cognitive abilities
exceed 0.80. In other words, if a gene associated with a particular cognitive
ability were identified, the same gene would be expected to be associated with
other cognitive abilities as well. This finding suggests that, despite its
complexity, g is the best target for molecular genetic research aimed at
identifying specific genes for cognitive abilities. The finding is also
important for cognitive neuroscience, a field in which g has hardly
entered the lexicon. The genetic nexus responsible for g provides clues
for understanding how the brain works from an individual differences
perspective. It suggests that there must be genetically-driven mechanisms that
affect performance across diverse cognitive tasks. Although genetic g
does not imply that g is due to genes that affect a single process, the
multivariate genetic results indicate that the same genes affect different
cognitive processes. The genetic links among cognitive processes may have been
forged by evolution to coordinate effective problem solving across the modules
of mind."
"Another interesting finding from the Human Genome Project is that only 5% of
the 3 billion letters in our DNA code involves genes in the traditional sense,
that is, genes that code for amino acid sequences. This 5% figure is similar in
other mammals. Mutations are quickly weeded out from these bits of DNA which are
so crucial for development. When mutations are not weeded out, they can cause
one of the thousands of severe but rare single-gene disorders. However, it seems
increasingly unlikely that the other 95% of DNA is just along for the ride. For
example, variations in this other 95% of the DNA are known to regulate the
activity of the classical genes. For this reason, the other 95% of DNA might be
the place to look for genes associated with quantitative rather than qualitative
effects on behavioral traits."
Plomin is one of the leading researchers looking for the numerous genes that
influence intelligence, or as stated above, the DNA that regulates the output of
genes that determine intelligence. Just like the Human Genome Project, that
started slow, then accelerated as new computer programs, mathematical models and
diagnostic tools became available, the search for genes that influence
intelligence will accelerate as the science develops new tools and
methodologies. Plomin explains:
"From a QTL [quantitative trait loci] perspective, common disorders are just the
extremes of quantitative traits caused by the same genetic and environmental
factors responsible for variation throughout the dimension. In other words, the
QTL perspective predicts that genes found to be associated with complex
disorders will also be associated with normal variation on the same dimension
and vice versa. Although the QTL perspective has some specific implications for
the design and analysis of molecular genetic studies, the general importance of
a QTL perspective is conceptual. At the most general conceptual level, a common
mistake is to think that we are all basically the same genetically except for a
few rogue mutations that lead to disorders. In contrast, the QTL perspective
suggests that genetic variation is normal. Many genes affect most complex traits
and, together with environmental variation, these QTLs are responsible for
normal variation as well as for the abnormal extremes of these quantitative
traits. This QTL perspective has some implications for thinking about mental
illness because it blurs the etiological boundaries between the normal and the
abnormal. That is, we all have many alleles that contribute to mental illness
but some of us are unluckier in the hand that we draw at conception from our
parents' genetic decks of cards. A more subtle conceptual advantage of a QTL
perspective is that it frees us to think about both ends of the normal
distribution the positive end as well as the problem end, abilities as well as
disabilities, and resilience as well as vulnerability. It has been proposed that
we move away from an exclusive focus on pathology towards considering positive
traits that improve the quality of life and perhaps prevent pathology."
Lynn discusses results from his work on race and intelligence:
"In this chapter it is shown that the intelligence levels of peoples throughout
the world varies consistently with their geographical location and with their
race. There is a considerable overlap between geography and race. The most
recent and thorough classification of the world's peoples by geography and race
has been produced by Cavalli-Sforza et al. From an analysis of genetic
differences between populations they distinguish eight major geographical-racial
groups. Although they prefer to avoid the classical descriptive terms of
Caucasoids, Mongoloids and so forth, their categories are so similar to these
that it is convenient to use them. In terms of the classical taxonomy, their
geographical-racial groups are:
European Caucasoids;
South Asian and North African Caucasoids;
Northeast Asian Mongoloids;
Southeast Asians extending from Thailand to Indonesia and the Philippines;
Pacific Islanders;
Australian Aborigines;
American Indians.
A number of useful conclusions can be drawn from the survey of the geographical
distribution of intelligence and racial IQs presented in this chapter. First,
these IQs should be regarded as differences in g as this construct is
used by Jensen. Most of the results are obtained from the Progressive Matrices
which is a pure measure of g and the remainder come from tests like the
Wechslers which are good measures of g. The differences in g among all
these populations should be regarded as arising from a mix of genetic and
environmental factors. These populations differ genetically in numerous respects
including the color of skin, eyes and hair, body build, blood groups and
susceptibility to diseases. It is from the analysis of these genetic differences
that Cavalli-Sforza et al. have constructed their world map of genetic
differences between peoples. These genetic differences are so pervasive that it
is impossible that all these peoples could be genetically identical for
intelligence. The studies surveyed in this chapter show that the IQs of the
world's populations vary consistently with their race. There is no environmental
theory that can explain this. The only conclusion that can be drawn from this
association is that race is the most important determinant of the IQs of
"With regard to the intelligence difference between blacks and whites in the
United States, the consistency of the black-white differences worldwide
corroborates the thesis that genetic factors are largely responsible for the
difference in the United States. We have seen that whites from North West
Europe, which is where the ancestors of most American whites came from, almost
invariably have IQs close to 100, whether they are in Europe, Canada, Australia,
New Zealand or South Africa, while blacks in sub-Saharan Africa invariably
obtain IQs in the range of 62-78. The IQ of blacks in the United States is
around 85 and hence substantially higher than the IQs of blacks in sub-Saharan
Africa. There are two explanations for this. The first is that American blacks
are a hybrid population with about 25% of white ancestry. According to genetic
theory this would raise their IQs above the level of blacks in Africa.
The second is that American blacks live in a society run by whites and enjoy
much higher standards of living, nutrition, education and health care than they
have in societies run by blacks. This enriched environment can be expected to
have some advantageous impact on their IQ. When we look at the IQs of blacks in
Africa we have to conclude that living in a white society has raised rather than
lowered the IQs of American blacks."
"This conclusion is the opposite to that of a number of environmentalists who
contend that the low IQ of American blacks is due to 'white racism'. For
instance, Mackintosh writes: 'it is precisely the experience of being black in a
society permeated by white racism that is responsible for lowering black
children's IQ scores.' The IQs of blacks in Africa is compelling evidence
against this theory. African countries gained independence from white rule in
the 1960s and African children born from 1970 onwards no longer experienced
white racism. The theory that white racism has been responsible for the low IQ
of American blacks leads to the prediction that recent generations of young
African blacks would show significant IQ gains. Studies carried out in the 1990s
show that this has not happened. African blacks have continued to obtain the
same low IQs of 62 (Ghana), 75 (Kenya), 62-68 (Zaire) and 61-70 (Zimbabwe) as
they have obtained from the 1920s onwards. The theory that white racism has been
responsible for the low IQ of American blacks was never plausible because its
proponents have not identified the mechanism by which racism could lower
intelligence and because racism has had no adverse impact on the intelligence of
Asians and Jews. The evidence from Africa finally discredits it."
"This association between intelligence and race is sufficiently close for it to
be possible to predict the approximate IQs of nations and of sub-populations
within nations from their racial identity. For instance, the population of
Jamaica is 90% black, 7% mixed and 3% Indian. It would be predicted that the
population's IQ should be a little above the median IQ of 68 of blacks in
sub-Saharan Africa. The mean IQ is 72. In neighboring Cuba the population is 37%
white, 11 % black and 51 % Afro-European. Assigning IQs of 98 for whites, 69 for
blacks and 83 for Afro-Europeans, the IQ of the population should be 87. The
actual IQ derived from the standardization of the Progressive Matrices by Alonso
is 84. Numerous other predictions can be made and tested from the genetic theory
of race differences in intelligence. The theory has crossed the threshold from
descriptive to predictive science."
"The causes of genetically based racial differences in intelligence should be
sought in their evolutionary history. Differences in IQ must have developed
together with differences in skin color, morphology and resistance to diseases
as adaptations to the environments in which the races evolved. We can
reconstruct the broad outline of how this occurred. Modern humans evolved in
Central East Africa about a quarter of a million years ago. Their brain size was
the same as that of living blacks and it can be assumed that their intelligence
was the same, represented by an IQ of 69. About 100,000 years ago some of these
migrated into South West Asia. Here they encountered cold winters and a lack of
plant foods during winter and spring. These conditions exerted selection
pressure for an increase of intelligence to enable them to make clothing and
shelters to protect themselves from the cold winters and to hunt large animals
to obtain meat when plant foods were not available. By around 50,000 years ago
these selection pressures raised the IQ of these peoples to about 75,
represented by the present day Australian Aborigines, who migrated to Australia
at about this time and whose IQ stabilized at around this figure."
"During the next 25,000 years some of the peoples of South Asia migrated into
North East Asia and others migrated into Europe. Some of those who migrated into
North East Asia evolved into the Mongoloids. Others crossed into America and
evolved into the Native Americans. Those who migrated into Europe evolved into
the European Caucasoids. About 25,000 years ago the climate in the northern
hemisphere began to grow colder with the onset of the last ice age. Winter
temperatures fell by around 10 degrees centigrade. This made survival more
difficult and exerted further selection pressure for enhanced intelligence. This
selection pressure was weakest on the peoples of South Asia but it was
sufficient to raise their IQs to the present day level of about 83; it was about
the same on the Native Americans because these had migrated into America before
the onset of the ice age and their IQs were raised to about the same level as
that of South Asians. Climatic conditions were more severe in Europe and North
East Asia, where the environment resembled that of present day Alaska and
Siberia. This increased the selection pressure for enhanced intelligence and
drove the IQs of the European Caucasoids up to its present day figure of around
98. In North East Asia the climate was even more severe than in Europe and drove
the IQs of the Mongoloids up to the present day figure of around 104. The
morphological basis of the increase in intelligence in the Caucasoids and
Mongoloids was an enlargement of brain size the evidence for which is set out by
"The ice age came to an end about 10,000 years ago. In the more benign climate
that followed the South Asian Caucasoids and the Mongoloids were able to use
their enhanced intelligence to develop the early civilizations along the river
valleys of the Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, Nile and Yangtze, where the flood
plains and the favorable climate made it possible to produce the agricultural
surpluses required to feed urban populations and sustain an intellectual class.
The Native Americans had also evolved sufficiently high intelligence to develop
the quasi-civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayas and Incas. Europe, Northern China
and Japan did not have the flood plains or the favorable climate necessary for
the development of these early civilizations but in the last two millennia these
peoples have used their high IQs to overcome these problems and produce the
advanced civilizations of today."
Rushton summarizes what Jensen has accomplished:
"Jensen formally designated the view that Black-White differences were largely a
matter of g as 'Spearman's hypothesis', because Spearman was the first to
suggest it. Subsequently, Osborne dubbed it the 'Spearman-Jensen hypothesis'
because it was Jensen who brought Spearman's hypothesis to widespread attention,
and it was Jensen who did all the empirical work confirming it. More recently,
to honor one of the great psychologists of our time, Rushton proposed that the
term 'Jensen Effect' be used whenever a significant correlation occurs between
g-factor loadings and any variable, X; otherwise there is no name for it, only a
long explanation of how the effect was calculated. Jensen Effects are not
omnipresent and their absence can be as informative as their presence. For
example, the 'Flynn Effect' (the secular rise in IQ) is probably not a Jensen
Effect because it does not appear to be on g."
