Jews, White Supremacism, and White Nationalism | National Vanguard

by David Sims

I LIKE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS that seekers ask on Quora, a widely read Web site. Here are some I have answered recently.

When did the Jews become so powerful?

Jews have been disproportionately influential since ancient times. A Roman lawyer once urged the judges he was speaking to to speak more quietly, lest the Jews overhear and begin making trouble.

Jews usually batten on White people with some sort of parasitism. They arent welfare bums, though. Oh no. Jews are elite parasites. They ran much of the slave trade in antiquity, following the Roman legions around and scooping up the wives and children of the defeated Germanic and Celtic tribes. Indeed, all (or almost all) of the shipping companies that engaged in the African slave trade to the Western Hemisphere were owned by Jews. White people were hired to work on the slave ships, but it was Jews who called the shots. And as far as owning slaves in the antebellum US, a much higher proportion of Jews than Whites owned slaves. (For that matter, a higher percentage of free Blacks also owned slaves, as compared with free Whites.)

But slavery wasnt the Jews only method for parasitism. Another was usury. It began when Jewish goldsmiths (in the Middle Ages) began lending gold entrusted to them by White nobles, and charging interest on the loans. The Jews werent supposed to do that, but they got away with it. They got so rich by doing it that they began having leverage over the governments of Europe. The Jews would agitate for war, and then theyd lend money (gold that they didnt even own) to both sides, so that each side could pay their soldiers and buy them horses and weapons and such. Usury plus war is why the history of Europe was so violent for so long. And theyre still doing it today.

What are politicians opinions on White nationalism?

Politicians in the West (Europe, UK, USA, and their satellites) are under constant pressure from Jewish groups, such as the ADL, to proclaim hatred for White nationalism. Often, they confuse it with White supremacism, which mostly does not exist today. White nationalism is the desire for White people to have a homeland for themselves alone, a place where they dont have to live with the ills and the dangers of racial diversity, a place where they can speak as they please, without being fired from a job or attacked on the street.

Jews have Israel. Whites, really, have nothing. Japan can be for the Japanese, and thats OK with the Jews but White countries (and only White countries) are, they say, for everybody, and White people can have no special claim to any territory whatsoever.

But Jews have power and money, so they get away with the obvious hypocrisy of this double standard, day after day, decade after decade.

Why does White supremacy exist?

First ask: What is White supremacism?

Supremacism is an ideology in which the supremacist believes his group has the right to rule all other human groups. The globalists, the political and financial elite that presently runs Western world affairs, is a supremacist group. It just isnt a racial one. There is a strong supremacist element in Zionism, which would make Israel the master of all other states.

White supremacism is a set of social ideas under which states that White people should rule all other human groups. That desire to rule other groups is the defining characteristic of supremacism, just the same in this case as it is for all other types of supremacism.

Prior to the American Civil War of the mid-19th century, lots of White Americans were supremacists. There were also white supremacists in the British Empire when it was at the height of its power. For the most part, these supremacists were relatively benign, intending to rule Africans and other savage folk for their own good, to raise them up, to educate them, to discourage them from killing each other so much as they did, to provide them with goods and services that they could not provide for themselves. But even this good-hearted supremacism was a moral error. The African Blacks did not deserve the benefit of being enslaved by Whites. However, it was not yet recognized that this was the true reason for the immorality of any attempt to uplift Africans, whether by slavery or by pushing them into dependence with humanitarian aid.

However, today there arent many White supremacists in the world. Todays White racialists are nationalists, and they are decidedly not supremacists. The Jewish-run leftist media continue to use the term White supremacist erroneously, and, further, they know that they are using it falsely. These media are in the business of dispensing propaganda more than information. A nationalist wants a homeland for his people, a place where they can be with each other without the unpleasant experience of having outsiders nearby. White nationalists dont want to enslave other groups. They basically just want to be left alone.

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Source: Author

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Jews, White Supremacism, and White Nationalism | National Vanguard

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