Don’t swallow this BBC food fakery – The Conservative Woman

MY suspicions are always raised by attempts to control what and how we eat. As I explain briefly in my video (link below), food is at the absolute centre of culture and of family and social life.

This is one reason why ideologues impulses drive them to politicise food. Ideology looks jealously at that which it does not yet control.

The claim that the UKs Climate Assemblyhad recommended a 20-40 per cent decrease in the consumption of meat and dairy came to me via aBBC tweet.

The video embedded in the tweet is centred around a 17-year-old assembly member, Max, who gave up meat after learning of the emissions generated by beef production. It is the hope of those who convened the assembly that the rest of the population are so impressionable and so obedient.

But Maxs colleagues, being adults, were not so easily swayed. It turns out that this recommendation was the second least popular option of eight that 35 of the 108-member assembly voted on.

Thats ten people. Thats not even representative of the assembly, let alone the 66million of us in Britain who have been given no opportunity to express our views.

The bureaucrats, ideologues and fake academics behind the Climate Assembly reported it all the same.

They had hoped that the assembly would stand as a proxy of popular opinion, its membership being drawn from all walks of life, which could then be presented back to the public as motivation to engage with Net Zero imperatives: Monkey-see, monkey-do. Max is doing it,why arent you?

Over the course of six weekends, the assembly members were bombarded with official climate narratives. Despite that, they turned their noses up at the notion of government intervention, and demanded that reductions must be voluntary.

This has been embarrassing for the UKs climate technocracy, the Climate Change Committee, which had previously recommended that meat and dairy consumption be reduced by 50 per cent, driven by compulsion, including taxes.

Consequently, they have had to lie and to misrepresent what the assembly said, and to spin an agreement out of what is categorically its opposite.

The BBCs video is propaganda-as-news. Expect much more of it, as the Government and its machinery attempts to nudge and coerce us half of us, ultimately, according to the Climate Change Committees plans into vegetarianism and worse. Do not expect broadcast news media to ask the Government or the technocrats any difficult questions.

Originally posted here:
Don't swallow this BBC food fakery - The Conservative Woman

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