“Leading Edge” Set to Produce New Content Featuring Stem Cell Therapy, with Host Jimmy Johnson

(PRWEB) December 21, 2013

Stem cell therapy has a tremendous potential to cure various illnesses and injuries. Recent news items have highlighted possibilities that it could treat damaged spinal cords or revitalize hip joints. Scientists are working on stem cell remedies for dementia, heart disease and diabetes. Doctors in some countries have begun using this therapy to grow replacement body tissue and treat leukemia.

However, stem cell treatments remain controversial. Some people object to them on ethical or religious grounds. Others express concern about the safety of these newfound cures. Animal testing has revealed that minor mistakes can result in impurities that cause cells to produce tumors and other ill effects. Some patients have died after receiving experimental therapies that weren't adequately tested.

The producers of the "Leading Edge" TV series plan to release a new segment that examines this fascinating yet contentious health topic. Presenter Jimmy Johnson will offer an update on important facts and recent developments in the world of stem cell research. Viewers can benefit from the program's concise and unbiased perspective on an issue that many people have yet to learn about.

"Leading Edge" is independently distributed to local public TV broadcasters across the U.S. The national Public Broadcasting Service does not act as its distributor. To learn more about this informational series, please browse http://www.leadingedgeseries.com or send an email message to the program's producers. They can be reached at info(at)leadingedgeseries(dot)com.

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"Leading Edge" Set to Produce New Content Featuring Stem Cell Therapy, with Host Jimmy Johnson

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