Testosterone Replacement | Discounted Labs

TESTOSTERONE Total and Free (Regular)

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Special Price $30.45 was $75.60

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Free and weakly bound testosterone (FWBT), also referred to as bioavailable testosterone, is thought to reflect an individual's biologically active, circulating testosterone. FWBT includes free testosterone and testosterone that is bound to albumin. FWBT does not include sex hormone binding globulin-bound testosterone. The SHBG-bound fraction is biologically inactive because of the high binding affinity of SHBG for testosterone. The rapid dissociation of weakly bound testosterone from albumin results in the availability of essentially all albumin-bound testosterone for steroid-receptor interaction.


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This panel includes two estradiol tests (total and free-unbound) measured by the most accurate hormone testing method: Liquid chromatography/ Mass Spectrometry. Buying these two tests separately would cost $143, so you save $32 by ordering them together in this panel.


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The most complete of all blood test panels for men that include: Total and Free Testosterone, Sensitive Estradiol, IGF-1, Prolactin, DHT, DHEA-S, PSA, SHBG, Lipids, CBC, CMP, and Thyroid Function.


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This panel includes hormones that have been implicated in gynecomastia by several studies. Gynecomastia is a benign enlargement of the male breast resulting from a growth of the glandular tissue of the breast. Since it causes anxiety, psychosocial discomfort and fear of breast cancer, early diagnostic evaluation is important, and patients usually seek medical attention. Causes include hormone imbalance and genetic predisposition.


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This blood test panel includes: CBC, CMP, Lipids, Testosterone (T & F), Sensitive Estradiol, TSH, Free T3, PSA, and SHBG


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There are several ways to determine if the dose/frequency of HCG while on TRT is effective: Performing a sperm count/quality test and/or measuring an upstream hormone to testosterone called 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OH-P). TRT decreases 17OH-P and other upstream hormones due to the shut down of LH (LH is needed to activate the production of these hormones- See figure below). When using HCG plus TRT, upstream hormones like 17OH-P can be normalized. Several studies have found that 17OH-P blood level is correlated to ITT, so testing for this hormone could not only save time while optimizing HCG dose/frequency but also eliminate the need to perform testicular aspirations, a very difficult procedure to do. A 17OH-P level over 6.5 nmol/L (or 215 ng/dL) was found to normalize ITT while using HCG doses of 500 IU every other day plus testosterone enanthate injections given at 200 mg/week.


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Renin is also called angiotensinogenase; its an enzyme produced by the kidneys to control aldosterone production. Its also essential in the reninangiotensin aldosterone system (RAAS) which maintains your bodys fluid balance and blood pressure. Aldosterone is the primary of several endogenous members of the class of mineralocorticoids in humans. Aldosterone tends to promote Na+ and water retention, and lower plasma K+ concentration.


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Aldosterone (ALD) is one of a group of connected hormones. They form the reninangiotensinaldosterone system; this system is activated when there is a decrease in blood flow to your kidneys following a drop in blood volume or blood pressure


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Lipoprotein(a) has been called a powerful predictor of premature atherosclerotic vascular disease. As an independent risk factor for premature coronary artery disease, excess Lp(a) concentrations are associated with an increased risk of cardiac death in patients with acute coronary syndromes and with restenosis after angioplasty (PTCA) and coronary bypass procedures. In general, concentrations greater than or equal to 75 nmol/L of Lp(a) in serum are associated with a two- to sixfold increase in risk, depending on the presence of other risk factors.


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PSA circulates through the body in two ways; bound to other proteins or by itself. Unbound PSA is called free PSA. A free-PSA test will measure the percentage of unbound PSA while a PSA test is used to measure the total of free and bound PSA in the blood. The free PSA is a defective variant of normal PSA that can no longer bind to other proteins and so circulates in the blood in the free form. Although the reason why this is the case is poorly understood - patients with prostate cancer may have lower free PSA levels than those with a benign prostate condition.

Special Price $68.25 was $85.00

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ED Panel Includes Main Hormones Involved with Erectile Function: Prolactin, Total and Free Testosterone, Sensitive Estradiol, DHT, TSH, Free T3 and Free T4.


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This panel is popular among men who are on testosterone therapy since it offers substantial savings over ordering each of these tests separately : Complete Blood Count (CBC) ,Comprehensive Metabolic Profile ( includes eGFR ), Estradiol Sensitive, Testosterone, Total and Free, LC/MS-MS ( Accurate for all testosterone levels, uncapped), Prolactin, Lipids, and Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG)

Special Price $206.85 was $275.00

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This test provides a more accurate measurement when total testosterone concentrations are very low (under 150 ng/dL, adequate for T testing in women) or very high (over 1500 ng/dL).

Special Price $87.10 was $120.75

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Special Price $43.50 was $73.50

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Special Price $312.90 was $348.00

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Special Price $189.00 was $276.00

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This panel includes: Total and Free Testosterone (ECLIA method), Luteinizing Hormone (LH), and Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) at substantial savings that buying each test separately.

Special Price $88.20 was $112.00

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Includes liver and kidney function, glucose and electrolytes


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Includes Hematocrit


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Lipid Profile: Evaluates the risk for developing atherosclerosis (arterial plaque) and coronary heart disease. This test includes: Total Cholesterol, Triglycerides ,HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Total Cholesterol/HDL Ratio


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Special Price $261.45 was $417.00

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A prolactin blood test is used by doctors to evaluate sexual dysfunction of unknown cause in both men and women.


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Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is a hormone produced by the adrenal gland. It is also made in the brain. DHEA leads to the production of androgens and estrogens (male and female sex hormones). DHEA levels in the body begin to decrease after age 30. Lower DHEA levels are found in people with hormonal disorders, HIV/AIDS, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, depression, diabetes, inflammation, immune disorders, and osteoporosis. Corticosteroids, birth control taken by mouth, and agents that treat psychiatric disorders may reduce DHEA levels.


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This test measures the amount of dehydrotestosterone (DHT) in the blood. Low DHT has been associated with low libido and high DHT has been linked to acne, hair loss and benigh prostatic inflammation in a minority of men.

Special Price $50.00 was $126.00

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This is a very economical panel that includes: 1- Hematocrit: Portion of total blood volume made up of red blood cells. Testosterone replacement therapy can increase hematocrit. Hematocrit over 52 may increase blood thickness and cardiovascular risks. 2- Total and Free Testosterone (For expected total testosterone blood levels under 1500 ng/dL) by Equilibrium Analysis.

Special Price $37.49 was $71.40

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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is produced exclusively by cells of the prostate gland. Used in conjunction with the digital rectal examination, PSA is a useful screening test for benign prostate enlargement, prostatitis and prostate cancer development.


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SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) binds to testosterone and estradiol. High SHBG may decrease free testosterone and free estradiol.


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FSH and LH are produced by the pituitary gland to control the production of sex hormones including testosterone and estrogen, and sperm and egg cells. They are both important in diagnosing primary or secondary hypogonadism, infertility, or potential pituitary adenomas.


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Testosterone Replacement | Discounted Labs

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