Revisited: is veganism the future? | News – The Guardian

This week we are revisiting some of our favourite episodes from 2020. This episode was first broadcast on 23 January 2020

Veganism is having a moment. From Veganuary promotions to whole lines of products in fast-food chains such as KFC and Greggs, there is a concerted effort to lure customers away from meat and dairy. But with the boom comes a deluge of quackery and misinformation.

In this episode Marco Springmann, a public health researcher at Oxford University, separates fact from fiction. He tells Anushka Asthana what the data says about the health and environmental impact of veganism and cutting out meat and other animal products.

Archive: ITV News, BBC News, Wired (YouTube), Joey Carbstrong (YouTube), Netflix (The Game Changers)

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Revisited: is veganism the future? | News - The Guardian

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