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Group differences and group evolutionary strategieshow different are Whites from others?
Group differences and group evolutionary strategieshow
different are Whites from others?
After reading The Neoconservative Revolution: Jewish Intellectuals and the
Shaping of Public Policy by Murray Friedman, 2005, I felt that the workings
of Jewish evolutionary strategies were becoming clearer. I then reread Kevin
MacDonald's 2002 book A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group
Evolutionary Strategy, with Diaspora Peoples. I will review that book, and
then turn back to Friedman's book to look for consistencies.
MacDonald explains, "The analogy with humans would be that stratified human societies offer the possibility of
complex intrasocietal ecological strategies. D. S. Wilson (1989; see also
Wilson & Sober 1994) has developed the theory of group-structured populations in which groups of
individuals (coalitions) separate themselves off from the other members of the
species. These groups can then be proposed to vary in their level of
within-group altruism, ranging from extremely altruistic to completely
individualistic. Because of their very high level of cooperation and even self-sacrifice,
individuals within altruistic groups may then have higher biological fitness on
average (i.e., leave more offspring) than individuals in individualistic
groups. The result is that there is natural selection between groups."
Group evolutionary strategies have been hotly debated for as long as it has
been proposed, and at least for me it makes sense. With humans however it
becomes even more complicated, especially with the evolution of the modern
state. Group cohesiveness can sometimes backfire, and the statethe group's or
anothercan annihilate a very cohesive group. The Jews, Armenians, Kurds,
Ukrainians, etc.genocide can follow too much group success. So it now becomes
an interplay between the level of individualism versus particularism of
different groups and how they live together under state control or
The story of Jewish particularism as outlined by MacDonald started about 2500
years ago, and led to two primary eugenic outcomesfor the Ashkenazi Jews an
increase in general intelligence and an increase ethnocentrism. Very early in
their history, and in competition with Hellenism, the Jews began to compete for
scholarly recognition at the level of the individual, not just a few elite. In
addition, as a diaspora peoples, they were always in competition with the
majority communities around them, and were always in danger of being oppressed,
isolated, killed, controlled, etc. as they often out-competed the mostly
illiterate peoples they lived amongst.
In addition, "The thesis that Judaism is an evolutionary strategy does not rely on the
proposition that Jews represent a distinct race. The minimal requirement for the present
theory of Judaism as a fairly closed group strategy is that there be genetic
gradients between well-defined groups of Jews and gentiles within
particular societies that are maintained by cultural practices. It is the genetic
gradient and the coincident competition between significantly different gene pools that are of interest to
the evolutionist. Clearly,
such a proposal is compatible with some genetic admixture from the surrounding
populations. However, an evolutionary perspective must also consider the
hypothesis that widely dispersed Jewish populations have significantly more
genetic commonality than local Jewish populations have with their gentile cohabitants,
since this hypothesis is relevant to developing an evolutionary theory of the patterns of
altruism and
cooperation among widely scattered Jewish populations."
Genetic studies over the last few years have shown that Semites are far more
closely related genetically than are Ashkenazi Jews to Whites. That brings up
important and often misunderstood phenomena of how say Arabs and Jews can seem
so different, and Ashkenazi Jews so similar to Whites. Under eugenic selection
for traits like intelligence and ethnocentrism, Western Jews were able to
increase their intelligence as well as naturally select for traits that made
them look more Western than an Arab. Under numerous pogroms in
Judaism enforces a conditional altruism. Jews were often oppressed and could
easily lose their fortunes. Other Jews then would help them get reestablished.
However, as Judaism is an elitist religion, obscure and poor Jews were not
given much assistance, and tended to leave the community. The Old Testament
shows that Judaism is not like any other religion in that God is representative
of "kinship, ingroup membership, and separateness from others."
Racial purity was an obsession from the time of the Babylonian exile until the
present daythough it becomes harder to reconcile with present day liberalism.
So over time, Jews (henceforth meaning primarily Western or Ashkenazi Jews)
became increasingly intelligent, ethnocentric, and increasingly aware of how
they are being perceived by those around them. MacDonald notes that during
times of persecution, Jews turned to "Kabbalistic writings,characterized
by 'xenophobic, nationalist and inflammatory.'The response to persecution is
therefore a tendency to stress a unique Jewish identity, rather than to
The rationalization that Jewish people must remain racially pure for the sake
of morality is truly one of the most bizarre I have come across. As MacDonald
notes, "The idea that
Jewish separatism fundamentally derives from a moral, even altruistic, stance has been common throughout Jewish history. Baron
(1952a, 12) notes that an integral aspect of the ideology of Judaism has been
that 'segregation is necessary to preserve at least one exemplary group from
mixing with the masses of others' who are viewed as morally inferior.