"The Black-White difference on the g-factor is the best known of all the Jensen
Effects. The reason Jensen pursued Spearman's hypothesis was because it so
exquisitely solved a problem that had long perplexed him. The average 15 to 18
IQ point difference between Blacks and Whites in the U.S. had not changed since
IQ testing began almost 100 years ago. But Jensen noted that the race
differences were markedly smaller on tests of rote learning and short-term
memory than they were on tests of abstract reasoning and transforming
information. Moreover, culture-fair tests tended to give Blacks slightly
lower scores than did conventional tests, as typically did non-verbal tests
compared with verbal tests. Furthermore, contrary to purely cultural
explanations, race differences could be observed as early as three years of age,
and controlling for socioeconomic level only reduced the race differences by 4
IQ points."
"Jensen initially formalized these observations in his so-called Level I-Level
II theory. Level I tasks were those that required little or no mental
manipulation of the input in order to arrive at the correct response whereas
Level II tasks required mental manipulation. A classic example of Level I
ability is Forward Digit Span in which people recall a series of digits in the
same order as that in which they are presented. A clear example of a Level II
task is Backward Digit Span in which people recall a series of digits in the
reverse order to that in which they were presented. Jensen found that
Black-White differences were twice as large for Backward as for Forward Digit
"Five of the tests were administered at the time of induction into the armed
forces while the others were given approximately 17 years later. The battery
included the Grooved Pegboard Test, the Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test, the
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Drawing Test, the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, the
Wide Range Achievement Test, the California Verbal Learning Test, the General
Information Test, and various sub-tests from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale-Revised, and the Army Classification Battery. The g factor was
extracted using different methods. Spearman's hypothesis was confirmed
regardless of procedure, with an average correlation between the race
differences on a test and its g loading across the extraction procedures
of 0.81. This value is higher than the average correlation of 0.62 for all
previous studies. Nyborg & Jensen concluded that Spearman's original conjecture
about the Black-White difference on the g factor 'should no longer be
regarded as just an hypothesis but as an empirically established fact.'"
"Another apparent absence of the Jensen Effect is that shown for the secular
increase in test scores. The Flynn Effect (sometimes also known as the
Lynn-Flynn Effect) refers to the repeated demonstration by Flynn that the
average IQ in several countries has increased by about 3 points a decade over
the last 50 years. The Flynn Effect seems to imply the 1 SD difference in the
mean IQ between Blacks and Whites in the U.S. will simply disappear over time.
However, analysis shows that the Flynn Effect is not on the g factor."
"Table 9.3 shows the results of a principal components analysis of the secular
gains in IQ from the U.S., Germany, Austria and Scotland, along with Black-White
IQ difference scores from the U.S., inbreeding depression scores from cousin
marriages in Japan, and g-loadings from the standardization samples of the
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-R and WISC-III). The important
findings are: (1) the IQ gains on the WISC-R and WISC-III form a cluster,
showing that the secular trend is a reliable phenomenon; but (2) this cluster is
independent of a second cluster formed by Black-White differences,
inbreeding depression scores (a purely genetic effect), and g-factor loadings (a
largely genetic effect). This analysis shows that the secular increase in IQ
behaves in a different way than the mean Black-White IQ difference. The secular
increase is unrelated to g and other heritable measures, while the
magnitude of the Black-White difference is related to heritable g and
inbreeding depression."
"Flynn's hypothesis that the 'massive IQ gains over time' imply an environmental
origin of race differences is not supported. Although the Flynn Effect does
suggest that improving the environment, especially at the low end of the IQ
distribution, can improve test scores, the cluster analysis show that effect is
unrelated to the g-factor. Instead, g is associated with inbreeding
depression, for which there is no non-genetic explanation, which implies
strongly that g is less amenable to environmental manipulation."
"Chapter 12 of The g Factor presents Jensen's technical arguments for why
he believes that Black-White IQ differences are about 50% genetic in origin.
These include that: (1) the Black-White IQ differences are most pronounced on
the more g-loaded components of IQ tests; (2) the Black-White IQ differences are
most pronounced on the more heritable components of IQ tests; (3) IQ differences
are associated with brain size within each race and there are significant
Black-White (and East Asian) differences in average brain size; (4) Black-White
(and East Asian) differences show up in myopia which has been linked to brain
size; (5) the Black-White (and East Asian) IQ differences remain following
transracial adoption; (6) the Black-White IQ differences are reflected in
studies of racial admixture; (7) the Black-White IQ differences are predicted by
'regression to the mean'; (8) Black-White-East Asian differences in neonate
behavior, rate of maturation, and a suite of life-history traits parallel the IQ
differences; (9) the Black-White-East Asian IQ differences cannot be explained
by any culture-only theory; and (10) the Black-White-East Asian IQ differences
dovetail with what is known about human evolution. What follows is a summary of
some of the evidence from Jensen's The g Factor and Rushton's Race,
Evolution, and Behavior."
"As reviewed early in this chapter, Black-White differences are Jensen
Effects, being most pronounced on the more g-loaded subtests. Spearman's
hypothesis thus constitutes a special case of the Jensen Effect. It applies even
to the g factor extracted from reaction time measures taken from 9- to
12-year-old Black and White children. Jensen has shown that a test's g
loading is the best predictor not just of that test's correlation with
scholastic and work-place performance, but of heritability coefficients
determined from twin studies, inbreeding depression scores calculated in
children born from cousin-marriages, and many other variables including brain
evoked potentials, brain pH levels, brain glucose metabolism, as well as nerve
conduction velocity, reaction time and other physiological factors. These
correlations establish the heritable and biological, as opposed to the mere
statistical, reality of g. The general factor g is a product of
human evolution. Indeed, massive evidence indicates that g is related to
the size and functioning of the brain. As reviewed above, race differences in
brain size occur at birth and continue through life."
"Myopia (near-sightedness) is positively correlated with IQ. The relationship
appears to be pleiotropic, that is, a gene affecting one of the traits also has
some effect on the other. Further, there are significant racial and ethnic
differences in the frequency of myopia, with the highest rates found in East
Asians, the lowest rates among Africans and Europeans intermediate. Among
Europeans, Jews have the highest rate of myopia, about twice that of gentiles
and about on a par with that of Asians. Miller suggested that myopia is caused
by extra myelinization in the eye and is similarly linked to brain size."
"The g Factor also cites the evidence of transracial adoption studies.
Three studies have been carried out on Korean and Vietnamese children adopted
into White American and White Belgian homes. Though many had been hospitalized
for malnutrition prior to adoption, they went on to develop IQs ten or more
points higher than their adoptive national norms. By contrast, Black and
Mixed-Race (Black/White) children adopted into White middle-class families
typically perform at a lower level than similarly adopted White children. The
largest and best known such study, the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, was
designed specifically by Sandra Scarr and Richard Weinberg to separate genetic
factors from rearing conditions as causal influences on the poor cognitive
performance of Black children. It is also the only transracial adoption study
that includes a longitudinal follow-up, with testing at ages 7 and 17 years."
"Scarr and her colleagues compared the IQ and academic achievement scores of
Black, White, and mixed-race Black/White children adopted into privileged White
families in Minnesota by adopting parents whose mean IQ was more than 1 SD above
the population mean of 100 (see Table 9.5). The biological children of these
parents were also tested. The first testing of 265 children was carried out in
1975 when they were 7 years old and the second in 1986 when the 196 remaining in
the study were 17 years old. The 7-year-old White biological (non-adopted)
children had an average IQ of 117 (Table 9.5, 2nd column), similar to that found
for other children of upper-middle-class parents. The adopted children with two
White biological parents had a mean IQ of 112. The adopted children with one
Black and one White biological parent averaged 109. The adopted children with
two Black biological parents had an average IQ of 97. (A mixed group of 21
Asian, North American Indian, and Latin American Indian adopted children
averaged an IQ of 100 but were not included in the main statistical analyses.)"
"Scarr & Weinberg interpreted the results of their testing at age 7 as strong
support for the culture-only interpretation of racial differences in
intelligence. They drew special attention to the fact that the mean IQ of 107
for all 'socially classified' Black children (i.e. those with either one or two
Black parents) was significantly above the U.S. White mean. The poorer
performance of children with two Black biological parents was attributed to
their more difficult and later placement. Scarr and Weinberg also pointed out
that this latter group had both natural and adoptive parents with somewhat lower
educational levels and abilities (two points lower in adoptive parents IQ). They
found no evidence for 'the expectancy effects' hypothesis that adoptive parent'
beliefs about the child's racial background influence the child's intellectual
development. The mean score for 12 children wrongly believed by their adoptive
parents to have two Black biological parents was virtually the same as for 56
children correctly classified by their adoptive parents as having one Black and
one White biological parent."
"Table 9.5 also presents the results for the 196 children retested at 17 years
old. There were four independent assessments of the children's cognitive
performance at this later age: (1) an individually administered IQ test; (2) an
overall grade point average; (3) a class rank based on school performance; and
(4) four special aptitude tests in school subjects administered by the
educational authority, which Rushton averaged. The results are strikingly
concordant with the earlier testing. The non-adopted White children had a mean
IQ of 109, a grade point average of 3.0, a class rank at the 64th percentile,
and an aptitude score at the 69th percentile. The adopted children with two
White biological parents had a mean IQ of 106, a grade point average of 2.8, a
class rank at the 54th percentile, and an aptitude score at the 59th percentile.
The adopted children with one Black and one White biological parent had a mean
IQ of 99, a grade point average of 2.2, a class rank at the 40th percentile, and
an aptitude score at the 53rd percentile. The adopted children with two Black
biological parents had a mean IQ of 89, a grade point average of 2.1, a class
rank at the 36th percentile, and an aptitude score at the 42nd percentile. (The
12 remaining mixed group of Amerindian and Asian children had an IQ of 96 with
no data provided on school achievement.)"
"Because different tests based on different standardization groups were used in
the first testing than were used in the follow-up, the overall average
difference of about eight IQ points (evident for all groups, including the
non-adopted group) between the two test periods is of no theoretical importance
for the hypothesis of interest. The relevant comparisons are those between the
adopted groups within each age level. The mean of 89 for adopted children
with two Black parents was slightly above the national Black mean of 85 but not
above the Black mean for Minnesota."
"In the Minnesota Transracial Adoption Study, the Mixed-Race (Black/White)
adoptees had a mean IQ between those of the 'non-mixed' White and 'non-mixed'
Black adoptees, as predicted from a genetic hypothesis (see Table 9.5). Although
Jensen himself is equivocal on this topic, in fact many other studies report
similar results. For example, with respect to IQ scores, Shuey found that in 16
of 18 studies, Blacks with lighter skin color averaged higher IQ scores than did
those with darker skin. Shockley estimated that for low IQ Black populations
there is a one-point increase in average 'genetic' IQ for each 1 % of Caucasian
ancestry, with diminishing returns as an IQ of 100 is reached. The genetic
hypothesis is also consistent with the African American mean IQ of 85 being 15
points above the African average of 70 (reviewed earlier), given the
approximately 20% White admixture in this group. Corroborating data come from
the mixed-race 'Colored' population of South Africa showing they too have an
average IQ of 85, intermediate to the 'pure' Africans and 'pure' Whites. What
brain weight data are available also fit with the genetic hypothesis. Both Bean
and Pearl found that the greater the amount of White admixture (judged
independently from skin color), the higher the average brain weight at autopsy
in Blacks."
