Listen to me speak at the UK h+ meetup

Thanks to David Wood, I'll be speaking at the UK h+ meetup in London. Predictably, I'm going to be talking about the Friendly AI problem, which, in my opinion, is one of the most important issues of our time. Here's the information:

Suppose that humans succeed in understanding just what it is about the human brain that makes us smart, and manage to port that over to silicon based digital computers. Suppose we succeed in creating a machine that was smarter than us.

What would it do? Would we benefit from it?

This talk will present arguments that show that there are many different ways that the creation of human-level AI could spell disaster for the human race. It will also cover how we might stave off that disaster - how we might create a superintelligence that is benevolent to the human race.

You can RSVP to the event on Facebook: the details are:

Saturday, 23 January 2010

14:00 - 16:00

Room 416, 4th floor (via main lift), Birkbeck College,
Torrington Square WC1E 7HX

London, United Kingdom

You can also use the London Futurists Meetup group.

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