Separatism not only is motivated by ethical reasons, but involves altruism: In
being Jews, they were 'living the hard life of an exemplar.' And by serving as
a morally pure exemplar, 'they were being Jews for all men' (italics in text)."
And yet do Jews seem any more moral than any other group? Of course not because
morality changes over time and it is not dependent on religionit is an
acquisition module of system just like the language systemhardwired into our
evolutionary machinery. Richard Dawkins' new book The God Delusion goes
into the religionmorality argument, showing that they are not related.
Atheists are just as moral as theists. He also notes that the more intelligent
a person is, the more likely it is that they will not believe in god. So am I
to believe that the highly intelligent, highly secular Jewish community is
trying to maintain racial purity for an altruistic purpose for all mankind?
Judaism then has been obsessed with racial purity and elitism. MacDonald
writes, "All important honors and positions of public trust were dependent on
establishing one's genealogy. Emphasizing the religious nature of the
obligation to retain genetic purity, Jeremias (1969, 301302; see also Mitterauer 1991, 312313) notes that '[h]ere we have the most profound reason
for the behaviour of these pure Israelite familieswhy they watched so carefully over the maintenance of racial
purity and examined the genealogies of their future sons- and daughters-in-law
before marriage.... For on this question of racial purity hung not only the
social position of their descendents, but indeed their final assurance of
salvation, their share in the future redemption of
Until emancipation, Judaism did not need to apologize for not intermarrying.
MacDonald notes that Judaism as a secular religion has been around since at
least 1960, just when Blacks were being liberated, and increasingly Whites have
been encouraged to intermarry with other racesuntil there will be just one
brown race. This became then a real problem for Judaism and separatism.
MacDonald states, "The Jewish civil religion acknowledges the tension between
integration into American life and the survival of Judaism as a distinct group,
but denies that there is any inherent conflict and actively attempts to promote
the continuation of a powerful sense of group identity in the face of constant
threats of assimilation emanating from the wider society. 'The civil religion's
commitment to Jewish continuity constitutes a clear response to the threats to
Jewish survival which have become manifest in recent decades' (Woocher 1986, 65).
again, as in the 'light of the nations' concept so common throughout Jewish
history, the proposed moral nature of Judaism is utilized as a rationale for
maintaining the perpetuation of the group: 'The identification of Judaism with
applied morality has been a primary Jewish civil religious strategy for
vindicating both its embrace of America and its support of Jewish group
perpetuation' (Woocher 1986, 28). The belief gradually emerged that 'the Jewish community
qua Jewish community had an important contribution to make to American life,
and the Jewish tradition had helped to shape
I am sure
that most Jews do feel that they are a liberalizing influence on especially
White America, but for who's purpose and how? Jews are highly over represented
in politics, the media, and academic areas such as social science and psychology
where public policy issues are promoted. To that end then, social scientists
can turn our paper after paper on equality, racism, why Blacks fail, etc.
without fear of their methodologies being questionedthey simply publish among
themselves. Their kin then publish these studies in the media, leading to
indoctrination of the masses and public policy being implemented based on
propaganda. A plot by the Jews? Of course not, it is just that the Jews have an
extremely high verbal intelligence, to be explained later. But it does allow
them to set the moral agenda.
And it is not just high verbal intelligence. MacDonald notes that the
high-investment parenting of Jews also eugenically selected for
conscientiousness, which leads to resource acquisition. (Research has shown
that high intelligence followed by conscientiousness are the two most important
traits for success.)
As MacDonald explains, "There is evidence in the ancient world for an intense
interest in education among the Jews. The Jewish religious law was incredibly
elaborated in the first centuries of the Christian era, culminating with the
writing of the Mishnah and the Palestinian (Yerushalmi) and Babylonian (Bavli)
Talmuds. These documents not only contain an extraordinary amount of sheer
information, but also are presented in an extremely complex rhetorical style,
so that thorough mastering of Jewish law requires an extremely high level of
literacy, the retention of voluminous detail, and the ability to follow highly
abstract arguments."
This is how Judaism implemented the first documents for testing intelligencein
essence the first IQ tests. In order to compete for scholarly recognition,
mastering the content of these texts required both high verbal intelligence and
conscientiousness to study extremely hard and a willingness to postpone other
gratifications. "At the
very center of Judaism, therefore, was a set
of institutions that would reliably result in eugenic processes related to
intelligence and resource acquisition ability."