"Most recently, Lynn and Rowe have analyzed data from large, publicly available,
archival data sets, which show that groups of mixed-race individuals have mean
scores intermediate to unmixed groups of Blacks and of Whites. Lynn examined the
1982 National Opinion Research Center's survey of a representative sample of the
adult population, excluding non-English speakers. The 442 Blacks in the sample
were asked whether they would describe themselves as 'very dark', 'dark brown',
'medium brown', 'light brown', or 'very light'. The correlation between these
self-ratings and a 10-word vocabulary test score was r=0.17 (p<0.01)."
"Regression toward the mean provides still another way to test if race
differences are genetic. Regression toward the mean is seen, on average, when
high IQ people mate and their children are less intelligent than their parents.
This is because the parents pass on some, but not all, of their exceptional
genes to their offspring. The converse happens for very low IQ parents; they
have children with higher IQs. Although parents pass on a random half of their
genes to their offspring, they cannot pass on the particular combinations of
genes that cause their own exceptionality. It's like rolling a pair of dice and
having them come up two sixes or two ones. The odds are that on the next roll,
you'll get some value that is not quite as high (or as low). Physical and
psychological traits involving dominant and recessive genes show some regression
effect. Genetic theory predicts the magnitude of the regression effect to be
lesser the closer the degree of kinship (e.g. identical twin > full-sibling >
half-sibling). Culture-only theory makes no systematic or quantitative
predictions based on genetic kinship per se."
"For any trait, regression predicts that scores will move towards the
average for that race. So in the United States, genetic theory predicts that the
children of Black parents of IQ 115 will regress toward the Black IQ average of
85, while children of White parents of IQ 115 will regress toward the White IQ
average of 100. There are similar predictions for the low end of the scale.
Children of Black parents of IQ 70 should move up toward the Black IQ average of
85, while children of White parents of IQ 70 should move up toward the White IQ
average of 100. Regression to the mean has been tested and the predictions
proved to be true many times over. But more importantly, both the White and
Black groups show the same degree of regression throughout the entire range of
IQs between plus or minus 3 SDs from the group mean. The Law of Regression also
explains why Black children born to high IQ, wealthy Black parents have test
scores two to four points lower than do White children born to low IQ poor White
parents. The high IQ Black parents were unable to pass on their advantage to
their children. even though they gave them a good upbringing and good schools.
(The same phenomenon, of course, is also found for high IQ White parents.)
Again, no culture-only theory predicts these results."
"When deciding whether genes are involved in the Black-White average IQ
difference, or whether culture-only theory is correct, the following results
should be considered. First, the mean difference in IQ scores has scarcely
changed over the past 100 years (despite repeated claims that the gap is
narrowing) and it can be observed as early as three years of age . Controlling
for overall socioeconomic level only reduces the mean difference by 4 IQ points.
Culture-fair tests tend to give Blacks slightly lower scores, on the
average, than do more conventional tests, as do non-verbal tests compared with
verbal tests, and abstract reasoning tests compared with tests of acquired
knowledge. Also, the Black-White differences show up on the g-factor extracted
from culture-fair reaction time tests. The pattern of race differences shown in
Table 9.4 is consistent across time and nation. Environmental explanations must
account for all these differences in IQ, brain size, myopia, speed of
dental development, age of sexual maturity, testosterone level and number of
multiple births. Genetic theory provides a single parsimonious explanation for
all of them."
"Most pieces of the scientific puzzle for why Blacks average lower IQ scores
than do Whites are now falling into place. For example, the conclusion that
intelligence is related to brain size and that there are racial differences in
brain size, is becoming accepted. Ulric Neisser, Chair of the recent American
Psychological Association's Task Force Report on The Bell Curve,
acknowledged that, with respect to 'racial differences in the mean measured
sizes of skulls and brains (with East Asians having the largest, followed by
Whites and then Blacks) ... there is indeed a small overall trend.' Moreover,
the average Black-White differences are now established using independent data
sets and different test instruments around the world, in southern Africa and in
the Netherlands, as in the United States. All are Jensen Effects. As Spearman
predicted, those sub-tests that show the most pronounced Black-White differences
are typically the ones with the highest g-loadings."
"It is important to know that the Spearman-Jensen hypothesis is robust and that
g is the same in southern Africa and the Netherlands as it is in the U.S.
This tells us that the largest single source of Black-White differences around
the world is essentially the same as the source of differences between
individuals within each racial group namely, g. This implies that a
scientific understanding of Black-White, indeed of many individual, group and
developmental differences, depends on understanding the nature of g. Race
differences are not due to idiosyncratic cultural peculiarities in this or that
test but to a general factor that all the ability tests measure in common."
"Jensen's default hypothesis views mean population differences in g
simply as aggregated individual differences and they are explainable by the same
principles, thereby not violating Occam's razor by invoking unnecessary ad hoc
hypotheses. Jensen's hypothesis is consistent with a preponderance of
psychometric, behavior-genetic and evolutionary lines of evidence. And like true
scientific hypotheses generally, it continually invites empirical refutation."
"Jensen's methodological and theoretical analyses have distilled the deep
essence of intelligence. Jensen has gone beyond proving the statistical reality
and predictive validity of the general factor. He has shown Spearman's g
to be a keystone of the behavioral sciences. If future psychometricians 'see
further', it will only be by standing on the shoulders of these two giants:
Spearman and Jensen."
Nyborg introduces Part IV on "The g Nexus":
"Arthur Jensen wrote in 1998 in his major opus The g factor: 'The g
factor derives its broad significance from the fact that it is causally
related to many real-life conditions, both personal and social. These
relationships form a complex correlational network, or nexus, in which g
is a major node. The totality of real-world variables composing the g
nexus is not yet known, but a number of educationally, socially, and
economically critical elements in the nexus have already been identified and are
the subject of ongoing research'. He further wrote that it seems likely that
'... g acts only as a threshold variable that specifies the essential
minimum level required for different kinds of achievement. Other, non-g special
abilities and talents, along with certain personality factors, such as zeal,
conscientiousness and persistence of effort, are also critical determinants of
educational and vocational success .
Future g research will extend our knowledge in two directions. In the
horizontal direction, it will identify new nodes in the g nexus, by
studying the implications for future demographic trends, employment demands and
strategies for aiding economically developing countries. Research in the
vertical direction will seek to discover the origins of g in terms of
evolutionary biology and the causes of individual differences in terms of the
neurophysiology of the brain.'"
Marxists continue to deny the existence of g, general intelligence or
mental ability, trying to claim that since we can't define the genes
responsible, then it just does not exist. And yet they accept that gravity
exists, even though physicists still do not know what it is. All they have left
to refute Jensenism is to claim that science is inadequate to know anything for
certain primarily where they do not like the results. Yet they accept all kinds
of other predictive validities, like being able to fly in an airplane long
before the exact nature of fluid mechanics were understood. And yet, these same
people would be very upset if they flew in an airplane with a pilot that was
randomly selected from the population, given X number of hours of instruction,
and then told to go fly a jumbo jet without any testing or proof of ability.
These positions of denial are no different from the Christian creationists'
denial of evolution. They also claim, that evolution is just a theory and cannot
be proven. True, but science is not about perfect proofs but building upon the
existing best theories or hypothesis; and it has taken us to the moon, cured
disease, and given us an endless number of technological marvels.
The left has also tried to use the "Flynn effect" as proof that intelligence is
malleable because intelligence test scores have been rising over the last few
decades. Unfortunately, few believe that real intelligence is rising, and some
disheartening results of research do not bode well for the less intelligent. As
Spitz explains:
"There is an interesting sidelight to results of repeated testing on the
different intelligence scales. The low intelligence groups do not perform better
on the later tests, contrary to expectations based on the 'Flynn effect'. Flynn
had found that with individuals of average intelligence, the standardization
group scored higher on the second, later test, thereby making it more difficult
to get a high score on the second test than on the first and also indicating a
rising intelligence. But, surprisingly, just the opposite happens when low IQ
groups take both the WAIS and, many years later, the WAIS-R, which was normed 27
years after the WAIS.Other findings supported this finding of a negative Flynn
effect at the lower end of the intelligence curve. (The typical Flynn effect
disappears but apparently does not reverse at the higher end of the curve.) The
WAIS-R minus WAIS curve across the intelligence spectrum is so orderly (bow
shaped) that a regression equation nicely describes the data. Are most people
getting smarter while people with low intelligence are getting less intelligent?
Not likely. Flynn attributed the contradictory findings in part to inadequate
sample sizes in the standardization group at the lower intelligence levels. He
had wisely recognized that allowances for massive gains in IQ might apply only
for scores ranging from 90 to 110, but he did not predict that a lawful,
gradually increasing reverse effect might be found below that range. This is
another example of how, for whatever reason, the use of groups with low
intelligence can occasionally produce surprises for unwary investigators."
Christopher R. Brand, Denis Constales & Harrison Kane comment on the Flynn
effect: "When an appeal to 'interactionism' is thought too risky or over-used,
the second refuge is in the work of James Flynn (e.g. 1984) telling of the
secular rise in IQ-test scoring that was first noticed in 1948. Unfortunately
for this notion, these test-score gains are greatest on sub-tests of copying
skill [Coding or Digit Symbol] that are relatively poor measures of g
(Rushton 1999); and no-one has ever explained them or been able to speed them
up. Flynn himself had hoped that Black test scores might be rising as fast as
those of Whites once did; and Hunt (1999) still thought the Black-White gap was
'clearly decreasing' and had already declined to 0.8 SD units (i.e. 12 IQ
points). However, Murray (1999) reported National Longitudinal Survey of
Youth data from the previous generation showing no closing of the racial gap
in fluid g; Nyborg & Jensen (2000) found a highly significant
(p<0.00001) Black-White difference of 1.174 in psychometric g in a sample
with an N of 4,037; and in 2000 the U.S. federal Department of Education said
the Black-White gap in reading had actually been increasing through the
1990s leaving the average Black 17-year-old of 2000 reading only about as well
as the average White 13-year-old. Statewide achievement testing in New York
State in 2002 found large race differences persisting that could not readily be
attributed to the socio-economic backgrounds of pupils (Hartocollis 2002)."
Ackerman and Lohman shed additional light on g and the Flynn effect:
"From Gustafsson's analysis of extant literature, g is essentially
equivalent to Cattell's conceptualization of fluid intelligence (Gf)
which in turn is best identified by measures of reasoning and working
memory.[The Flynn effect] increases in the average raw scores of successive
generations of samples during the 20th Century in several countries, might be at
least partly attributable to the increase in average number of years of
schooling in these populations."
"Ceci argued that even if one or more of these sources of evidence are not
necessarily decisive in showing that schooling positively affects intelligence
level, in the aggregate, these data are concordant with such a proposition. It
is important to note, though, that Ceci also argued that it is the amount
of formal schooling that influences the growth of intelligence, rather than the
quality of formal schooling. That is, studies of the quality of the
educational experience have been far more inconsistent in supporting a linkage
with increasing levels of intelligence."
