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1. Do you deny that the Holocaust happened?
No. It happened. There is no question that many hundreds of thousands of people held in German prison camps (both Jews and non-Jews) suffered and died in WW-2.
2. So what is it you want to revise?
Under the circumstances, we have a hard time believing that 6.5 million Jews died in the camps. The number may have been more like 1.5 million.
Further, there are questions of whether the purpose of the camps was the systematic extermination of Jews, as popularly believed, or whether the camps were labor camps, or whether they were for the purpose of detaining an ethnic group sympathetic to wartime enemy Russia.
3. What would lead you to believe that the Holocaust story is exaggerated?
Many people are skeptical of holocaust claims.
They were brought up believing that Germans made soap and lampshades out of the skin of Jewish gas chamber victims.
Jewish Holocaust experts now admit that the widely believed stories about soap and lampshades were false.
All we are asking is that the proponents of the holocaust story get their story straight.
Take Treblinka, for example. How were the Jews killed? You are going to have to cast you votes!
Method A. -- Steam cooking.
On August 8, 1943, the New York Times reported that two million Jews had already been killed at Treblinka by steaming them to death.
An "eyewitness" account received in November 1942 in London from the Warsaw ghetto underground organization, reported that Jews were exterminated in "death rooms" at Treblinka with "steam coming out of the numerous holes in the pipes."
" Lest We Forget", published in New York in 1943 by the World Jewish Congress, describes in detail how Jews were steamed to death, and provides a diagram showing the location of the purported "boiler room" that produced the "live steam."
According to a 1944 "eyewitness" account compiled by the OSS, the principal US intelligence agency, Jews at Treblinka "were in general killed by steam and not by gas as had been at first suspected." {OSS document, April 13, 1944. National Archives (Washington, DC), Military Branch, Record Group 226 (OSS records), No. 67231.}
Although no reputable historian now supports the "steam" story, and little has been heard of it during the last several decades, it was revived in a widely-circulated booklet published in 1979 and 1985 by the influential Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. {The Record: The Holocaust in History.}
Method B. -- Steam suffocation
A Polish government report dated December 5, 1945, was submitted as prosecution exhibit USA-293. It charged that Jews were killed at the camp "by suffocating them in steam-filled chambers."
Method C. -- The vacuum chamber
Former Treblinka prisoner Samuel Rajzman testified that during the time he was in Treblinka, Jews were "suffocated to death" there with a machine that pumped air out of death chambers. {Rajzman text in: Yuri Suhl, ed., They Fought Back (New York: 1967), p. 130.}
Shortly after the war, the World Jewish Congress published The Black Book, a 559-page volume. At Treblinka alone, the book alleges, three million persons were killed. Three diabolical techniques, including poison gas and steam, were supposedly used there to kill some 10,000 Jews daily. But "the most widespread" method "consisted of pumping all the air out from the chambers with large special pumps." {Jewish Black Book Comm., The Black Book (1946), pp. 407-408.}
A former inmate testified shortly after the war that Treblinka's victims were "poisoned by the different gasses or asphyxiated when the chamber was turned into a vacuum and all the air sucked out." {Isaiah Trunk, Jewish Responses (New York: 1982), p. 263.}
Method D. -- Poison gas.
At the main Nuremberg trial of 1945-1946, two conflicting stories were given: steaming and gassing. Former Treblinka prisoner Samuel Rajzman testified that Jews were killed there in gas chambers. {International Military Tribunal, Trial of the Major War Criminals Before the International Military Tribunal, Nuremberg: 1947-1949, ("blue series"), Vol. 8, p. 325. (Feb. 27, 1946)}
Adolf Eichmann, the wartime head of the SS Jewish affairs section, said in 1961 during pre-trial interrogation in Israel that during the war he "was told" that Jews were gassed at Treblinka "with potassium cyanide." {Jochen von Lang, ed., Eichmann Interrogated (New York: 1983), p. 84.}
Method E. -- Electrocution
In the Nuremberg trial of Oswald Pohl, U.S. Judge Michael A. Musmanno declared that "death was inflicted here [at Treblinka] by gas and steam, as well as by electric current."
Method F. -- Delayed Action Gas
One of the strangest Treblinka extermination stories, which appeared in September 1942 in a Polish underground periodical, claimed that Jews were killed there with a "delayed action" gas:
They enter it [the gas chamber] in groups of 300-500 people. Each group is immediately closed hermetically inside, and gassed. The gas does not affect them immediately, because the Jews still have to continue on to the pits that are a few dozen meters away, and whose depth is 30 meters. There they fall unconscious, and a digger covers them with a thin layer of earth. {"Information Bulletin," Sept. 8, 1942, published by the command of the Polish underground "Armia Krajowa." Quoted in: Yitzhak Arad, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka (Bloomington: 1987), pp. 353 f.}
Method G. -- Rifle and Machine Gun Fire
According to the testimony of yet another "eyewitness," a Jew named Oskar Berger who escaped from the camp, many Jews were systematically put to death at Treblinka by shooting them with rifle and machine-gun fire. {E. Kogon, Theory and Practice of Hell (New York: Berkley, pb., 1981), pp. 183-185.}
Method H. -- Diesel Exhaust
In recent years, the most widely-circulated story has been that Jews were gassed at Treblinka with carbon monoxide from the exhaust of a diesel engine. {Raul Hilberg, The Destruction of the European Jews (New York: 1985), p. 878.; "Treblinka," Encyclopaedia Judaica (1971), vol. 15, p. 1368.}
The official Holocaust record appears to be a chaotic jumble of inconsistent and unbelievable accusations.
