Thin Coverage of California Stem Cell Board Meeting

Media coverage of yesterday's $69
million in research awards and other matters involving the California
stem cell agency was nearly non-existent today.
That is not unusual, however, since the
$3 billion enterprise is not within the attention span of the
mainstream press and electronic outlets.
The California Stem Report could find
only two stories involving yesterday's actions. One by Ron Leuty
appeared in the San Francisco Business Times and was a look at the grant awards. The other appeared on Nature's website.
Unfortunately, Nature's lead was incorrect.
It said,

 "The California Institute of Regenerative Medicine
voted on 24 May to accept a new strategic planwhich
shrinks or eliminates support for basic research, facilities and
training, while funneling more of its funds toward clinical

The CIRM governing board actually put
off until at least July decisions on which programs to cut and which
to expand. Basic research is not likely, however, to take a major
hit, for a variety of reasons.


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