With regards to the Flynn effect, education, and malleability, we can draw
several observations. Those population groups that have large numbers of people
with low intelligence (low average IQ) will not benefit from better schooling,
and may not be able to access "catch up" by any environmental intervention aside
from perhaps prenatal care, vaccinations, vitamin supplements, etc. That is, the
IQ will not be closed easily, with or without the Flynn effect or educational
enhancements. A person needs a minimum level of g or mental ability to be
able to benefit from increased schooling. The others will just become frustrated
and give up, unable to grasp ever increasing complexities in both school and in
life. And it only gets worse as people age:
"After a number of early studies on the constancy of the IQ indicated that
change in IQ levels for infant and child subjects were not correlated with
initial status, Anderson suggested the 'overlap hypothesis' as an explanatory
mechanism. In Anderson's formulation, 100% of intelligence is present in an
individual at 'terminal status' (presumed by Anderson to be around age 16). At
earlier ages, progressively smaller portions of intelligence are present in the
individual, such that for the child entering school, perhaps only 40-50% of the
child's intelligence is actually developed. While Anderson's proposition was
based on a relatively small set of longitudinal studies, the general sense of
the overlap hypothesis suggests an important limitation on the role of schooling
on intelligence. That is, as a larger proportion of intelligence is obtained
(e.g. as the individual grows in age close to 'terminal status') the
malleability of intelligence decreases. Identical educational interventions
could thus be expected to have the greatest impact on younger children than
older children. Today, there are differing views on this perspective indeed some
researchers suggest that failures in attempts to raise IQ (such as Head Start)
falsify both the overlap hypothesis and any general notions that intelligence is
malleable. However, such arguments are consistent with Ceci's proposition that
the quality of education is generally unrelated to improvements in intelligence,
while the quantity of schooling is indeed related to intelligence change."
Gottfredson then explains why g is so important:
"Like the individual items on an IQ test, no single life task is likely to be
very highly g loaded. g's impact in life may therefore stem largely from
the consistency of its influence in long streams of behavior that is, from
virtually all life activities being g loaded to at least some small
degree. Other factors are often more important than g in correctly
answering any one particular IQ test item, but none has such a consistent
influence throughout the test as does g. That is the secret of why IQ tests
measure g so well the 'specificities' in the items cancel each other out
when enough items are administered, but the effects of g accumulate.
Perhaps so in life too. Might the many weakly g-loaded actions in life cumulate
in the same manner to account for g's often strong and always robust
correlations with the various overall outcomes in life, good and bad (good
education, jobs, and income vs. unemployment, out-of-wedlock births, and
"What evidence is there that life is like a mental test battery, in particular,
a highly g-loaded one? Some have claimed, for instance, that the general mental
ability factor, g, is only 'a tiny and not very important part' of the
mental spectrum and that it 'applies largely, although not exclusively, to
academic kinds of tasks.' If that were so, then pursuing the foregoing questions
would yield useless answers. The considerable evidence about occupations,
employment and career development shows, however, that differences in g
play a powerful role in the world of work."
"Next to educational achievement, job performance has probably been the most
exhaustively studied correlate of general intelligence. Personnel selection
psychologists and job analysts have performed many thousands of studies to
determine which aptitudes and abilities different jobs require for good
performance. The large status attainment literature in sociology has correlated
academic ability (it eschews the term intelligence) with life outcomes such as
occupational level and income at different ages. These psychological and
sociological literatures are not only vast but also provide a valuable contrast:
namely, whereas on-the-job performance is a proximal, short-term correlate of
g, occupation and income level are more distal, cumulative outcomes because
they represent the culmination of a long process of developing and exercising
job-related skills as well as negotiating an elaborate social system. This
distinction between proximal and distal, discrete and cumulative outcomes
becomes very important, as we will see, in understanding g's role in other
domains of life, from daily health self-care to ending up with illegitimate
children or a prison record."
"Personnel researchers have collected extensive data on the aptitude and task
demands of different jobs in order to improve hiring and training procedures,
rationalize pay scales, and the like. Sociologists have collected parallel data
on the socioeconomic requirements and rewards of occupations in order to better
understand the nature and origins of social inequality. When factor analyzed,
both sets of data reveal a task complexity factor among job demands that
coincides with the occupational prestige hierarchy. What Figure 15.1 only
suggested, the job analysis data prove: there is a g-demands factor dominating
the occupational structure that parallels the g-skills factor dominating the
structure of human mental abilities."
"Table 15.4 summarizes the pattern of findings from the job performance
literature. It is based on a review of several large military studies as well as
the major meta-analyses for civilian jobs. Its first general point, on the
'utility of g', is that g (i.e. possessing a higher level of g) has value
across all kinds of work and levels of job-specific experience, but that its
value rises with: (a) the complexity of work; (b) the more 'core' the
performance criterion being considered (good performance of technical duties
rather than 'citizenship'); and (c) the more objectively performance is measured
(e.g. job samples rather than supervisor ratings). Predictive validities, when
corrected for various statistical artifacts, range from about 0.2 to 0.8 in
civilian jobs, with an average near 0.5. In mid-level military jobs, uncorrected
validities tend to range between 0.3 and 0.6. These are substantial. To
illustrate, tests with these levels of predictive validity would provide 30% to
60% of the gain in aggregate levels of worker performance that would be realized
from using tests with perfect validity (there is no such thing) rather than
hiring randomly."
"The next point of Table 15.4, on g's utility relative to other 'can do'
components of performance, is that g carries the freight of prediction in
any mental test battery. Specific aptitudes, such as spatial or mechanical
aptitude, seldom add much to the prediction of job performance, and they provide
such increments only in narrow domains of jobs. General psychomotor ability can
rival g in predictive validity, but its value rises as job complexity
falls, which pattern is opposite that for g."
Table 15.4: Major findings on g's impact on job performance'.
Utility of g
(1) Higher levels of g lead to higher levels of performance in all
jobs and along all dimensions of performance. The average correlation of mental
tests with overall rated job performance is around 0.5 (corrected for
statistical artifacts).
(2) There is no ability threshold above which more g does not enhance
performance. The effects of g are linear: successive increments in g
lead to successive increments in job performance.
(3) (a) The value of higher levels of g does not fade with longer
experience on the job. Criterion validities remain high even among highly
experienced workers. (b) That they sometimes even appear to rise with experience
may be due to the confounding effect of the least experienced groups tending to
be more variable in relative level of experience, which obscures the advantages
of higher g.
(4) g predicts job performance better in more complex jobs. Its (corrected)
criterion validities range from about 0.2 in the simplest jobs to 0.8 in the
most complex.
(5) g predicts the core technical dimensions of performance better than
it does the non-core "citizenship" dimension of performance.
(6) Perhaps as a consequence, g predicts objectively measured performance
(either job knowledge or job sample performance) better than it does
subjectively measured performance (such as supervisor ratings).
Utility of g relative to other "can do" components of performance
(7) Specific mental abilities (such as spatial, mechanical or verbal
ability) add very little, beyond g, to the prediction of job performance.
g generally accounts for at least 85-95% of a full mental test battery's
(cross-validated) ability to predict performance in training or on the job.
(8) Specific mental abilities (such as clerical ability) sometimes add usefully
to prediction, net of g, but only in certain classes of jobs. They do not
have general utility.
(9) General psychomotor ability is often useful, but primarily in less complex
work. Their predictive validities fall with complexity while those for g
Utility of g relative to the "will do" component of job performance
(10) g predicts core performance much better than do "non-cognitive" (less
g-loaded) traits, such as vocational interests and different personality traits.
The latter add virtually nothing to the prediction of core performance, net of
(11) g predicts most dimensions of non-core performance (such as personal
discipline and soldier bearing) much less well than do "non-cognitive" traits of
personality and temperament. When a performance dimension reflects both core and
non-core performance (effort and leadership), g predicts to about the
same modest degree as do non-cognitive (less g-loaded) traits.
(12) Different non-cognitive traits appear to usefully supplement g in
different jobs. just as specific abilities sometimes add to the prediction of
performance in certain classes of jobs. Only one such non-cognitive trait
appears to be as generalizable as g: the personality trait of
conscientiousness/integrity. Its effect sizes for core performance are
substantially smaller than g's, however.
Utility of g relative to the job knowledge
(13) g affects job performance primarily indirectly through
its effect on job-specific knowledge.
(14) g's direct effects on job performance increase when jobs are less
routinized, training is less complete, and workers retain more discretion.
(15) Job-specific knowledge generally predicts job performance as well as does
g among experienced workers. However, job knowledge is not generalizable
(net of its g component), even among experienced workers. The value of
job knowledge is highly job specific; g's value is unrestricted.
Utility of g relative to the "have done " (experience) component of job
(16) Like job knowledge, the effect sizes of job-specific experience are
sometimes high but they are not generalizable.
(17) In fact, experience predicts performance less well as all workers become
more experienced. In contrast, higher levels of g remain an asset
regardless of length of experience.
(18) Experience predicts job performance less well as job complexity rises,
which is opposite the trend for g. Like general psychomotor ability,
experience matters least where g matters most to individuals and their
Some of Gottfredson's other interesting findings include:
"As we saw, g is more important than personality traits in predicting
performance of core technical duties (decontaminating equipment, repairing an
engine, determining grid coordinates on a map, and so on), but it is less
predictive in activities of a more interpersonal or characterological nature
(being a reliable worker or helpful team-mate, showing leadership, impressing
superiors and the like). For purposes of understanding the social consequences
of g, we might therefore distinguish tasks not only along a complexity
dimension, but also along a continuum from instrumental to socioemotional, as
shown in Figure 15.2. We might expect the g loadings of tasks to be
highest in the upper left corner (complex instrumental tasks), and to drop
steadily for tasks located nearer the lower right corner of Figure 15.2 (simple
and socioemotional)."
"Differences in g are clearly a major predictor of differences in career
success, but why? The answer is not as obvious as it is for proximal outcomes
such as on-the-job performance. Sociologists and economists have put much effort
into modeling the interrelated processes of how people "get ahead" on the
educational, occupational and income hierarchies. Their statistical modeling
suggests that "academic ability" (whether measured as IQ or standardized
academic achievement) has both direct and indirect effects on each successive
outcome in the education-occupation-income chain of development. Cognitive
ability is by far the strongest predictor of education level relative to others
studied (0.5-0.6 for IQ vs. 0.3-0.4 for parents' socioeconomic status), and
therefore seems to have large direct effects on how far people go in school.
Educational level is, in turn, the major predictor of occupational levels
attained. After controlling for educational attainment, mental ability's direct
effect is much smaller on occupational than educational level, but still
larger than the influence of family background. Jencks et al. summarize
mental ability as having a "modest influence" through age 25 in boosting young
adults up the occupational ladder. Much the same pattern is found for
earnings, after controlling for both education and occupation the impact of
IQ is mostly indirect. However, the direct effects of cognitive ability on
earnings grow with age, leading Jencks et al. to comment that IQ's direct
effects are "substantively important" for raising earnings through at least
middle age."
