Could Indian Economy Get A New High By Removing Ban On Cannabis? – The Quint

Criminalisation of Cannabis Use Disregards Racist Origins Of USs War On Drugs

As India succumbed to international pressure, it was forced to disregard the racist origins of the USs war on drugs. The US war on drugs started off as a patently racist propaganda against the African-American and the Hispanic population. Harry Anslinger, called the architect of the modern war on drugs, argued that cannabis leads to insanity, criminality and death.

This racial bias in drug regulation has resulted in a disproportionate number of arrests of African Americans for cannabis consumption, which has become central to major policy reform in the US.

Economic Impact Of Indias Cannabis Law

Despite the historical use of cannabis as a fibre, India contributes a mere 0.001 percent to the world market for hemp products, which is pegged at USD 4.7 billion today.

The prohibitionist environment created by the NDPS (Narcotics Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) Act, 1985, prevents India from effectively contributing to the world hemp market. As the world cannabis market is estimated to go up to USD 15.8 billion by 2027, restrictive policies in India continue to act as barriers to economic gains.

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Could Indian Economy Get A New High By Removing Ban On Cannabis? - The Quint

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