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Hate, Fear and Disgust: Evolutionary Emotions for Tribal Survival
into how the brain functions are now finally advancing to a level where basic
emotion can be studied. Using various scanning techniques, along with studies of
brain lesions, and an assortment of psychological evaluations, we are slowly
unweaving the varying levels of cognitive functions and interactions. In
reading several books on emotions, consciousness, and feelings, it occurred to
me that we are looking inside of a primitive ape, but we are pretending that
the ape has been tamed and is now in pursuit of peace and bliss. All of the
data however says otherwise.
to Damasio, there are six universal or primary emotions: happiness, sadness,
fear, anger, surprise and disgust. Secondary or social emotions
include embarrassment, jealousy, guilt or pride. And background
emotions include well-being, calm or tension. (Damasio,
1999) Other research on the emotions
within marriage included in the primary emotions: anger, hatred and jealousy.
Jealousy however may be a secondary emotion comprising fear, anger, sadness
and even hatred. Or again, "hate derives from the basic emotion of
disgust, whereas others believe that hate is a personalized version of anger….[or]
hate can be distinguished from anger in a number of ways. For example…people
experiencing hate want to avoid, or even eliminate, the source of their emotion
[of hate]…." (Fletcher, 1996)
In this
article, I want to discuss primarily hatred, disgust and fear, so
I will dispense with happiness, sadness, anger and surprise
before moving on. Sadness and surprise are self-evident emotions and I will not
elaborate. Anger however is very closely associated with hatred
in the literature, so I will need to delineate its meaning as it pertains to my
discussion of hatred. I was discussing emotional outbursts with a friend of
mine, and he stated how when he gets angry and attacks someone, he is not
always certain it is not just play-acting. The same thoughts had occurred to
me, and the research, whether of chimpanzees or humans seems to conclude the
same thing - anger is directed at those around us for a variety of reasons,
including dominance, feelings of being wronged, humiliated, etc. That is, anger as emotion is primarily
directed at those around us and it does not involve a perceived threat of
danger. An explosion of anger may have very negative repercussions, including
extreme violence, but whatever sets it off it is not fear of something but
rather an attack towards someone[s] or something[s].
is an evolutionary old emotion that exists to varying levels in different
species, but how much importance has nature given to it? Is it a great
motivator for action that improves our odds of survival? It doesn't seem so. In
a study of happiness in chimpanzees, based on observations of their behavior,
it was determined that happiness was about 40% genetic - no matter what luck or
action the chimpanzees encountered - happiness has a large genetic component.
(Konner, 2002) The study of humans shows similar results - it seems that
finding happiness is as much genetic as it is environmental, and what makes
humans happy is extremely elusive. Meaning, the pursuit of happiness is not a
very powerful motivator for controlling our behavior. Genetically, people who
are not neurotic and are extroverted are the happiest people - no matter what
their life's circumstances.
1965 and 1999, more than 600 studies surveyed hundreds of thousands of people
in sixty-nine countries to find out how different life circumstances affect
happiness. Most of the effects are very small, of a sort that only such large
studies readily detect. Self-reported happiness increases slightly with
age, education, social class, and income, at least in Western countries. People
in the developed world are happier than those in the developing world, but they
do not become happier as they grow even richer. Greater disparity between rich
and poor is associated with slightly lower average happiness in a nation. Other
demographic factors vary in importance. Minority-group status produces slightly
less happiness, after controlling for the other variables. Unemployment has a
more substantial negative effect, and enjoyment of leisure activities,
including volunteering as well as play, is significantly tied to happiness.
Religious people are somewhat happier, but this effect becomes very small after
controlling for economics, education, and social contacts - churchgoing entails
relationships. Being married or cohabiting has a small but real positive effect
for both sexes, especially in the honeymoon and empty-nest phases. Overall,
only 10 to 15 percent of the variation in level of happiness can be reliably
attributed to the total sum of such demographic factors. Still, if you
manage to achieve material comforts, marry the right person, have sex
frequently, mind your diet and exercise, belong to a church community, and
believe in a God who cares for you, it adds up to an edge in the happiness sweepstakes."
(Konner, 2002)
research on happiness shows that the emotion of happiness is not a very
powerful evolutionary emotion - nowhere as powerful as hate for example. Hate
motivates us to act, but happiness is just slightly increased due to some minor
circumstances we find ourselves in. Yet most of the modern ethicists like
Rorty, Rawls, Dworkin, et al. have made egalitarianism a mainstay of their
philosophy - but for what end? It seems that equality of outcomes has little to
do with happiness, and overall, the fact that someone lives in poverty amongst
others in the same lot as they are in, has little impact on their happiness. So
why are so many egalitarians so obsessed with a goal that adds little to human
happiness? I contend that it is hatred of the bourgeois (capitalists) or
its variant, hatred of all things European, that motivates egalitarians (I will
return to this later). In fact, I will contend that virtually all political
movements have more to do with hatred than with compassion - for compassion
outside of immediate kin or tribe has no basis in evolutionary adaptedness.
Hatred then (made up of fear
and/or disgust) is one of the most motivational emotions we have in our
arsenals to keep us alive. It exists or is activated in the very oldest centers
of the brain, and it can be activated without ever reaching our consciousness
(LeDoux, 2002); or our more advanced human brain with its highly sophisticated
executive functions enabling us to plan and act in our own best interests.
Primary emotions are very important to our tribal past, and others are able to
recognize an emotional response in us more than we are able to comprehend it -
people are better judges of other's emotions. (LeDoux, 2002) We can see the
emotion of hatred in others more than they recognize it themselves - to them it
is just an expression of fact: "Capitalist pigs have started this war to
get rich!"
So what
is hate good for, and why is it one of the primary emotions? Hate is what
motivates tribes to form alliances, it is the unrestrained joy of the
anticipated battle with neighboring tribes, it is blood lust, it is the fear
that is covered up in an excitement of final conquest, and it can be kept alive
over very long periods of time. It is only released or put aside when the enemy
has been vanquished and the threat is no longer present. Hatred can last for a
few minutes or a lifetime. It is what helps keep us alive when there is danger
present, and it expresses itself as a sense of fear or disgust of the other.
Visceral, deep, and bypassing higher cognitive machinery, it is beyond our
immediate control - so we must sublimate its expression even when the emotion
lurks in our ancient reptilian brain. Seeing a Black family walk down my block,
my reptilian brain has the emotion of fear and disgust. If I am a good liberal
I will cover up the initial feelings from the negative emotions, maybe even try
to chat with them to reduce the fear. But the emotion is there regardless of
how we rationalize it away. (Fletcher, 1996; Freeman, 1995) Yet, we know very
little about the neurochemistry of hate, versus anxiety and depression for
example. To admit that hatred is an ever-present constant in our evolved brain
is just not politically correct - surely, we can teach people to love one another!
Well, we can indoctrinate ourselves into believing that hatred is not a real
emotion, that it serves some other emotional needs other than tribalism and
warfare, but so far no explanation has been given for why humans are so quick
to mobilize into martial collectives and fight to the death - just like
Chimpanzees. And when the slaughter is over, the victors jump up and down,
hugging each other, making lots of noise - just like chimpanzees - we must
realize how primitive our emotions are. (Wrangham, 1996)
Hatred, or racism if you will, since that
seems to be the current admonishment for getting rid of hate, is more innate
than we like to admit. We pretend that racism or hate is some how a social
construct, without any evolutionary basis. It is proposed that hatred can be
solved by correct thinking - like lust can be cured by a cold shower. Humans,
being infinitely malleable, as the Marxists want us to believe, can be altered
by indoctrination, but we should realize by now that Marxist totalitarianism was
only able to oppress the expression of racial hatred - not cure it.
however is our innate motivator to fight back, and it is not activated unless
we experience the emotion of fear or disgust. "Recent work in humans by
Liz Phelps and Paul Whalen has further implicated the amygdala in social
interactions. In separate studies, they found that exposure of white subjects
to the faces of unfamiliar African Americans led to amygdala activation, and
the degree of activation was directly related to the subjects' score on a test
that measures racial biases. Particularly significant is the fact that the bias
test was an implicit measure of racial bias. This suggests that implicit
(unconscious) tendencies toward racism are reflected in the degree to which the
amygdala is activated by stimuli representing the group biased against. This
work is taking us into new and provocative areas, but is also raising serious
ethical issues for researchers. Given that negative attitudes and biases have
their strongest effects on behavior when they are unconscious, and thus cannot
be guarded against and compensated for, should researchers inform subjects of
these biases? Such studies also force us to confront ethical decisions as a
society. How far should we go in using brain imaging to read minds, and how
should we use the information we discover? It is testimony to the progress
being made that these questions need to be asked." (LeDoux, 2002)
goes on to explain how hate is our motivator to fight back, how hate resides in
the old reptilian brain, and how fear can flood the brain with
neurotransmitters that heighten the state of aggression and hate, until it
becomes learned and internalized. Once we come to hate the other, however that
hate was activated, it will not go away easily. We may however submit to
indoctrination, even to the point of answering questionnaires with the
"proper" response, but deep inside we still have the same feelings.
Hate is a deep emotion, molded by evolution to keep us from harm. It can only be
activated if a real harm or a perceived harm activates the system - whether
through individual experience or mass-media propaganda - and the feelings are
internalized for varying lengths of tenure. And the emotions of fear, hatred,
racism and disgust are real body-state reactions that are then reflected in our
feelings - to be alive is to have these feelings even if we deny they are
present. (Damasio, 1999) We can't just reason away disgust, our pattern
recognition minds find meaning in how others behave and how they appear. And
these emotions existed before language, science or even before postmodernism.
We are still just apes with an enlarged neocortex. (Giovannali, 1999)
fact, recent research on the "theory of mind" shows some rather
startling results with regards to human evolution and consciousness. Researchers have located several areas in
the brain, including the amygdala, which are involved in emotions that are
responsible for our human ability to read the intentionality of others. This
faculty is involved in memories about other people to predict their intentions,
interprets body language, and generally reads the minds of potential enemies.