"The causal question is still a major one, however, when the job outcomes at
issue are broader, more personally consequential ones such as occupational
prestige and income level attained. Although many social scientists still assume
that intelligence is a result rather than a cause of social class differences,
research continues to show the opposite. Sibling studies, for instance, provide
evidence that g does, in fact, have a big causal influence and that
social class has a comparatively weak one on children's adult socioeconomic
outcomes. Biological siblings differ two-thirds as much in IQ, on the average,
as do random strangers (12 vs. 17 IQ points). Despite growing up in the very
same households, their differences in IQ portend differences in life outcomes
that are almost as large as those observed in the general population. Even in
intact, non-poor families, siblings of below average intelligence are much less
likely to have a college degree, work in a professional job, and have high
earnings than are their average-IQ siblings, who in turn do much less well than
their high-IQ siblings."
"Specifically, about 40%, 25% and 20% of the total (phenotypic) variation in
education, occupation and income, respectively, can be traced to genetic
influences that each shares with g. These overlapping heritabilities
provide additional evidence that much variation in socioeconomic outcomes can be
traced back to variation in g, in this case, to its strictly genetic
component. In fact, behavioral genetic research has shown that most social
environments and events are themselves somewhat genetic in origin."
"Jobs collectively represent a vast array of tasks, both in content and
complexity. While not reflecting the full range of tasks we face in daily life,
many of them are substantially the same, from driving to financial planning.
There is no reason to believe that g and other personal traits play a
markedly different role in performing these same tasks in non-job settings,
because g is a content- and context-free capability. To take just one
example, the likelihood of dying in a motor vehicle accident doubles and then
triples from IQ 115 to IQ 80."
"To the extent that there is overlap between the task domains of work and daily
life, the research on jobs and job performance forecasts what to expect from
research on daily life. Namely, we will find that the many "subtests" of life
range widely in their g loadings; that people "take" somewhat different
sets of subtests in their lives; that their own g levels affect which
sets they take, voluntarily or not; that life tests are even less standardized
than jobs, which further camouflages g's impact when taking any single life
test; that life's full test battery is large and long, giving g more room
to express itself in more cumulative life outcomes; and that social life
(marriage, neighborhoods, etc.) will frequently be structured substantially
along g lines."
"More specifically, the research on job duties and job performance describes the
topography of g's impact that we can expect to find in social life: higher g
has greater utility in more complex tasks and in instrumental rather than
socioemotional ones; g's utility can sometimes swamp the value of all other
traits, but many other traits can also enhance performance and compensate
somewhat for low g; and the practical advantages of higher g over a
lifetime probably rest as much on the steady tail wind it provides in all life's
venues as on its big gusts in a few."
"In a separate study of patients with chronic illnesses such as diabetes and
hypertension, generally only about half of those with inadequate literacy knew
even the most basic facts about their disease or how to cope with it, despite
presumably having received instruction. Table 15.8 shows, for instance, that
among diabetic patients with inadequate literacy, 62% did not know that they
need to eat some form of sugar if they suddenly get sweaty, nervous or shaky (a
signal that their blood sugar has dropped too low also a fact that only about
half knew)."
"Few functional literacy tasks may be discretionary if individuals want to
protect their health and welfare over the long-run. It may matter little whether
one occasionally fails to adequately describe the problems with an appliance
needing repair, select the best values in a supermarket, capitalize on
opportunities for cheaper goods and services, identify available social
services, understand public issues affecting one's welfare, take medication
properly, or recognize the symptoms of one's chronic illness that require
immediate action, such as an imminent asthma attack or insulin reaction.
Repeated such failure, however, especially across multiple arenas of life, can
threaten one's health, disposable income and overall quality of life. Research
on health literacy indicates, for example, that low-literacy individuals
experience much higher health costs, poorer health and more frequent
hospitalization (National Work Group on Literacy and Health 1998)."
"The heated debate over The Bell Curve revealed, once again, that many if
not most policy researchers assume that differences in intelligence do not play
much role in who exhibits the behaviors that policy makers seek to reduce. They
nonetheless seem willing to attribute causal importance to what are actually
good surrogates for g for instance, literacy and "basic skills"
if they attribute them to socioeconomic disadvantage rather than to g.
To illustrate, a well-received 1988 report for the Ford Foundation "explores the
basic-skills crisis, presenting evidence that inadequate skills are an
underlying cause of poverty and economic dependency." What was their measure of
"basic skills?" The highly g-loaded AFQT. The report's authors concluded
from their data that poverty is rooted substantially in skills deficits, but
they minimize the implications of this by mistakenly conceiving "basic skills"
as a collection of highly specific, discrete, remediable skills rather than a
suite of relatively stable, highly general ones. In fact, as the bottom panel of
Table 15.9 shows, risk gradients for siblings growing up in the same
household parallel those in the general population for similar outcomes.
This provides additional evidence that g plays a strong role
independent of one's family circumstances."
"There are many other areas of life yet to be plumbed with the psychometric
tools to which Jensen has pointed us. At the individual level, they include
interpersonal relations, parenting and family life, health and safety, good
citizenship, civic engagement and aging. As g-based gradients of risk play out
at the individual level, they yield higher-order effects that are also ripe for
study: g-based residential and social segregation; patterns of cooperation and
competition, envy and respect, compassion and contempt; political tensions
between populations that differ noticeably in g; evolution of social policy, law
and mores in response to g-based social inequalities; the special difficulties
of stemming preventable epidemics in some populations; and much more."
Ellis and Walsh provide additional data on crime, delinquency and intelligence,
confirming what J. Philippe Rushton has stated in his seminal book Race,
Evolution, and Behavior: a life history perspective, 1995:
"The conclusion reached by Hirschi and Hindelang was sharply criticized by a
number of social scientists, while others defended the conclusion. Since the
Hirschi and Hindelang article appeared, at least three selective reviews of the
IQ-crime relationship have been published, all of which have characterized the
relationship as ubiquitous and robust."
"Despite a reawakening of interest in the intelligence-criminality in the 1970s,
today's criminologists continue to play down the role of intelligence in
explaining delinquent and criminal behavior. Evidence in this regard comes from
a recent survey of criminologists, which found low intelligence ranked
19th among factors that were considered important causes of serious and
persistent offending. Furthermore, it is ironical to note that even though
Hirschi has played an important role in drawing attention to the substantial
relationship between intelligence and offending, the theory of delinquency and
crime to which he subscribes control theory itself offers no specific
explanation for why such a relationship should exist."
"Given that nearly a quarter of a century has passed since the last exhaustive
review of the intelligence-criminality relationship was published, an updated
review is in order. To make the review as condensed as possible, we have
organized the relevant references into two tables. One table deals with
intelligence in general, and the other has to do with a phenomenon known as
intellectual imbalance. As will be explained more later, intellectual
imbalance refers to significant inconsistencies in scores between the two
main components of standardized tests: the linguistic and the non-linguistic
"Besides investigating the relationship between overall intelligence and
offending behavior, numerous researchers have decomposed intelligence tests into
their two main factorial components and compare each component to offending
behavior. The result of this research has led to the identification of what is
termed intellectual imbalance. Basically, if an individual scores
significantly higher on one component of an IQ test than on another, he or she
is said to be intellectually imbalanced. One can be intellectually imbalanced in
either of two directions: the VIQ score can significantly exceed the PIQ, or
vice versa."
"Studies undertaken to determine if offenders are more likely to be imbalanced
than persons in general are cited in Table 16.2. As one can see, the research
indicates that offenders are more often imbalanced, and that the direction of
the imbalance is in a specific direction: PIQ scores tend to exceed VIQ scores.
This suggests that it is primarily the linguistic portion of standardized IQ
tests that are unusually low among delinquents, criminals and persons with
antisocial personalities. In other words, on average, offenders are nearer to
the mean (or even above it) with regard to PIQ than regarding VIQ. Most of the
studies that have documented this imbalance have found the deficit to be in the
range of 3 to 5 IQ points."
"By way of qualifications, two points are worth making. First, Table 16.2 shows
that about 20% of the studies have not found a significant VIQ-PIQ difference.
This is to be expected given the relatively small sample size in several of
these studies. Second, one study actually found a significant difference in the
opposite direction. Interestingly, this study is the only one pertaining to
self-reported drug use. Given that Table 16.1 also revealed an excess of
incongruous findings in regarding to self-reported drug use, we suspect that
people whose offenses are confined to drug use are cognitively distinct from
offenders who primarily engage in what we have termed victimful offending."
"Some have interpreted the inverse relationship between IQ and crime as simply
reflecting the tendency for low IQ offenders to be arrested and convicted at
higher rates than high IQ offenders. There are three problems with this the
'dumb-ones-get-caught' argument."
"First, it is not just in official data that an inverse correlation has been
found, but as shown in Table 16.1, most self-report data show the same pattern,
except in the case of illegal drug use. Second, the dumb-ones-get-caught
argument does not explain why below average IQ scores are also found among
children with conduct disorders, a diagnosis that nearly always precedes
the onset of official delinquency. Third, as was noted above, intelligence does
not appear to predict recidivism among incarcerated offenders. If the
dumb-ones-get-caught argument had merit for explaining major variations in the
offending-IQ relationship, one would expect the relationship to be true for
recidivism as well. Nevertheless, it should be conceded that the IQ range in
prison populations is substantially restricted to a below normal range, which
places mathematical constraints on uncovering any small residual relationship
that may exist."
"Others have suggested that the relationship between intelligence and offending
may just reflect the link that both of these variables have with parental social
status. In other words, because persons with high IQs tend to be reared by
parents of high social status, and because offenders tend to be of low social
strata (see below), the link between intelligence and criminality may be
spurious. This possibility has been directly investigated, and found to be
wanting based on three lines of evidence. First, studies have found that even
after controlling for parental SES, a significant relationship continued to
exist between low IQ scores and criminality. Second, a review of the
SES-offending relationship concluded that this relationship was much better
established in the case of individual (achieved) social status than in the case
of parental (background) social status. The opposite would be expected if it is
parental status per se that is responsible for the IQ-criminality relationship.
Third, even among siblings, one finds a negative correlation between IQ and
criminality/delinquency. In other words, the IQ scores of criminal and
delinquent siblings is 8 to 10 points lower than the scores for same-sex
siblings with no offending history. All three of these lines of evidence argue
against the view that the IQ-criminality link can be dismissed as an artifact of
parental social status."
"In light of the evidence that the relationship between intelligence and
offending is real, it is somewhat surprising to find how few theoretical
attempts have been made to explain the relationship, either singularly or in
conjunction with the PIQ > VIQ relationship. None of the leading theories in
criminology today offer an explicit explanation, particularly for the PIQ > VIQ
"For those of us who teach criminology, it is disappointing to note how many
texts in the field leave students with the impression that the jury is still out
with respect to there being an IQ-offending relationship. Our suspicion is that
there are two main reasons for lingering ambiguity in the face of strong
evidence: First, criminologists may not be aware of the vast number of studies
that have been conducted, and the consistency of their findings. Hopefully, the
present review will help to inform them in this regard."
"Second, most criminologists (and other social scientists) still seem to be
uncomfortable with the IQ-offending relationship, since most of them still
strongly favor the nurture side of the nature-nurture controversy."
