Ask Warren Ellis Your Craziest Questions About The Future

To help us kick off the new White Noise, Warren Ellis has graciously agreed to answer our questions about the future. Ask the creator of Transmetropolitan and the popularizer of the bowel disruptor what's on your mind. We'll send some choice questions over and publish his answers later this week.

This Q/A is my first intrepid undertaking as editor of White Noise. Never give up on your dreams, folks. I was thrilled by the badass feedback on our reboot post and the awesome range of people who are ready to contribute to this site. If you haven't yet, head over to that post and tell us what you want to cover what topics you'd love to write, read, photograph, draw, or debate about, and why. Then come back here with a question for Warren Ellis.

Ellis is the force behind the graphic novels Transmetropolitan, Planetary, Red, and Global Frequency, has worked on every comics property you've ever heard of, is the author of the best-selling Gun Machine, and has a demonstrated knack for seeing which way where we're trending with technology. Much of his work specializes in "transhumanist" themes like nanotech, body modification, and cryonics y'know, the good stuff. When he agreed to appear on White Noise, I high-fived my Spider Jerusalem action figure.

At a reading, I once stood up to tremulously ask Ellis what fantastical tech he'd most like to see come about in our lifetime, and received the answer of teleportation. Then I texted my friends "We are the same, Warren Ellis and I. I don't think I'm breathing."

What if you could ask Warren Ellis anything about the future?

Image: Warren Ellis / Darick Robertson, Transmetropolitan


Ask Warren Ellis Your Craziest Questions About The Future

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