15 Vegan Lifestyle Benefits That Will Make You Never Look Back – LIVEKINDLY

Greta Thunberg, Sir Paul McCartney, Woody Harrelson, Lewis Hamilton, Pamela Anderson, RZA, Miley Cyrus, John Salley, and Cory Booker. These high-profile names have at least one thing in common: theyre thriving on the benefits of a vegan lifestlye.

Veganism is everywhere nowadays, and the people ditching animal products in favor of a vegan diet are doing so for a handful of reasons.

Those who follow a vegan diet, also called a plant-based diet, do not eat animal products. This includes meat, dairy, eggs, honey, and gelatin. But veganism expands further than diet. Per the Vegan Society, the definition is as follows: Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

For instance, vegans dont wear clothing made with animal materials (like leather and wool), buy cosmetics that were tested on animals, or support entertainment that relies on the exploitation of animals, like bullfighting or SeaWorld.

Sixteen-year-old climate activist Thunberg follows a plant-based diet and even persuaded her parents to do the same. She said in an interview that those who support animal agriculture are stealing her generations future. You cannot stand up for human rights while you are living that lifestyle, she added.

Beatles frontman McCartney famously said, If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegetarian. Now the 77-year-old rockstar is vegan and still a vocal advocate for the lifestyle. In a short film called One Day a Week, which encourages people to eat less meat, McCartney said, [If] we all join together in this effort, we can help improve the environment, reduce the negative impacts of climate change, and even improve peoples health.

Vegan New Jersey Senator Booker who is running for president in 2021 recently announced his animal welfare plan. It would see the end of animal testing for cosmetics, snares, people keeping big cats as pets, and the sale of shark fins. Booker said, Our treatment of animals is a test of our character and a measure of the compassion of our society.

Veganism has reached the sporting world, too. Formula One champion Hamilton says his plant-based diet has helped him feel the best Ive ever felt in my life.Wesley Woodyard, linebacker for the Tennessee Titans, experienced increased energy levels after going vegan because he began putting good fuel into his body. Quarterback for the Carolina Panthers Cam Newton credits his vegan diet for his quickened recovery. Im loving how Im feeling,he said.

Other high-profile vegan names include: A$AP Rocky, will.i.am, Alan Cumming, Ne-Yo, Ruby Rose, Ted Deutch, James Cameron, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jenna Marbles, Kyrie Irving, Nathalie Emmanuel, Natalie Portman, Craig Robinson, Eric Adams, Sia, Mayim Bialik, Tia Blanco, and Kevin Smith.

An ever-growing bank of research is highlighting the health risks linked to meat, dairy, and eggs, and the benefits associated with a plant-based diet. Many experts agree that going vegan could help you live a longer life.

In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) named red meat a Group 2 carcinogen, meaning it probably causes cancer in humans. WHO put processed meat (like bacon and pepperoni) in the Group 1 category, meaning it is carcinogenic to humans. Tobacco smoking and asbestos are also in the Group 1 category.

Even small amounts of meat could increase the risk of cancer. An Oxford Universitystudyfrom earlier this year found that eating just three rashers of bacon a day could increase cancer risk by 20 percent.

Professor Jane Plant, a geochemist who has survived cancer six times, maintains that dairy is also a carcinogen. She believes her plant-based diet helped put her breast cancer into remission twice.

Meat typically contains high amounts of saturated and trans fats, which can increase blood cholesterol. Cholesterol can cause fatty deposits in the blood vessels which increases the risk of stroke, peripheral artery disease, and heart disease. Plant-based foods, by nature, contain no dietary cholesterol. A diet high in fat and cholesterol can raise blood pressure, too, which also makes cardiovascular diseases more likely.

A2018 studyby the Cleveland Clinic found that eating red meat could increase the risk of heart disease 1,000 percent more than a plant-based diet.

More and more research is finding that a plant-based diet could reduce the risk of developing diabetes or even reverse the disease altogether.

A recentstudy, which included than 2,000 adults, found that individuals who increased the number of fruits, vegetables, and nuts in their diet over the course of 20 years lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 60 percent more than those who didnt.

Brooklyn Borough President Adams says he reversed his diabetes diagnosis by adopting a plant-based diet. This concept is backed up by research. The American College of Lifestyle Medicine (ACLM) recommends an online program that helps diabetes sufferers adopt a plant-based diet to reverse their condition. The National Institute for Diabetes and Endocrinology in Slovakia is trialing a whole-food, plant-based program to help reverse the condition.

The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) highlights a study on its website that looks at the eating habits and moods of 3,486 people over a five-year period. The study found that participants who ate whole, plant foods reported fewer symptoms of depression.

A different study found that vegetarians typically experience more positive moods than meat-eaters. Nutritionist Geeta Sidhu-Robb spoke toCosmopolitan about the study, which was published in Nutrition Journal. The elimination of long chain fatty acids, predominantly arachidonic acid which is present in meat and is associated with symptoms of depression, means you are less at risk of suffering from it,she said.Vegan diets also have more complex carbohydrates present which increase the feel good hormone serotonin in the brain.

