Freeport, Grand Bahama (PRWEB) September 08, 2014
Adult stem cell therapy for heart disease has emerged as a new treatment alternative for those living with a poor quality of life as a result of severe coronary artery disease. Okyanos is slated to begin delivering this innovative new treatment in the next several weeks, and is now screening qualified heart disease candidates. The procedure will be performed in their newly constructed state-of-the-art Phillips catheterization lab, as announced last month.
Just 50 miles from US shore, Okyanos cardiac cell therapy is available to qualified patients with advanced stages of coronary artery disease (CAD) and congestive heart failure (CHF). The screening process consists of a thorough review of your medical history by the Okyanos Chief Medical Officer and Cardiologist, Dr. Howard Walpole, as well as consultation done in conjunction with your cardiologist. You must be able to travel as the protocol is delivered in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island.
"As a leader in cardiac cell therapy, Okyanos is very excited to bring this innovative treatment and new standard of care to patients in a near-shore, regulated jurisdiction, said Matt Feshbach, CEO and co-founder of Okyanos. Our innovative treatment will restore blood flow to the heart helping it begin the process of healing itself, thereby improving the quality of life for heart disease patients who have exhausted all other options.
Over 12 million Americans suffer from some form of heart disease costing $108.9 billion dollars annually in the US alone. Several million patients have now exhausted the currently available methods of treatment but continue to suffer daily from chronic heart disease symptoms such as shortness of breath, fatigue and chest discomfort that can make simple activities challenging. Cardiac cell therapy stimulates the growth of new blood vessels which can lead to reduced angina and reduced re-hospitalizations resulting in an improvement in quality of life.
The Okyanos procedure is performed by prestigious US-licensed chief cardiologist, Dr. Howard Walpole. It is the first cardiac cell therapy procedure for heart failure and disease available outside of clinical trials in which the bodys own adult stem cells, derived from fat tissue, are injected directly into the damaged part of the heart via a catheter to restore blood flow and repair tissue damaged by a heart attack or disease.
The procedure begins with the extraction of a small amount of your body fat, a process done using advanced water-assisted liposuction technology. After separating the fat tissue using a European Union-approved cell processing device the Okyanos cardiologist immediately injects these cells into and around the low blood flow regions of the heart via a cathetera protocol which allows for better targeting of the cells to repair damaged heart tissue. Because the treatment is minimally invasive it requires that patients be under only moderate sedation. Post-procedural recovery consists of rest in a private suite for several hours that comfortably accommodates up to 3 family members.
Okyanos Heart Institute is scheduled to begin delivery in the next several weeks. Patients can contact Okyanos at or by calling toll free at 1-855-659-2667.
About Okyanos Heart Institute: (Oh key AH nos) Based in Freeport, Grand Bahama, Okyanos Heart Institutes mission is to bring a new standard of care and a better quality of life to patients with coronary artery disease using cardiac stem cell therapy. Okyanos adheres to U.S. surgical center standards and is led by CEO Matt Feshbach and Chief Medical Officer Howard T. Walpole Jr., M.D., M.B.A., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.A.I. Okyanos Treatment utilizes a unique blend of stem and regenerative cells derived from ones own adipose (fat) tissue. The cells, when placed into the heart via a minimally-invasive catheterization, stimulate the growth of new blood vessels, a process known as angiogenesis. Angiogenesis facilitates blood flow in the heart and supports intake and use of oxygen (as demonstrated in rigorous clinical trials such as the PRECISE trial). The literary name Okyanos, the Greek god of the river Okeanos, symbolizes restoration of blood flow.
Okyanos Cardiac Cell Therapy Clinic Scheduled to Open
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