Vegan Lifestyle: Why Veganism Is More Than a Diet

What is a vegan lifestyle? When we talk about veganism, many people hear the word diet as the most important part of the conversation. After all, one of the most well-known aspects of the vegan lifestyle involves not eating meat or animal byproducts. Yet by centering diet as the soul of veganism, we might be doing a disservice to vegans. Theres far more to the ethos of veganism than simply controlling what one puts in ones mouth, and ignoring these other facets of the vegan lifestyle denies its power.

If youre thinking about going vegan or if you already consider yourself a vegan, its important to understand why you make specific choices as a human and as a consumer, and why you choose to avoid things that other people consider commonplace. No, you dont have to become an academic scholar, nor do you need to tell everyone you meet about your vegan lifestyle. However, part of the movement involves living your values. Instead of just expressing them, you demonstrate them through what you choose to do and not to do.

Lets take a deeper look at the vegan lifestyle and what it truly means to those who practice it.

The Vegan Society defines the vegan lifestyle as a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Thats pretty comprehensive.

Vegans lead with intent. They do their best, however small, to create a world in which no animals are harmed by service to humans.

And it goes far beyond diet. Vegans have been behind many protests against circus acts and other entertainment venues that force animals to perform for human entertainment. A circus has nothing to do with diet unless you count popcorn and cotton candy but everything to do with animal welfare. Animals forced to perform for human entertainment often show no signs of enjoying the work or wanting to perform. Consequently, the trainers have to use pain to evoke the desired response from the animal.

The vegan lifestyle involves actively avoiding any practice that damages animal welfare or subjugates animals for our benefit as humans.

A vegan lifestyle is a creed and a way of life that denies that other animals exist for our use. We were all put here for our own purposes, and animals other than humans contribute just as much as we do to our ecosystem. Vegans believe that we can live side by side with animals rather than as apex predators. Instead of exerting dominion over animals, we can help them live their lives as naturally as possible.

The vegan lifestyle does involve diet. Vegans dont eat meat, eggs, dairy, or any other animal byproduct, including the honey that bees produce. However, its much more than that.

We know that animals are used to create many consumer products, from soaps and cosmetics to clothing. Vegans wear synthetic fabrics, for instance, instead of wool made from sheep, llamas, alpacas, and other animals. Its true that these animals arent killed for their fur. However, theyre terrorized during the shearing process, which they dont understand, and are left without their natural protection from the elements.

Just as the vegan lifestyle is about intent, its also about mindfulness. Before buying something at the store, a vegan considers whether or not it has had a deleterious impact on animals in any way.

According to statistics from 2017, the incorporation of vegan foods into meals across all American households has risen by 40 percent. Furthermore, nearly half of all Americans support banning slaughterhouses, and in some countries vegan populations have increased by as much as 600 percent. The data is clear: more people are going vegan every day.

This evolution creates significant demand for consumer products that fit the vegan lifestyle. Businesses, including factory farming operations and slaughterhouses, operate on supply and demand. If nobody wants to eat meat or animal byproducts, these businesses shut their doors because they cant justify continued operations.

Part of the vegan lifestyle means refusing to put dollars into the hands of people who would hurt animals in any way. As more people take up the vegan lifestyle, vegans voices become louder and more difficult to ignore.

Nobody can deny that vegan food is delicious. Its whole, plant-based, and diverse, which means you cant possibly get bored if youre open to all the foods available to you. However, the vegan lifestyle doesnt revolve around food alone. As mentioned above, its an ethos or creed that helps people to live their values. Vegans know what they believe, and what they hold sacred, and they do their best to ensure that their behaviors follow their hearts.

Its important to understand the vegan lifestyle, because its easy to say that you love animals and support their rights but still to chomp down on an all-beef burger for dinner. Its similar to an environmental activist driving a gas-guzzling car and drinking water from disposable plastic bottles.

When other people see that youre living a vegan lifestyle, they might become curious. Most people dont enjoy hearing lectures, but they emulate behaviors they admire and respect. Thats the key to turning your vegan lifestyle into a statement that spreads to those around you.

Lets look at what it means to put vegan beliefs into practice as a lifestyle.

When it comes to living your beliefs, there are three stages:

When people talk about their beliefs and ideologies but act in direct opposition to them, others dont take those people seriously. Theres a dissonance between belief and action, and intent is often the missing link.

When youve defined a belief for yourself, such as that all animals should be treated humanely, you then need to think about how that belief will manifest. What changes do you want to make? How do you want other people to treat animals?

From intent follows action. Once you create an intention, the next logical step is to act out that intention through your habits as a consumer and a human being. The vegan lifestyle isnt just about what you put in your mouth at mealtimes. Its about how you show other people what you believe.

Very few people will say they hate animals or want them to suffer. Nevertheless, omnivores outnumber herbivores by a significant margin.

Theres a cognitive dissonance in cuddling your cat right before digging into a steak or enjoying a bucket of fried chicken. Just because a chicken or a cow doesnt look like your family pet doesnt mean those animals dont experience the same emotions and instincts. All animals want to live. They desire to thrive with other animals of their own kind, form emotional bonds, care for their young, and protect each other from predators. By consuming animals and otherwise using them for our own benefit, we deny them those basic rights.

If you live a vegan lifestyle, however, you make a statement with every product you buy, every article of clothing you wear, and every piece of food you eat. Instead of just saying how much you love animals and wish the best for them, youre contributing to their cause.

