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Review of "Eugenic Nation" by Alexandra Stern and "Keeping America Sane"
Any work on the history of eugenics can slant the issues
this way or that. But a book recently published to make blatant statements that
are distorted to such a degree that one would think it was published before the
genetic revolution. Eugenic Nation: Faults & Frontiers of Better
Breeding in Modern
The latest books on eugenics that are primarily aimed at exposing the evil of
White nativism or racism, try to tell a horrific story about eugenics, then they
accept that eugenics is indeed back and here to stay. Stern then has two
objectives. The bulk of the book deals with exposing past misdeeds in the name
of eugenics, but concludes with an egalitarian plea for the new eugenics to be
made available to all. The last paragraph states:
"I believe that we should vigilantly strive to reveal the preconceptions
that shape genetic technologies and testing, not to condemn these procedures,
which ideally should be widely available health avenues, but in order to elucidate
and perhaps challenge underlying assumptions about who and what is considered
acceptable and normal or unacceptable and abnormal. Moreover, I would suggest
that the problem we face today is less whether something is or is not unequivocally eugenic, but
whether reproductive and genetic practices or technologies are equitably
distributed across the population. Clearly, in a country with enormous gaps in
insurance coverage, medical care access, and health literacy, some can afford
medical options that others cannot. America's profound health disparities,
which disproportionately hurt racial and ethnic minorities, the unemployed, and
the working poor, provide fertile soil for a dangerous combination of the
medical neglect of some and the physical and aesthetic enhancement of the
So what happened to reproductive freedom and the acceptance of positive
eugenics undertaken by individuals? These monitors of the prevailing ethos can
only hope that they can hold back eugenics long enough to bring in their One
World Utopia, where the elite will dictate how people will behaveCommunism
will have finally succeededand genetic betterment eliminated.
It is not always what is said, but how it is said. Stern states on page 2,
"By drawing a fairly stark line between an abhorrent and benighted chapter
of pseudoscience in which misguided authorities were ensnared by Nazi-inspired
ideas of racial hygiene and a much savvier and sagacious present in which such
mistakes will not be repeated, the apologies [about sterilization] can create a
specious sense of security, even hubris."
Since the eugenic's movement was well on its way in the
Stern apparently is absolutely incapable of understanding the true history of
eugenics and the progressive movement. The original eugenics always included an
appreciation for the importance of environmental factors. In fact, one of the
reasons the feebleminded were sterilized was not for race betterment, but to
protect their children from being raised in poor environments by incapable
parents. Especially from 1890 to 1920, urbanization, high rates of immigration,
and the failures of mental health facilities to cure people, begged for a means
of reducing the costs of these social problems. Race betterment was just a
minor player in the use of sterilization during this period.
In fact, starting around 1930 and lasting until about 1970, Marxist
indoctrination by primarily cultural anthropologists and social scientists
propagandized for the pseudoscience of environmental determinism, denying any
connection between genes and one's behavior or intelligence. Somehow, humans
were unique in the biological worldour genes were all deemed to be
identicalmaking evolution itself impossible if it were true. We have now
returned to a balance between environmental influence and genetic influence
with fairly precise data on contributing factors from each.
She then wags the discreet race strawman, which no one that I am aware
of advocates, "In the 1940s and
1950s, many eugenicists traded
in their previous interest in determining the biological differences between discrete
racial groups for a fascination with the male-female dichotomy, which was
envisioned as stretching along a continuum of overlapping gradations of
personality, temperament, and compatibility. The disarticulation and transposition
of 'race' onto gender and sexuality was an integral component of the
mid-century 'shift from the categorical to the scalar' and was central to the
perpetuation of a hereditarian and evolutionist vision of civilization and
its discontents in the
Very weird usage of terms. Evolutionists observe what is, not what should be.
Those that deal with discontent are the socialists, continually finding fault
with societies that harbor any inequalities between various groups. Real
scientists deal with facts; social scientists promote political agendas.
