Down on the ‘Transhuman Farm’ Nightmares are Technocratic – Being Of Click Built Panopticons and Tractors in Human Form , Alas. – -…

The horror!, The horror!

Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad

Recognizing the broad potential of mRNA science, we set out to create an mRNA technology platform that functions very much like an operating system on a computer.



[ sim-yuhleykruhm ]

noun, plural simulacra [sim-yuh-ley-kruh].

1. a slight, unreal, or superficial likeness or semblance.

2. an effigy, image, or representation: a simulacrum of Aphrodite.

In the novel We, written almost a century ago, Yevgeny Zamyatin introduced the concept of Great Operation: which as psycho-surgery had the effect of producing as he described tractors in human form.

Small article here examines the utility and potentiality of psycho-surgery and transhumanism from the perspective of the early 21st C given technological advance; and not so much Great Operation but Great Reset as currently in progress of being introduced at a Global level.

This apropos the quote from Heart of Darkness above and psycho-surgery being a polymorphous concept as ripe for technological development, alas and as Wilde put it paraphrased : technocratic evil bastards can resist anything but temptation.

At least one office in DARPA is devoted to Biological Technologies.

Social Credit as some parallel of tractorship in human form effected on a mass level is bleeding edge in China, such the technocratic prototype as unipolar, such the Dystopia?

Zamyatin conceived of the Great Operation as entailing destruction or impairment of function of parts of the human brain thru deployment of X-rays, and as a labor intensive as surgical operation; being as one brain lobotomized/strait jacketed phenomenological as much as one tractor in human form rendered at a time, such the psycho politics dystopian s algorithmic..

In fairness to Zamyatin when he wrote We X -Rays represented cutting edge technology, having only been discovered in 1895. Mass production as capital intense was still in its corporatist infancy back when Zamyatin wrote Model Ts were just beginning to roll off assembly lines.

It is said that Orwell drew heavily upon We concerning 1984.

The Great Reset contains the vision that in the future you shall own nothing and be happy. The potential implications of this statement in relation to technological development and transhumanism will be explored here; alongside the alternate conception of said Great Reset being as a new form of Feudalism not based on ownership of land and fief, but on ownership of transhumans and the fief of tractors in human form as said transhumanism exploited by way of debasement, such the simulacrum, such the tragedy, such the absurdity as Marx claimed.

Can transhumans be owned down on the technocratic farm?

Patent WO2020060606 Cryptocurrency System Using Body Activity Data; it shine a light?

That is to say; psychotronic technology is , alongside Artificial Intelligence (AI )and gene therapy the technology of the future as it meets the needs of technocratic pathology by way of facilitating widespread as Globalized owning nothing as well as happiness being as enforced under political form totalitarian as technocratic, such the anorexic mirror. The wet dreams of technocratic man gods as obscenely wealthy on the transhumanist farm await explication such the ius est?

Never in the course of history has so much been owned by so few, such the ius, nest ce pas?

As these small quarters write (early 21st C), we impoverished Humans still have the capacity to independently think; albeit this becoming rarer as is biodiversity under the military industrial corporatist complex as a result of technocratic direction and the growing power of technology to effect by way of winnowing not only behavioral patterns, but the thought patterns underlying same such the dumbing down, such the propaganda, such the drone/litany of woe as dystopian?

For neoliberalism synonymises technocracy such the freedom of do what thou wilt as the degenerate satanical bastard Aleister Crowley propagated?

It is reasonable to suppose that were Joseph Goebbels to be alive today he would be gleeful over the power of broadcast media to effect propaganda on a mass scale and its singularity of repetition of line to some corporatist technocratic parallel of Ein volk, ein reich, ein fuhrer attained as facilitated Globally and that would be before he as a degenerate introduced to the monitoring, controlling and manipulative aspects of technological progress as amoral; such the goose steps algorithmic as of Artificial Intelligence (AI); let alone the psychotronic potentialities of a new operating system as under genetic modification, such the hack, such the reboot as about to be jacked as further jagged up down on the transhuman farm?

The social media implications of dopamine release being as to some variant psychotronic of B-b-b-baby, you just aint seen n-n-nothin yet as the transhuman farm all set up to go into overdrive so it goes under megalomanical madness.

For electrosmog has a panotpiconic utility as truly fearful, and alas offers a synergy as Gestalten with the concept of genetic modification as much as the potentiality of new operating system to attain?

