Common Myths About Hair Transplants

Although hair loss is a distressing condition, it's only natural to find yourself considering the idea of getting a hair transplant.

Hair transplants, otherwise known as follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), can both be used to restore your head of hair - but you should know that there are a few myths about the procedure.

As an overview, a hair transplant involves taking hair from the back or sides of your head to cover bald patches in the front and crown of your scalp. If you opt for FUT surgery, a strip of tissue is taken from the back or sides of your head containing hair follicles. The strip is then divided into small grafts, which are transplanted into the bald patches of your scalp. As an alternative, FUE surgery involves small round punches being taken from the back or sides of your head and placed directly in the balding area.

If you're considering getting a hair transplant, here are some of the most common myths about the procedure to watch out for:

Myth 1 - New hair will go on to replace the lost hair-

The newly transplanted hairs don't immediately grow to replace your natural hair. These are both FUT and FUE methods of treatment, but they differ in the appearance that they give you. With a FUT procedure, there's a linear scar on the back or side of your head, which can be covered up with your natural hair. As opposed to this, FUE is best for those who don't want to have a linear scar because it involves small round punches being taken from the back and sides of your head where there's still healthy hair growth. In terms of appearance, you might feel like your head is still patchy following a FUT procedure. It can take between six and 18 months for the transplanted hair to grow up and cover the scar tissue caused by surgery, so you need to be patient.

Myth 2 - A hair transplant will cost a fortune-

The best place to find out about affordable hair transplants in Lahore is on the internet if you know which clinic to choose.

There are a number of hair transplant clinics in the UK, such as Crown Clinic Birmingham and Crown Clinic Manchester. While you might think that it's best to find a local clinic, be wary of fly-by-night operations. Hair transplants aren't cheap, but there are some reputable clinics that make the process affordable.

Myth 3 - Hair transplants can't be reversed-

Both FUT and FUE have a high success rate, but you need to remember that they're not permanent fixes. If you have a FUT procedure, your head of hair will look very natural. When you go into surgery for the procedure. The only way that you're going to have problems with this type of procedure. Is if you don't go through the aftercare process and use products like minoxidil, which is a topical treatment for hair loss. If you stop using these products, there's a chance that your head of hair will fall out.

As an FUE patient, you need to know that it's possible for the hair. That was harvested and transplanted to fall out eventually. There's a chance that your head of hair could fall out in the same way that it did before your procedure. So make sure you buy top-quality products like minoxidil as soon as you go through with this type of surgery.

Myth 4 - Hair transplants can be done with a topical treatment-

If you have a hair transplant using a FUT procedure, the result will look natural. It will take six to 18 months for your head of hair to grow up and cover the scar from surgery. But if you stop using minoxidil products this could take longer. The same is true for an FUE procedure. It can take a long time to get the results that you want, and without continued use of minoxidil, this might never happen.

Myth 5 - A hair transplant is going to solve all your problems-

This is where research comes into play. If you're thinking about getting a hair transplant, you need to make sure that you talk to your surgeon about the different options that are available. Some people have success with topical treatments like minoxidil, but it's possible for this not to work. A more permanent solution might be best for your circumstances, such as a FUT or FUE procedure.

You can also try PRP treatments. These have a lower success rate than FUT and FUE, but they're more affordable. You need to consider your options carefully before going for one of these treatments.

a hair transplant will cost you between £4000-£6000 in the UK.*

Myth 6 - There's a one-size-fits-all solution to hair loss-

A hair transplant is just one way of solving your hair loss problems. It might be worth trying out topical treatments like minoxidil. Before you make a decision about going through with the surgery. The best place to find out more information about these procedures is with your surgeon, who will talk you through the different options that are available to you.


The biggest myth is that a hair transplant will cost you between £4000-£6000 in the UK, which isn't true. You might also hear about these myths when conducting research into this type of surgery. In order to avoid being sucked into these myths and not getting the full story. Be sure that you do your research before making a decision about this surgery. You might also want to speak with your surgeon about all of the options that are available to you.

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