She then goes on to describe the problem with Mexican immigration during the
1920s and 30s, and laments that they were forced to be disinfected before
entering the
She notes, "They were outraged that the U.S. Public Health Service had
started to brand their arms, in permanent ink, with the word 'ADMITTED' upon being bathed and
physically examined at
Indelible ink? Isn't that what they used in
Actually, the book reads a bit as a guide to how we should handle immigration
to day. Then, it was industrialists and shipping companies that wanted to hire
and carry immigrants for profit. Now it is still big business but also
immigration lawyers, social workers, teachers, and a host of other people that
make money servicing immigrants. Others were also a problem, "
She then goes on with more errors, "This belief, namely that intelligence
was hereditary and immutable, was buttressed by simplistic Mendelian theories
of ratios and genes, which posited a one-to-one correlation between 'unit
characters' and mental, emotional, and physiognomic traits. It merged comfortably
with hierarchical evolutionary schemes that posited that each 'race' was a
biological group with distinct attributes and faculties."
Mendelian theories were quickly understood as being too simplistic for most
characteristics. Having been rediscovered about 1900, it was recognized as only
applying to certain traits. In fact, eugenics at the time was more concerned
with family histories, to see how often certain traits showed up in families.
This eugenic practice, it is now recognized, is how the Ashkenazi Jews became
so intelligent. Not only were scholars tested, with the brightest males married
to the daughters of wealthy Jews, but also family histories were meticulously
kept to insure racial purity (MacDonald, 2002).
Even Steven Pinker, author of The Blank Slate, has recently concluded
that the high average intelligence of Ashkenazi Jews is about 107 to 115, and
that it could not be due to any known environmental differences. Most
researchers place the heritability of intelligence between 60 and 80 or even 90
percent by adulthood. And those estimates have over hundred years of consistent
Stern then makes the absurd assertion that directed evolution would take
thousands of years to see any differences in say intelligence. Factually,
humans have been designing crops and animals for over 10,000 years through
selective breeding. It is true that at this time, it would be difficult to
eliminate every undesirable disease, condition or trait. But I am not aware of
any eugenicist that advocates trying to eliminate all bad genes, whatever that
means. We are only interested in selecting for intelligence, good looks,
stature, etc. and that is being quite nicely accomplished through such
instruments as sperm and egg banks to the People's Republic of
After a bizarre and distorted presentation of the history of eugenics, Stern
then seems to admit just the opposite at the end of the book:
"It could be argued, however, that
"AID and many other genetic and fertility technologies, such as
amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling (CVS), have become routinized
features of modern biomedicine, especially as many couples opt to have children
after the age of thirty. These technologies enable people to make decisions
about what kind of a child, they hope to bring into the world. If, based on
such criteria, individuals choose to reproduce only offspring calculated to
possess an elevated chance of being categorized as 'normal' or perhaps even
'superior' in the eyes of mainstream society, is this eugenics? According to
Galton's definition, and above all the injunction 'to improve the inborn qualities,'
such attempts at normalization and optimization qualify as eugenic in outcome
if not intent. Not surprisingly, disability rights activists, fearing that
those labeled abnormal, burdensome, or otherwise undesirable will be bred into
extinction, have contested the often-unquestioned acceptance of genetic testing
as beneficial to families and society."
Is Stern really advocating trying to stop any eugenic practices that will lead
to fewer and fewer genetic diseases? Just how many abnormal births would be
required to keep "disability rights activists" happy? This to me is a
sick notion of what it means to be human. I would venture to say that very few
people would not want to improve some aspect of their genetic codeI've yet to
meet the perfect person.
