How One Dairy Loving Derry Girl Embraced The Plant-Based Life, And Hasnt Looked Back – British Vogue

Going vegan had never been on my agenda. In fact, Im not sure I even encountered the term until we moved to Chicago in 2009 where, much to my surprise, it cropped up almost everywhere. It was a city of two halves one part deep-dish pizza, the other part pushing the boundaries of plant-based cuisine. At the forefront of all things foodie related, Chicago had a burgeoning vegan scene that I was soon to discover.

Read more: Will Becoming A Vegan Actually Make A Difference To The Planet?

Until that point though, my experience of vegetarianism, let alone veganism, was virtually non-existent. Growing up in Derry, Northern Ireland, during the 80s and 90s, my diet consisted of typically traditional fare think beef broths, lamb stews and the odd crumble and custard. Everything a growing Irish girl needs, or so I thought.

Dairy was resolutely my thing. Milky, creamy, preferably sweet. All day. Every day. You can imagine my delight then when we unsuspectingly found ourselves in Chicago, one of the food capitals of the world. I thought the Irish had cornered the market on buttermilk usage, but Chicagoans have found a way to use this humble ingredient in almost everything. Pancakes would never be the same again.

And then it came. That nagging feeling my current food habits didnt quite match my almost imperceptibly (even to me) shifting mindset. I stumbled across The Kind Life, a blog founded by everyones favourite 90s icon, Alicia Silverstone, which I promptly devoured. Immediately, I was on a mission to know more and quickly became consumed by the concept of veganism, and the idea of living kindly in other words, placing my own needs and desires as secondary to those of the environment and the animals who inhabit it.

There were also countless documentaries that helped along the way including Food, Inc. (2008), which shone a light on the negative impact that large-scale industrial animal agriculture is having on our produce and the planet. It was a real eye-opener for me, and also introduced me to the wondrous Michael Pollan, a prolific author who coined the phrase eat food, not too much, mostly plants a mantra I was soon to live by.

After discovering all of this, there was no going back. No way to un-know what I now knew. The switch had flipped and as much as I resisted, I knew that my consumption habits had to change.

I dilly-dallied for a little while after, dipping my toe into the world of grass-fed beef and only buying organic yoghurt and the like, but it was all just delaying the inevitable. Sitting at the hotdog counter at our local Whole Foods ordering a soy dog and shake felt almost liberating. I didnt have a sense of missing out or that I was doomed to a life of chickpeas and kale although truth be told, even my taste buds have changed in the interim. Where once I cringed at the thought of kale crisps, I now actually crave them.

The health benefits from going vegan were quickly noticeable, too. I was sleeping better and my hair and nails vastly improved. Surprisingly, there were no initial regrets or cravings. Then again, I had every conceivable substitution at my disposal, thanks to the likes of Target and Trader Joes who stocked everything from vegan-friendly wine to dairy-free ice cream that, to my utter amazement, tasted even better than the real thing. Granted, it was trickier when I would visit my family in Ireland, where even chips were off the menu because theyre often fried in dripping. Sob.

It was really the ethical and environmental concerns, though, that kept me from veering off this new path. From deforestation to the plight of the honey bee, once Id opened that particular Pandoras box, there was no closing a lid on my freshly acquired worries.

My newfound existence extended to every aspect of my lifestyle including fashion and beauty. Veganism is so much more than a diet, it is an all-encompassing lifestyle (a philosophy, even) that pertains to exclude all animal products where possible and practicable, as The Vegan Society itself would concede.

In those early years, I rid myself of every animal product in my closet although in hindsight, maybe donating those vintage Bally boots was a huge mistake, but you live and learn. Nowadays, I would much prefer to buy a secondhand woollen coat than purchase a new one made from environmentally damaging synthetic fabrics, but we are making huge strides in producing plant-based alternatives all the time.

Thats the thing with veganism. Its not about being perfect or getting it right the first time round. A decade in, Im still learning and altering my stance on certain things while trying to honour my initial goal, which is simply to tread a little more lightly on this planet of ours. For me, its a continuing balancing act whereby you weigh the pros and cons of each individual choice. Its always in flux and, in my opinion, there are many shades of grey. I dont find dogmatism helpful to the movement or prospective vegans.

Over the years, the social landscape has undergone a metaphorical 180 degree turn, too. What was once a niche lifestyle is now almost completely mainstream and Im 100 per cent here for it. Yes, big brands are jumping on the bandwagon, and yes, we occasionally call things plant-based to reach a wider audience, but if that means bringing sustainability more to the fore, then why not? Its never been easier to go vegan and its been wonderful to witness so many people embrace this lifestyle in recent years. It certainly feels less lonely out there.

My personal vegan journey continues to evolve I will make more mistakes, no doubt but my devotion to this way of life remains intact. Not only does it bring me a great deal of peace but, equally, its given me a sense of purpose that no other lifestyle could. Im in it for the long haul and Im happy about that.

ine Carlin is the author of Cook Share Eat Vegan (Octopus), out now

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How One Dairy Loving Derry Girl Embraced The Plant-Based Life, And Hasnt Looked Back - British Vogue

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