Stem Cell Agency Chairman Says IOM Report ‘Quite Complimentary’

Jonathan Thomas
CIRM Photo

Jonathan Thomas, the Los Angeles bond
financier who is chairman of the $3 billion California stem cell agency, has
weighed in at more length on the sweeping recommendations from the
Institute of Medicine for changes at the agency.

He wrote a piece for the agency's blog
that said the 124-page report was “quite complimentary.” Thomas' article carried forward the theme of the stem cell agency's press
release yesterday that said the IOM “praises the agency as a 'bold
social innovation.'”
Thomas did acknowledge that the report
“highlighted some areas and made some recommendations about where
and how we might improve our performance.” 
Thomas concluded by saying the agency
takes the report seriously and will, over the next few months,
consider how best to respond.
Nearly needless to say, other observers
of the agency differ with Thomas' characterization of the report as
“quite complimentary.(See here and here.)


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