How To Live With Less Sugar In Your Diet – Longevity LIVE – Longevity LIVE

You may love sugar, but sadly it doesnt love you back. Increasingly, this food additive has been associated with many lifestyle woes: obesity, diabetes, hypertension, and even cancer. Worse still, its often hidden in products that are marketed as healthy. The challenge many sugar lovers have is to live with less sugar in their diets. Here are some helpful ideas to help you consume less.

The World Health Organization recommends a maximum of 5 to 10 teaspoons of sugar a day. But while you may know by now that Coca-Cola contains at least 12 teaspoons of sugar, did you know that your go-to gin and tonic contains around 8 teaspoons of sugar? Thats your daily dose in a single drink and its not even sweet!

And not only does sugar hide in these products, but it often goes by various aliases. So, you may look at the label and not recognize sugar for what it is.

Yogurt. Salad dressing. Fruit snacks. Nut butter. Granola bars. Gummy vitamins. Bottled tea. Fruit juice. Protein powder. Smoothies. All examples of healthy, wholesome foods you can safely enjoy, right? Not exactly. Unfortunately, in our modern society, many of the foods that are marketed and sold as healthy wont contribute to our health in any way. Thats because theyre often loaded with sugar. As a result, we consume large amounts of sugar without realizing it. This all adds to the cycle of dependency on this pervasive food additive.

You know that if you regularly devour a slab of chocolate or down a bottle of soda on your own, youre going to pick up weight. Your dentist may also have told you that you need to avoid sugar to prevent cavities and other dental problems. But what you may not know is that its one of the biggest contributors to the following chronic diseases:

Furthermore, recent studies have strongly linked high consumption of sugar to the development of endometrial cancer.

Certainly, there are various options if you want to stay away from sugar. These are usually grouped in the following categories: sugar alcohols, novel sweeteners, and artificial sweeteners. The problem with many of these is that they often come with consequences you dont want either, such as negative effects on gut health, blood sugar levels, and metabolism.

A study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry indicates that typical artificial sweeteners can induce insulin secretion and a rise in appetite. Other studies have established that, when we consume a sweet substance that contains no calories, the brain doesnt register the substance to have a filling effect. As a result, it sends a message that we need to eat more to feel satisfied. Before we know it, weve polished off the entire bowl of sugar-free fruit sorbet, and, to boot, still feel peckish.

Stick to healthier, naturally occurring sweeteners, as suggested by, as follows:

Stevia is 100% natural, contains zero calories, and has no known adverse health effects. It has been shown to lower blood sugar and blood pressure levels.

Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that contains 40% fewer calories than sugar. Eating it in moderation is generally safe, but xylitol can be highly toxic to dogs.

Erythritol is a sugar alcohol that tastes almost exactly like sugar, but it contains only 6% of the calories. However, more research is needed to determine whether it contributes to weight gain in some people.

Monk fruit sweetener is a safe and healthy sugar alternative, but more studies are needed to fully understand its health benefits.

Yacon syrup contains one-third of the calories of regular sugar. Its also very high in fructooligosaccharides, which feed the good bacteria in the gut and may aid in weight loss.

Coconut sugar contains a small amount of fiber and nutrients, but its high in fructose and should be consumed in moderation.

Honey contains antioxidants and small amounts of vitamins and minerals. It may offer some health benefits, but its still sugar and should not be consumed excessively.

Maple syrup contains several minerals and over 24 different antioxidants. It has a slightly lower glycemic index than regular sugar, but it will still raise your blood sugar levels significantly.

Molasses contain nutrients that support bone and heart health. Nevertheless, its still high in sugar and should be consumed sparingly.

Sugar is addictive. Scientists have shown that when you eat or drink it, you will want more and more. But as you consume less, you will find that your cravings will subside, and you will be healthier, thinner, and happier.

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