The Jewish eugenics' program was not of course drawn up in advance, but evolved
under a specific ecological niche. MacDonald explains that, "One need not
suppose that there was a conscious intent on the part of the rabbis to develop
a Torah that could serve as a forum for high-stakes intellectual competition.
Once scholarship was established as the [greatest good] and the key to social
status, resource control, and reproductive success within the Jewish community,
there would be intense competition to develop an intellectual reputation. The
writings produced as a result of this competition therefore become increasingly
complex and inaccessible to those with less intellectual ability. Within a
fairly short time, one could not hope to enter the arena without a very long
period of preparation, a firm dedication, and persistence, as well as (I would
suppose) native intellectual ability." And later, "Despite the logical veneer, the point was not to
make a rational, scholarly argument. A great deal of intelligence was required,
but ultimately there was no attempt to
seek truth, religious or otherwise. These writings are thus ultimately irrational. And as is inevitable with
irrational undertakings, acceptance of the Jewish canon was essentially an act
of authoritarian submission."
On my way home at night, I often listen to the neoconservative Michael Medved
on talk radio, and the oddity of the Jewish mind fascinates me. First, he is so
loaded with facts that he has an immense reservoir to select from to win an
argument. Secondly, because of his verbal skills, it is impossible to win any
argument with him because these facts are selectively used to make his point. I
also note that he is completely clueless when it comes to rational thinking
where knowledge of evolution or human behavior, or even statistical data is
concernedsuch as correlation does not mean causation. When it comes to
religion he argues that
The Jewish mind then is truly unique and different. MacDonald sums up numerous
studies: "Taken together, the data suggest a mean IQ in the 117 range
for Ashkenazi Jewish children, with a Verbal IQ in the range of 125 and a Performance IQ in
the average range. These results, if correct, would indicate a difference of
almost two standard deviations from the Caucasian mean in Verbal IQexactly the
type of intellectual ability that has been the focus of Jewish education and
eugenic practices. While precise numerical estimates remain somewhat doubtful,
there can be no doubt about the general superiority of the Ashkenazi Jewish children on measures of
verbal intelligence (see also Patai & Patai 1989, 149)."
MacDonald then summarizes the Jewish mind from 2500 years of a eugenic breeding
program as follows. Jews are:
Extremely good at delay of gratification. This takes intelligence as well as
conscientiousness, and it is something that I have noticed. They can go into
some low paying but intellectually challenging line of work, but eventually
they will dominate the field or move to more lucrative monetary pursuits.
Whites tend more to go after monetary rewards as soon as possible.
Extremely guilty if they do not meet their goals. High investment parenting,
and especially combining intense affection along with anxious care giving is a
combination of genes and environment. Still, guilt is a trait often found in
Jews and it drives them to succeed.
Capable of "continual disagreement
within an overall context of solidarity." For example, the debate over
Generally extroverted. This is another behavioral trait that lends itself to
"[I]ntensely reactive to environmental contingencies." Jews are more
sensitive to perceived threats because they lived under constant threat. Those
that could not deal with pogroms defectedthe remainder became genetically more
prone to react to anticipated danger.
Agreeableness is one of the big-five personality traitsand it is not necessarily
a good trait; it depends on the context. Disagreeable people often go their own
way, not following the herd, and are more creative. However, "such a trait
would appear to be critical to membership in a cohesive, cooperative group such
as Judaism."
As a
eugenicist primarily interested in improving the White race, the reason that
Jewish versus White intellectual and behavioral traits is so important to
understand is because Whites, to the best of my knowledge, are generally low in
ethnocentrism and are easily indoctrinated to adopt universal moralism, putting
the welfare of other races ahead of our own. All other races of any
significance to Whites: Blacks, Asians, and Semitesare all high in
ethnocentrism. So when the powers of Jewish intellectuals strongly influence
White acquiescence to the demands of other races in areas like affirmative
action, immigration, transfers of national wealth, and the displacement of
White cultures with those from other nations, it becomes an issue of survival.
The White race is dying out in numbers and in culturewe are being displaced.
In The Neoconservative Revolution, Friedman concludes his book
"The idea that Jews have been put on
earth to make it a better, perhaps even a holy place, continues to shape their
worldview and that of many of their co-religionists. David Gelernter puts it succinctly: 'Conscience . . . the devil
once said, is a Jewish invention, too
... and he was right.'
