Veganism | What is Veganism & How to Do More for Animals …

From DxEs perspective, veganism is the way of living that seeks to excludeas far as is possible and practicableany products or services derived from the exploitation of nonhuman animals. This includes any products made from the bodies or secretions of animals, as well as those developed using animal testing.

DxE fights against speciesism in society. Speciesism is the set of oppressive ideologies that perpetuates this violent exploitation of nonhuman animals. DxE regards living vegan as one crucial expression of anti-speciesist philosophy, but not the only one. To truly oppose speciesism, we must take comprehensive direct action to change the world for all animals, and living vegan is just part of this.

*The work of Gary Francione distinguishes between "lifestyle veganism," framed as a "personal choice" to not use animals, and "abolitionist veganism" defined as "the animal rights based opposition to all animal use by humans," which maintains that all sentient beings share a basic right not to be treated as the property of others.


Veganism | What is Veganism & How to Do More for Animals ...

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