"It just happens that the best way to predict what people are going to do
next is understanding [their] mental state." And as it turns out, this
faculty evolved prior to human consciousness or self-reflection. This may seem
odd, but as we evolved it was more important for our survival to react to
danger than to understand why we had feelings or what they meant. Our primitive
brains are attuned to danger from other humans, and this mechanism of hate and
fear preempts our need to "understand" our innate hatred and disgust
of others - it kept us out of harms way.
OK, maybe
our evolved brain did have a need for a quick reacting faculty to react in the
face of fear, hate and disgust. But can't we overcome our primitive feelings,
learn to be tolerant, and change the way our primitive brain reacts and
remembers? It doesn't seem likely: "Through learning we can become better
able to perceive the intricacies of a pattern but, finally, learning has
nothing whatsoever to do with our experience of the pattern as ugly or
beautiful. Similarly, the capacity to experience the emotion of love [or
disgust] is not learned; it is merely triggered in a predetermined fashion by
some events but not by others." (Robinson, 1996) That is, we can learn to
understand our hatred and disgust, but we can't just decide to change the way
we perceive our environment. We may be able to learn that a perceived threat is
not as salient as we once thought, or we may be mugged and come to realize that
certain neighborhoods should be avoided, etc. Or, we can indoctrinate people to
feel guilty about the way they feel, but the feelings themselves are real and
we have them for good reasons.
where does hate come from? We know that all behaviors show moderate to high
heritability. (Konner, 2002; Robinson, 1996) We also know that rage, fear,
grief and disgust are very real distinct emotions - all normal humans have them
and the negative emotions are the most real. They were far more important to
survival than lust or love. (Konner, 2002) And violence is the most negative
emotion of all: "Violence is thrilling and involves a total systemic
mobilization of an organism, a transcendence of social rules, and perhaps a
triumph over danger. It involves the secretion of adrenaline, a cascade of
impulses in the sympathetic nervous system, a flood of blood and nutrients to the
muscles, a flushing of the skin - there is every physiological reason for it to
be invigorating. It is also one of the easier ways to activate human beings.
National economies are often at their strongest when the nations prepare for
war, and economic depressions have sometimes ended in such preparations."
(Konner, 2002)
disgust and fear then are in all of us - and behavioral genetics has shown that
different individuals and different races vary with regards to behavioral
typologies such as levels of xenophobia (racial hatred or fear), tendency to
follow rules, dominance, tolerance, etc. People are just different, and on
average, it is not a matter of how tolerant a society is, but how has that
society been indoctrinated to tolerate some things and lash out at others.
Think of the human behaviors or types of people that have been or are presently
untolerated: people who smoke, pedophilias, homosexuals, people who litter,
Gypsies, Jews, Anglo-Saxons, capitalists, drunken drivers, nationalists, socialists,
reckless drivers, corrupt politicians, horny politicians, atheists, Southern
Baptists, dead-beat dads, ad infinitum. Any reasonable person could come up
with their own list of people that they hate because those other people are
intolerant towards things that we think are perfectly acceptable, and another
list of people we hate because of who they are, what they think, or how they
behave. No group has a monopoly on the emotions of hate, disgust, and fear -
different groups or individuals just have different levels of emotional
excitement itself. When these emotions are over-excited, we say they have
affective disorders (depression, anxiety, etc.). When they have little or no
emotional triggers we call them laid-back, passionless, or emotionally dead.
even with all this primitive emotional baggage, haven't we evolved into modern
humans, with greatly enhanced cognitive abilities, that rely on rational
discussion rather than visceral gut reactions to guide us? Apparently not:
"[compared to monkeys] such an emphasis on the familiar is understandable,
since humans, at least adult humans, are guided by previously accumulated
knowledge to a much larger extent than any other species. To put it in
different terms, the ratio of de novo discovery to the previously
accumulated body of knowledge is relatively low in adult humans compared to
other species. This is because no other species has the mechanism of storing
and transmitting the collective knowledge of the species accumulated over many
generations in external cultural devices - books, films, and the like.
Therefore, our bias toward the familiar serves an adaptive function. By
contrast, the assimilation of previously accumulated knowledge in a monkey is
limited to imitation of other monkeys' behavior. By and large, a young animal
is embarked on a cognitive voyage, discovering its world on its own."
(Goldberg, 2001) In short, humans are not very inquisitive, do not think for
themselves, but rather follow tradition, including accepting what is currently
hated and feared. Intelligence has not transformed us into scientifically
empirically based explorers of the truth - most people are tied to the status
We do
pride ourselves on being open to science, at least in those areas where science
is not in conflict with other human dogmas. We have no hesitancy in admitting
that we have visited the moon, that curing cancer is progressing well, and that
we can make cars safer. On the other hand, we reject scientific progress when
it comes to what it means to be intelligent, have humans evolved from monkeys,
what is the meaning of race and racial differences, is there a god, and why do
humans engage in warfare. Any scientific concern that treads on our very sense
of human uniqueness is difficult to discuss in a forthright and open manner -
we revert to following folk knowledge.
look at the issue of differences in intelligence between the races. Modern
dogma deals with this intractable issue in two ways - we deny that race exists
and that intelligence is grounded in science. The debate of course goes in
circles, as the scientists who empirically investigate these issues are
vilified rather than given a fair hearing - hatred, intolerance, fear and
disgust are shown towards any behavioral geneticist who engages in looking at
human differences in behavioral traits or intelligence. And yet, "Being smart
(or dumb) is not an attribute of you; it is you. Peculiarly, a certain
degree of independence exists between this global dimension of human mind and
the more narrow special traits. An individual may be devoid of any special
talents, musical, literary, or athletic, yet be considered by others to be very
smart. The opposite is also possible, when a uniquely gifted individual
is nonetheless perceived as dumb." (Goldberg, 2001)
society denies that race has any meaning, or that what intelligence means can
be scientifically studied, the geneticists are unfolding the mysteries denied
by Marxists. For example, we have long known that the genetic component of
intelligence increases as we mature. That is, children are far more malleable
with regards to intelligence and with special programs and training, it seems
that their intelligence can be improved. So why does this malleability or
environmental component of intelligence fade as we mature? "The age of 18
is also the age when the maturation of the frontal lobes is relatively
complete. Various estimates can be used to measure the course of maturation of
various brain structures. Among the most commonly used such measures is pathway
myelinization. Long pathways connecting different parts of the brain are
covered with white fatty tissue called myelin. Myelin insulates the pathway and
speeds the neural signal transmission along the pathway. The presence of myelin
makes communication between different parts of the brain faster and more
reliable. Obviously, long-distance communication is particularly important for
the frontal lobes, the CEO of the brain, since their role is to coordinate the
activities of its many parts. The frontal lobes cannot fully assume their
leadership role until the pathways connecting the frontal lobes with the
far-flung structures of the brain are fully myelinated." (Goldberg, 2001)
seems rather self-evident. If the brain keeps changing genetically (and the
degree of myelinization is under strictly genetic, not environmental control),
then the relative contributions from genes rather than environment can also
change over time - adult intelligence then is about 80% genetic versus only
about 40% genetic in children. Without understanding these changes in brain
structure, early intervention in enrichment programs for Blacks and other
minorities seemed to make a difference. Now, we hear little about these
enrichment programs, rather the whole educational system is blamed, along with
racism. They keep shooting the messenger.
even evolutionists lose their nerve when it comes to the intelligence-racial
differences taboo. Konner states that, "And the abuses are not over. Today
in Communist China, thousands are sterilized each year because they are judged
to have inadequate mental capacity to reproduce. In Afghanistan, women are so
stigmatized by a religious gloss of their biological status that they can no
longer practice any profession or even leave their homes without a man. In the
United States and France, race is regularly invoked in legitimate discourse to
explain why different ethnic groups perform at different levels in certain
kinds of tests or tasks - differences that can easily be explained in
other ways. And some scientists take very public platforms to raise
doubts about the efficacy of schools, parents, health advisors, and others who
attempt to shape human behavior in the face of powerful and pervasive
biological forces." (Konner, 2002) What other ways? Konner offers no proof
or explanation, he just alludes to other scientific explanations and
then avoids the issue for the next 400 pages. And when he does return to
intelligence he obfuscates even more:
seems like an irrelevant subtlety [where one test is used to predict
correlations], until we realize that much of human behavioral genetics,
especially the genetics of intelligence, has discounted such interaction
effects or, in some cases, invented them. A classic bad example came at the end
of Arthur Jensen's 1968 monograph attempting to show race differences in
intelligence. Claiming to have shown that known race differences in
intelligence were genetically based - he had not shown this, nor have others
shown it since - he irrelevantly and dangerously went on to conclude that
intervention programs in schools and preschools are pretty useless. Indeed the
very title of the paper, 'How Much Can We Boost IQ and Scholastic
Achievement?,' implied this unwarranted conclusion." If this quote sounds
confusing and baseless, it of course is. (Konner, 2002) Reading Konner's book,
he seems to be very aware of intelligence and its genetic basis, but apparently
he feels he must quickly, in just a page or two, dismiss the issue while
studying the human emotion of "gluttony" in no less than 29 pages of
in-depth analysis. This is a very typical response on the part of many
academics who feel they must at least mention intelligence or racial
differences in their writings - they make short, inconclusive inferences to a
couple of issues and move on, as if they have just proven that the world really
is flat and we don't need to discuss it any further.
humans are so much smarter than other species, and humans at least act as if
they are rational, what makes most humans act counter to pure science in favor
of emotional bias? Damasio (1999) states:
the purpose of investigating these phenomena, I separate three stages of
processing along a continuum: a state of emotion, which can be triggered
and executed nonconsciously; a state of feeling, which can be
represented nonconsciously; and a state of feeling made conscious, i.e.,
known to the organism having both emotion and feeling….
example, work from my laboratory has shown that emotion is integral to the
processes of reasoning and decision making, for worse and for better. This may
sound a bit counterintuitive, at first, but there is evidence to support it.