There are books on eugenics that provide a historical accounting without
derision and ridicule. Keeping
Dowbiggin begins early on noting something that I had missed: "Equally
troubling are the disclosures that have been leaked to the world press in
recent years about the People's Republic of China and its 1995 eugenic law,
which in the name of a much-publicized overpopulation crisis mandates
involuntary sterilizations (and, in some cases, euthanasia) as a way of
achieving national goals that are frankly designed to alleviate the burden on
the state created by surplus, 'unfit' citizens. Yet this horrendous,
neo-eugenic experiment in social planning has attracted surprisingly little
worldwide condemnation."
I think I might be able to speculate on this silence. Most recent books on
eugenics are pure propaganda, and they have several purposes including tarring
Whites with racism; trying to infer that it was primarily nativists that wanted
to use sterilization to purify the White race, or some other such nonsense. It
doesn't help their cause then to admit that a racially homogeneous nation like
Another reason for not discussing
Dowbiggin explains, "Briefly in this book I argue, in contrast to many
accounts of the history of eugenics, which stress the decisive power of racial,
class, and gender issues, that psychiatrists were drawn to eugenics largely for
professional, not ideological, reasons.Joel Braslow.[also] showed how
psychiatrists rarely relied on eugenic rationales for decisions to sterilize
hospital patients and more often 'remade sterilization into a therapeutic
procedure aimed at solving what they believed to be their patients' individual
needs.' In recommending surgery, psychiatrists were far more moved by the hope
of alleviating individual suffering than by anxiety over the effects of
biological degeneracy destroying the vitality of the race across
He goes on to note that mentally deranged homeless persons were either
wandering the streets hungry and often without adequate clothing. Or they were
in institutions often in chains surrounded by filth and squalor. Therapy often
consisted of bleeding, purging, sweating, blistering and vomiting routines.
Later they turned desperately to lobotomies, electrotherapy, focal infection
therapy, malarial shock, insulin coma treatments, etc. These were times of very
harsh medical practices.
"In retrospect, there were painfully few good reasons for psychiatrists to
have supported the eugenic crusade. It must be remembered, however, that in
early twentieth-century
Dowbiggin goes on to discuss all of societies concerns, many still around
today. Crime, prostitution, alcoholism, an inability to assimilate recent
immigrants, the cost of public charity, labor unrest, economic depression,
rapid industrialization, etc. Many of these problems the progressives thought
could be solved using scientific means, with the concern of racial degeneracy
being brought about by the rapid decline of the upper classes having children,
while the lower classes were multiplying rapidly.
The feebleminded offspring especially were seen as a problem because they
would, like their parents, become wards of the state. It was far better then to
sterilize many of these people and let them live somewhat normal lives outside
of asylums, rather than incarcerating them during their reproductive years.
Today, we could probably just use economic incentives and birth control like
Norplant to accomplish the same endskeeping people who are incapable of taking
care of children from having children.
Dowbiggen states, "Depression-era eugenics proved that hereditarianism
need not be central to eugenic policy. Eugenicists in the interwar period often
emphasized environment as much as heredity. Officials argued that preventing
parenthood in persons thought to be unable to raise children was eminently
advisable. Sterilization, they averred, would save countless innocent children
from the pathogenic parenting of irresponsible men and women. Among patients'
families and the public, many thought like the
Dowbiggen shows the large swings in eugenics during its long history, "
This is a radically different picture from most painted by anti-eugenicists.
They wrapped the entire movement into a racist plot, while often focusing on
just a few players and advocates, while in reality eugenics permeated many
institutions with numerous advocacy groups seeing things in very different
ways, just like politics today.
It is often claimed that the flood of immigrants at this time was opposed
because these Eastern Europeans were seen as racially inferior, but it was far
more complicated than that. It was thought that many of them were illiterate,
that their governments were sending us many criminals and the insane, that many
of these people were political radicals like anarchists and Bolsheviks, etc. By
their shear numbers, they seemed to be overwhelming American institutions and
its benevolence.
With the 1924 immigration act, when the floodgates were finally closed, and
people were given time to assimilate, these issues slowly subsided. And with
the advent of World War II, efforts were made to unite all Americans without
consideration of national origin or race. At the same time, the Marxists were
beginning their slow march through academia, the media and governmentlaying
down the pseudoscience of radical environmentalism that persists today even in
the face of new research on heredity and genes.
