South Africa Outbound to Asia: What Needs to Happen Next?

Travel and Lifestyle Press Releases Tuesday May 20, 2014 11:52

Bangkok--20 May--ScottAsia Communications

Following the inaugural World Travel Market (WTM) Africa in Cape Town this month, Khiri Travel Thailand General Manager, Andre van der Marck, and Khiri Travel Cambodia General Manager, Jack Bartholomew, pinpoint what needs to be done to help South African tourists travel to Asia more.

Some 5.7 million South Africans traveled abroad in 2013. Euromonitor International expects that to rise to 6.9 million by 2017. Numbers to Asia are small -- but rising. South Africa's middle class is growing quickly and embracing overseas leisure travel. About 10% of South Africa's population travels abroad each year. Euromonitor predicts that South African outbound will grow at an average of 4% per year until 2016.

How would you describe potential South African demand for Asian tour products?

AvdM: There is an emerging demand for sure. Buyers commented on how people wanted to travel to Asia. For South African travel agents, Asia is sill perceived as being off the beaten track. This year, Thailand will attract about 21,000 South Africans, Hong Kong 9,000, China 8,000 and India 25,000 although many of them are visiting friends and relatives. South Africans tend to travel to neighboring countries such as Swaziland, Botswana and Namibia or to the UK if longhaul. South Africa is an untapped market. Based on these numbers, there is plenty of potential.

Africa is a massive place with multiple markets. Why South Africa?

JB: South Africa is the logical start point. GDP per capita is the highest among medium or large African countries. The last 20 years since the end of apartheid has seen rapid economic growth. Outbound tourism grew 24% in 2011, but shrank to 2% in 2012 due to the rand devaluing. When the rand is strong, South Africans travel. And it shows. In Q1 this year Thailand reported a 22% increase in South African visitors. For Cambodia, South Africa represented 74% of all African arrivals in the first two months of 2014.

What kind of South African travelers should Asian tour operators target first?

AvdM: Frequent independent travelers (FITs) who want to travel for a length of time, at least two weeks, and experience Asia to its full. It's quite an investment to travel from South Africa to Asia.


South Africa Outbound to Asia: What Needs to Happen Next?

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