New Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India – Video

New Cerebral Palsy Treatment in India
She is a known case of CP with history of full term emergency caesarean section, due to fetal distress and prolong labour, she did not cry at birth and had low APGAR score. She even has history of jaundice on 3rd day of life and was given phototherapy. She was then diagnosed as Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy. Since then she has been having delayed motor milestones. Neurologically, she is hypertonic and hyperreflexic. On examination:She has poor voluntary control of bilateral lower extremities and fair voluntary control of right upper extremity, but poor voluntary control of left upper extremity; She has no speech developed. She has poor oromotor control and is on semisolid diet. Functionally, she is completely dependent for all ADL and mobility. After Stem Cell Therapy 1. Her drooling has reduced. 2. Tongue lateral movements and elevation initiated. 3. Pursing also initiated. 4. Sucking and chewing initiated. 5. Vocalizations and babbling increased. 6. Blowing initiated. 7. She can stand with minimal support, parallel bar holding from one hand, push knee splint with AFO. Earlier, she had never stood. 8. Her trunk and neck control improved. 9. Her sitting balance and posture is improved. Earlier, she could easily fall to sides with support. Now, she can maintain erect sitting for 5-10 minutes with minimal support. 10. Her left hand opening, weight bearing, grasp and overall usage increased. Now, she reaches to objects. 11. In parallel, with splint on left leg, she can do ...From:neurogenbsiViews:16 1ratingsTime:15:51More inScience Technology

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