As early as 1911 a 42 volume report was prepared on immigration. As Dowbiggen
points out, "The [Dillingham Commission] report was so long that it is
doubtful that more than a handful of congressmen had the time to read it in its
entirety. As might be expected, its findings included something to please every
interested party. For restrictionists it stressed the qualitative differences
between the 'new,' post-1880 immigration and the 'old,' pre-188o immigration.
The commission's broad conclusion was that the 'new' immigrants posed an
unprecedented assimilation problem. As the commission alleged, compared with
the old immigrants, the new tended to come from European regions with weaker democratic
traditions and institutions and vastly different cultural customs. New
immigrants were said to be largely either farmers or unskilled laborers who
clustered in established cities, whereas earlier immigrants with artisanal
backgrounds supposedly spurred the growth of new industries and cities across
the nation. As for the literacy test, the commission was strongly in favor of
it, chiefly because its members insisted there was a link between illiteracy
and poverty. Commission members viewed a literacy test as a means of screening
out immigrants who stood a reasonable chance of becoming public charges after
entry. But although the report provided ample fodder for the restrictionist
cause, it did so less on racial or national than on economic grounds. A full
twenty of the report's forty-two volumes were entirely devoted to the economic
effects of immigration. The fact that the report paid scant attention to the
biologic nature of immigrants greatly disappointed nativists, who considered
race and eugenics to be the heart of the matter."
Most books on eugenics will play the race card exclusively, as history is
revised to portray eugenics as simply a racist or White supremacist plot
against inferior races. Like now, the world was a complex place with numerous
concurrent concerns and advocates.
Even as early as the 1904 census report, racists were having a hard time
selling simplistic notions of supremacy: "From the nativist perspective
perhaps the most shocking of the report's conclusions about insanity and
immigration was that the incidence of mental disease was actually highest among
'the nationalities furthest advanced in civilization'for example,
Scandinavians, Germans, Irish, and the Scotsrather than 'the more backward
races' of southern and eastern Europe."
Dowbiggen also discusses the effect the First World War had with regards to
attitudes towards other ethnic groups, "Nativists, heady with victory,
began positioning themselves for the next battle. Like many Americans, they
favored a quota system. Growing support for a national quota system had a great
deal to do with the effects of the world war on
Like Bush's war on terrorism, nativist (now patriotic) attitudes are always
slowly shifting. Today the battle is between "those who are either with us
or against us" and "cut and run Democrats." Terrorists are now
"Islamo-fascists." The reality is that the eugenics of 100 years ago was
as mixed up and fractionated as today's debates on immigration, terrorism,
affirmative action, the homeless, the low intelligence of today's students,
etc. Nothing has really changed.
Dowbiggen summarizes the complexity of eugenics back then, "The standard
political interpretation that eugenics was a ruling-class, reactionary, or
conservative phenomenon is no longer tenable. National comparisons like mine
indicate that eugenics both respected and crossed national borders, taking
various shapes. It followed no particular ideological blueprint. It meant
different things to different people in different settings. Racial, gender, and
class prejudices were rarely absent, but eugenics wasand isfar more complex
than simply a pseudoscientific excuse for indulging these biases. Historically
it was a theory whose many elements crystallized into a volatile intellectual
compound that united constituencies with often dramatically dissimilar agendas
and interests. Its inclusive and pluralist resonance perhaps stands out most
graphically in light of the considerable eugenicism of early twentieth-century
women's groups, especially in
What all eugenics books do reveal is that the same problems we have today
existed 100 years ago. The only difference is that today, political correctness
does no allow open discussion of racial differences based on differences in
frequency of genes. But people are getting the message slowly. As
pharmacogenetics and genetic engineering get fully implemented over the next
few decades, eugenics will be again as common a subject as it was in the past.
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