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Transhumanism News
Sensitivity Training
You may have noticed in Race Bias #11 the following statement:
"Still, Honeywell's practice disturbs some white male managers, who contend that they are being dismissed disproportionately. Ms. Jerich recently met with a group of these managers to allay their anxieties. She spelled out Honeywell's layoff strategies and explained why a diverse work force is important. Other companies, such as AT&T, are setting up special classes and programs to help these demoralized white male managers."
Don't be fooled by the soothing words. "Special classes and programs to help demoralized white male managers" are the new version of the corporate "mailed fist."
Indeed, these programs intended to "help" white males are a new form of corporate terrorism. They are run by the EEO police at each company, and their primary purpose is to humiliate white males and show them how powerless they are.
These "special classes and programs" are intended to induce fear and produce conformity - at penalty of losing your job - a sanction that is made quite explicit in the excerpt below.
The diversity consultants tell CEOs and other top managers to avoid presenting at these sessions. The presence of the CEO or other top manager is likely to provoke a challenge by lower level managers, and a demand that the CEO defend the morality of what he is doing to his own "male hunting group." They work far better if run by "aliens" - outside consultants or an internal EEO policewoman. Then the white male managers know it is pointless to talk back, because the presenter has no power to reverse the policy.
That way, there is nothing for the white male managers to do but grovel and accept the humiliation of having to repeat politically correct nostrums in front of his fellow serfs.
Here is a typical example of private corporate "reeducation" efforts directed at white males.
Again, these types of efforts are not mandated by government, but are pursued by corporations to ensure compliant managerial ranks.
The next time you buy a copier, remember to avoid "Xerox".
By Leon E. Wynter
Theater Program Tackles Issues of Diversity
AT Xerox, "Gloria," a new black engineer, knits her brow in frustration after a meeting with her white male boss, "Charles." He had paired Gloria with a black secretary for six weeks and then dismissed her bid to join a new product team. He explained he was too afraid of affirmative action backlash to risk giving her a shot.
Worst of all, Charles did this while a room full of Xerox executives looked on in horror.
Gloria and Charles are actors in a unique interactive theater program designed by Cornell University's theater department to help executives face the challenge of managing a diverse work force. After each short play, the actors stay in character for questioning. The action seems so real, a Xerox employee recalls, that after one scene, a Xerox manager jumped up, pointed at Charles and announced, "You're history!"
Xerox has presented the show to 1,300 managers. The company has long stressed affirmative action; the half-day program is a refresher that supplements video training tapes. "You can't ask {a videotape} questions," says Jim Stoffel, a Xerox vice president.
The program succeeds by touching feelings, says Cornell's Janet Salmons-Rue. A scene in which a Hispanic manager's heavily accented words are ignored by whites makes one participant recall his unease with asking a Hispanic employee to repeat things slowly. "I'm not quite sure if I'm embarrassing him," the manager says. The answer, a Xerox trainer tells him, is to ask.