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"California Dreamin'" - A Low Wage Third World America
In 1981, when Yggdrasil first drove down Interstate 15 through the Cajon Pass into Southern California, he knew he was in trouble.
4000 feet below, in the San Bernardino - Riverside area, a valley they call the Inland Empire, there were dense packed houses and condos thrown up 'favela' style in tiny areas, surrounded by vast tracts of absolutely empty land.
No 160 acre quarter sections, so visible throughout the rest of the country, exist in Southern California.
It was clear that the Ygg had suddenly entered Latin-America, with its notorious concentration of land in the hands of a few wealthy owners. In truth, the system of land distribution in Southern California is a cowardly copy of the genuine article to be found South or our borders. In fact, the assignees of the 7 original land grant owners of Southern California have successfully lobbied the government to purchase most of the land to restrict available supply. In the genuine article to the South, a few of the wealthy land owners proudly own it all without government as a senior partner.
As a consequence, the middle class in Southern California exhausts its entire life savings on bric-a-brack housing that would be laughed out of town in any other part of the country. They commute endless miles to and from work on packed freeways, often past the vast open tracts of land still held by our modern day 'patrones', the landholders, with their special agricultural property tax exemptions.
It has created a hyper-crowded tinder-box in which residential neighborhoods decay quickly and white flight accellerates to record speeds.
As the excerpt reprinted below demonstrates, the economic backbone of the Southern California economy consists of thousands of mobile sweat-shops, paying minimum wages and dependent upon a labor force willing to pack themselves 12 to a house, and 4 to 6 to a bedroom. After lobbying by civil rights groups, most city health codes allow for it. It is the only way in which immigrants from Mexico can afford the astronomic rents charged in Southern California:
"Cheap labor and ready capital are making the region as commercially fertile as the Far East. While high technology, aerospace industry and movie studios give Los Angeles its sheen, sweatshops provide much of its industrial muscle. Quickly established and fiercely competitive, tiny factories making everything from women's clothes to nuts and bolts may be crucial to the city's future."
Developers love it.
They have found a way to transform middle class neighborhoods into slums, produce white flight that drives demand for new suburbs, new suburban shopping centers and office towers, while keeping rents and property values high. No other region of the country has duplicated the formula with such success.
But as the excerpt reprinted below suggests, there is nothing to stop the developers and their allies in the "civil rights" and "free immigration" movements from duplicating that formula all across the United States. After all, California is the trend setter for the Nation.
But as you will also see from the article below, this trend does not bode well for integrationism:
"Seers suggest that Los Angeles will not be an assimilationist 'melting pot' but will remain a mix of cultures and economies that are discrete and retain strong ties to other countries. LA 2000, a committee appointed by Mayor Tom Bradley to look at the city's future, recently concluded that Los Angeles in the next century will be "not just a bigger world center, but a kind of international city of cities . . . "
So it should be no surprise that this newsgroup was created out of the subscriber base of Netcom, with its original concentration in Southern California.
Readers of this newsgroup are going to be very surprised to find out that "White Nationalism" is more "descriptive" than "revolutionary." That is to say that White Nationalists want, for the most part, to recognize and guide existing trends in American Society rather than reversing them. They are not advocates of large scale resettlement, ethnic cleansing, or any other large scale movement or change.
As you can see from the article excerpts below, there is no need for White Nationalists to do anything to _force_ change. The American multi-racial empire is balkanizing at a rapid rate without any impetus from us. White Nationalism is an effect and not the cause of this balkanization. This revolution is going to be easy, because others are doing our work for us.
Rather, it is imperative that European-Americans recognize that integrationism is a self-interested moral ideology invented following the industrial revolution to rationalize the destruction of European culture that resulted from the importation of diverse races to assure continuous supplies of cheap labor.
In its many modern incarnations, that self-interested moral ideology rationalizes the imposition of burdens upon the most numerous and productive (but least politically organized) racial group. It is against this self-interested moral paradigm and against the burdens it imposes that White Nationalists must fight.
June 12, 1989 Wall Street Journal P1 C1
California Babel
The City of the Future Is a Troubling Prospect If It's to Be Los Angeles
To Cultural Stew Add Slums, Crime, Pollution, Traffic, - Film Fantasies and Tofu
Economic Base: Cheap Labor
LOS ANGELES--At night, the cityscape seen from the police helicopter is a dream.
In the distance, lights of futuristic office towers shine across a sea of street lamps and houses. Through a man-made canyon of buildings, a ribbon of commuters' taillights winds northward into mountains festooned with luxury housing.
But suddenly, the chopper drops and the beam of its spotlight pierces the darkness of a slum. A dozen gang members scurry to escape the glare like ants fleeing an approaching footstep. The youths leave behind a corpse.
A mecca of culture and economic energy, a wilderness of crime and poverty: Los Angeles is an urban vision in two parts, bigger and more powerful, yet darker, than its reputation. It has been the city of the future for so long that clues to the actual prospects of Los Angeles, and perhaps of urban America, are hard to separate from the myth.