"Like most Americans, Jews will reject calls for 'family values,'
self-discipline, self-reliance, and 'compassionate conservatism' if they turn
out to be only empty slogans. Irving Kristol seemed always to understand that while conservative Republicans continually
denounced the welfare state, they rarely offered an alternative vision of how
Americans should be governed in domestic affairs: 'In America all successful
politics is the politics of hope,' he
declared, 'a mood not noticeable in traditional American conservatism.'
"This book suggests that Jews and non-Jews alike are becoming more conservative, in part because of their neoconservative
guides, who have made it more
respectable to think in these terms. If I am correct, the task for neoconservatism is clear. It must infuse American
life with a new vision that will strengthen democracy at home and abroad, increase
the social and economic well-being of
all Americans, and set an example for the rest of the world."
In Friedman's opinion then, a handful of Jewish neoconservatives, using the
leverage of intellect and political influence, can alter
Friedman states, "A new generation of Jewish neocons have lined up behind
the Bush Doctrine. Moreover, as threats to
This statement is too timid, as the Bush Doctrine is not Bush's but the
neocons. As soon as the
"For many Jews of any political persuasion, 'Jewishness' is not measured by synagogue attendance or the
formal aspects of faith, even though a number of the younger Jewish conservatives
today are turning back to traditional religion. Many of the older
generation of neocons profiled here, while proud of their Jewish ancestry, rarely
attended synagogue. In an essay
describing his political shift from left to right, Joseph Epstein observed that
even for the non-observant Jew,
Jewishness exercises 'a subtle influence upon one's political consciousness,' adding that his own conservatism
resulted from his being 'made aware of anti-Semitism as a principal fact of
Friedman admits that, "It is no exaggeration to suggest that during the
'golden age,' [last sixty years] Jews, for better or worse, came to play a
critical role in defining
"A more significant and perhaps more enduring measure of their advance was
the increased presence of Jews on the faculties of universities that had
previously excluded them. In 1946, there was not a single Jewish tenured
professor at Yale. By 1960, 28 of the University's 260 full professors were Jewish.
Elsewhere, the advance was even more spectacular, especially in disciplines
likely to impact on the broader culture. At the most prestigious institutions,
professors from Jewish backgrounds accounted for 36 percent of law faculties, 34 percent in sociology, 28 percent
in economics, and 26 percent in physics. They also constituted 22
percent of the historians and 20
percent of philosophers disciplines that had systematically barred them just a few years before."
Note that Jews only constitute about 2% of the American population (and 0.2% of
the world population). Yet, if others point out their influence, we are called
anti-Semites. And yet they repeatedly claim that they are the supreme elite
that can alter the world's political behavior. MacDonald notes this victimhood
modality: "The [Jewish] ideology is non-falsifiable (and thus self-perpetuating)
because it explains both success and failure in terms that imply continued
allegiance to the group. Moreover, since adversity is always attributed to
failure to obey religious practices, blame is always internalized. The result
is to prevent a rational appraisal of the reasons for the adversity by
examining the Israelites' behavior vis-a-vis their neighbors. Again,
the typical response of Jewish populations to persecution has been a renewed
intensity of religious fervor, often with strong overtones of mysticism."
That mysticism seems to be a strong current in the neocon movement, because it
is not rational. Why does
"In response [to the Holocaust],
Jews and Jewish groups, along with allies in the labor movement and
aristocratic WASP circles, began an all-out assault on prejudice and
discrimination and other forms of injustice directed against Jews and other
excluded groups. The role of the American Jewish Committee (the Committee), the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and the American Jewish Congress (the Congress) took on a newfound importance. This effort involved 'a particular kind of social vision built
around internationalism, liberalism and modernism' and stepped-up racial
improvement efforts and 'progressive'
politics more generally, which exerted extraordinary influence in shaping American political, economic, and
cultural life.
"No longer seeing themselves
simply as Jewish 'defense' agencies, Jewish civic bodies, which now referred to themselves as 'community relations'
bodies, broadened their agendas to support social welfare programs of all kinds
as part of the effort to strengthen democracy. Increasingly, they employed
social science research to combat bigotry against all outsiders in the society.
Often working in collaboration with universities, they embarked upon
scholar-activist programs to bring about social change. They came to play a
central role in shaping the newly developing field of intergroup relations as
an integral part of the liberal agenda."
