How technology is about to transform the way we save cash forever –

Imagine walking into your bank and telling the cashier you wanted to open a savings account.

Youd expect to be offered a small choice of terms and rates and you probably would not expect any of those rates to be absolutely best in class.

What you would not expect is to be offered an enormous swathe of savings options including many accounts from other financial institutions. A Dutch bank, or a Swedish one? Yes, these lenders want your sterling savings too, it seems, and in the near future you may be able to save with them and get some exceptional rates via accounts operated by your own, existing banks.

Welcome to open banking something that sounds like technology jargon but which, whatever words you use, is real and revolutionary. And about to arrive in Britain.

I confidently predict it will change the way we save cash, and very quickly.

The British love cash. There is an inherent...

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How technology is about to transform the way we save cash forever -

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