$40M Available for Artificial Intelligence and Transformative Technology Innovators to Improve Care and Health Outcomes for Older Americans -…

ROCKVILLE, Md., Jan. 10, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- America is getting older faster. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the number ofpeople aged 65 or older in the United States will grow to 95 million by the year 2060 and will account fornearlyone-quarterofthepopulation.Artificialintelligence(AI)andtechnologysolutionshaveasignificantpotential to transform quality of life and improve health care outcomes for older Americans, includingthosewithAlzheimer'sDisease andRelatedDementias(AD/ADRD).

To meet this challenge, the AI/Tech + Aging (a2) Collective is announcing the a2 Pilot Awards, a nationalcompetitionthatwillearmark $40millionover thenext5years forpromisingpilotprojects that leverageAI and other transformative technology to support healthy aging and persons living with AD/ADRD. Thea2 Collectiverepresents the National Institute on Aging's (NIA) Artificial Intelligence and TechnologyCollaboratories for Aging Research (AITC) program, which is dedicated to helping Americans live longer,betterthroughtheapplicationofAI and emergingtechnologies.

"AI and transformative technology that supports America's aging population is projected to be a multi-trillion dollar market opportunity," says Stephen Liu, a2 Collective's Managing Director Head ofMarketing & Business Development. "Tech giants and AI startups cannot afford to overlook how thisdemographicwill interactwiththeemerging #AgeTech economy."

The a2 Pilot Awards is funded by the NIA through three AITCs at Johns Hopkins University, theUniversity of Massachusetts-Amherst, and the University of Pennsylvania, with coordination supportprovided by Rose Li & Associates, Inc. Pilot applicants can request up to $200,000 in non-dilutive directcosts to be expended within a 12-month period, with multi-year commitments and time extensionsdetermined bytheawarding AITC.

Each AITC will offer pilot awardees access to a wealth of resources, translational services, and state-of theartfacilities,includingsoftwareandhardwareplatforms,datasets,andpopulationstudysites.


Applications for the inaugural a2 Pilot Awards will be accepted from January 10 through February 18,2022.Pleasevisitoura2PilotAwardswebsiteforeligibility requirements.


StephenC.Liu,ManagingDirectorRobert Verhein, Managing DirectorHeadofMarketing&BusinessDevelopmentHead of Operations[emailprotected][emailprotected]1.310.210.70661.240.552.9224

SOURCE a2 Collective

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$40M Available for Artificial Intelligence and Transformative Technology Innovators to Improve Care and Health Outcomes for Older Americans -...

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