Religion or Belief Discrimination: Employment Tribunal finds ‘vegetarianism’ is not a belief protected from discrimination – Lexology

An employment tribunal has held that vegetarianism is not protected by discrimination legislation. This is not binding on other tribunals which may come to a different view.


Mr Conisbee, a vegetarian, was employed by Crossley Farms Ltd for five months before he resigned. He claimed that his vegetarianism is a belief and that he had suffered discrimination because of this belief. At a preliminary hearing, an employment tribunal considered whether vegetarianism is protected by discrimination legislation.

In a previous case, the EAT gave the following guidance on what constitutes a belief for the purposes of being protected as a religious or philosophical belief:

Considering this guidance, the tribunal accepted that Mr Conisbee had a genuine belief in his vegetarianism and that the practice of vegetarianism is worthy of respect in a democratic society and not incompatible with human dignity and the fundamental rights of others. However, it considered that:

Accordingly, the tribunal held that vegetarianism is not protected as a belief. The tribunal distinguished vegetarianism from veganism, and the judge in this case would likely have found veganism constitutes a belief, capable of protection from discrimination.


As this is a tribunal decision, it is not binding on other tribunals. The case demonstrates how tribunals might treat future claims by vegetarians who claim they should be protected from discrimination. However, it is also possible that another judge would find that vegetarianism is a protected "belief", not least because climate change has already been found to be a protected belief and some vegetarians may eat as they do because of the impact of cattle farming on the environment among other reasons. This is certainly an area that is likely to be revisited over the coming years.

Conisbee v Crossley Farms Ltd and other ET/3335357/2018

See the rest here:
Religion or Belief Discrimination: Employment Tribunal finds 'vegetarianism' is not a belief protected from discrimination - Lexology

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