The findings come from the study of several individuals who were entirely
rational in the way they ran their lives up to the time when, as a result of
neurological damage in specific sites of their brains, they lost a certain
class of emotions and, in a momentous parallel development, lost their ability
to make rational decisions. Those individuals can still use the instruments of
their rationality and can still call up the knowledge of the world around them.
Their ability to tackle the logic of a problem remains intact. Nonetheless,
many of their personal and social decisions are irrational, more often
disadvantageous to their selves and to others than not. I have suggested that
the delicate mechanism of reasoning is no longer affected, nonconsciously and
on occasion even consciously, by signals hailing from the neural machinery that
underlies emotion….
shared biological core underlies all these phenomena, and it can be outlined as
follows: (1) Emotions are complicated collections of chemical and neural
responses, forming a pattern; all emotions have some kind of regulatory role to
play, leading in one way or another to the creation of circumstances
advantageous to the organism exhibiting the phenomenon; emotions are about
the life of an organism, its body to be precise, and their role is to assist
the organism in maintaining life. (2) Notwithstanding the reality that learning
and culture alter the expression of emotions and give emotions new meanings,
emotions are biologically determined processes, depending on innately set brain
devices, laid down by a long evolutionary history."
then are deeply embedded activating devices, with the purpose of giving us
motivation to act on feelings for our survival - and hate, fear and disgust are
very important emotions to have. Without our personal autobiographical selves,
our own personal synaptic patterns that interact with our emotions, we cease to
be who we are. We are our synaptic selves - including our hatreds, biases,
loves, gluttony, and anger. To have any of these patterns altered by propaganda
or brain washing is to lose who we are as individuals. (LeDoux, 2002)
Looking for Spinoza Damasio states, "The first device, emotion,
enabled organisms to respond effectively but not creatively to a number of
circumstances conducive or threatening to life - 'good for life' or 'bad for life'
circumstances, 'good for life' or 'bad for life' outcomes. The second device,
feeling, introduced a mental alert for the good or bad circumstances and
prolonged the impact of emotions by affecting attention and memory lastingly.
Eventually, in a fruitful combination with past memories, imagination, and
reasoning, feelings led to the emergence of foresight and the possibility of
creating novel, nonstereotypical responses."
So when
it comes to hatred, disgust, or racism, we must ask how have our
experiences, whether innate or learned, molded us to better adapt to our
environments? Is it not safer to feel animosity towards those who may harm us,
who want money from us, who declare that they are morally superior to us, etc.?
Why would evolution make humans in such a way that we would be passive in the
face of threats from those who would harm us? There is very often good reason
why group X hates group Y - because group Y is in fact a real or perceived
threat to group X. It is irrelevant to our emotional system whether the threat
is real or not, a perceived threat activates our motivational system to act in
such a way that we will not be harmed. To act any differently would be
evolutionarily dysfunctional. Yet, we constantly berate whole societies,
nations, or classes of people without recognizing how our emotional faculties
are driving us towards a defensive stance.
As a
nation, our handlers are trying to indoctrinate every man, women and
child into the egalitarian dogma that groups can and should coexist peaceably.
But how do those same handlers deal with the contingencies of danger:
a cursory observer of the 1990-91 mobilization of thousands of all political
persuasions to animosity toward 'Saddam' (or in Iraq and Jordan, toward 'Bush')
is tempted to grant that we were witnessing a hysteria, for want of a better
term, of massive proportions. Just days prior to this collective
'effervescence,' as Émile Durkheim might have called it, Saddam Hussein was
being courted as a stalwart defender of 'civilized values' against Iranian
fanaticism and Syrian terrorism. Iraq now lies in smoking ruins and anarchy,
witness to American fickleness and technological might; the United States
treats Syria, its recent 'implacable foe,' as a long lost prodigal child; Iran,
meanwhile, obsequiously curries favor with the late 'great Satan,' America; and
America in turn finds itself allied with the former 'evil empire,' Russia. The
capacity of entire populations to shift radically their allegiances and hatreds
virtually overnight betrays what seems to be an unplumbed depth of hostility in
the human psyche. This leads to consideration of a second paradox in
the sociology of enemies.
legend teaches that culture and ideology - the so-called ideational realm -
serve only to legitimize society's goings-on after the fact, the
political-economic substructure of social life, 'the real world.' Technically,
they are said to be causally 'dependent' rather than 'independent' variables in
social conflicts. Without engaging the veracity of this legend directly, in
these pages I assume the opposite position. I argue that political and economic
activities serve 'ideal,' 'spiritual' ends. It is not simply because Saddam
threatened our oil resources that American parents embraced so enthusiastically
the state's call to offer their children on the shrine of Mars. It is also that
Americans had in the prior months been deprived of an idea that for half a
century had bound them as a people - anti-Communism - and thus they needed an
enemy. Without one there could be no heroic community with which to identify.
the months immediately preceding the Persian Gulf war such issues as
illiteracy, the greenhouse effect, acid rain, the trade imbalance, Daniel
Ortega, and 'Panamanian strongman' Manuel Noriega had all momentarily captured
the public's interest, but none sustained it. This evidently was because they
did not contain the exact mix of non-Caucasian racial type, alien language and
confession, 'uncivilized' life-style, and suitably dangerous -
'battle-hardened' - but not insurmountable armed force required for credibility
as a bona fide American enemy. Although admittedly this is an overdrawn claim,
it may be argued that America needed a petty Hitler, and thus set about
manufacturing one to meet its specifications. Its name: Saddam.
is not to say that Saddam Hussein, out of his own stupidity, greed, and
treachery, did not freely stumble into the strobe projected by the American
psyche, thereby becoming arch-demon in a reenactment of the American drama of
world redemption. Nor am I saying that American military, industrial, and
petrochemical elites did not have their own financial and political interests
at stake in a Persian Gulf crisis. But this hardly explains why the common
folk, who paid with their lives, children, and property to enhance those
interests, seized upon the possibility of fighting with such evident
second paradox of the enemy: There can be no harmony without chaos, no peace
without war. While groups ostensibly fight only to secure their own short-term
interests at the expense of others, the latent 'function' or unintended end of
such fights is social solidarity." (Aho, 1994)
Aho does not seem to understand the underlying evolutionary basis of human hate
and disgust, but he certainly feels it in these words. And today we see
it all around us in the vilification of all that is Arab and or Islamic. The
Muslim world has become the new evil empire, even if it has failed to
establish a sustainable means at empire building without the
underpinning of oil. Nonetheless, our collective psyches, at least a large
percentage of the population, now holds the Arab portion of the Semitic race in
contempt. Our emotions have detected a threat, and our feelings now motivate us
to hate the other - whether that hatred was brought about through personal
reflection or propaganda by our handlers - the media and the government
(academia being in quite a quandary).
So how
do scientists who embrace evolution feel about the emotion of hate, disgust,
fear and racism? "On a practical note, understanding the
biology of emotions and the fact that the value of each emotion differs so much
in our current human environment, offers considerable opportunities for
understanding human behavior. We can learn, for example, that some emotions are
terrible advisors and consider how we can either suppress them or reduce the
consequences of their advice. I am thinking, for example, that reactions that
lead to racial and cultural prejudices are based in part on the automatic
deployment of social emotions evolutionarily meant to detect difference
in others because difference may signal risk or danger, and promote withdrawal
or aggression. That sort of reaction probably achieved useful goals in a tribal
society but is no longer useful, let alone appropriate, to ours.
We can be wise to the fact that our brain still carries the machinery to react
in the way it did in a very different context ages ago. And we can learn
to disregard such reactions and persuade others to do the same."
(Damasio, 2003)
question to Damasio is a simple one - why is it no longer appropriate to be
wary of others who may hate us or try to take advantage of us, and who exactly
is going to be doing the persuading that we should all passively stand down,
and let others do as they wish? I often find it strange, as an advocate of
eugenics, that I am almost singularly in defense of not eliminating any innate
behavioral trait because we cannot predict the future well enough to disarm
ourselves unilaterally. Yet that is what Damasio is asking us to do - destroy
our nuclear weapons while we let our enemies retain theirs. It is a formula for
A more
judicious stance is offered by Robinson:
seems reasonable to propose that the cerebral emotions are triggered by
environmental events or circumstances that, during the last period of
evolutionary development, were linked in some way to the welfare of small
social groups and where behaviors motivated by these emotions could increase
the likelihood that the community would survive and prosper. One concludes,
like Jung, that there is a range of environmental events, circumstances, or
symbols that have the capacity to trigger the emotions of love and hate
together with associated behavioral tendencies. These genetically determined
event-emotion-behavior relationships constitute the wisdom of the ages, and
they would appear to be the source of all moral and aesthetic knowledge."