Again, this is what Kevin MacDonald has written about Jewish
motivations, but when it comes from non-Jews it is anti-Semitic. Friedman also
throws light on the "type" of Jewish intellectualism that MacDonald
"Howe also recollected that many of
these young Jewish intellectuals bore
the 'mark of Cohen' that is, of philosophy professor Morris Cohen, who 'like a fencing master facing multiple foes . . .
challenged students to his left and to
his right, slashing their premises, destroying their defenses. . . . You went
to a Cohen class in order to be ripped open and cut down.' It was from Cohen,
Howe said, that he and other students gained their sharp, often abrasive intellectual
style intellectual life as 'a form of combat.'"
If Jews then are superb intellects, do Whites have any admirable traits?
" Irving Kristol told of training with soldiers from
He goes on to describe the intensity of Jewish "ideological hothouse"
of ideasthe world could be molded based on utopian ideas alone without any
real understanding of human nature. The Jewish brain has been honed for
intellectual duelingit is not enough just to have resources andor power. They
must also try to mold the world in their each individual utopian concept,
formed not to be practical but as ideological combat. Research was not
required, only the production of ideas.
Is it any wonder that the war on terror is such a disaster with it being driven
by the neocon mentality? Nothing to them is impossible if it can be proven true
through philosophical debate. Ironically, Friedman notes, "Although Strauss's philosophical views were
complex, his central argument was
relatively easy to understand: he held that the West, transfixed by modernism,
utopian ideologies, and its new god, science, had lost its moral moorings. It stood in deep crisis due to a loss of
purpose and required a return to an earlier classical tradition that focused on
the 'formation of character' as the central issue in life. This way of thought
would be free from extremism because
it understood that evil could not be eliminated and that man
could achieve only so much through his own exertions. Hence, in the
classical tradition, political expectations were limited. The classical tradition focused on the moral character of the
individual rather than the liberal notion of 'uninhibited cultivation of
individuality.' Such individualism, he felt, was undefined and ever
changing, always subject to the shifting whims of fashion."
He then goes on to describe other Jewish movements such as
anarchismlibertarianism, Ayn Rand's objectivism, etc.cults that are primarily
intellectual and collectivist in its membership if not in its philosophy. These
cultauthoritarian movements are also discussed by Kevin MacDonald in The
Culture of Critique, and they follow a similar pattern of devotion to the
leaders, absolute adherence to the party line, clannishness, and absolutism.
Friedman notes that, "As many
Jews began to move away from their religious tradition, they substituted a
series of secular commitments aimed at making the world more just and humane. I have called this tendency 'the Utopian dilemma'
(in a book of that title [1985]), suggesting
that Jews have often put broader public needs above their own immediate or direct interests. Of course, Jews
have hardly been alone in searching for meaning and even transcendence in
political arrangements and movements. What will surprise many is that this
penchant for causes, usually of a secular character, could move a number of
Jews to the right as well as to the left."
Are these movements, however, for virtuous reasons or for the benefit of the
Jewish tribe? Friedman goes on, "
The Jews really do have much more to fear from Hispanics, Blacks and Muslims
than from Whites. We are more intelligent and are capable of understanding the
tensions between races without resorting to conspiracy theories. We appreciate
even more than Jews I think, that rationality is possible if we just debate the
issues based on the best evidence.
Friedman remember is in favor of increased conservatism and supports the neocon
agenda, and yet he writes: "For
Kirk and other more traditional conservatives, neoconservatism represented a
schism in the left (like the Trotsky faction of the Communist Party). Kirk did
not consider it an authentic variety of conservatism. 'The neo-conservatives,'
he declared, 'were often clever but seldom wise.' He viewed their movement as 'a little sect,' lacking
'in the understanding of the human condition, and in the apprehension of the
accumulated wisdom of our
Back to the
Later he writes of Jewish awareness of threat:
"Podhoretz galvanized those
moving into the neoconservative ranks. 'I can fix the exact moment when I
a reader of Commentary since my teens was shocked to attention by an item in the magazine
unlike anything I had ever read,' Harvard Yiddish scholar Ruth R. Wisse
recalls. She described a July 1970 article by Podhoretz. 'By setting Vietnam
within the context of U.S. History and the history of human civilization, he
was saying that revulsion against a mistaken or misfought war cannot become
an excuse for ideological pacifism; that despite its ugliness and
inefficiency, the reality of war remains the final safeguard of
freedom.... Its truth struck me particularly as a Jew.'
"Commentary became a force behind the Iron Curtain as well,
providing encouragement to the
restive peoples there. Neil Kozodoy and his colleagues at the magazine would hear from Poles and
Hungarians and later Czechs that the
magazine was being received and read, and that specific articles had been translated and distributed in samizdat versions.
