Going Vegan Can Be Easy Thanks to Connecticuts West Street Grill Chef James OShea – inTouch Weekly

How did you feel when you changed your diet?JO: Better. My energy level is incred- ible. When you eat vegan, you feel much lighter. Your body doesnt work so hard to break things down.

What are some of the big misconceptions about veganism?JO:The first question Im asked is how do I get protein. You get what you need if you eat a balanced diet of greens, healthy plants, fruits and vegetables along with beans, lentils, nuts and seeds. Soybeans, tofu and tempeh are great protein options.

Do you miss things like cheese?JO: Id say 90 percent of vegetarians cant make the switch because theyre hooked on dairy. But there are so many non-dairy options out there now. Miyokos Creamery has an incredible unsalted butter. Theres Cheezehound and Just Mayo and everyone is making non-dairy ice cream.

So its easier than ever before to go vegan?JO: Yes. Beyond Beef and the Impos- sible Burger are everywhere. Nathan has announced theyre doing a vegan veggie dog.

Whats your advice for people thinking about making the change?JO: Most people say they hardly eat meat, but if they added up how much they eat in a month, it would shock them. So make a list. Write down, No eggs, no dairy, no meat, no fish, no animal products, and carry itaround.

The vegan lifestyle is getting more and more popular. Do you think that will continue?JO: Veganism is most likely to be the diet of the 21st century. It encompasses a whole new way of life as people become more aware that our mainstream di- ets are not as healthy and have devastating effects on the planet. Those are big reasons for people to change.

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Going Vegan Can Be Easy Thanks to Connecticuts West Street Grill Chef James OShea - inTouch Weekly

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