Los Angeles is the invention of engineers who brought water, bankers who brought money and Immigrants who brought dreams. Local movie makers have interpreted America to itself. The suburb was created here after World War II. The Watts riots of 1965 set off an era of urban violence.
Still, Los Angeles often is taken no more seriously than surfing and skateboards, and there's little sense in Southern California of the wider world. Showbiz and unreality are as pervasive as the California sunshine. Mystery writer Raymond Chandler once grumped that the place had "no more personality than a paper cup." But the cup is overflowing in the nation's second-largest city. The home of Beach Boys idylls is a center of economic and political might-with problems as big as its promise.
More than any other urban area--practically speaking, it's a region 100 miles in diameter-Los Angeles is today a laboratory of the American metropolis. But if Los Angeles continues to set the pace for the nation, other cities may be in for a shock.
New tides of immigration, trade and capital link the city to Asia and to Central and South America. Its U.S. identity is being stirred into a cultural stew, an extraordinary example of which is a Korean owned lunch counter that specializes in (supposedly) kosher burritos.
Cheap labor and ready capital are making the region as commercially fertile as the Far East. While high technology, aerospace industry and movie studios give Los Angeles its sheen, sweatshops provide much of its industrial muscle. Quickly established and fiercely competitive, tiny factories making everything from women's clothes to nuts and bolts may be crucial to the city's future.
The region's current population of about 13.5 million will grow to challenge metropolitan New York City's sometime around the year 2010. "The sheer power of the population explosion will be more than anyone can imagine," says John C. Cushman III, a developer of commercial real estate. Highways, clogged even today, will have to carry still more people. Water must be found to slake the thirst of additional millions. And the air, barely breathable at times, will have to be improved.
Removing Mountains
Already, mountains more than 60 miles from the city's center are being leveled to build thousands of new houses to make greater Los Angeles even bigger. And futurists expect that Los Angeles, the symbol of urban sprawl, will become denser, stacked atop itself.
Bungalows built in sleepier days of single-family homes are being demolished to make way for apartment blocks packed with new Americans--Hispanics, Asians, Armenians-who are contributing to the city's economic strength and remaking its culture.
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The pink-walled confines of Hollywood High School haven't changed much since that day Lana Turner sneaked out of typing class and was "discovered." The rest is movie history. Kids still hang out on Sunset Boulevard in front of school. Lockers still clang in tiled halls. And in the English class that Judith Campbell teaches, 12th graders are pondering Moliere's 17th-century play "Tartuffe," in which a character is menaced with an arranged marriage.
"That doesn't happen any more," objects Latanya Miller. But Ludwig Jingozian, the son of Armenian immigrants, disagrees. "Get real," he urges. Most classmates take his side. And nearly half the students raise their hands when the teacher asks if they know someone whose marriage was arranged.
"There is a swirl of cultures here," Mrs. Campbell later observes. Students in this class alone speak nearly a dozen mother tongues-Spanish, Korean, Armenian, Romanian, Arabic and Tagalog among them.
More Hispanic Schoolchildren
By 2010, the student population in Los Angeles-area schools will swell to 3.2 million, up a third from 1980, according to the Southern California Association of Governments. The proportion of non-Hispanic white children will tumble to 29% from 50%, practically a mirror image of the change in the number of Hispanic youngsters.
Anglos will soon be displaced as the city's majority, dropping to 41% of the population by 2010 from 61% in 1980. The proportion of Hispanics will jump to 40% from 24%, with the black and Asian populations inching up.
Seers suggest that Los Angeles will not be an assimilationist "melting pot" but will remain a mix of cultures and economies that are discrete and retain strong ties to other countries. LA 2000, a committee appointed by Mayor Tom Bradley to look at the city's future, recently concluded that Los Angeles in the next century will be "not just a bigger world center, but a kind of international city of cities . . . "
Foreign investment in the city is soaring. More than half of downtown commercial space is foreign-owned. "Los Angeles," predicts Richard Weinstein, the dean of architecture and urban studies at the University of California at Los Angeles, "will be the first American metropolis of the Third World."
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South Normandy Street, like a hundred others in Los Angeles, runs in a straight line between dusty, garage-like buildings of concrete and steel. Every block or so, there's a doughnut or taco shop. A few trucks linger. Grunting men push goods about. You might not guess that this is the heart of industrial Los Angeles- and potentially a central part of a new industrial revolution. Ducking inside buildings, a visitor sees figures bent over any of a number of production devices-sewing machines, welding torches, electric circuits, furniture sanders. At Brek Manufacturing Co., a big green machine towers above Salvadore Castenada as its whirring tool, guided by computer, carves an intricate airliner part from aluminum.
One Shop, Hundreds Like It
Mr. Castenada, who is from Guadalajara, Mexico, is one of nine men on an all Hispanic shop crew at tiny Brek, one of hundreds of such companies serving the aerospace industry. Northrop Corp. is one of Brek's biggest customers.