"The third theory actually consists of varying proposals regarding the role of
evolutionary forces in setting the stage for criminal behavior. These proposals
converge on the following idea: that some individuals approach reproduction by
emphasizing mating effort (i.e. having sex often, especially with numerous
partners). while others emphasize a parenting approach (i.e. investing heavily
in caring for a few offspring). Other theorists refer to essentially the same
idea by distinguishing an r-approach to reproduction and a K-approach. According
to these theoretical proposals, individuals who focus on mating effort (an
r-strategy) should exhibit a variety of behavior patterns that facilitate having
numerous children in a brief amount of time. These interconnected behavior
patterns often entail obtaining resources rapidly by whatever means, using the
resources to attract sex partners, and employing other relatively inconsiderate
methods of securing and controlling sex partners. In short, they are highly
"Because the methods used to succeed at a mating effort approach to reproduction
tend to be crude and short term, those who use these methods have not been
enfavored for developing high intelligence or long term planning abilities. For
individuals who emphasize parenting effort, on the other hand, intelligence and
long term planning become premium commodities. To reproductively succeed using
parental effort usually requires establishing a lasting relationship with a sex
partner, and then cooperating to rear and nurture a few children to do likewise
in the next generation."
"If evolutionary thinking along these lines is correct, genes should be making a
substantial contribution to criminal behavior as well as to traits such as
intelligence and the ability to plan ahead. We have recently shown that the
evidence now strongly supports the 'genetic influence hypothesis' regarding
criminal/antisocial behavior. Others in the present volume will build the case
for genetic influences on intelligence. This leads us to predict that several of
the same genes that increase intelligence will serve to inhibit involvement in
criminal/antisocial behavior."
Barrett, Kramen and Lueke discuss the legal implications of using intelligence
for employee selection and how many of the new folk-psychology approaches have
zero validity:
"In the 1920s and 1930s basic theories of intellectual ability were developed
along with operational tests which proved effective in predicting job
performance. In a series of studies and meta-analyses throughout the 1970s and
1980s, Schmidt and Hunter showed that cognitive ability was the best overall
predictor of job performance. Partially in reaction to the meta-analytic
findings, research to expand on the definitions of competencies continued. The
development of competencies by McClelland was followed by a discussion of tacit
knowledge, practical intelligence, and multiple intelligence. In the 1990s,
emotional intelligence became the intelligence of interest."
"All these new theories and proposed measurement instruments pose a challenge to
traditional cognitive ability tests since it is claimed that these tests are
more valid and have lower adverse impact. It is our contention that many of
these tests are nothing more than pop psychology. It is distressing to see such
books quoted as if they had some merit. We will review the themes present
throughout all of these "creative" concepts and examine whether they have
practical implications and can withhold legal scrutiny in the public and private
"It is our opinion that despite all these theorists' claims of validity, if
challenged in court, they would fail. The Daubert Standards for scientific tests
are a set of guidelines for admissibility of scientific evidence into court (see
Table 19.1)."
Table 19.1: Daubert criteria.
1) The theory must have been tested, or is at least able to be
2) The theory (& expert) must have (been) published in peer reviewed
3) There must be a known or potential error rate.
4) The theory must be generally accepted in the relevant scientific
5) The methods for testing the theory must meet scientific
"The criteria were set forth in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals
(1993) and clarified through subsequent supreme court cases (General Electric
Company v. Joiner 1997; Kumho Tire Company Ltd. v. Carmichael 1999) and federal
district and appeals court cases (e.g. Black v. Rhone-Poulenc 1998; Butler v.
Home Depot, Inc. 1997; Camp v. Lockheed Martin Corporation 1998; Clark v. Takata
Corp. 1999; Gerlib v. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. 2001; Smith v. Ford Motor Co.
2000). (See American College of Trial Lawyers 1994, and Barrett 2000, for a
discussion). In the U.S., the Daubert standards pertain to any selection
instrument used or advocated by a plaintiff. This is part of American case law,
but the basic principles of scientific standards are relevant to everyone
considering a particular measure or construct's use for personnel selection."
"If a practitioner were to attempt to defend this study as evidence of the
validity of tacit knowledge for predicting job performance, the study would
certainly not meet the Daubert criteria. The theory was not tested and the
methods used to test the theory would not meet scientific standards for test
validation (APA 1999; EEOC 1978, 1980; SLOP 1987)."
"There have been studies that have attempted to empirically demonstrate a
relationship between tacit knowledge and job performance. Wagner & Sternberg
conducted a study at the Center for Creative Leadership using tacit knowledge to
predict performance on two managerial simulations: Earth II and Energy
International. Tacit Knowledge (or street smarts) was defined as the
"work-related practical know-how that is learned informally on the job" and was
measured by the Tacit Knowledge Inventory for Managers (TKIM), which
consists of a series of work related situations. Wagner and Sternberg concluded
that "scores on research measures of street smarts are quite predictive of
ability to learn to solve practical problems in the office" (see Table 19.4)."
"The first of the Daubert criteria states that the theory must have been tested,
or is at least able to be tested. Gardner [multiple intelligence] admits that he
is not going to develop tests and attempt to empirically prove his theory. This
admission would automatically rule out his expert testimony and preclude his
concept of multiple intelligences from having any value for personnel selection
in a real context. The concept of Emotional Intelligence also would fail to meet
the Daubert standards, since there are no instruments which have demonstrated
validity in predicting job performance. Goleman's theory is so diffuse it
can never be tested, while Mayer et al. have a theory but negative
results. Competencies as developed by McClelland, Boyatzis, and Spencer &
Spencer is not actually a theory that can be tested, but a process of obtaining
scores based on expert responses. Many competencies rely on past performance,
but there is no definition of the construct of past performance. This has not
been done with the measures of specific intelligence described here. Tacit
knowledge, has been criticized due to its lack of a coherent definition. Without
a definable construct/latent trait, there is no way a coherent measure can be
developed. Constructs need to be defined, measures need to be developed, tested
and then cross-validated."
"The second of the Daubert criteria, that the theory (& expert) must have (been)
published in peer reviewed publications, has also not been met by these new
concepts. One of the outstanding features of all new concepts of intelligence is
that they are primarily published in trade books and book chapters without
adequate peer review. The number of actual publications in peer reviewed
journals by these mentioned authors is very few, despite the fact that they have
been around for 30 years."
"The third is that there must be a known or potential error rate. Within
selection contexts, either insufficient data exists or the data show that the
instruments are not valid. It is impossible to determine the number of true
positives, true negatives, false positives and false negatives to be expected in
using the technique."
"The fourth of the criteria says that the theory must be generally accepted in
the relevant scientific community. All of the conceptualizations have been
critiqued by practitioners and professionals in the area of
Industrial/Organizational Psychology. It is doubtful that there is any
acceptance of the concepts in the relevant field."
"The fifth of the Daubert criteria asserts that the methods for testing the
theory must meet scientific standards. All of the attempts to validate the
instruments discussed here use non-standard procedures. They confuse predictors
and criteria, make unwarranted statistical adjustments to the data, try schemes
of using experts to develop prototypes, and manipulate data to get desired
results when all else fails. Finally, none of the studies have ever used a
predictive validation design."
"All of the new concepts, including emotional intelligence, tacit knowledge,
practical intelligence, competencies and multiple intelligence have common
themes throughout their theories and research. These theorists start by claiming
that cognitive ability is given too much weight and that other attributes are
important in predicting job performance or life outcomes."
"Often these researchers interpret research results directly opposite to actual
findings, leave out of their discussion any positive results for cognitive
ability, cite unpublished research they claim supports their viewpoint, which is
often unattainable, and ignore early research on the topic."
"The most egregious case of citing inaccurate evidence is Goleman, who cites
hundreds of articles in professional literature to support his propositions. In
examining these studies, we found that he was often factually incorrect in his
"Sternberg has also ignored evidence contradicting his theories. Colonia-Willner
found that the TKIM did not predict job performance. However, this study has
been completely ignored by Sternberg, as it does not support his theory that
tacit knowledge should predict job performance."
"All of the 'novel' researchers claim that their new measures of competencies,
emotional intelligence, practical intelligence and tacit knowledge have lower
adverse impact when predicting job performance. There are three problems with
this contention. First, there are very few examples, if any, demonstrating that
any of these constructs actually predict job performance in real organizations.
Second, we could find no evidence based on studies in any organization that
these measures reduce adverse impact. Third, even when one considers personality
tests, the alternative selection tests most researched as a means to reduce
adverse impact, there is no conclusive evidence that a consistent reduction in
adverse impact occurs. In fact, there is evidence that the use of a personality
test in addition to a cognitive ability test may produce larger mean group
differences than the use of a cognitive ability test alone."
Again, Rushton's work in r-K reproduction would indicate that not only are
Blacks lower in intelligence, they are probably lower in conscientiousness or
integrity as well. Therefore, when intelligence is combined with personality
profiles, Blacks would score even lower than Whites than would be indicated by
mental ability alone. There is no doubt however, that Leftist academics will
continue to churn out new concepts and notions on human behavior in order to
derail the massively validated research on intelligence, so that they can
continue to provide hope that racial differences will some day just go away. So
far they have failed miserably.
In fact, the academic left has been so overwhelmingly crushed by scientific
advances in psychometrics that they have turned their backs on rigorous
scientific methods and turned to old Marxian dialectics in new clothing. A
recent article entitled "Crossroads, Directions and a New Critical Race Theory"
in the Yale Law Journal by Mitu Gulati and Devon Carbado, Volume 112,
Issue 7, 2003, exemplifies rationalizations used to return to just-so
stories in place of using scientific principles that can be verified by others.
Gulati and Carbado admit that Critical Race Theorists (CRT) use narrative rather
than more mainstream analytical tools for scientific inquiry. They give several
reasons for doing so, and it is in line with postmodernism's retrenchment in
rejecting science because they have not been able to utilize the tools to
advance their agendas. They have slid into a secular religion of scientific
denial. It is based on the use of collective fraud, where everyone in the
movement agrees to ignore the falsifiability rule for constructing theories.
Narratives (which include "autobiographies, self-portraits, allegories, fables,
and fictive narratives") are used to try to show how Whites are evil and people
of color are subjugated and oppressed.
Gulati and Carbado state that "First, narrative performs an epistemological
function. It provides knowledge about the nature of discrimination from the
perspective of those who experience it. But why narrative and why not
statistical analysis? After all, statistical analysis (assuming a large enough
data set) has the benefits of identifying a general phenomenon that is
verifiable by third parties. And certainly there is nothing about the use of
narrative in CRT that precludes critical race theorists from also using
statistic. So why not the epistemology of statistics rather than (or in addition
to) the epistemology of narrative? The answer may be that narrative does
something that statistical analysis does not: It focuses on the specific and
provides detail. Statistical analyses do the reverse. When an outsider is trying
to describe an experience to someone who cannot readily relate to it, an
insider, narrative provides the detail that can help the insider empathize and
relate to the experience. To employ the language of Clifford Geertz, 'We see the
lives of others through lenses of our own grinding.' Narrative helps to situate
whites in the 'grinding' of racial subordination."