(Robinson, 1996)
Or this
one written in 1919 by Pillsbury: "At the other extreme stand the
incentives to cooperate, the impulses of self-sacrifice for the social unit
upon which depends the formation of nation and state. In this discussion we
must distinguish the cooperative from the antagonistic social instincts. The
first serve to hold the group together and further the interests of its
members. Opposed to these are the instincts of cooperative defense and
aggression, instincts which unite the members of one whole against another for
the sake of advancement at the expense of the other. The one makes possible the
organization of the peaceful society, the other the organization for war. The
second in a measure depends upon the first, but contains elements of
self-sacrifice that are not required for it. The one presupposes life together
in the absence of hostile tribes, the other is a development of a life of
conflict between rival groups. It is probable that the second may have been the
first to develop - that only when there were dangerous rival tribes was it necessary
to form a larger social grouping. However this may be, it is certain that at
present we can see traces of each. We may begin with a treatment of the
cooperative or intra-social instincts or forces and pass on later to the
instincts of hate and conflict, the inter-social….
one to take a militaristic view of the world it would be possible to argue that
it is hate of the opposition that furnishes all of the real incentives of life,
that if war and hating were to stop, all progress would stop and we would drop
down to a monotonous stage of little endeavor. All progress, on this view, has
been derived from conflict, and when conflict ceases there will be little
incentive to endeavor. One need not go so far as this to see that the emotion
of hate and the instincts of opposition are important, and that it is hard to
exaggerate the part which they play in the control of modern life, even if one
should attempt to avoid special pleading. I remember hearing a distinguished
scientist, a resident of an eastern city, say at the beginning of the war in
1914 that he had never before known the joys of unrestrained hate, particularly
of unrestrained hate in unison with others." (Pillsbury, 1919)
in 1919 we had a better perspective of human nature before the Marxists took
over academia, and shoved Boasian egalitarianism down our throats - a set of
moralizing gods we seem unable to shed even with our knowledge of the human
genome, cognitive neuroscience, behavior genetics, and all the other wonderful
knowledge unavailable almost 100 years ago.
continue to debate the power of group selection - that is, does selection occur
only at the level of the organism, at the level of kin or family, or can it
also take place at the level of the group.
All of these mechanism are possible, and the only question is how
powerful each one is with respect to the other.
At the
very least, we do know that in the animal kingdom, individuals will sacrifice
themselves for the defense of the group. Chimpanzees for example will
collectively attack a leopard, resulting in great excitement, throwing their
arms around each other at successfully dispatching the threat, and they do it
with sheer joy and excitement. (Konner, 2002) Likewise, humans, to varying
degrees will form coalitions during times of threat, risking their individual
safety for the group. This is hardly evolution at the individual level alone.
Something makes humans come together, innately, to form coalitions when harm is
present. In addition, this is especially so when that harm is seen as martial,
rather than just material. "This is consistent with many studies: training
programs designed to increase aggression (in the military and combat sports,
for example) are more successful than those designed to decrease it. Worse
still, once acquired, such behavior is difficult to extinguish." (Konner,
2002) It seems that humans, like chimpanzees, have a natural inclination
towards collective aggression, or blood lust, for the protection of the group
once a real and impending threat is perceived (and can now be activated by any
government engaged in propaganda - including democratic ones with a free
press). This tendency is why humans will continue to engage in warfare, or its
equivalent of economic destruction.
explains that, "Discouragingly, these episodes are abetted by the most
natural of human social fears. Xenophobia draws upon the natural fear of
strangers; conformity - the fear of appearing strange - draws on the fear of
separation; and obedience to authority, including illegitimate authority, draws
on the fear of stepping out of one's place in the dominance hierarchy. Fears
that served us adaptively during our evolution ultimately cause reprehensible
acts. Imagine now an alternative situation. Instead of placing the human
targets of the irrational fear in a small minority living among the multitude,
we place them in a separate but juxtaposed arena and make them a comparable
multitude. Now, make the turning outward of fear mutual. Soon the fears will
cease to be irrational; each multitude, precisely because of its fear, will
pose a threat to the other. This is the classic setting of mimesis, which
anthropologist Rene Girard has identified as fundamental to any episode of
agonistic violence. Each antagonist mimics the other, justifying his worst
fears and provoking yet more threats to be mimicked. But the irrational
component can always be depended on to distort the threat upward, thus the
positive feedback cycle that leads to war." (Konner, 2002) We are now
witnessing the above scenario in the Middle East - the American public has been
stirred up aggressively, and this violence will be escalated throughout the
Middle East as they feel threatened by our jingoistic stance.
behavior or personality types are about 50% genetic, and genes are now known to
influence religious, political, ethnocentric, and numerous other attitudes -
and if they vary between individuals it can be expected that they vary between
races. As an example, what if there is
a genetic basis for Semitic people's leaning towards a natural reliance on
religion (radical Islam) while the Japanese seem to shun religion. If this is
true, should we expect them to easily give up their view of government as one
that should be dictated by Allah rather than by democratic principles? What if
there are real differences genetically between Europeans and Semites, making
representative democracy much easier for us to accept?
writes, "The whole of literature is made up of attempts to describe the
most powerful archetypal scenarios and the responses to these scenarios of
heroes and villains motivated by the self-transcending emotions of love and
hate and not merely by the brutish and self-serving pursuit of pleasure or
avoidance of pain that has been the bedrock of psychoanalysis and behaviorism.
In recent times, many authors have recognized that the psychological conflict
of humanity, our propensity for great creative achievements alongside the most
pathologically destructive behaviors, has become a threat to the whole planet.
In this book, the 'human predicament' is explained by reference to the
evolution of high intelligence and stronger self-transcending emotions. It is
argued that these attributes initially enhanced our prospects for survival and
led to the ascendancy of humankind over all other life-forms. Ultimately,
however, these developments carry a sting in the tail, and they could be the
seeds of our own destruction. As we create material and social environments
that are artificial and alien, we not only suffer the more obvious physical
consequences, such as asthma and cancer epidemics, but less obviously our
genetically determined psychological responses to these alien material and
social environments become increasingly inappropriate, destructive, and
pathological." (Robinson, 1996)
emotions are those that will drive an individual to fight to the death for a
cause, to blow themselves up to try and defeat an enemy. Hate, disgust and fear
are extremely powerful emotions for collective action, as anger and jealousy
are powerful emotions for lashing out at kin or an enemy as individuals. Both
collective violence, and individual dominance that can sometimes lead to
violence, have powerful selective advantages from our evolutionary past. How
are we to prevent war when we take no action to prevent the fear, hate and
disgust that eventually leads to war? The media everywhere is filled with
stories of class, race and national injustices where none exist - and where
they might exist they are often distorted beyond reasonableness.
already noted, we cannot account for the great achievements of humanity merely
by reference to intelligence. Intelligence only ever achieves anything in
the service of emotion, and all behavior is motivated by emotion. The
original value of the self-transcending emotions seems clear. They enabled
individuals to live successfully in social groups by motivating behaviors that
placed the welfare of the group above the welfare of the individual. More
specifically, one can say that they motivated individuals to identify with a
group and to preserve what is good for that group in the social and material
environment while prohibiting or destroying what is bad for the group. Good and
bad are determined by the past experience of the species and, most immediately,
by the genetic endowment of the individual." (Robinson, 1996)
Now we
live in a world where neighboring tribes are no longer the antagonists, where
genetic differences were slight. Due to migrations, races that are far more
different in looks, intelligence, and behavior are expected to live side by
side without conflict. Is it reasonable to assume that each race is going to
agree on what is just and fair in every situation? Hardly, and history shows
that conflict is to be expected - not peace and harmony. Only an authoritarian
or totalitarian state can keep races from attacking each other either
politically or violently. And the
greater the distance between races, the greater the antagonisms, especially
when it comes to intelligence, and to a lesser degree xenophobia.
A new
book out entitled World on Fire by Amy Chua is sitting on my shelf,
waiting to be read. Its premise is that where minorities can be oppressed by
democratic means, they will be, according to reviews that I have read. Kevin
MacDonald looks at the same conflicts, but he uses a group evolutionary
strategy approach. In his second edition (2002b) of A people That Shall
Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples,
dealing with Jewish-gentile conflicts, he has added: Gypsies, Amish &
Hutterites, Calvanists & Puritans, and Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia.
regards to group evolution, MacDonald writes, "I am continually amazed at
the extent to which evolutionists have been indoctrinated - mainly by Richard
Dawkins - against supposing that groups have any important role to play in
human evolution. The problem comes about for two reasons: Failure to comprehend
cultural group selection, and failure to appreciate the extent to which
selection between groups has shaped the human mind…. There is a critical
difference between humans and other animals that renders all of the arguments
against group selection moot. It is simply this: Humans are able to solve the
free-rider problem by monitoring and enforcing compliance to group goals. So
far as we know, animals can't do this. As a result, although there may well be
limits on the extent to which natural selection can build stable cohesive
groups, much less altruistic groups, in the absence of massive genetic overlap,
these limits do not apply to humans." (MacDonald, 2002b)
how monitoring human compliance within the group he states, "The
egalitarian ethic thus makes it difficult for individuals to increase their
fitness at the expense of other individuals in the same group, resulting in
relative behavioral uniformity and relatively weak selection pressures within
groups. Mild forms of social control, such as gossip and withholding social
benefits, are usually sufficient to control would-be dominators, but more
extreme measures, such as ostracism and execution, are recorded in the
ethnographic literature. By controlling behavioral differences within groups
and increasing behavioral differences between groups, Boehm cogently argues
that the egalitarian ethic shifted the balance between levels of selection and
made selection between groups an important force in human evolution."
are an interesting case study of a people that have established a rigid
boundary between themselves and all other people. As early as the 15th century,
Gypsies were moving into Europe from the East, and were soon recognized as a
people whose group evolutionary strategy was that of the bottom-feeder. They
were engaged in petty theft, pick pocketing, fortunetelling, dishonest
tradering, and today have included welfare fraud. What is so fascinating about
the Gypsies is that they take such a racialist moral stance against others,
"The [Gypsies] think of themselves as morally superior, and this
self-appraisal is not threatened by the oftentimes negative attitudes held by
the [others]. They enjoy deceiving the [others] and do their best to prevent
outsiders from getting information about them, so much so that obtaining
information about them is difficult and much of what they tell anthropologists
must be taken with a grain of salt. 'For the [Gypsies], the maintenance of
boundaries between themselves and [outsiders]... is a continuous, almost daily
concern. It is based on two factors: (a) social contact with [others] is
limited to specific kinds of relationships, namely economic exploitation and
political manipulation for advantage. Purely social relations and genuine
friendship are virtually impossible because of the second factor; (b) a whole
symbolic system and set of rules for behavior (romania) which place [others]
outside social, moral, and religious boundaries in a multiplicity of ways, the
most important being their [ritually unclean] status.'" (MacDonald, 2002b)
a race does not have to be superior to feel superior - Gypsies have a low
average IQ of about 85, have few skills, and find nothing wrong in stealing and
begging. The innate xenophobia of the Gypsies make them truly a race apart -
and a race that will never accept any type of assimilation or equal justice
with the rest of society. Regrettably they have not been paid as much attention
in Europe as let's say the Jews, because we seem to tolerate or have less fear of
petty thieves than we do of those who dominate us from above.
ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia are far more similar to the Jews in Europe
when it comes to boundary maintenance and domination in wealth accumulation. Like
the Ashkenazi Jews in Europe, the oversees Chinese are also far more
intelligent than the Southeast Asians they dominate, by about 15 IQ points on
average (105 to 90). The most populous
countries where the oversees Chinese have dominated include Thailand,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Burma, and the Philippines.
Chinese, as a non-indigenous ethnic minority, have tended to have fewer
political rights in these societies. Chinese assimilation to the indigenous
society has long been an issue, at least partly because for much of their
history in Southeast Asia the great majority of overseas Chinese remained
non-citizen aliens in their adopted countries, their identity focused mainly on
China. Complicating issues of identity has been the fact that the overseas Chinese
were economically successful throughout southeast Asia and assumed a dominant
economic position in several southeast Asian countries." (MacDonald,
points out an interesting case of assimilation and boundary maintenance in
Indonesia. At first, Chinese males emigrated to Indonesia and married
Indonesian women, and now make up a distinct racial group. Later, the Chinese
males immigrated to Indonesia along with Chinese women, and now they make up a
community that maintains their racial boundaries. So we have three separate
groups in Indonesia - the indigenous Indonesians who are economically
impoverished, the better off mixed race of Indonesian-Chinese, and the pure
Chinese who dominate the Indonesian economy with the complicity and help of the
indigenous Indonesian elite. As a minority, the Chinese are vulnerable because
of their perceived economic exploitation of less intelligent Indonesians.
lack of assimilation between the three races in Indonesia are maintained by the
high levels of xenophobia or ethnocentrism of the Chinese, not unlike Semitic
boundary maintenance between Jews and gentiles in Europe and tribalism
throughout the Middle East.
It is
often claimed that East Asians do well because they emphasize education - that
is family discipline and an emphasis on hard work to excel at school. But
MacDonald points out that, "In mid-20th century Thailand, the Chinese
community did not value education but concentrated completely on commercial
success, with training coming from experience in the firm rather than from
formal education. The Chinese college graduates 'have no intellectual effect on
the Chinese community. They do not write for the press or lecture, nor do they
ordinarily become leaders of any associations. In the Chinese community, wealth
rather than scholarship is the spur.'" (MacDonald, 2002b)
the above with Jews in Western nations, where the Holocaust is a veritable
religion, and anti-Semitism flourishes more from the perception that Jews
dominate politics rather than merely being economically dominate, and it makes
one wonder how Jews have been so successful without overt hostilities over the
last fifty years. "Jews see themselves as quintessential victims living
among eternally oppressive cultures. As an exemplar, Holocaust activist Simon
Wiesenthal compiled a calendar showing when, where and by whom Jews were
persecuted on every day of the year. Among contemporary Jews, Holocaust
consciousness is the ultimate expression of a victim mentality." (MacDonald,
notes that, "Powerful and competitive middleman minority groups in
developing countries suppress nascent middle class traders, entrepreneurs, and
artisans. We have seen that the development of these classes was suppressed in
Thailand and Indonesia by the Overseas Chinese. Similarly, in Poland when Jews
won the economic competition in early modern Poland, the result was that the
vast majority of Poles had been reduced to the status of agricultural laborer
supervised by Jewish estate managers in an economy where virtually all of the
trade, manufacturing, and artisanry were controlled by Jews. On the other hand,
in most of Western Europe Jews were expelled in the Middle Ages. As a result,
when modernization occurred, it was accomplished with an indigenous middle
class. Indeed, the Puritans are a prototypical middle class group. I have noted
that the Puritans derived mainly from tradesmen and craftsmen, and they were
intelligent and very concerned with education. If, as in Poland, Jews had won the
economic competition in most of these professions, there would have not have
been a non-Jewish middle class in England. Whatever one might suppose would
have been the fortunes and character of England with predominantly Jewish
artisans, merchants, and manufacturers, it seems reasonable to suppose that the
Christian taxpayers of England made a good investment in their own future when
they agreed to pay King Edward I a massive tax of £116,346 in return for
expelling 2000 Jews in 1290." (MacDonald, 2002b)
other races do whatever they can to extract as many benefits as they can from
competing races, what should the White response be? So far, we have caved in on
virtually every demand by minority groups: racial preferences, contract or
business set asides, transfer of wealth through welfare and educational
programs, forced integration, open immigration, etc. Surveys show that we do
not want to live around Blacks. Is that a racist response or a rational
response. "Once an emotional habit is well learned, the brain systems
involved in expressing it become simpler. The amygdala, for example, drops out
of the circuit. After you know how to successfully avoid a specific danger, you
no longer need the amygdala, because fear is no longer aroused. A dog needs its
amygdala to learn that playing around in the road is dangerous, but once the
learning has occurred, he can happily play in the yard next to the road. (In
this case, avoidance of danger doesn't arouse fear, it prevents fear.)"
(LeDoux, 2002)
seems that rationally then, to reduce fear, Whites should in fact live as far
away from Blacks, as well as Hispanics, two groups that are more violent and
prone to crime than Whites. To do otherwise is in fact irrational. Why would
anyone want to live in fear in order to abide by the moralizing god of
antiracism? Furthermore, Blacks can be far more extroverted, verbal,
gregarious, etc. than Whites, resulting in a sense of disgust. It seems that
racial groups, to reduce hate, disgust and fear, should in fact take steps to
reduce these emotions - and that includes living with others that are more
in how the brain works, may give as a great deal of insight as to why so many
minorities, including Blacks and Jews, feel they have been discriminated
against when in fact they have not. The brain is always trying to make sense of
what has happened, and if it needs to it will fabricate a story, and one that
will make the person feel better or get more sympathy for their situation.
"In a simplified view the right hemisphere deals with emotions and
imagination, and functions without the capacity to relate present experiences
to the past or the future. This is quite unlike the left hemisphere, which is
analytical and rational, and constantly strives to find meaning in experiences
and to place them into an overall context. The evolutionary advantage of
seeking explanations for why events occur may be that our ancestors were better
able to respond to recurring events and not merely treat them as if they were
happening for the first time. It appears that an unfortunate aspect of this
survival trait is that the left hemisphere, in attempting to ascribe meaning to
events, often incorrectly links cause and effect, thereby creating a false
memory of events and their meanings." (Giovannali, 1999)
So now
if anything bad happens, it is because of racial profiling or discrimination on
the job - never the fault of the oppressed person. In fact, though I am still
agnostic about all sides of the story regarding the Nazi extermination camps
versus slave camps where Jews died of disease and malnutrition, it does seem
that from the numerous contradictory stories of victims after WWII, that many
of the accounts have to be doubted from what we know of first person
inaccuracies. From Nazis being tortured by the Soviets to fabricate stories, to
deranged inmates, numerous stories abounded - only to be suppressed later for a
single standard version. (Graf, 2001)
So is
there any real rational or empirical approach to social structure. It would
seem that even most scientists, when trying to be rational, will end up more
with hope for peace and stability than with any real prescription for bringing
it about. So as we have become more multicultural, and less cohesive in
accepting of any mainstream religion, our handlers have had to try and provide
us with another set of moralizing gods in place of empiricism:
the dawn of human civilization, our ancestors lived in a hostile world with
little if any social structure on which to rely for protection and sustenance.
They survived by relying on evolved instincts that were equal to the hostility
around them. Those same instincts are in all of us and can be seen today in our
natural drive for self-preservation. For society to work, those primal instincts
must be controlled through moral and legal codes in exchange for the benefits
we derive from being part of society. However, our nature is such that most of
us require that our moral codes, and in some cases our legal codes, derive from
a higher authority than man. Given our social evolution and the nature of our
brains, we seem to accept moral caveats more readily if they are part of a
mythology that rewards us with emotionally satisfying answers to our questions,
and with a sense of purpose, dignity, and hope for the future - things which
mere mortals seem unable to provide. By failing to marry faith with reason, and
by failing to teach reasoned ethics to the masses without myth, these noble
experiments have exposed the reality of the mental processes we inherited from
our pre-linguistic ancestors. The vast majority of us perceive the world
through instinctive or learned emotional responses to symbols, not through
rational analysis. While the irrational majority relates to the world through
emotion-evoking mythological, cultural, and other symbols, only a small
minority perceives the world with the dispassionate, rational analysis of a
scientist. With the majority requiring unreasoned myth to control its passions
and anxieties, it should be no surprise that minorities with different myths or
no myths must pay the price for the majority's irrational perceptions and
actions." (Giovannali, 1999)
I wish
I had a simple answer for why Whites would totally internalize the
self-transcending moralizing-gods of diversity, antiracism, multiculturalism,
and open immigration. These are all inimical to our quality of life - and yet
many dare not stand up and declare: "where is the evidence that this is
working?" Every social indicator shows that we are losing our country and
losing our way of life - and our own elite have a heavy hand in making us
accept these moralizing gods. The elite gains moral capital (along with cheap
foreign labor and sponsoring feel-good charities) while sacrificing little.
