Arch Enemy Singer Alissa White-Gluz Splits The Social Media With Her Own Desicion – Metalhead Zone

Alissa White-Gluz, the frontwoman of Arch Enemy, shared a post on her official Instagram page for World Vegan Day, since veganism is a misunderstood concept by society fans are divided into two into the comment sections and Alissa had to explain herself once again.

Veganism is all about abstaining from the use of animal products, while it is mainly about a specific diet, it also rejects the commodity status of animals. There are numerous reasons to be vegan, the very first reason is to prevent the exploitation of animals, avoiding animal products is the most obvious way to stand against animal cruelty.

Every passing day, because of many more reasons, the people choose to live as a vegan increase since everybody has now more information about the harm and consequences of not being a vegan.

Alissa White-Gluzrecently shared a photo from last years Official Animal Rights March for World Vegan Day, an annual event to celebrate vegans and living cruelty-free all around the world, and revealed that she has been vegan for 22 years while explaining the very simple reason of veganism.

Here is what she said:

Happy World Vegan Day!

I have been vegan for 22 YEARS now and I have never eaten meat.

Thank you to all of you who choose to think of the well-being of others throughout your daily lives!

If you dont understand what being vegan means and just think its a buzzword designed to trigger people, its okay!

Here are some documentaries that will shine a light on how we can all make choices, every day, to either negatively or positively impact the planet and ourselves. Choosing to NOT kill animals, NOT abuse an already crippled environment, and NOT harm your own health is called veganism. If you have a book or documentary that helped you, let me know in the comments and Ill add it to the list here so its comprehensive!

Thank you for every action you take that does not harm others! I know it might seem like an intimidating way to live, always being conscious of your actions, but trust me it becomes automatic eventually. And its actually quite nice to always be aware of your impact and be willing to learn and grow.

This is a photo from last years Official Animal Rights March#NYC.

Have a great one!

While there are many people who understand and support veganism even when they are not vegan, there are also people who do not any information yet many ideas about what veganism is. As a result, people divided into two in the comments section.

Here is what a fan commented:

I congratulate you and value your opinions. I truly think you are a beautiful person. That being said, Im far from Vegan but I love animals and the environment. Its called a circle of life for a reason and population control. You can not stop wild animals from mating. We would be overrun and overpopulated in no time and animals would dominate this planet only to have no choice but to eat humans.

There are not enough resources to sustain that many lives. How many wild animals die each year due to starvation. And why? Cause we as humans are cutting down all plant life(which subsequently, are also alive and you eat that), All to build these cheesy homes for us to live in. We pave paradise and put up a parking lot. Just saying-.

Here is how White-Gluz replied:

They would not be bred into existence. They are all killed at a young age for humans to consume. Without the demand for their flesh, we would no longer breed them and their populations would be normal and sustainable, just the way it always has been for all time on Earth prior to the industrial revolution.

You can see the Instagram post below.

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Arch Enemy Singer Alissa White-Gluz Splits The Social Media With Her Own Desicion - Metalhead Zone

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