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Margaret Thatcher - White Nationalist?
Look who the Wall Street Journal caught poking at the soft underbelly of the world's multi-racial empires!
Margaret Thatcher, of all people!
The passages come from the "Notable & Quotable" column of July 27, 1995, page A12, quoting from her new book, "The Path to Power" by Margaret Thatcher (HarperCollins, 1995).
First, she emphasizes the positive powers of national identity, claiming, correctly, that having a nation makes it easier for us all to make the sacrifices necessary for group survival:
"For the conservative, of course, the nation (like the family) has also a profound and positive social value; around its traditions and symbolism individuals with conflicting interests can be encouraged to cooperate and make sacrifices for the common good. Nationhood provides us with that most essential psychological anchor against the disorienting storms of change-- an identity which gives us a sense of continuous existence. Consequently the man who shrugs off his nationality, like the man who discards his family background or (as G.K. Chesterton famously observed) who abandons his religious faith, is a potential danger to society for he is apt to become the victim of every half-baked ideology or passion he encounters."
Just so! If Euro-Americans are going to survive as a group in the United States, they are going to need their own nation.
The positive potential of nationalism is fairly well understood, and has been commented upon at length in the past. Nothing really new here.
But then Margaret marches into territory profoundly threatening to the liberal order and to all of its constituent enterprises, - - the multinational consumer brands, the various anti-white civil rights lobbies, and the Isreal and Holocaust lobbies -- to name but a few.
The "Europe of 500 Flags" is a profoundly threatening concept to liberals everywhere, because their power and prosperity come from controlling and exploiting the productive populations in advanced industrialized states.
And what better way to control these productive populations than by placing them in artificial states, creating a welfare class and importing non-whites to vote against them! Nicollo Machiavelli would have been proud. But the question of the day is what counsel dear old Niccolo would give to the liberals to prevent messages like the following from creeping into the consciousness of these productive classes:
"Even the artificial states, which take in different nations with different languages and traditions, pay a kind of involuntary tribute to the power of nationhood by seeking to forge a new national identity. This was tried in the Soviet Union and in Yugoslavia; it is now being attempted in the European Union. Such enterprises cannot work, and generally break down amid acrimony and mutual hatred. But their very artificiality often inspires the ideologues to extremes of doctrinaire chauvinism, alternately ruthless and ridiculous, from Stalin's mass deportation of peoples to the promotion of a European version of Dallas. It is therefore wrong to argue, as diplomats are still prone to do, that striving to keep large multinational, multicultural states together by all possible means makes for stability. It is, of course, quite possible that several distinct peoples will live within the frontiers of a single state for a variety of reasons - security, economic resources, geography, or lack of any alternative. Developing a liberal political and economic system is the best way to persuade them to do this, as Switzerland's extraordinarily decentralized structure illustrates. But in the artificially constructed states--founded on an ideology (like the Soviet Union) or a mixture of diplomatic convenience and fear of greedy neighbors (like Yugoslavia)-it is all too likely that centralized power and the use of force will be relied upon to keep the unit together. And this--again as with the USSR and Yugoslavia-only increases national fervour and the aspiration to national independence on the part of component peoples."
Margaret can be forgiven her habit of using the term "liberal" in its 19th Century meaning. Nevertheless, it appears that mainstream conservatives are beginning to spot connections between survival, race and nation and the potential for those connections to produce real change.
Waco and Ruby Ridge make it clear that the United States Government will resort to force to hold this artificial construct together, much as it did 130 years ago.
Comrades, our task on the Net is to make clear the real reasons why.
If our people begin to understand the economic motives behind the multi-racial empire, they will be much less tolerant of the violence and brutality it takes to hold it together.