Film Made In Area Weaves Virtual Reality Throughout Storyline, Draws Thousands Of Views – Stamford Daily Voice

An edgy sci-fi short film that was filmed in Litchfield County has thousands of views online just three days after its release.

Jamie Monahan, the writer, director, and star of "Lucid," said the film takes place in a near-distant future and follows Charlie, a young woman undergoingvirtual reality therapy after being sexually assaulted.

Streaming on Dust, the award-winning short has already had more than 70,000 views on YouTube, IGTV, and Facebook Watch, Monahan said.

Monahan set out to make the film after becoming frustrated by the lack of complex female characters on screen, and curious about recentdevelopments in virtual reality research.

During the film, the main character, Charlie, becomes addicted to how VRmakes her feel, and she slowly loses interest in the reality in which her friends live.

Though long popular in the gaming world, and already part of anxiety and fear research at TheHuberman Lab at Stanford School of Medicine, everyday use of virtual reality isnt so far off, Monahan said.

'Lucid' a sci-fi short filmed in Litchfield County is a hit on streaming platforms.Dust

We live in a time in which the fundamental ideas of what comprises reality and our experiencesof it are in significant flux, Monahan said. Technology often moves at a pace where, by the timewere having the moral conversations about something, its already too late.

Monahan is an award-nominated filmmaker, director, producer, and actress. Her latest project, "Legacy" was a finalist for the Sundance 2020 Episodic Makers Lab.

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Film Made In Area Weaves Virtual Reality Throughout Storyline, Draws Thousands Of Views - Stamford Daily Voice

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