Stanford Hosting Innovations In Psychiatry And Behavioral Health: Virtual Reality And Behavior Change Conference – UploadVR

The Stanford Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences is hosting its third-annual Innovations in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health conference on the Stanford campus at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge at Stanford, CA on October 6 and 7.

The main focus of the conference will be using virtual and augmented reality as applied to treating anxiety, addiction, psychosis, pain, depression, PTSD, psychosomatic illness and other psychological disorders.

Speakers this year include Walter Greenleaf, Giuseppe Riva, Skip Rizzo, Pat Bordnick, JoAnn Difede, Diane Gromala, Hunter Hoffman, David Thomas, Jacob Ballon, Kim Bullock, Tom Caruso, Anne Dubin, Kate Hardy, Hadi Hosseini, Alan Louie, Sean Mackey, Elizabeth McMahon, Laura Roberts, Sam Rodriguez, Nina Vasan and Leanne Williams, among others.

Stanford is also putting out a call for VR Poster Abstracts due August 21, 2017 and Brainstorm VR Innovation Lab Entries, which are due September 1, 2017. You can submit your abstracts and ideas on the Stanford Medicine website.

For more information about the conference and to register, please visit the official Innovations in Psychiatry and Behavioral Health: Virtual Reality and Behavior Change site.

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Stanford Hosting Innovations In Psychiatry And Behavioral Health: Virtual Reality And Behavior Change Conference - UploadVR

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