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Business Opposes Quota Repeal
Well here you have it, folks. We elect a huge crop of new Republican Freshmen who want to represent us by repealing race preferences and what happens?
Big Business lobbies to keep the preferences in place! Their Republican lackeys in the Senate agree.
Some possible explanations:
- Fear that racial unrest and riots could dampen consumer demand.
- Fear by firms employing minorities that upstart competitors might not be faced with the same affirmative action hurdles and costs.
- A feeling that employment serves a social welfare purpose, that quotas are better than welfare, and that all employers should be forced to employ minorities as a concealed wealth transfer from shareholders and the remaining workers who must increase productivity.
- Euro-Americans are such compliant sheep that there is no reason to roll back the quotas and anger minorities (who are not sheep)!
February 10, 1995 Wall Street Journal p A1
PEELING BACK affirmative-action programs picks up momentum in the House.
Critics look to Oklahoma Rep. Istook on the Appropriations Committee to zero in on agencies that enforce minority preferences. One suggested target: the Office of Federal Contract Compliance. Illinois Rep. Fawell plans hearings on Justice Department policies. Florida Rep. Canady, head of a Judiciary panel, says, "The time has come to look at [preferences] in a comprehensive way."
But business is wary. "That is not one of our key issues here at the moment," says the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's Stephen Bokat. The National Association of Manufacturers frets about a backlash from minorities. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Hatch doesn't "see in the near future any real set of hearings or bill" on affirmative action.
Following California's lead, Delaware state Rep. Wayne Smith is drafting
a state constitutional amendment that would ban government racial preferences