If we compare the above with medical practice, where a doctor-patient narrative
is used by some doctors to form opinions about medicine based on anecdotal
evidence, versus using rigorous studies used to determine the efficacy of
different treatments, medicine would be retreating into the dark ages. In fact,
the very definition of quackery often resembles narrative or anecdotal evidence
by charlatans to push invalid medical practices and potions. This is rejected by
peer reviewed medical journals, and yet it is alive and well by those who are
trying to find racism in society that does not exist. They have no other way to
They then state that "A second payoff from using narrative relates to the idea
of truth. Narrative is a means by which one can challenge 'the perfectibility,
externality, or objectivity of truth.' Through narrative, critical race
theorists can demonstrate the contingency and situatedness of truth. CRT arises
in the context of contestations between critical race theorists and their
detractors, the question of what is trueas well as the question of how truth
should be theorizedis contested (sometimes only implicitly) within CRT as well."
In short, they reject scientific proof, review and refutation because they have
not developed the analytical tools to prove their case: that minorities are
oppressed by the dreaded White males.
"A third benefit of narrative is that it can serve as a counter-hegemonic
device. Through narrative, people of color can counter the dominant
representations of their identities and their experiences; they can engage in
what Margaret Montoya refers to as 'discursive subversions.'" Or flat out
distortions of reality.
And finally, "A fourth payoff from using narrative is that it can function as a
rhetorical strategy to rearticulate the ideological content of various legal
regimes to demonstrate that, as Enrique Carrasco puts it, 'law is essentially a
story that reflects and legitimates the (racial) viewpoints and interests of
those in power.' Consider Sherene Razack's contribution to A New Critical Race
Theory. She employs narrative to uncover the national story behind Canadian
immigration law: 'Canada is besieged. Every Tom, Dick, and Harry wants to get
in. They will stop at nothing. They do not respect us. They will return our
generosity with betrayal. We have no choice but to become strict and to monitor
more closely who is coming in.'"
Translation: if the majority does not agree with CRT advocates, they will use
narratives or just-so stories to deny citizens the use of democratic
processes to regulate society, in favor of overruling rights for all minorities
that they chose to include in their assault on Whiteness.
Gulati and Carbado then plainly state their agenda, "In other words, while CRT
is committed to the concept of institutional discrimination, there is little in
the literature that articulates what this meansand even less that reveals how
institutional racism is manifested in the context of the workplace."
So they have nothing left to do but plead the oppressed case through
narrative and to condemn Whites by the same means. They are committed to
the dogma that any disparity in outcomes between racial groups must be due to
discrimination, because they have denied the possibility that different races
have different levels of average intelligence. They have rejected the scientific
approach and have turned to quackery.
Probably the most interesting chapter in this book is "The Sociology of
Psychometric and Bio-behavioral Sciences: A Case Study of Destructive Social
Reductionism and Collective Fraud in 20th Century Academia"
by Helmuth Nyborg. He describes how the left tried to undermine racial studies
in intelligence and how they failed miserably in terms of research, but are
hanging on through media indoctrination of the uninformed.
Nyborg discusses at length the book Defenders of the truth: The battle for
science in the sociobiology debate and beyond, by Ullica Segerstrale, 2000.
This book is the most complete and ongoing longitudinal study of its kind, but
it fails to explain the real conflict that it describes the clash between
primarily Jewish Marxists and White sociobiologists with some crossovers on each
side. The closest she gets to admitting what everyone else can easily observe in
this ongoing academic struggle is that the sociobiologists are primarily
rural in their outlooks (that is White) while the Marxists are more Urban
(that is Jewish). Everyone in these battles is aware of the Jewish/White
imbalance in sides taken, but they rarely mention it because they will be
charged with antisemitism. I will try to use Nyborg's analysis and at least ask
some questions about the differences in ideologies between Jews and Whites to
see if these differences are cultural or genetic. I would highly recommend that
you read Nyborg's chapter first because it is a fascinating expose of the
collective fraud practiced by the academic left.
Nyborg states that "Many of Jensen's opponents came from what can somewhat
loosely be called the academic left. My first tentative hypothesis was,
accordingly, that the demonization of Jensen was a simple function of a
predominantly academic left-wing dissatisfaction with the notion of a largely
inherent human inequality in intelligence, threatening their honorable idea of
basic solidarity with the poor. This quickly appeared to be much too narrow an
analytic framework, even if the gusty impact of the academic left remained
central in the auspices of an extended model. The second part of the analysis,
to be presented later, incorporates a number of semi-dependent variables that
are useful for the full appreciation of the intricate pattern of
collective fraud, spun in a worrisome unison by many parts of modern
academia and the public. The variables will be defined as they are used, but a
brief overview of all variables in the two-part study may help grasp the larger
picture. Jensen wondered why he could not hear the voices of the remaining
hundreds of social science professors in this discussion? Obviously, even first
year students with a rudimentary understanding of fair play and knowledge of the
basic rules of science ought to have felt obliged to set the record straight?
Few did. As I will argue later, we here begin to see the vague contours of
a far-reaching collective fraud with the purpose of framing Jensen. They
could neither frame him on his data nor on his methods, but they could exploit
the frontal collision between Jensen's politically incorrect mode 2 nature
decision, and their own beloved Zeitgeist mode 2 nurture conviction."
I don't believe in conspiracy theories, plots and other collective actions where
people meet to discuss their plans for domination or control. But humans do seem
innately inclined to form collectives around their kin, race, profession or even
sports. Humans are well-adapted at looking around at others and determining what
is expected of them in terms of behavior and attitudes, and this is especially
so when it comes to expressed opinions that are politically charged. Few humans
are very autonomous; most are followers and can be easily manipulated to
conform. But still, what explains the preponderance of Jews in the academic left
and the preponderance of Whites pursuing behavior genetics and psychometrics?
(Jensen is half Jewish, and is quite neutral on all matters political.)
Nyborg gives us Gould's response why the Left must fight the evils of scientific
knowledge wherever it leads:
"If we do not counter [sociobiology and or Jensenism] we will see: '...
resurgences of biological determinism correlate with episodes of political
retrenchment ... or ... fear among ruling elites, when disadvantaged groups sow
serious social unrest. What argument against social change could be more
chillingly effective than the claim that established orders, with some groups on
top and others at the bottom, exist as an accurate reflection of the innate and
unchangeable intellectual capacities of people so ranked? Resurgences of
biological determinism correlate with periods of political retrenchment and
destruction of social generosity.' We must therefore raise awareness, that
'...calls for solidarity among demeaned groups should not be dismissed as mere
political rhetoric, but rather applauded as proper reactions to common reasons
for mistreatment.'"
Is Gould really concerned about demeaned groups? Yes, I think he is, but it is
not altruistic but tribal. Jews have a history of feelings of persecution; there
religion is based on it, and their solidarity is maintained by it. Of course,
not all Jews feel the threat of imminent persecutions and threats, yet they do
tend toward tribalism/persecution concerns on average and especially in
comparison to less ethnocentric races such as Whites. Their particularism is
what makes them amenable to collective fraud when the need arises, while
many Whites take on the guilt of being less than perfect in racial tolerance and
join the academic left in attacking their own kin.
Gould goes on in his second edition of The Mismeasure of Man, "Critics of
biological determinism are like members of a fire brigade, constantly being
called out in the middle of the night to put out the latest conflagration,
always responding to immediate emergencies, but never with the leisure to draw
up plans for a truly fireproof building. Now it is IQ and race, now criminal
genes, now the biological inferiority of women, now the genetic fixity of
humans. All these deterministic fires need to be doused with the cold water of
reason before the entire neighborhood is in flames."
Of course reason is where science and fraud separate, and Gould and his Jewish
fire brigade want to throw out reason in favor of personal attacks. If the
Jewish fire brigade relied on reason, they would get on with providing research,
rather than attacking researchers. In science, the results are attacked, not the
people who are just the messengers of different studies and approaches.
Knowledge resides outside of human desires for utopian worlds.
Nyborg observes that, "It pays off to ponder again whether it is nature, and not
Jensen, who stunts life and denies opportunities? Just think for a moment, if
the new insight from the molecular and brain sciences is combined with
behavioral genetics' brand new way of defining the impact of environmental
factors (within versus between family, and shared versus nonshared), would hold
the best promise for optimizing the conditions for the deprived? Gould never
entertains such a possibility, because he sees evil plots everywhere, and surely
knows whom to blame!" Jewish paranoia or real concern for the deprived?
Nyborg continues, "Segerstrale's analysis of the logic behind the critics'
reasoning suggests that it was not traditionally scientific but rather of a
moral-legalistic kind, applied to science, and here we are back once again to
the moral reading strategy. When critics apply moral reading to texts, they:
'... imagine the worst possible political consequences of a scientific claim. In
this way, maximum moral guilt might be attributed to the perpetrator of this
Again, this points to a Jewish penchant to see conspiracies against them
everywhere, along with a moralistic/messianistic attribution to human behavior.
The world cannot just be it must be directed by a special elite who have the
ability to see truth beyond simple scientific truth. And only an exceptionalist
elite can interpret this moralistic truth for all the nations. Whether Marxism,
neoconservatism, or Ultra Orthodox Jewish history is replete with a feeling of a
special Jewish mission for them over all others. As the religion subsides, this
mission takes on a secular moralizing that results in the same "us versus them"
stance of perpetual tribal warfare. The tribe must be hyper-vigilant at all
times because others "are against us." Jews are so exceptional that they have to
have their own particularistic name for racismantisemitism. Everyone one else is
just a racist unless it is directed against a Jew.
Nyborg quotes Gross and Levitt from their 1994 book, Higher Superstition: The
Academic Left and its Quarrels with Science:
"Gross and Levitt wanted, first of all to avoid muddle-headedness in their own
quarter, so they set out to '...first define what unites the AL [Academic Left]
individuals.' They found that ALs do not '...have a well-defined theoretical
position with respect to science ... but a noteworthy uniformity of tone, and
that tone is unambiguously hostile ... [toward] some of the uses to which
science is put ... toward the system of education ... toward the actual
content of scientific knowledge and toward the assumption ... [that]
scientific knowledge is reasonably reliable and rests on a sound methodology' to
an extent that 'irrationality is courted and proclaimed with pride' (pp. 2-3;
authors' emphasis). The group of ALs, furthermore, typically comprises humanists
and social scientists, rarely working physical scientists. ALs can often be
identified under the umbrella of post-modernism in fields like literary
criticism, social history, cultural studies, cultural constructivism, postmodern
philosophy, feminist theory, deep ecology, deconstruction, and so forth."
These fields are highly overrepresented by Jews; the same imbalance that Jews
decry for example in corporate America when it is White males that dominate
(along with other Jews of course). Therefore, the question is why are Jews
overrepresented in collective fraud, when they certainly have the
intellect to grasp a "theoretical position with respect to science."
Jewish scholars have been well represented in developing the theoretical
framework of science, just as Whites have been well represented in developing
new excuses to embrace religion and reject science (creationism, rapture,
evangelicalism, etc.).
Gross and Levitt continue, "There is a sense of solidarity within the academic
left, a solidarity of a political rather than an intellectual nature ... a
preoccupation with science as power ... [a] distrust of experts ... [an]
obsession with textual analysis...."
