10 Quick and Great Reasons To Go Vegetarian – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

Way back when being vegetarian was being the odd one out but now, as the movement has grown in popularity, its easier than ever to go veggie! Everywhere you go nowadays, theres a vegetarian or even vegan option to accommodate those who dont eat meat. Vegetarianism has been endorsed by celebrities from Morrissey to Natalie Portman, and more doctors than ever before are advocating for vegetarianism as the healthy choice.

It used to be that eating meat was necessary for survival. As we live in an age where meat is a commodity, consuming it is now a lifestyle choice rather than a necessity. Its also often an unhealthy lifestyle choice, contributing to health issues like obesity and heart disease.

We also live in an era of increasing animal rights and environmental concerns, wherein eschewing meat is crucial for adhering to better morals. So, whether you are turning to vegetarianism because of an animal rights movement, or simply because you want to get healthier, the benefits of going vegetarian are numerous. Its never been easier, or tastier!

Numerous studies have shown that those who eat a plant-based lifestyle live longer. One such study, in the British Medical Journal, found that vegetarians live longer than meat-eaters by an average of six years! This is because the health benefits of being veggie are huge vegetarian diets are usually rich in fiber, nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, which all strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process. It can also reverse many diseases.

Heart disease is the number 1 cause of death in many societies today, and vegetarian diets are naturally lower in saturated fats and cholesterol (which cause heart disease). As well as having a lower risk of heart disease, a vegetarian diet can actually reverse coronary heart disease!

There is some evidence to suggest that vegetarians have a lower rate of cancer than others who eat meat. Meat consumption, particularly red meat, has consistently been linked to cancer as it is a carcinogenic. Eating your fruits and veggies has never been easier, or better for you!

Obesity is an epidemic sweeping the Western world, and owes to a lifestyle that does not favor health supersize meals, BBQs, and stress-eating. Simply changing our diets to one more plant-based can have huge effects on the risk of obesity, actually lowering the chance of becoming obese by 43%!

Following a vegetarian diet has been proven to make the dieter lose twice as much weight as a meat-eater. A vegetarian diet does wonders for the metabolism!

Global warming is rapidly increasing the likelihood of the end of life as we know it. By the mid-20th century, as global temperatures spike, rising sea levels, and climate crises will become the norm. You can help counter this by simply skipping the meat animal agriculture creates huge amounts of greenhouse gases, which contribute to climate change.

Whatever your stance on animal emotions, theres no denying that they feel pain like any other living creature, and factory farms are inhumane and outdated places of cruelty.

Whether its from not eating our lovely feathered and furred friends, or due to the lower levels of arachidonic acid in plant-based diets, being a vegetarian is great for your mental health!

Meat is full of bad bacteria hormones, herbicides, pesticides, and antibiotics. This is because theyre fed to animals like cows during the factory farming process, and become concentrated in

animal flesh.

Aside from meat costing more than your average veggie meal, youll save a bunch on healthcare costs in the future!

Katherine Rundell is a content writer at UKWritings and Academized.She enjoys hiking and traveling, as well as cooking delicious vegetarian food. Also, she blogs on the Boomessays website.

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10 Quick and Great Reasons To Go Vegetarian - Longevity LIVE - Longevity LIVE

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