They have the means to escape to their protected enclaves while the rest of us
have to interact in tension between the disparate races.
are the dilemmas of our democracy: opinion polls only reflect yesterday's
propaganda; "if manipulation is to be effective, no one must know what the
manipulators are doing"; and the elite must shape public opinion to
support the current governmental policies. When those policies favor some races
over others, and Whites do not vote for candidates who will benefit Whites over
other races, it is apparent that if the trend continues long enough,
hostilities will erupt. (Of course, this is true between any two groups -
Blacks hostile to Jews, Hispanics from Mexico hostile to Puerto Ricans, African
Americans hostile to recent Nigerian immigrants, and it is in a constant state
of flux. Stability is out of the question.) (Giovannali, 1999)
however are the most vulnerable of any race, even though we are still in the
majority. We have innately high levels of altruistic moralism, where we will
punish other Whites for not showing enough compassion for the downtrodden. Only
Western nations, founded by Europeans, have opened their doors to refugees from
anywhere in the world - without concern for their own benefit. We tolerate
crime, AIDS, and will go out of our way to punish any White who objects to
immigration or would dare to imply that some groups are more prosperous because
they are innately more intelligent. These taboos are suppressed to varying
degrees in every Western nation. We are a self-flagellating race, more prone to
help the other and oppress our own than the other way around - no wonder we are
so easily duped and manipulated. But we can overcome these weaknesses, and
suspend maladaptive compassion, once we understand how our biological nature
operates, and how it is different from other races. We are a race of
cooperators, individualists, prone to open markets and free competition without
regards to the other's race. But we errantly expect the same in return - and
must learn that that will not be the case. (MacDonald, 2002b)
exciting new field may help us sort out just how different Whites are from
other races: "Neuroanatomists have known for a long time that individual
'noi vial' brains differ profoundly in overall size, relative sizes of
different parts, and proportions. More recent findings suggest that individual
brain biochemistry is also highly variable. These differences are particularly
pronounced in the frontal lobes. Is there a relationship between the
variability of human brains and the variability of human minds? In particular,
are the differences in decision-making styles related to the differences in the
anatomy and chemistry of the frontal lobes? We are only beginning to ask these
questions, and by so doing, we are laying the grounds for a new discipline, the
neuropsychology of individual and group differences. In due time,
we may be able to understand the contribution of individual neural
differences to individual cognitive differences. But the inquiry will
proceed in steps, first by establishing this relationship with respect to
groups rather than individuals." (Goldberg, 2001)
the emphasis on differences between groups, rather than between individuals.
Frankly, it is easier to study groups because by aggregating known differences
in the average behavior of groups, differences in behavior can be correlated
with differences in brain anatomy. But it should be obvious to anyone that
brains are not all the same or equal. With 100,000 years of different races
living under different ecologies as well as different cultures, we should
expect differences to evolve in the genetic nature of how humans behave. Note
that I am not talking about any radical mutations, though they also occur.
Rather, I am talking about normal differences between individuals being altered
in the average expression of the group or race. For example, the selection of
genes for both extroversion and intelligence could be increased in racial group
A, whereas ethnocentrism and rule following could be selected in group B. There
in no reason to expect that any two groups, given selection pressures, will not
have at least some minor behavioral group differences on average.
levels of fear that individuals express can also vary with regards to groups.
"When the emotion is fear, the special state may be advantageous -
provided the fear is justified and not the result of an incorrect assessment of
the situation or the symptom of a phobia. Justified fear is an excellent
insurance policy, of course. It has saved or bettered many lives."
(Damasio, 2003) What if the level of fear and disgust that the average
Ashkenazi Jews have had for Whites has bordered on being a phobia - exacerbated
by both indoctrination and genetic selection beyond all reasonableness of the
actual danger involved? Could that fear not cause an adverse reaction
periodically against Jews by Whites, when conditions warranted a fearful
reaction? Is anti-Semitism an exaggerated fear of Jews, or a reaction against
Jews because of their exaggerated levels of fear, hate and disgust
of Whites? Simply note, which race is obsessed with victimhood and which one is
oblivious to past transgressions? It seems obvious to me that Whites in general
probably have far too little innate ethnocentrism for their own reasonable
protection - only unleashing it after a real threat has grown out of control -
like our current situation with immigration. Whites have been told repeatedly
that in fifty years, we will be a minority, and yet we take little action to
prevent what is obviously not in our best interest.
have been indoctrinated into accepting immigration partially because it is a
shared American value. "Not surprisingly, I believe that ethical
behaviors depend on the workings of certain brain systems. But the systems are
not centers - we do not have one or a few 'moral centers.' Not even the
ventromedial prefrontal cortex should be conceived as a center. Moreover, the
systems that support ethical behaviors are probably not dedicated to ethics
exclusively. They are dedicated to biological regulation, memory,
decision-making, and creativity. Ethical behaviors are the wonderful and
most useful side effects of those other activities. But I see no moral
center in the brain, and not even a moral system, as such." (Damasio,
2003) In short, ethical or moral systems do not exist outside of regulatory
systems that were designed to benefit the individual, kin or tribal unit. There
simply is no universal moral system that extends beyond the boundaries of what
is good for the selection of our genes. Moral systems in the modern world are
fabricated from whole cloth to serve - not the goals of society as a whole -
but the needs of elite factions. These moralizing gods then serve as
justifications for policy and actions to be taken.
O. Wilson states that, "The dark side to the inborn propensity to moral
behavior is xenophobia. Because personal familiarity and common interest are
vital in social transactions, moral sentiments evolved to be selective. And so
it has ever been, and so it will ever be. People give trust to strangers with
effort, and true compassion is a commodity in chronically short supply. Tribes
cooperate only through carefully defined treaties and other conventions. They
are quick to imagine themselves victims of conspiracies by competing groups,
and they are prone to dehumanize and murder their rivals during periods of
severe conflict. They cement their own group loyalties by means of sacred
symbols and ceremonies. Their mythologies are filled with epic victories over
menacing enemies." (E. O. Wilson in Baird, 1999)
This generalization
may be true, but there are obviously differences between individuals and
between different races. If Whites lean towards cooperation, trust, compassion
and individualism, it means that we are extremely vulnerable to manipulation
and extortion by other more ethnocentric races. In addition, our situation is
even more bedeviling because as an intelligent, creative and cooperative race,
we have far exceeded any other race in producing modern society, so we have
lulled ourselves into a sense of false confidence.
We must
then learn to control our compassion and moral altruism or it will destroy us.
This is what Wilson above has not understood, even though he is considered to
be the father of sociobiology: races are not all the same in behavioral traits.
If one race accepts moral constraints on their behavior, because of say
"collective guilt" or a shared sense of "we must help all those
in need," one can be assured that there are manipulators who are duping us
into behaving not for our own good - but for theirs.
Wilson claims that there are two basic kinds of hatred. (Gordan Allport in
Baird, 1999) One rational and one that is driven by a hateful temperament. He
correctly understands that hatred is a collective emotion triggered by outside
threats to oneself or one's tribe. But he errors in assuming that there is in
some people a hateful temperament, one that is ready to lash out at any moment
for any minor or perceived infractions. In truth, he has failed to
differentiate between true hate, disgust and fear, and what could
be termed simple aggressive anger or even thrill seeking.
friend of mine told me a story that while sitting in a bar, the guy next to him
asked if he wanted to go outside and fight. Somewhat shocked, he asked why, and
was told, "because you look like you would be fun to have a fight
with!" That is hooliganism - and it is I believe largely responsible for
group formations like skin heads, soccer hooligans, etc. They are not acting
out because they are racialists, but more for the excitement that comes from
the violence itself. They just need an excuse - they are thrill seekers. This
behavior has little to do with collective hatred for defense of the tribe.
When it
comes to evolutionary group strategies, that do include stereotyping and
racism, it is not a question of why racism exists, but why it is so
misunderstood - or is it? In order for a society to bring accusations of racism
against individuals or against another race or culture, we must assume that our
mental representations are that racism is a default setting. Our innate social
mind systems come pre-wired to place people into groups and assign a certain essence
to that group, even if we do not apply the stereotype to individuals.
Stereotypes do not cause racism. Humans are all racists to some varying extent
and stereotypes are naturally applied to different groups, even without
supporting empirical evidence. Anecdotal sampling will always be used, no
matter how vague or cursory, to be able to size up another groups
"essences." Humans can't do otherwise without a great deal of effort
- either intellectual or by guilt.
then Sidanius and Pratto marshal an impressive amount of evidence to suggest
that there is more to dominance than stereotyping, and that the latter is a
consequence rather than a cause. In fact, they demonstrate that many dominant
group behaviors not only represent a desire to stay with one's group, to favor
one's clan, but also to favor one's group in an insidious way that maintains
the other group's lower status. Racial stereotypes are among the
representations that people create to interpret their own intuition that
members of other groups represent a real danger and threaten their own
coalitional advantages. Obviously, one possible reason for this blindness to
coalitional structures is that they often conflict with our moral standards. This
may well explain why many people prefer to consider racism a consequence of
sadly misguided concepts rather than a consequence of highly efficient economic
strategies." (Boyer, 2001)
would expect then, that "with increased population density and close
proximity of different competing groups, the emotion of hate is inappropriately
and increasingly responsible for the destruction of other human beings,"
(Robinson, 1996) we would all be looking for ways to bring about fairness,
rather than playing a game of accusing one race of "racism." Whites
alone have been singled out under the antiracism indoctrination campaign,
carried out by the media, the government, academia, and numerous NGO's and the
United Nation's. How could this happen? Simply stated, Whites have been under a
relentless attack that has made us feel guilty, because Whites alone have a
standard of altruistic moralism that is universal and not racially based.
Whites alone can be easily indoctrinated through guilt to attack their own race
in the name of justice, while never questioning the motives of other races. So
great is our moral outrage, once we believe a wrong has been committed, that we
will be even more severe in punishing our own kind than we will punish members
of another race. In terms of evolutionary group strategies, Whites tend to be
universal moralists rather than particularistic moralists - or ethnocentric
races that will only attack the out group, while holding the ingroup blameless.