This sounds like Kevin MacDonald's (1994) research showing that Jewish eugenics
came about through competition between Jewish scholar's ability to compete in
textual analysis of Jewish religious writings writings which appear to be more
concerned with "standing in" as a form of verbal and interpretive intelligence
test than with religious matters. This selective process has produced an
imbalance in Jewish intelligence that is much higher in verbal intelligence than
practical intelligence. And this skill is now put to use by Jews in the academic
left to attack science itself and they are superbly adept in their mission. Of
course, most religious fundamentalists, cultists, etc. share a desire to
supplant science with dogmatic facts, but they are not as talented at promoting
their agendas in academia, politics, and government. Nor is the influence that
high Jewish intelligence brings only used by the academic left. When Jews like
Michael Levin, Richard Herrnstein, or David Horowitz decide to side with Whites
against "people of color," they are formidable allies indeed.
Nyborg elaborates, "In fact, there are several ways to demonstrate that the IQ
controversy was deeply asymmetrical. One of the parties is fairly well
characterized by a series of brutal and merciless ad hominem attacks by a
group of aggressive and ruthless ideologues, moved more by self-assumed moral
authority than truth or, as Gross & Levitt (1994/1998) prefer to express it, by
a shameless moral one-upmanship, going far beyond truth and data. The other
party is better characterized as a group of hard-working scientists moved more
by empirical arguments than by anything else; their endeavor involves
correlations and experimentally controlled data and not at all some self-assumed
moral authority."
Of course, all those decades of condemnation rather than research did not help
the academic left win any real battles. Segerstrale explains, "I am arguing that
moral/political concerns, far from being an obstacle to be eliminated, were in
fact a driving force both in generating and criticizing scientific claims
in this field, and that the field was better off because of this. We see, then,
the importance of moral and metaphysical commitments in science. They motivate
scientific work, they sustain it in the face of adversity, and they drive
scientists to closely scrutinize the claims of opponents. It seems to me that
moral/political criticism is an important and healthy phenomenon in science,
particularly in fields which depend largely on plausibility arguments."
Over the last 30 years the academic left has relied almost entirely in
condemning research they dislike, while scientists have been producing the data
that proves them wrong with regards to nave environmentalism. Their last bastion
of hope is propaganda, not science. Nyborg takes issue with Segerstrale's
conclusion of the results, "it seems to me that nobody in the IQ wars in fact
defended truth in any proper sense of that term. True statements about the world
is heavily linked to positivism (or mathematics) but the last real positivist
probably died shortly after the turn of the 19th century. What seemed to have
taken place is that the academic left distorted the evidence and substituted
truth with moral one-upmanship in the IQ controversy, whereas others, in
particular Jensen, carefully collected and defended data along the lines of
confluence and increasing precision, and talked a lot about probabilities, but
never called upon truth."
So now, it is the academic left that relies on moral truth, and science
that has turned away from absolutes to building upon falsifiable theoretical
constructs to acquire knowledge, but never absolute truth. The Marxists have
joined other religious fundamentalists in determining what truth is based on
their own human needs and for Jews it seems these moral truths differ from those
of other faiths. Science alone stands against truth seeking, absolutes, ethical
normative systems, the fight against evil, and all the other isms that drive
humans into protective enclaves against each other. Only science
has a framework that excludes gods, values, ethics, and morality in search of
knowledge. What we do with that knowledge is then up to us the citizens who
occupy this world.
Nyborg tries to explain the attacks on science: "Most are not aware that they
are betraying scientific stringency, and feel good by attacking any messengers
of 'bad' information. They got their coupled-reasoning lessons from Gould,
Lewontin, and modern French philosophers, and they want to feel good, socially
safe and justified. Jensen asked several colleagues what intellectual reasons
they could see for denying a genetic basis for behavioral differences. The most
common reason was that 'such knowledge, if it is established and generally
accepted by the scientific and intellectual community, might be used by some
persons for evil purposes, to promote racial prejudice, discrimination, and
segregations and to justify or rationalize the political suppression, and
economic exploitation of racial minorities and the Nations' working class in
Again the question is, why is the academic left primarily Jewish, especially in
its leadership? We know that Whites are easily persuaded into taking a moral
universalistic stance, and in the milieu of Jewish moralism, they are quick to
join in. Nevertheless, why would Jews and Whites differ so much in representing
so-called exploited racial minorities? Jews have been persecuted, but they are
certainly not an oppressed minority. So there must be group differences, and to
be sustainable generation after generation, it would seem that the differences
must be at least partly genetic. If the Semitic mind is highly ethnocentric,
then it seems that the academic left's war against modern science is one based
on a suspicion and hatred of the practitioners of Western science the dreaded
Anglo/Teutonic oppressors of Jewish aspirations. I can find no other reasonable
explanation for why so many Jewish led movements are vehemently anti-Western
(MacDonald 1998b, 2002).
Colin Cooper notes in his book Individual Differences, Second Edition,
2002 (1st ed. 1998): "Several correlated facets are usually found when the items
on these questionnaires are factor-analyzed. For example, the 37 items of the
STA questionnaire generally produce three correlated factors: 'unusual perceptual experience',
'paranoid ideas' and 'magical thinking', although a recent study
indicates that there may also be a factor comprising items concerned with social anxiety and sensitivity to
"Michael Eysenck (Hans Eysenck's son) has developed such a theory, and there is
now good evidence that highly anxious
people are hypervigilant. They explore the environment with their senses
and so show more eye movements, look out for threat-related stimuli in the
environment and, when they find them, process them more deeply. For example,
Eysenck and Byrne (1992) gave their volunteers a switch to hold in each hand.
They were shown stimuli consisting of three words. One of these words was always
left or right, and the participants were simply
asked to look for this word (ignoring the others) and press the appropriate
button. The dependent variable was the time taken to press the button from the
onset of the display. A range of distractor words were used. As well as various
control conditions, various types of threatening words (failure, murder) were
also shown. Highly anxious individuals (a) responded slower overall to words
(indicating that they were processing them more deeply than the stable
individuals) and (b) were particularly badly distracted by physically
threatening words. In another experiment, Byrne and Eysenck (1.995) found that highly anxious individuals were better
able to search through a screenful of faces and detect the threatening (angry)
ones. There was no difference between the groups' performance when
searching for happy faces. The theory has been developed further (see Eysenck
(2000) for a useful review)."
From MacDonald's work then, we can surmise that the Jewish mind tends towards
the more hypervigilant and magical, making them as a group more aware of racial
differences and conflicts. The problem with this research however, is that no
one wants to sponsor research into the differences between races in personality
types, even though targeted research into showing that Whites are racists seems
to be very much in vogue.
Nyborg observes, "The critique of Jensen is a perfect example of how 20th
century academic freedom has come under siege in the West, as it was previously
in the East. It suggests that the hostility of the academic left towards
individualism and biological explanations plays a major role in ruining the
research climate in modern academia, despite superficial declarations of
adherence to open-minded research and obligatory cocktail-party proclamations of
freedom for all. We need to eyeball the full
social-academic-organizational-political-public horizon in order to understand
in details why so many scientists, professional and international organizations,
and the press at large, could so easily unite in such a surprisingly effective
self-reinforcing synchrony, and act almost like a well-disciplined team to
muster the brutal and direct force against apostates."
"Linda Gottfredson is even more explicit here. In an article Egalitarian fiction
and collective fraud (1994) she said: 'Social science today condones and
perpetuates a great falsehood ... or egalitarian fiction ... that
racial-ethnic groups never differ in average ... g ... general ...
ability ...' While individual scientists' intellectual dishonesty is well-known,
little attention has been given to the ways in which collectives of scientists
... have perpetuated frauds on the scientific community and the public at
large.' She further noted that no scientist in the collective can probably be
accused of fraud in the usual sense, but '... their seemingly minor distortions,
untruths, evasions, and biases collectively produce and maintain a witting
Collective fraud is far easier to maintain when the members are more
ethnocentric than individualistic. And it is not benign just because science has
overcome the obstacles that the academic left has placed in the way. Nyborg
writes, "Historically, PC is Marxism translated from economic into cultural
terms, and the parallels to classical Marxism are very obvious, according to
Lind. It is the child of a totalitarian ideology and it is deadly serious: 'the
student or faculty member who dares to cross any of the lines set up by the
gender feminist or the homosexual-rights activists, or the local black or
Hispanic group, or any of the other sainted 'victims' groups that PC revolves
around, quickly find themselves in judicial trouble. Within the small legal
system of the college, they face formal charges ... and punishment.'" How could
these oppressed minorities ascend to such power? Where did the oppressors fail
to stand their ground?
Finally, Nyborg writes on the latest tactic of the academic left: to redefine
science away from statistical analysis to narratives or just-so stories. What is
so interesting is that the academic left attacked the early sociobiologists and
evolutionary psychologists with telling just so stories. Now that the
tables have turned, evolutionary psychology and behavior genetics are firmly
entrenched disciplines, the academic left has resorted to just so stories
to dig themselves out of their own dilemma of not being able to refute the
"While Jensen found himself mostly engaged in hard empirical work, Schiff &
Lewontin (1986) felt free to speculate without a self-perceived obligation to
collect the relevant data what the problem really was. They saw fit to conclude:
'... the amount of knowledge about child behavior accumulated among
schoolteachers is greater and of a different sort than that accumulated by
academic psychologists. Even more instructive ... is the fact of trying to
change [educational processes] ... scientists may not possess the most important
part of the existing knowledge about human behavior, specifically about human
intelligence ... those who believe that they have a monopoly on something may
not be the best judges of the legitimacy of that monopoly.'"
"These hypotheses definitely deserve interest to the extent Schiff & Lewontin
want to make comparisons among the predictive validity of teacher knowledge and
the predictive validity of g. They did not do any of the hard work
needed. However, the data are already out there. Why didn't they call upon it?"
"Lewontin & Schiff instead offer the following truly breathtaking scenario: '...
the direct observation of human mental processes is potentially available to
four billion observers. The scientific authority granted to a few concerning the
functioning of the human mind may then be largely usurped.' They seem to
suggest: skip science, and thy will see the light! This is an inverse illusion."
If the above is true then of course billions of people cannot also be wrong
about Jews, and antisemitism is truly justified. If the masses are to judge, and
we don't need science, then why not teach creationism? If blowing yourself up
for Allah transports you directly to heaven, then truly a billion Islamists know
what will bring them true peace and happiness. And if Western democracy is
really better for all cultures, then surely America has the right to demand the
dismantling of every form of government by force that is not democratic enough
for our liking.
If human behavior is to be explained by subjective observations, if research is
abandoned for story telling, if peer reviews of research is suspended, then
science as we know it will cease to exist. And yet, that is what the academic
left has had to fall back onthe replacement of science itself with
narratives. The inmates will have truly taken over the asylum with the help
of elite zealots who desire to mold human behavior according to their personal
Let me restate that as an inegalitarian eugenicist, I do accept personal
choices, desires, and a vision for the future that is based on an emotional
commitment. However, I am also committed to a scientific paradigm that includes:
openness, the reliance on peer reviewed research, the overturning of bad
theories through better research rather than ad hominem attacks on individuals
who are merely the messengers of the data, and the pursuit of knowledge no
matter where it leads. It is up to us then to use the information wisely, rather
than trying to suppress it.
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