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Transhumanism News
Minority Recruiting Industry
In much of the racial dialogue in the U.S., integrationists dispute the simple fact of anti-white bias in the system. Of course, the media generally propagate our national myths; - myths intended to hide the ball from the majority. But there is one major daily newspaper that consistently reports facts that are inconsistent with our national myths.
This is a fascinating tidbit on the wining and dining of minority executives by corporations recruiting them. Call it the scarcity factor. Note that these searches entail higher costs, with the greatest successes occurring in the absence of real need.
The recommendation is that companies hire _before_ there is a need.
But of course! Once a position is open, competition based on qualifications becomes the prime determinant of the outcome! Much better to hire the minority when there is no opening, no real need, and no embarrassing competition!
Are you surprised?
[Dec. 23, 1993 Wall Street Journal p B1]
Find the Candidate Before Panic Sets In
COMPANIES SHOULD actively recruit minorities for top executive posts even when there are no openings, says search firm Wesley. Brown & Bartle.
Some 85% of chief executives surveyed by the New York firm say they're committed to hiring high-level minorities, but 62% report a tough time finding such candidates when searching to fill an opening says recruiter Wesley Poriotis.
"Diversity hasn't got a chance once a position is open," Mr. Poriotis says, because the employer isn't likely to make the extra effort to seek out the right minority candidate under the "stress and angst" of a formal search.
To improve the odds, Mr. Poriotis tracks minority candidates for clients before jobs open and brings the candidates and employers together in informal meetings. For both sides "it's like shop 'til you drop, without the pressure to buy or sell," Mr. Poriotis says.
"Whenever you're recruiting, the more immediate your need, the greater pressure you're under and the more it limits the extent of your search," says Gerald DePalma, senior vice president for human resources at Schieffelin & Somerset Co. a New York beverage marketer. Mr. DePalma says Mr. Poriotis's approach has helped him recruit minority managers because, when he has an opening, "I already have someone who's been tracked.
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