Many of the industries that vegans fight against contribute to pollution, deforestation, reduced habitats, and other impacts on animals lives. For instance, animal testing has become a huge strain on our collective resources, requiring large labs in which to house and feed animals. The same goes for dairy farms. These operations consume massive amounts of fossil fuels, contribute to contaminated soil, and introduce large quantities of ammonia into the environment. None of these things is healthy for humans or other animals.

The vegan lifestyle is directly tied to environmentalism. We want to preserve the earth for all creatures, including our own descendants. By selfishly farming animals and using up resources without thought for the future, we contribute to a world far less hospitable than the one we enjoy now.

If you believe that we should reduce our carbon footprints and protect animals, the vegan lifestyle is the perfect way to live your beliefs and show that veganism is more than just a diet.

We dont have to hurt others to survive; human beings have proved that through centuries of living on this earth. Despite political and social divisiveness, were still a social species. Humanity has only survived because of our ability to care for one another, whether that means staying awake at night to make sure a predator doesnt ravage our village, or shouting a warning to a stranger whos about to step in front of a moving car. The fact that we still exist despite the innumerable ways in which we could destroy each other is proof positive of our destiny to live peaceably.

This doesnt mean, however, that doing no harm to our fellow humans is enough. We also have to realize that harming animals and the environment leaves just as obvious a stain. Were wired to bond with other animals. We domesticated dogs before any other creature, and for centuries weve worked alongside canines in mutually beneficial relationships. Dogs enjoy working with humans, just as horses and many cats do, because we care for each other.

The problem, though, is that many people pick and choose. If you embrace the belief that you should do no harm to another sentient creature, its impossible to separate dogs and cats from cows, chickens and fish.

One of the purest ways to embrace the vegan lifestyle is to ask yourself one question:

Are you willing to slaughter an animal yourself to feed your family, when other alternatives exist?

If not, youre a good candidate for the vegan lifestyle. You dont want to slit a cows throat, boil a chicken alive, or gut a fish from head to tail, so in your mind youve separated the animal from the food in the supermarket. A chicken breast doesnt look like a chicken, so weve allowed ourselves to compartmentalize. Once you take a more holistic view of the world and realize that all lives are sacred, however, eating meat and using animal byproducts become repulsive.

Ancient cultures often hunted animals because they had no other choices. They lived in areas where crops couldnt grow, for instance, so they had no other food sources. These peoples often prayed over the animals they killed even revered them and vowed to use their bodies in as many ways as possible to honor their unwilling sacrifice. They viewed all lives as sacred but were forced to kill to survive. Anyone who has the ability to read this article doesnt live in such circumstances. Other food choices exist, so honoring animals means not needlessly exploiting them.

Youre excited about the vegan lifestyle. Youre ready to commit. So what do you do to ensure you live your beliefs and help spread the word about veganism?

Start by learning everything you can about the vegan lifestyle. The Sentient Media articles youve read are a great start. Learn about nutrition and healthy living, research ways to get the foods you love without harming animals, and find any supplements you need to make sure you meet your bodys requirements.

The vegan lifestyle is a practice. You might screw up. Maybe you find yourself out to dinner with friends and accidentally order a dish that has milk or eggs in it. Dont beat yourself up.

Practice veganism. Learn how to read labels and ask questions. Before you travel, research vegan-friendly supermarkets or restaurants in your destination city so youre not forced to scramble. Take snacks with you on the go. Plain nuts, dried fruit, and similar foods are perfect for slipping into a pocket, purse, or briefcase. Carry water, too, so you dont get dehydrated.

Its not a coincidence that people who openly live a vegan lifestyle are also advocates for healthy living and good nutrition. They talk about hydration, exercise, sleep, and other aspects of a healthy lifestyle. Remember, its not just about diet.

You dont have to proselytize over the Thanksgiving dinner table. Most people dont respond well to that approach. Simply let your friends and family know that youve adopted a vegan lifestyle and ask them to respect it.

Who knows? Your loved ones might start asking questions and learning more about veganism. Thats a great start. Live by example live your beliefs so others can witness what youre willing to consume and what youre not.

Surrounding yourself with people who believe what you believe can be immensely helpful. For one thing, you can learn from one another about how best to live a vegan lifestyle. For another, you can keep yourselves on track.

If you go to the gym with a few fellow vegans, youre unlikely to suggest a trip to Taco Bell afterward for beef quesadillas. Youll keep yourself honest while enjoying the company of people who believe, as you do, that all animals deserve rights.

Keep your eye out for situations in which animals are mistreated. Adopt unwanted pets from a local rescue organization, report animal cruelty to law enforcement, and refuse to patronize businesses that serve animal products.

Your dollars matter. Organizations that fight against animal abuse need your money to further their efforts on animals behalf. Donating even a small recurring amount, such as $5 or $10, can make a huge impact on the lives of animals in your community and around the world.

The vegan lifestyle doesnt require advocacy, but if youre moved to get involved in a more active way, consider joining an animal rights organization. These groups help fight against animal cruelty on numerous fronts, and you could become part of their work.

Veganism isnt just about a diet. Its about a way of life. If you believe that all animals deserve to live their lives free of obligation to humans, youre on the right path.

Subscribe to the Sentient Media newsletter to learn more about the vegan lifestyle and animal matters in which you might be interested. Dont hesitate to join conversations about veganism, animal rights, animal cruelty, and other issues that impact our animal friends.

Are you ready to adopt the vegan lifestyle? Have you already?

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Vegan Lifestyle: Why Veganism Is More Than a Diet

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