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Polarizing Election
Posted below is an exerpt from a Wall Street Journal editorial that notes some of the racial voting patterns in the November 1994 elections.
For the first time in modern history, white males in several Southern states voted 85% Republican. Blacks have long voted 80% to 90% Democratic, levels that indicate block voting of racial interests. The article notes the few exceptions to the polarized black norm.
The key point is that Southern white males are beginning to vote their racial interests as well. The balkanization of America proceeds apace. Non-white quotas and preferences will merely accellerate the pace.
[Nov. 11, 1994 Wall Street Journal p A14]
Voters Throw a Party
The claim is being made in some precincts that Tuesday's Democratic debacle represents a short-term set back for the party but not a realigning election. The weight of the evidence, however, is that the results spell the end of the party's New Deal coalition.
Historically, a party loses as many seats in Congress as Democrats did in two kinds of mid-term elections: after a party has been in power for six or more years and voters have grown tired of it or two years after a party has captured a large number of new seats and must defend many marginal Members. Neither of those conditions apply to this election, which leads some analysts to think a political realignment toward the GOP is in progress.
That is certainly true of the South and Border states. The Civil War finally ended this week as Republicans won a majority of the region's House and Senate seats. The percentage of white men who vote Democratic fell below 15% in several Southern states.
Minorities largely voted for Democrats in the South and elsewhere, :but there were striking exceptions. In Ohio, Governor George Voinovich won 40% of blacks, and Republican Ken Blackwell was elected as the state's first black treasurer. In California, Governor Pete Wilson received 21% of the black vote, and both he and Senate nominee Michael Huffington won among Asian voters. In Texas, a third of Hispanics plumped for George W. Bush for governor.
* * *
[The quote above is from a much longer article which you may retrieve
from Dow Jones News Retrieval.]