Products that are made with plant-based ingredients but also processes that dont involve animals are considered vegan. Beeswax, honey, lanolin, collagen, and keratin are some common non-vegan ingredients to look out for.

Most people are against experiments on animals. A survey by Naturewatch Foundation found that 99.5 percent of Brits support a ban on cosmetic animal testing. While most are against the practice due to the stance that it is cruel to animals, animal testing is also unreliable.

Many experts agree that tests on animals cannot accurately predict human response to a product. More than 95 percent of pharmaceutical drugs test as safe and effective on animals but then fail in human trials, according to PETA.

Yet the practice is still common in the beauty industry. Since veganism does not allow for the exploitation of animals, buying vegan beauty products guarantees that youre not supporting animal testing.

Up to 60 percent of the products we apply to our bodies are absorbed by the skin and end up in the bloodstream. Many cosmetics brands use phthalates and parabens in their recipes. These ingredients can interfere with development and reproduction, and cause neurological issues. The nervous and immune systems can also be affected.

While not all vegan beauty brands use natural ingredients, a growing number of them do. Companies like Zuii Organic use real flowers, essential oils, and plant extracts to make their vegan cosmetic products.

As well as sidestepping the health risks linked to chemical ingredients, natural ingredients can provide health benefits. Oats have anti-inflammatory properties and can treat skin irritations like eczema. Witch hazel hydrates the skin, and green tea contains high levels of antioxidants, which can help repair sun damage.

A plant-based diet could boost your beauty regime by helping your skin stay healthy. An increasing number of studies are linking dairy to skin problems like acne. Dairy products contain growth hormones and are also treated with artificial hormones, which can interfere with the human bodys hormone system. Some experts also believe that dairy can disrupt insulin levels, making acne more likely.

Many celebrities credit veganism for their youthful looks. American singer-songwriter Ma says that her vegan lifestyle is to thank for her fountain of youth. Fifty-eight-year-old actor Woody Harrelson said his plant-based diet is crucial for his youthful appearance, and 77-year-old rock n roll legend Paul McCartney not only looks younger than he is but completes his solo world tours which see him playing more than 30 songs per show over the span of two and a half hours on a vegan diet.

Following a vegan lifestyle means not buying items featuring leather, suede, wool, or silk. But dont be fooled, the vegan fashion industry is bursting at the seams with innovation and style.

Wearing vegan fashion means you wont be supporting the leather industry. Besides the animal welfare issues linked to the livestock trade, raising animals for leather (and food) leaves a large mark on the planet. Raising livestock accounts for 14.5 percent of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) said in September 2018 that the greenhouse gas footprint of animal agriculture rivals that of every car, truck, bus, ship, airplane, and rocket ship combined.

Leather is treated with 250 different substances including cyanide, arsenic, chromium, and formaldehyde. These substances pollute waterways and raise the risk of disease for workers and local communities.

Vegan leather is just as durable and stylish as its animal-based counterpart. It can be made from

Its easy to believe that wool can be collected without harming the animal. However, exposs reveal that animal cruelty is rampant in the woold sector. Shearers are paid by the volume of wool collected, not by the hour. This often encourages the aggressive handling of sheep. The animals are beaten and when injured, their wounds are sewn up without pain relief. To prevent flystrike, workers will mule sheep cut off pieces of the sheeps hindquarter skin. This often has the opposite of the desired effect since flies are attracted to the open wound.

Vegan alternatives to wool include hemp, linen, and organic cotton. Bamboo, seaweed, and wood are also used to make cruelty-free clothing.

Many vegan fashion brands prioritize sustainability in their designs. Footwear brand No Saints uses food waste to make its vegan leather sneakers. The companys pineapple leather, called Piatex, is made from pineapple leaf fibers, which are a by-product of pineapple harvests and would otherwise go to waste. Using these fibers offers extra income to farming communities and saves the waste from being incinerated, which creates toxic emissions. No Saints also uses apple peels thrown out by the juicing industry to make apple leather shoes.

German footwear brand thies and Brazilian brand Insecta make vegan fashion items out of plastic waste. Adidas teamed up with Parley for the Oceans to produce a vegan shoe with plastic pulled from the ocean. Each shoe contains 12 plastic bottles worth of waste, with some of this coming from discarded fishing nets.

Animal agriculture is one of the major generators of greenhouse gas emissions, which worsens climate change. UNEP hasnamed meatthe worlds most urgent problem, saying that, Our use of animals as a food-production technology has brought us to the verge of catastrophe.

Producing half a pound of beef generates the same amount of emissions as driving a car 9.8 miles. Producing half a pound of potatoes is only equal to driving a car 0.17 miles.

A 2016 report found that if the world went vegan, the planets food-related emissions would drop by 70 percent by 2050.

Animal-based diets are extremely water-intensive. According to UNEP, a bacon cheeseburger requires more than 3,000 liters of water to produce. In contrast, a vegan meat burger requires 75 to 95 percent less water.

Major meat publication Global Meat News admitted to animal agricultures impact on the planet last year. It stated that 92 percent of the planets water footprint is linked to agriculture, with livestock making up one-third of the figure. On a per gram of protein basis, beefs water footprint is six times that of pulses,Global Meat News wrote.