"A central element in Podhoretz's evolving views, which would soon become
his and many of the neocons' governing principle, was the question, 'Is It Good for the Jews?,' the title of a February
1972 Commentary piece. In 'My
Negro Problem and Ours,' his sense of Jewishness seemed almost attenuated.
He wondered 'whether [Jews'] survival as a distinct group was worth one
hair on the head of a single infant.' He recognized why Jews had struggled so hard to
survive as a distinct group, but with the loss of that earlier theological
memory, he wrote, 'I am less certain as to why we still do.'
"During the second half of
the 1960s and
the 1970s, his
sense of his own Jewishness intensified,
reflecting what Irving Howe called the immigrant 'weight of fear of living on
the edge of unforeseen catastrophe.' The idea that Jews were
increasingly on the fringes became evident to him as the civil rights revolution was transformed into a race
revolution, bringing with it greater black anti-Semitism and a racial spoils
system benignly described by its advocates as affirmative action.
"The new anti-Semitism reached its apotheosis when the United
Nations, despite the
"Podhoretz denies, however,
that his move to the right resulted solely from the perceived growth of anti-Semitism and the threat to
Again this thread shows the influence, power, and single mindedness of Jewish
concerns. And it helps establish that the war on terrorism has been subverted
in such a way as to serve Jewish interests alone; pacify the
We also get again the glimpse of conscientiousness, Jewish tribalism, and
non-rational decision making:
"Like a number of neocons in
government, Abrams's instincts tended to be those of the policy advocate rather
than the bureaucratic insider. 'Theory was everything to them,' J. David
Hoeveler, Jr., writes. '[T]hey were strikingly indifferent to the vulgar real
world.' Abrams admitted in an interview that 'neocons were a strange
combination of naivete and sophistication.'
They did not fit in well with hard-line Republican politicos. They were primarily idea men and women, not organizers
or administrators, and least of all
politicians. As intellectuals, they were more interested in symbols and
exhortation than in the accommodation and political compromise at the heart of the political process."
Friedman then explains why recently the neocons have embraced Christianity and
even intelligent design, as a tool to make alliances:
"In Commentary, Kristol
acknowledged that Jews belonged to Jewish institutions and proudly identified
themselves as Jews, but their religion, he explained, was 'only Jewish in its
externals.' Jews are at heart secular humanists, he wrote, which may be 'why
American Jews are so vigilant about removing all the signs and symbols of
traditional religions from ' the public square,' so insistent that religion be
merely a 'private affair,' so determined that separation of church and state be
interpreted to mean the separation of all institutions from any signs of a
connection with traditional religions.' Despite their growing unreliability on
"Secular humanism had been 'good for Jews,' Kristol conceded. It accounted
for an 'unparalleled degree of comfort and security'; but given the moral
disarray in American life, the force of moral tradition grounded in religion
and religious teachings needed reassertion. Taken together with the fact that
the Christian Right was a staunch supporter of
Friedman admits that, "angry
critics accused [the neocons] of pushing a naive and inexperienced president
into an unnecessary imperial adventure." He then goes on to show how easy
it was, "Their numbers today have
increased to hundreds of individuals threaded throughout the news media, think
tanks, political life, government, and the universities."
Friedman then reinforces MacDonald's observation that Judaism has always
been about tribal survival:
"The older generation's interest in
religion, however, tended to be more instrumental; that is, it has not been a
deeply personal experience. Religion is
necessary, they insisted, in order to ensure greater order and stability in
society. Strengthening Judaism, especially among the young, would counter the effects
of assimilation and provide support for the embattled state of
The neocons then are merely the old Trotskyites who see a different danger than
liberal Judaism. He writes, "They are united in fighting what Irving Kristol calls 'the upsurge of anti-biblical
barbarism.' Aware of the deep fear of the Christian Right, Irving Kristol
suggests that Jews should worry less about Christians converting them and more
about Christians marrying them."
This book goes a long way in
vindicating MacDonald's trilogy of books on the Jewish evolutionary strategy,
and how Jews differ mentally from Whites. Jews of course are not a danger
because of their essence; Jews are a danger because Whites are so weak and
vulnerable from the Jews' ability to manipulate or indoctrinate us as they
desire. Note how a handful of Jewish neocons first reached out to other Jews to
convince them that new dangers lay ahead. And they tenaciously, as a small
group, penetrated important areas of our society to basically have their way
with us. It is not they who are sinister, it is us Whites who are unable to
mobilize ourselves in order to preserve ourselves.
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