There are no committees here at Brek, no middle managers to direct production. And no labor union. When Arthur Gene Price, Brek's beefy owner and president, figures a job needs doing, he walks out of his office and orders it. It's simple, and it works. Last year, Brek, with barely a dozen employees, had sales of about $2.5 million.
Multiply that thousands of times and you have the foundation of the city's future: a tapestry of Lilliputian factories that upends 20th-century industrial practice. If the new theories hold true, giant factories won't be needed to produce goods from scratch. Instead, dozens of separate facilities will build parts for assembly by a final contractor.
Northrop, for example, estimates that about 75% of its production costs now represent work done outside the company by concerns such as Brek. Indeed, while basic industries--steel and rubber-were being shuttered in traditional industrial states, manufacturing employment increased in California, climbing 24% between 1970 an 1985. Los Angeles County--rarely thought of as an industrial stronghold-leads the nation in manufacturing shipments.
But in this small industrial revolution lies the risk of a larger upheaval, given the wages and working conditions that prevail in the many little nonunion factories. That pressures might someday explode in violence of the sort once seen in Watts worries people like Lewis H. Butler, the president of California Tomorrow, a think tank specializing in immigration and ethnicity. "Los Angeles could be so fragmented that it could be a very unpleasant place to live," he says.
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But, increasingly, the sociological skyline of Los Angeles looks like the vista from the police helicopter: a glow of wealth on the horizon and ugliness below. The dream that came for many Californians is dying now, as well-paid union jobs disappear, housing costs multiply and public aid to education falls behind inflation.
People drawn for decades to Southern California are starting to leave. Some 860,000 will depart the Los Angeles area in the next 20 years, projections suggest. (Despite that, the region's population is expected to rise by 4.9 million, to 18.4 million because of immigration and high birth rates.)
Reasons to Complain
As Los Angeles grows, its citizens grow more inclined to grouse. Nearly two thirds of those polled recently by the Los Angeles Times said the city is a worse place to live than 15 years ago. Nearly half said they had considered moving out within the past year, citing crime, traffic and high living costs.
Gang violence is widespread. Teen-age killings are a staple of local television news. One junior high school decided recently to build a wall to protect its playground from gunfire.
The solid, semiskilled manual jobs that for years supported the city's blue-collar middle class--black and white--are declining. A study by Goetz Wolff, an economist with the county of Los Angeles, finds that the number of skilled manufacturing jobs climbed 9% in the past decade; so did the number of unskilled jobs. But in the middle, in the sorts of positions once filled by semiskilled auto assemblers and steelmill workers employment declined 12%. "Manufacturing jobs were the ladder for social progress; now, several rungs are missing," says Mr. Wolff. Like 19th-century London, where dark factories dependent on sweatshop wages supported a worldly city at its peak of wealth and power, Los Angeles may face an era of economic disparity. Allen J. Scott. a UCLA geographer who has written extensively about the city's industry and studied its growth, speculates that "it could be a Dickensian hell."
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Melange of Styles
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Even Tinseltown, once strikingly parochial, has acquired a new worldliness. "This is not the Hollywood of old," says producer Norman Lear. Though sunshine created filming conditions that once drew movie crews to Los Angeles, the city has become far more than a brightly lighted stage. It is an international bazaar, where movies and TV productions from around the world are packaged, financed and distributed.
With Japan providing some of the technology, new opportunities are being created for Hollywood. High-definition television, surround-sound systems, giant wall screens, even three- dimensional laser imaging-these technologies may one day make true home theaters more than just a futurist's dream. And whatever the medium, Hollywood is likely to provide the message. "This will be the control booth for world-wide entertainment," Mr. Lear predicts.
Hollywood thinks the rest of the world is as interested in Los Angeles as people here are. Hence, the world's screens resonate with images of Southern California--from a police station on Hill Street to car chases along the city's freeway overpasses.
A stark look at the motion picture industry's hometown, the 1982 film "Blade Runner," finds the city of the future not a dream but a Polyglot nightmare. A Third World horror where the poor live in dingy streets beneath soaring skyscrapers for the wealthy. Cars clutter the streets. Even the climate has changed: The air seeps rain under a cloud of pollution.
So frighteningly real was Hollywood's vision of a future Los Angeles that "the Blade Runner scenario' has become shorthand for planners and economists describing unbridled development.
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The city's love affair with the car is rusting. Without major changes in travel patterns, rush-hour traffic in the year 2010 may be nearly at a standstill on nearly a third of the region's highways. Average freeway speeds throughout the day may drop to 19 miles per hour from the 35 mph that is pretty standard today. Air pollution - by far the nation's worst-is expected to become even more of a problem after the turn of the century as population and economic activity grow. Drastic steps to cut smog have been proposed by a regional agency. But important parts of the plan will require legislation, technological advances and public support. Altogether, a tall order.
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