4. Who would have a motive to muddle the original historical record?
The victorious allies.
They must reestablish government in Germany. They have to impose a constitution upon Germany and have it accepted as legitimate. No small task!
The allies have to kill or imprison Himmler and the rest, or they might run for election in the new government, win, and start the thing all over again.
Solution? Stage trials and convict them as war criminals.
A bit inconvenient for Anglo-saxon victors who cherish trial by jury for themselves (No ordinary German folk on any juries here!) and prohibit application of ex-post-facto laws to themselves (Vide the views of the late Justice Black).
So the "crimes" have to be pretty outrageous to allow them to apply not their own law to the Germans, but a version especially created "pro haec vice".
Many of the camp survivors (both Jews and non-Jews) were prison trustees. They had to do this to survive.
But to survive, they stole food rations, set the labor pools, operated the crematoria, and (if any existed) ran the gas chambers as well.
Their morally ambiguous posture invites inflating the German atrocities to justify their own actions in the camps.
The German POWs hope for lenient treatment.
They are anxious to please the allied authorities with "good stories" about the camps.
Virulent German haters among the Anglo-saxon and Gallic victors who serve as Nuremberg prosecutors.
They are less than careful with the facts, particularly when the outcome is pre-ordained by political necessity.
U.S politicians need to give the American people a moral reason for entry into the war.
Gripping stories of genocide have more power than abstract concepts like the balance of power in Europe.
Finally, you have a New German government.
It will view any dispute about the truth of the war crimes verdicts at Nuremberg as a threat to its own legitimacy.
5. Why would anyone want to exaggerate the extent of the holocaust 50 years after the war?
Victim status.
Jews are by far the most prosperous and successful ethnic group in America. They are more prosperous than Japanese or Chinese, who rank second and third, and much more successful than European Protestants, or WASPs, who rank below Americans of Italian, Polish and Irish ancestry, and are only modestly ahead of African Americans.
Despite their status as a cultural and economic elite by any objective measure, Jews seem have a need to think of themselves as victims and to convince others that they are victims, in need of special protection.
6. Is the need for victim status on the part of an elite group rational?
In fact, many younger officers in the Israeli Army would prefer that Jews downplay the Holocaust in public, as it is dangerous to dangle in front of Arabs an image of Jews herded like sheep to slaughter.
The need for victim status is rational only if Jews feel that the rest of us cannot be trusted to live in peace with them without constant reminders of the Holocaust story to make us feel guilty.
In effect, the emphasis given to the holocaust story makes a statement about us, the non-Jews living in America.
By aggressive and constant reminders about this atrocity, the Jews are making very clear their feelings that we are brutal savages who cannot be trusted.
Thus, in order to determine whether this need for victim status is rational, one must determine whether it is also rational for Jews to make their feelings of deep mistrust known in this very public way.
7. Why shouldn't we just let Jews believe and say what they want about the Holocaust?
A price we pay for life in a pluralistic society, is that we must often refrain from speaking our minds and contradicting belief systems of certain groups, when speaking out would inflame the passions of the group. We refrain from speaking what we believe is the truth in order to maintain civil peace.
We exercise near total restraint when it comes to a group's beliefs in the spiritual or supernatural realm, no matter what their socio-economic status. That is why it is rude to argue with another group's religion.
However, we show less restraint when a group holds a secular belief system that has political implications.
If an economically disadvantaged group needs to cling to a version of the past that is distorted or false in order to maintain its dignity or self respect, then we may often remain silent to avoid inflaming passions.
Examples are our silence about the historical accuracy of the film "Roots", and our public silence about Dr. Martin Luther King's plagiarism of his PhD thesis and his womanizing while married. Some national myths are tolerated in the interest of civil peace.
The question is whether we should also remain silent for an economic and cultural elite with disproportionate political influence. Must we accept a distortion of history propounded by an elite?
Ultimately, the question boils down to whether the Jews are primarily motivated by a generalized sense of fear and insecurity, in which case the exaggeration of the holocaust story may be viewed in a sympathetic light, or whether their need to exaggerate the story is motivated by their mistrust of and dislike for the rest of us, in which case the exaggeration may be viewed as a public insult.
You must make your own decision.