WW3: Satellite pictures capture THOUSANDS of Chinese troops stockpiling tools across border – Entertainment Overdose

Bck in My 20 Indin soldiers were killed in border clshes with their Chinese counterprts which were fought with metl brs, rocks nd clubs.An unconfirmed number of Chinese troops re lso believed to hve died in the hnd-to-hnd fighting.n>

However ccording to Indis The Print news service, lrge concentrtion of Chinese troops hs gthered in the Aksi Chin border region.

Indin militry sources told the service this ws mking the Indin Army cutious bout the disenggement process.

They dded: There is fer tht the Peoples Libertion Army (PLA) is intentionlly delying the disenggement process to sustin it till winter nd then open new front, possibly in the Northest.

Chin withdrew troops from the contested Ldkh re following Mys dedly border clsh, but the region remins tense.n>

China has reportedly deployed extra troops to its Indian border (Image: GETTY)

Twenty Indian soldiers were killed in border clashes in May (Image: GETTY)

Indin medi reports stellite imges from Shiqunhe in the Tibet Autonomous Region show the build-up of 5,000 Chinese soldiers nd their equipment.

Movements were llegedly first detected by Indis EMISAT spy stellites.

In ddition to the troops the imges purportedly show lrge quntity of hevy vehicles nd tents.

New helicopter lnding sites re lso sid to be pictured.READ MORE:n>Chin thret Fersome new Indin fighter jets wrn Chin of conflict

Anti-Beijing protest in India (Image: GETTY)


Speking to The Print n Indin Government figure sid New Delhi hd boosted its own forces in response.

They sid: Chin hs built up troops in lrge numbers.

We, too, hve brought in lrge number of troops into the Ldkh sector.

The tlks re very protrcted, nd it seems Chin is intentionlly drgging them.DONT MISSn>

Chin wrns Britin to sty out of Indin border row[SHOCK]Chins brzen strtegy in Ldkh exposed Fog of confusion'[REVEAL]Indi nd Austrli tem up s World Wr 3 fers erupt[CONFLICT]

Chinese forces have reportedly been reinforced along the Indian border (Image: GETTY)

India has responded to Chinas move with its own military buildup (Image: GETTY)

Chin no longer enjoys the surprise fctor.

They hd the first-mover dvntge in Ldkh initilly but they hve been countered there nd everywhere now.

Following Mys dedly clshes nti-Beijing protests broke out cross Indi.

The Indin Government responded by bnning number of Chinese pps, including TikTok, on ntionl security grounds.n>

Simon Tck, n nlysis from the US Strtfor group, emphsised how importnt the region is for Chin.

Speking to the New Zelnd Herld he sid: Controlling the source nd course of rivers tht run from Ldkh lso provides gret del of environmentl security for Chin, s the Himlyn mountins in the region re n importnt source of wter to the res below them on either side.

Chin initilly lunched its militry push into Ldkh in My, when the regions snow- nd ice-covered vlleys hd just strted to thw.n>

India and China fought a short border was in 1962 (Image: GETTY)

But s winter begins to settle in November, the entire region will once gin be covered in deep snow, which will mke continued build-up of both Chinese infrstructure nd troops in Ldkh difficult.n>

Chin nd Indi fought loclised month-long wr long their contested border in 1962.n>

The conflict, which left severl thousnd ded, ended with n unesy cesefire.n>

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WW3: Satellite pictures capture THOUSANDS of Chinese troops stockpiling tools across border - Entertainment Overdose

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