Es Devlin creates bowl-shaped set as backdrop for virtual reality-themed play – Dezeen

British set designerEs Devlinhas useda basin-shaped map as the canvas for video projections for a play at London's National Theatre, which follows an injured soldier undergoing virtual-reality therapy.

The protagonist of Ugly Lies the Bone, which opened at the National Theatreon London's South Bank last week, is a soldier named Jess withdebilitating burns from anIED in Afghanistan.

Now back home inasmall town on Florida's Space Coast, sheisundergoingvirtual reality therapy, which uses simulated experience to aid with pain relief.

As shown in theseexclusive rehearsal photographs, Devlin has created a map ofthe small town of Titusville, Florida, which curves up around the stage.

Models of2,000 buildings applied by hand by the National Theatre Scenic workshop protrude from the surface of the map.

The screen creates a rounded backdrop for moving images that simulatethe world as if seenthrough a VR headset, including rolling snowy mountains.These images contrast the wireframes and night-time shotsthat are projected to indicate thereality of daily life.

"The set is a bowl-shaped map of Titusville, Florida, a now dwindling small American town originally born out of the national optimism of the now defunct space shuttle programme at Cape Canaveral," Devlin told Dezeen.

"The action oscillates fast between the epic arctic vistas she experiences within her VR headset, and oppressive small domestic settings where she attempts to re-engage with what's left of her life."

For the more mundane daily life scenes in the play, which was written by American playwrightLindsey Ferrentino,Devlin has also placed furniture on wheels. These roll into the basin to create Jess' familyliving room, along with a wall of picture frames.

Apurple rectangular volume attached to four poles also extends from above to create the ceiling in this scene, and is lowered further to represent a rooftop in another.

For thelocal store, now run by Jess'ex-boyfriend, ared shop counter fitted with popular magazines and sweets wheels diagonally across the stage.

After years of designing for the theatre, Devlinnow also regularly creates sets for some of the world's biggest musical acts, including The Weekend's World Tour, as well asKanye West, Lady Gaga and U2.

Lastmonth, the designer caused a stir with her set for singer Katy Perry's politically charged Grammy Awards performance, which featured a picket fence that grew into a wall a reference to the barrier Trump intended to build between the US and Mexico.

She also designs catwalk show sets for the likes of Louis Vuitton and created a scent-infused mirror maze for Chanel in London.

Ugly Lies the Bone is on show at theNational Theatre's Lyttelton Theatre until 6 June 2017.

Project credits:

Writer: Lindsey Ferrentino Director: Indhu Rubasingham Set designer: Es Devlin Music: Ben and Max Wringham Costume designer: Johanna Coe Video design: Luke Halls Lighting design: Oliver Fenwick Stage build: National Theatre and Weldfab

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Es Devlin creates bowl-shaped set as backdrop for virtual reality-themed play - Dezeen

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