(MacDonald, 2002a)
The only
antidote for this self-poisoning moralism is an intellectual defense. By
understanding human nature, and how the games are played by competing groups,
we can learn to hate and fear being duped by the indoctrinators.
Our emotional systems will be motivated by disgust, hate and fear
rather than by imposed guilt. The emotion of guilt is debilitating -
meant to alter intratribal behavior. The emotion of hate, fear and disgust
is defensive - meant to protect the tribe in intertribal conflicts.
would happen then, if we lived in a purely multicultural, diverse world without
borders or nations, with the United Nations passing laws, without the safety of
constitutional constraints? One proposal is as follows:
only one of the fundamental instincts which has been important in the formation
of nations which would be lacking in the international organization is hate,
and its similars, jealousy and suspicion. In Chapter III we traced the
importance of hate in uniting the nation against an outside force or other
nations. If all the nations were gathered into one, there would be no one to hate;
at least, the hatreds would always lead to the disruption of the wider union
rather than to its unification. The only substitute for this would be hatred of
disruption itself, and of the wars and bad feelings that result. This would not
give the same thrills and enthusiasms of hate that are provided by the hatred
of persons and groups." (Pillsbury, 1919)
I think
this outcome is unlikely, from what we have seen of how Communism dealt with
diversity. It wasn't disruption that was suppressed, but whole classes
of people, arbitrarily selected for persecution and extermination. A one-world
government, unable to assure democratic fairness and justice, would turn to
scapegoating to justify all forms of oppression in search of an egalitarian
answer to inequality - and the truth of unequal abilities would be banned.
Antiracism would become the state religion. "There is nowadays wide
agreement that racism is wrong. To describe a policy, law, movement, or
nation as racist is to condemn it. It may be thought that since we all
agree that racism is wrong, it is unnecessary to speculate on exactly
what it is and why it is wrong." (Peter Singer in Baird, 1999) Like the
church declaring that the earth was the center of the universe - in the future
those who would dare discuss any racial differences would just be executed as
heretics. That future is fast approaching.
course, like any church orthodoxy, the high priests can get exemptions.
"Or, to take another issue, the efforts of Arab nations to have the United
Nations declare Zionism a form of racism provoked an extremely hostile reaction
in nations friendly to Israel, particularly the United States, but it led to
virtually no discussion of whether Zionism is a form of racism. Yet the charge
is not altogether without plausibility, for if Jews are a race, then Zionism
promotes the idea of a state dominated by one race, and this has practical
consequences in, for instance, Israel's immigration laws. Again, to consider
whether this makes Zionism a form of racism we need to understand what it is
that makes a policy racist and wrong." (Peter Singer in Baird, 1999) Dogma
always leads to hypocrisy.
dogma is embraced even by the most hardened empiricists, like Edward O. Wilson:
"The empiricist view concedes that moral codes are devised to conform to
some drives of human nature and to suppress others. Ought is not the
translation of human nature but of the public will, which can be made increasingly
wise and stable through the understanding of the needs and pitfalls of human
nature. It recognizes that the strength of commitment can wane as a result of
new knowledge and experience, with the result that certain rules may be
desacralized, old laws rescinded, and behavior that was once prohibited freed.
It also recognizes that for the same reason new moral codes may need to be
devised, with the potential in time of being made sacred." (Wilson in
Baird, 1999)
This is
a truly frightening admission that totalitarianism may have to be implemented,
for how else would one counteract knowledge? Wilson's writings are riddled with
these contradictions, and yet he does not see the dangers of trying to suppress
human nature with new moralizing gods. If we understand human nature, why not
use it to implement laws and institutions that will strive for fairness in the
applications of laws - not hide our laws under the shadow of tyranny?
from formulations for a perfect world, both on the Left and on the Right, is a
recognition that maybe, rather than trying to dictate what each side sees as
the best political system for everyone, we encourage independence and
experimentation by advocating the freedom of sovereign nations. That is, set as
a goal non-belligerent nationalism. Like sports, every nation can compete with
every other nation, respecting primarily each other's boundaries without threat
or intimidation. We can then learn from each other and share our data on policy
implementations - the best systems will be copied without coercion.
gods like antiracism are the same as religious gods; they are born more out of
hatred than for any benevolent concern for people. "It would not require
any overemphasis of the facts to argue that even religious organizations and
religious creeds have been developed more from dislike of the opposing belief,
of the men who hold them, or of their practices, religious or personal, than
from any consuming belief in the doctrine that was accepted." (Pillsbury, 1919)
Hate is
the natural response then when threats or injuries are anticipated. So how are
we to build nations or diverse cultures within nations without hate, when hate
is the glue that holds groups together? "The utility of combinations
through hate and the vigorous common action induced by it are obvious from the
evolutionary considerations. Societies are primarily means of defense against
outside agencies. They apparently survive as units in the original savage state
and both the organizations and the hates are an expression of the needs of
survival. If hate, then, is an instinctive response against an injury or a
threatened injury, cooperation of the individuals subject to injury is an
effective if not an essential agent in common defense." (Pillsbury, 1919)
To me, the most parsimonious answer is simply to divide the world into
nation-states that are racially homogenous. Without the acrimony of race, the
nation can then solve the problems of income disparity, welfare, medical care,
employment, etc. When race is introduced, our innate nepotism kicks in, as it
was meant to do. It cannot be legislated away.
As van
den Berghe explains, "I suggest that there now exists a theoretical
paradigm of great scope and explanatory power - evolutionary biology - that
sheds a new light on phenomena of ethnocentrism and racism. In so doing, I am
fully cognizant of the protest that such an endeavor will elicit. My basic
argument is quite simple: ethnic and racial sentiments are extensions of
kinship sentiments. Ethnocentrism and racism are thus extended forms of
nepotism - the propensity to favor kin over nonkin. There exists a general
behavioral predisposition, in our species as in many others, to react favorably
toward other organisms to the extent that these organisms are biologically
related to the actor. The closer the relationship is, the stronger the
preferential behavior." (Pierre L. van den Berghe in Baird, 1999)
this very reason, any program of antiracism is doomed to failure because the
advocacy groups are utilizing "adaptive strategies" that are good for
them and their kin, and are indifferent to finding any truth by implementing
empirical data gathering. (Goldberg, 2001) In fact, they must suppress
scientific methodologies, through the use of hate laws or intimidation, in
order to control by indoctrination the subjugation of everything that is
Western, through guilt.
Ockham's Razor, or the principal of parsimony, science proceeds by comparing
competing theories, and the simplest theories that rely on what is already
known is more likely to be true. (Giovannali, 1999) Because of this, over the
last 20 years or so, those who do research on genetic differences, the degree
of heritability of behavioral traits and intelligence, and differences between
races, have been winning every battle. The radical environmentalists have all
but thrown up flags of surrender within the climate of scientific empiricism,
making it necessary now to suppress science itself. Antiracism is now a
reigning ideology because it could not compete on scientific grounds with the
ideology of racial differences. Now, science itself must be suppressed, but
like any changing ideology, it is being advanced in steps.
the Second World War, the reigning ideology was just finishing its swing from
racialism to antiracism, fundamentally because Germany lost the war and was
universally condemned, while Communist atrocities were hidden away from view
behind the Iron Curtain. The Marxists had won the ideological and the
scientific battle for radical environmentalism - or so they thought:
same forces that prompted Canada to introduce hate literature statutes after
World War II affected other countries as well and led to such international
proposals as Article 20 of the 'International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights.' It reads: '1. Any propaganda for war shall be prohibited by law. Any
advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to
discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law.'"
The world
was sure that science had somehow proven that racism and eugenics were
together, proven false. Marxism had triumphed - at least if not in world
domination - in the assumption that humans could be molded by culture without
our genes having any input. But as science progressed, the pendulum was
starting to swing back towards another view of human nature, a view that some
ideologues did not like and needed to prevent at any cost. Race was to be
denied, because race was an important means for mobilizing some groups against
others. However, to admit a racial or kinship strategy would bring back dangers
of once again being on the defensive about assimilation and national loyalty.
"Much of the formulating, writing, and lobbying for hate crime legislation
has been carried out by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'nai B'rith, which
has been tracking anti-Semitism for many years. Its model hate crime statutes
have served as a basis for many states' legislation." (Kelly, 1998)
problem with hate crime legislation is that it primarily impacts individuals
who react violently in the heat of the moment, and does not really impact
overall public attitudes, besides driving the races apart. "In my opinion,
the current wave of hate crime legislation is more reflective of greater
intolerance to discrimination, negative stereotyping, and hate mongering than
it is to higher and more severe levels of racial, religious, and homophobic
violence. We have a movement to hate crime legislation because our sensitivity
to, and distaste for, group prejudice and hatred have sharply increased, rather
than because we are being drowned in a tidal wave of hate crime." (Kelly,
1998) In addition, hate crime may actually be adverse for the very minorities
it was meant to protect: "While intraracial crime far exceeds interracial
crime, statistics at least for the United States as a whole show that with
respect to interracial crimes, whites are more likely to be the victims of
blacks and other minorities than they are to be the perpetrators of crimes
against these groups. While some law review writers have advocated that hate
crimes should only encompass harms perpetrated by whites against members of
minorities, all state hate crime statutes include offenses perpetrated by
minority group members against members of majority as well as against other
minority groups." (Kelly, 1998) It is evident, that hate crime laws, while
using isolated cases for advancing an egalitarian agenda, does little to stop
individuals from lashing out at others that they hate in a moment of
passion. The real intent is to slowly
put into place a system of laws and restrictions where any scientific
investigation into racial differences can be suppressed, just like many Western
nations have laws against Holocaust revisionism.
problem is, at least in the United States, our constitution has provided a firm
guarantee of freedom of speech when it involves matters of public concern or
policy. Still, for many of the new priestly caste, it is never too soon to
start challenging this freedom. It has been taken away almost everywhere else
in the world, it can be overturned here as well - just like the right to own
and bear arms is relentlessly challenged.