(Electrosmog of War on the Globalized Transhumanist Farm was considered for title this small article.)

Permit these small quarters to temporarily control and issue some currency as alternative as metapolitical questions raised here?

In accordance with Technocratic vision as weltsanchauung the term surplus population has been passed into the mundane via cultural hegemony as much as R2P as build back better; such the new normal, such the casus belli?

Such the head offed as menticidal as ecocidal, indeed?

What if , and here small quarters just speculating alternative as mindful of irony; a new operating system for Humanity could be possessed of eugenical characteristics? More prone to parallel of blue screen such the reboot? More susceptible as amenable to update?

A swab up every nose or ass, an injection in every arm as update effected under R2P?

What if Bill Gates , such the window, other than a money making philanthropist under trillionaire technocratic muppetry is pursuing a eugenical agenda based on technocratic apperception of surplus population?

What if the very concept of R2P has been even further corrupted/debased to mean the Protected not Humanity or Democracy or Human Rights but rather Resource Transfer as enables obscene wealth accumulation translated into obscene power, sense of Lord Actons proposition vis a vis power?

R2P - further corrupted/degenerated as in control and issue of opium in Afghanistan, oil in Iraq, oil in Libya, Oil inSyria such the production as in a theater of war morphing before our very eyes such the contemptoraneity (sic)?

Is there a responsibility to protect the health of a surplus population as apperceived; or does a live and let die ethos prevail under Technocracy?

Do Bears shit in the woods?

Does evil exist as incarnate or is it just dysfunctionality as pathological aberration under an empirical paradigm of objectivity?

Underneath not so much the spreading chestnut tree but rather the Empirical Tree down on the Transhuman Farm I sold you as much as you sold me demanded?

Are covidiots now as that charming man as ex passenger on the Lolita Express Alan Dershowitz professed fit to be held down and forcibly injected such the Nakba Transhumanist as a gene drive expressed?

Is such questioning under TINA as Technocratic hegemony goes by way of the Fourth Reich/ Industrial Revolution now Verboten?

The psychotropic as psychotronic possibilities arising from conjunction of AI, genetic modification, nanotechnology, beam formed electrosmog as a plasma are truly horrific to contemplate: they place Zamyatins concept of great operation and tractors in human form alongside Jose Delgado and his chipping of individual bulls via neurosurgery; this as much as a spear stands in relation to a hypersonic thermonuclear missile, both in context of economy of scale and metadeath, sense of genetic mutation effected?

Perhaps an algorithmic exposition of the transhuman farm as a click built panopticon is apposite/called for?

Congratulations, you are in just the right place at the right time!

The psychotronic potentiality of non ionizing radiation has already been demonstrated. It should be noted that this technology by way of beam forming can effect not only a sense of burning, but also the delivery of intelligible voice commands such the voice of god.

The ubiquitous presence of non ionizing radiation is something which can be attained thru telecommunications infrastructure. 5G roll-out exemplifies an environmental modulation apropos.

An enhancement of psychotronic potentiality as of aforementioned can be attained by way of:

a) Modulation the genetic base/ DNA code as an operating system.

b) The presence of electromagnetic nanotechnology

Artificial Intelligence is capable of co-ordinating the delivery of psychotronic control on a mass as global level; in conjunction as interfaced with suitable non ionizing radiation presence, genetic modification and electromagnetic nanotechnology , any biomass can be impacted pro actively; sense of surveillance, control and manipulation.

And all because the 0.001% love money, love power such the alpha point effected?

We shall own nothing and be happy!

Nothing includes our thoughts no longer our own such the psychotronics; includes our genes no longer same such the therapy, our own happiness such the soma as electromagnetic nanotechnologically to be enforced such the man gods supplicated unto to be?

Even bastard degenerate Nazis had a choice as to raise an arm or click heels?

Even in 1984 a ration could be seen as it was as?

Say hello to technocratic psychotronics!

Is it like thisIn deaths other kingdomWaking aloneAt the hour when we areTrembling with tendernessLips that would kissForm prayers to broken stone.

As T.S. Eliot wrote concerning hollow men as transhuman as technocratic?

Final words to Orwell, such the paraphrase.

(Transhuman Farm, indeed.)

The humans looked from technocrat to transhuman, and from transhuman to technocrat and could see no difference

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Down on the 'Transhuman Farm' Nightmares are Technocratic - Being Of Click Built Panopticons and Tractors in Human Form , Alas. - -...

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