Virtual reality will soon be as common as the smartphone – Human Resources Director

Because employees are more vocal about these expectations, they now strongly influence IT decisions to deploy new technologies sooner.

Sinclair warned that if future workplace technologies, such as AR/VR devices, are not created to suit workers preferences, employees might resist using them, causing further delays in adoption.

Invisible computingThe study also had respondents consider the idea of Invisible Computing, in which future workplace tech are to be made so small or discreet that workers wont even be able to notice them.

This would help employees focus on their tasks or people they are dealing with not on the tech they are using.

Despite the benefits of modern workplace tech, Sinclair believes the devices workers use today can be very distracting. However, he is optimistic future tech will be able to address this issue.

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Virtual reality will soon be as common as the smartphone - Human Resources Director

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