rights, especially when these groups are attacking Euro-Americans, has been a
very effective group evolutionary strategy so far. "I am pessimistic
enough to fear that the attacks by the advocates of Political Correctness on
the First Amendment, specifically their attempts to ban 'offensive' speech and
to make groups the primary bearers of rights, may succeed. Hence, those, and
those alone, are the only aspects of Political Correctness I am concerned
with…. There are many signs that both philosophers and lawyers are finding in
'communitarian' theory a philosophical basis for group libel legislation. An
examination of recent articles in several law reviews suggests that the First
Amendment is no longer even in the abstract seen as a 'good thing.' On the
contrary, the First Amendment is seen as the legal vehicle that justifies
racist speech. It is the most serious barrier to the successful introduction of
legislation that would prevent the harms that racial slurs produce. These harms
are perceived to be so hurtful, so damaging to members of certain communities,
so self-evidently immoral, that draconian legislation is required. Some
proposals are phrased so sweepingly that even talking about racism in
class would constitute a violation." (Bracken, 1994) In the end,
they want to be able to purge any mention that maybe, just maybe, economic
disparities exist between groups not because of racism, but because races
differ genetically. If that becomes common knowledge, then the
egalitarian/socialist agenda is doomed.
hate crimes "bubble to the surface during ad hoc conflicts." (Jacobs,
2001) But the real danger is in using hate crimes as a pretense for
indoctrination - especially of young children. "Suppose that a highly
politicized criminal justice system picked up juveniles and low-level offenders
for all sorts of crimes that are usually not punished, or punished only
lightly, and used the arrest as a hook to force the offender into programs to
correct their thinking - that is, persuade them to adopt the 'right position'
on gay marriage, affirmative action, and multicultural history curricula."
(Jacobs, 2001) And you can be assured that when the indoctrinators teach
tolerance, they will also be teaching miscegenation. Throughout the Left's
material on antiracism, the fact that some groups do not like to marry other
groups, is held up as proof of rampant racism.
that we are unraveling the secrets of human nature, we need to decide - how are
we going to use what we are learning to form new movements, mobilize people,
and taking control of our own destinies? I contend that rational arguments
alone are rather meaningless, and that mobilization must include hate, fear and
disgust to be effective. If we had our hands on all aspects of the media, our
job would be easy - we would just indoctrinate our people to become racially
aware of the dangers that lie ahead. Not having control of the media means
therefore, that we need not only our own organizational commitments, but some
good luck as well, like a war in the Middle East.
On the
web, we see many discussions about alliances, especially between White
racialists, Islamists, and the Left (and now the neoconservative Right). It my
opinion, Whites should stand aside and let the factions fight it out - not only
to weaken the Left, but also to radicalize Whites. Bringing into question the
value of multiculturalism, diversity, open immigration, and the ultimate
question "aren't they just like us" will need to be answered - and
the answer from behavior genetics is NO! They are different from us in many
ways - both culturally and genetically, and we are incapable of living together
in harmony. Humans, via cultural, ecological and historical differences, have
developed different behavioral traits by race. "Animal breeders have long
known that it takes only a few generations of mating among carefully selected
individuals to begin influencing behavioral traits of their offspring, such as
how tame or fierce a given line of dogs is. When breeders try to customize
behavior in this fashion, they in fact are often working with the synaptic
organization of the brain. A few extra connections here, a little more or a
little less neurotransmitter there, and animals begin to act differently. Once
we realize that the basic wiring plan of the brain is under genetic influence,
it's easy to see how not only animals but also people can have very similar
brains and yet be so different, right from the start of their lives."
(LeDoux, 2002)
What we
need then on the right is the re-racialization of a secular theology, similar
to what has been promoted by the Left - but without their negation of
empiricism. "The traditional social dominance of emotion-based theologies
[like Christianity] appears to be undergoing a challenge. Whether it is for the
better is not yet clear. Emotion-based social engineers in politics and various
social movements are competing with established religions for control in
determining social beliefs and values. In general, religions are motivated by
the need for self-preservation and their historical desire to control the
anxieties and baser urges of mankind through emotion-based myth. Some social
engineers appear to be using pseudo-psychology to support an egalitarian or
cultural relativist belief that equal outcome is more desirable than equal
opportunity, and that self-esteem and not self-discipline will achieve the
ultimate good." (Giovannali, 1999)
trilogy on group evolutionary strategies is the clearest roadmap we have for
creating a new nation based on a workable political system that is aware of
racial conflicts. He states quite clearly: "it would appear that a liberal
economic culture cannot develop in a society wracked by ethnic conflict. From
an evolutionary perspective this is because evolved psychological mechanisms of
between-group conflict result in people viewing their situations in terms of
their group status. It is not far fetched to fear the re-emergence of illiberal
economic policies as ethnic competition escalates in contemporary Western
multi-cultural societies. Affirmative action policies are definitely a step in
that direction." (MacDonald, 2002b)
He then
lays out why we can create many alternative types of group strategies, keeping
one eye on our goals and the other on the opponents as they change strategies:
"This conclusion highlights an important theoretical point about group
evolutionary strategies. There is no theoretical reason to suppose that there
will be 'laws of group evolutionary strategies' to be gleaned by examining a
number of them and comparing them. My view is that the nature of these groups
is theoretically underdetermined because humans, using domain general
mechanisms, are able to invent different ways of group living. Unlike animals,
our social structures are not rigidly programmed by our genes. There are a
whole lot of group strategies with a variety of similarities and differences, and
there are a great many humans who don't have much allegiance to groups.
I do argue that people who are deeply involved in highly cohesive, ethnocentric
groups are (quantitatively) different psychologically from the rest of us on
the dimension of individualism/collectivism - a psychological measure related
to ethnocentrism. And the discussion here suggests that pre-existing
differences in psychological traits, such as IQ differences, affect the types
of strategies that it would be viable for a group to develop." (MacDonald,
then that Whites are vulnerable to deracialization by guilt and shame through
indoctrination - first by other more xenophobic races, and then by our own
hyper-moralistic kin - our strategies have to be tailored to take this
individualism into account. From my perspective, I believe that Whites
therefore have to be made aware of how they are manipulated and or duped, how
they have been made to feel guilty via intense indoctrination, and how they can
free themselves of that guilt and begin the reformulation of what will
constitute a new culture based on our needs, and not the needs of our enemies.
That is, we must use our intellect along with our emotions, to overcome our
innate vulnerabilities.
writes, "This emphasis on the role of historically informed prejudices in
understanding is also essential to Gadamer's critique of 'method' in the human
sciences. Gadamer's rejection of 'method' is not a rejection of the need for
rigor, discipline, or painstaking care in our intellectual endeavors. Rather it
is a rejection of the Cartesian ideal, which our culture has been pursuing for
over 300 years now, that there is some explicit and universal procedure which
will enable us to settle all of our significant disputes and disagreements once
and for all." (Brice Wachterhauser in Baird, 1999) So be it for rational
debate when it comes to group conflict - we must proceed on the basis that
conflict is to be expected, and that only a reduction in individual differences
and racial group differences can reduce this conflict. Some would like us all
to interbreed, to dumb down the masses, the browning of the world's six billion
people in order to bring about peace between races. I find it far easier to
envision simple separation between the races to bring this about - either in
gated communities, new homelands or carve out a new nation by any means
the emotional mechanisms of hate, fear and disgust, to mobilize
collective action, has lead me to conclude:
The elite in any country will not take a
racial stance. With a few exceptions, they will turn against their race when it
is advantageous and adopt narrow nepotism. Amy Chua, in World on Fire,
elaborates this tendency, as does Kevin MacDonald in his trilogy on group
evolutionary strategies. Simply stated, races will stick together in defense of
their positions, until wealth and power makes coalition building unnecessary.
The elite therefore, as they obtain resources far in excess of what is needed
to feel threatened by any other group, goes its own way - they usually bail on
their racial kin. Racialists then must never rely on their elite to lead them,
but rather always expect them to betray their own kind. We should show more hatred
and disgust towards Bill Gates than towards Jesse Jackson.
Promoting the understanding that there are
differences in average intelligence between races does two things. First, it causes
fear of those who are more intelligent than us on average. Second it
causes hate and disgust towards those of lesser intelligence for wanting what
they do not deserve.
We must make people aware that other
nations do not tolerate other foreign races in their midst. Except for Western
nations, other nations are extremely tribal and intolerant of outsiders - we
have been duped into showing compassion for other races that would never
reciprocate our benevolence or sense of fairness.
Hatred and disgust can well
up in people who feel that they have been duped. We must be willing to hold our
own leaders accountable for their complicity in spreading the guilt of
racism onto our people, including the churches, non-governmental
organizations, academics, media and the government.
Behavior genetics needs to be discussed
more openly, and the principles of racial differences made clear. Like
intelligence, once we understand that we are easily indoctrinated and racially
more tolerant than competing races, we can use our intellects to try to
overcome our innate weakness. Along with this, evolution does not reward
morality unless it is tied to advancing our own genes - and that means morality
only for race and kin.
Every person is responsible for the violence
perpetrated against their own kind when they do not stand against integration,
immigration, and tolerance towards criminals. We must collectively fear
the criminal races around us.
Living in a democracy makes every
individual equally responsible for the collective actions of the state.
If a new kind of war breaks out, where assassinations, partisan terrorism, or
biological or chemical weapons are used, it is disingenuous to claim that this
form of asymmetrical warfare is unjust. War is never just - it is about
winning. Wars are made possible because the people are indoctrinated to hate
and fear the enemy - and the elite always determines who the enemy is to
To compete, we must breed a brighter race,
one that will surpass the Ashkenazi Jews and East Asians, or any other racial
group that comes forth. Only then will we be able to assure our dominance and
safety - only then can we eliminate hate, fear and disgust
within our culture.
Nuenke, June 2003
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