Here Are Some Clues That Zo Kravitz Might be Vegan – The Beet

Actress, singer, model, andfree-spiritedstyle iconZo Kravitz radiates the kind of bohemian energy thatmight make you assume she is vegan. Her down-to-earthattitude, eclectic fashion sense and outspoken activism point her towards the kind of celebrity who is also intentional about what she puts on her plateand into her body. Zo'sluminous skin makes us suspect she doesn't include chemicals in her day-to-day routine or let dairy or refined sugar pass her lips, buttodetermine if the daughter of Lisa Bonet and Lenny Kravitz eatsplant-based, we compiled cluesthat point her towards a "mostly vegan"lifestyle.

Kravitz has been a breakout starin HBO's Big Little Lies, and has kept many entertained during quarantine with her Hulu series High Fidelity, a reboot of the beloved 90's movie starring John Cusack.Sheis also set to star in theupcoming Catwoman movie as the superhero, also knownby her "real" name,Selina Kyle.

Kravitz's mother, Lisa Bonet, read John Robbins' Diet for a New America (1987) inthelate 1980s when she was pregnant. This book convinced her to raise Zo on a vegan diet of protein-enriched pasta, soy yogurt, guacamole, broccoli, split pea soup and rice at an early age. In an appearance on The Phil Donahue Show,in 1990 she appeared with River Phoenix, Raul Julia, and author John Robbins to discuss vegetarianism, veganism, global warming, and dietary choices, Bonet called the agricultural industry a"total manipulation to keep a lot of people rich."Bonet seemed ahead of her time in believing that a diet free of meat and dairy was the healthiest option and talked about feeding her baby Zo (who was still nursing at the time) vegan options such as enriched pasta, pea soup, and other vegetables.

In the interview, Bonet also advocated for environmental protection by pointing out that the Amazon rainforests were being destroyed, "so you can have another cheeseburger." (What's amazing about this video from 1990 is it could have been made this erasince the recent Amazon fires were caused by farmers deforesting the land to raise more cattle.) In advocating for sustainable food practices, Bonet was ahead of her time.

It seems that Zo remained largelyplant-based during her childhood, but began to deviate from strictly no-animal-product to adding a few back in. In an article with Harper'sBazaar, Kravitz explained, "I was raised vegan. My mom would always make quinoa with squash and kale, hippie stuff like that. Now I eat meat, but I try to be conscious about where it's coming from. But I stick to mostly vegan health food just because it's how I grew up; I really likeSouenandAngelica Kitchenin the East Village." Kravitz does note that when she consumes animal products she tries to "to be conscious about where it's coming from. But I stick to mostly vegan health food just because it's how I grew up."

While talking with ELLE magazine, Kravitz divulged that part of her beauty routine is keeping a clean diet: "I try eating wellmaking sure you're eating greens or steamed veggies, or stuff that doesn't have a lot of oil or chemicals. But if you want to go to McDonald's every once in a while, do it! But it's about clean food that hasn't been processed." Kravitz isn't a fan of restriction and notes that her favoritetreatsare "chocolate or anything with peanut butter," and for happy hour, "Whiskey or red wine."

All of this evidence points towards Zohaving a mostly plant-based diet, something one might refer to as a plant-forward lifestyle. Although she admits that she eats animal products from time to time, Kravitz seems to mainlyfill her plate with fresh vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes. As for her quarantine indulgences, she says that thetwo thingsbesides her "mostly vegan" diet are getting her through this isolating time; "wine and weed,", which, technically, arebothderived from plants.

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Here Are Some Clues That Zo Kravitz Might be Vegan - The Beet

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