According to Water Calculator, someone following a vegan diet has half the total water footprint as a meat-eater.

Raising animals for food requires vast amounts of land and deforestation. The beef industry was blamed for the current Amazon fires since farmers intentionally burn down sections of the rainforest to make room for herds.

Oxford University researchers completed the most comprehensive analysis of farmings impact on the planet earlier this year. They looked at data from approximately 40,000 farms in 119 countries and found that beef production requires 36 times more land than plant-based protein like peas.

The researchers stated that if everyone were to go vegan, global farmland use would drop by 75 percent, freeing up landmass the size of Australia, China, the EU, and the U.S. combined.

A 2018 report published in the journalCurrent Biologydiscovered that 87 percent of the worlds oceans are dying.

Many people are doing their part to save the seas ditching plastic straws, bringing their own shopping bag to the supermarket, and choosing plastic-free produce. However, your diet could have more to do with the ocean; half of the plastic found in the ocean comes from fishing nets.

Overfishing is also impacting the oceans fish stocks. Some experts agree that the worlds oceans could be empty of fish by 2048. Even land-raised meat can harm the oceans. The pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers used on feed crops enter and pollute waterways. Factory farm runoff and livestock grazing is also a major contributor to river and lake pollution. According to Cowspiracy, animal agriculture creates 70 to 90 percent of freshwater pollution in western countries.

Often forgotten about but ever-important is honey. Following a vegan lifestyle means going without this ingredient, and this could have an impact on bee populations. Bees are widely considered to be the most important species on the planet. Approximately 250,000 species of flowering plants rely on bees for pollination. Without bees, fruit and vegetable stocks would deplete.

It takes more than 550 bees to gather 1 pound of honey from roughly 2 million flowers, according to the Apex Bee Company. Bees will fly 55,000 miles to make a gallon of honey. The average bee will make only 1/12 of a teaspoon of honey in its life, and bees rely on this as their primary food source.

Thankfully for honey-lovers, there are plenty of vegan alternatives out there. Bee Free Honee makes ethical honey out of organic apples.Dvash Organics is the producer of what it claims is the worlds first sweet potato honey. You can also use maple syrup or agave nectar.

Not sure where (or when) to start? How about Monday? Ditching meat for one day a week can help make the transition seem a little less intimidating. It allows you to try new foods and reduce your impact on the planet. The more Mondays you have meatless, the easier it may be to add more days each week.

Its 2019, so the media we consume has a large impact on the choices we make. Documentaries are some of the most popular mechanisms for motivating people to go vegan. It took just 15 minutes of Dominion to convince a caf owner in Idaho to turn her business vegan. Called the scariest movie ever made, the 2018 film features hidden camera footage and uncovers the dark side of animal agriculture.

Kip Andersens What the Health looks at the link between diet and disease, and his 2014 documentary Cowspiracy unravels the environmental issues tied to animal agriculture.

Theres a vegan-focused documentary to suit everyone. You can check out a list of them here.

Not a film buff? A thought-provoking book could be your ticket. How Not To Die by Michael Greger considers food medicine. The New York Times bestseller studies how diet can cause or prevent disease.

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell II also highlights the health benefits of healthy, plant-based eating. Jonathon Safran Foers Eating Animals looks at what it means to eat animals in a modern, industrialized world.

The Sexual Politics of Meat by Carol J. Adams explores the role of feminism within the meaty, dairy, and egg industries. Gristle: From Factory Farms to Food Safety (Thinking Twice About the Meat We Eat) by Moby and Miyun Park opens a conversation about how our food choices impact the world around us, including animals, workers, public health, and the planet.

Theres no need to go hungry on a plant-based diet. For every food you loved as a non-vegan, you can make or buy an animal-free version. Get your hands on some plant-powered cookbooks, like So Vegan in 5 by Roxy Pope and Ben Pook. This book has more than 100 cheap and simple recipes, including jerk tofu burgers.

But I Could Never Go Vegan! by Kristy Turner smashes the stereotype that vegan food is bland and boring. Cathy Fishers Straight Up Food is bursting with plant-based and gluten-free recipes, made with whole, unprocessed ingredients.

You could also invest in a meal planner. LIVEKINDLYs vegan meal planner offers nutrition tips, chef-inspired recipes, guidance from expert food coaches, smart grocery lists, and grocery delivery in select areas, so all youll have to focus on is enjoying great-tasting food.

Surrounding yourself with supportive, likeminded people is a great way to keep motivated during your vegan journey. Jump online and join some local vegan Facebook groups, which are perfect for recipes, tips on vegan living, and sharing memes.

Subscribing to a plant-based publication is a great way to stay in the loop and hear about the latest vegan news. It could also offer you daily reminders on why going vegan is important to you and how your choices can have a ripple effect, helping the planet and those inhabit it.


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15 Vegan Lifestyle Benefits That Will Make You Never Look Back


What is a vegan lifestlye? We take an in-depth look at celebrities who follow the diet, the benefits of going plant-based, and some tips to get you started.


Jemima Webber

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15 Vegan Lifestyle Benefits That Will Make You Never Look Back - LIVEKINDLY

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