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Dole's 32 Page List
In the early days following the Republican takeover of both houses of Congress, Bob Dole ordered the Congressional Research Service to compile a list of federal race preferences.
Below are selections from that list printed by the Wall Street Journal. Since the list was published, Dole's handlers have told him that an attack on race preferences would be very dangerous politically, because of the treatement that can be expected from the media and because of the inevitable confusion it would create among women.
You will find a noteworthy definition of "minority" in the "Housing" paragraph.
Feb. 27, 1995 Wall Street Journal p A12
Affirmative Action in Action
This week, Sen. Bob Dole released a 32 page list, compiled by the Congressional Research Service, of federal programs designed to achieve affirmative action goals. Here are some excerpts:
Agriculture: The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized "to set aside a portion of funds" appropriated for certain research on the production and marketing of alcohols and industrial hydrocarbons for grants to colleges and universities to achieve "the objective of full participation of minority groups."
Aviation: All grantees, sponsors, or planning agencies with 50 or more aviation employees who participate in projects which receive federal airport aid funds are required to maintain "affirmative action" plans containing "goals and timetables" derived from "[a] comparison . . . of the percent of minorities and women in the employer's present aviation workforce . . . with the percent of minorities and women . . . in the total workforce" in the SMSA or surrounding area.
Banking: "No grant shall be made . . . for any project" under the Local Public Works Capital Development and Investment Program "unless at least 10 percent of the amount of such grant will be expended for contracts with and/or supplies from minority business enterprises."
Communications: Existing FCC licensees in jeopardy of having their licenses revoked or whose policies have been designated for a renewal hearing are given the option of selling the license to a minority-owned or controlled firm for up to 75% of fair market value.
Defense: Establishes a goal of awarding 5% of the total value of Department of Defense procurement, research and development, military construction, and operation and maintenance contracts to "socially and economically disadvantaged individuals," historically black colleges and universities, and minority institutions in each of the fiscal years from 1987 to 2000.
Education: Reservation of 25% of the excess of certain educational appropriations for allocation "among eligible institutions at which at least 60 percent of the students are African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, or Pacific Islanders, or any combination thereof."
Government employees: Performance appraisals for the Senior Executive Service take account of individuals' "meeting affirmative action goals, achievement of equal employment opportunity requirements, and compliance with merit principles."
Housing: The policy of the Department of Housing and Urban Development is "to foster and promote Minority Business Enterprise participation in its procurement program, to the extent permitted by law and consistent with its primary mission. For this purpose, "minority" is defined as "Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Islanders and Asian Indian Americans, and Hasidic Jewish Americans."
Justice: Recipients of Criminal Justice Improvement Act funds shall be selected for post-award compliance reviews in part on the basis of "[t]he relative disparity between the percentage of minorities, or women, in the relevant labor market, and the percentage of minorities, or women, employed by the recipient."
NASA: The administrator is required to annually establish a goal of at least 8% of the total value of prime and subcontracts awarded in support of authorized programs to be made to small disadvantaged businesses and minority educational institutions.
Railroads: First right to hire of certain previously separated or furloughed railroad employees subject to exceptions for vacancies covered by "(1) an affirmative action plan, or a hiring plan designed to eliminate discrimination, that is required by Federal or State statute, regulation, or Executive order, or by the order of a Federal court or agency, or (2) a permissible voluntary affirmative action plan."
Transportation: Department of Transportation regulations establish a rebuttable presumption that women, African-Americans, Hispanics, Native Americans, Asian-Pacific Americans, Asian- Americans and those economically certified under section 8(a) of the Small Business Act are socially and economically disadvantaged. Recipients of surface transportation funds must establish overall goals for disadvantaged business participation on funded projects and, absent a waiver from the DOT Secretary, must insure that at least 10% of monies expended on federally assisted projects go to such enterprises.