Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India – Video

Hypoxic Ischaemic Brain Injury Improvement After Stem Cell Therapy in Mumbai India
He is a case of Hypoxic Brain Injury since 4 years. Because of high grade fever of "chikungunya", he got cardiac arrest and went into coma for 1 year. During comatose stage, he had sacral and Greater Trochanter sores which are all recovered and he has developed myositis ossification at bilateral hip and right elbow. Hip myositis ossification was removed surgically. After comatose stage, he has recovered in speech and voluntary control. He has developed rigidity in trunk and lower extremities. In 2011,he had history of fall while walking and had right femur shaft fracture which was treated surgically with plate and screws in place. Neurologically, he is hypertonic and hyperreflexic. On examination, he has restricted range of motion of bilateral hip, knee and ankle and right elbow. Voluntary control of lower extremities is poor while voluntary control of upper extremities is fair. He has rigidity in bilateral lower extremities and spasticity of grade 2 in upper extremities muscles. Patient is dependent for all ADL. On FIM he scores 30. After Stem Cell Treatment 1. He feels ease in getting up from supine to sit. 2. He can sit straight for some time (5-10 minutes) ,earlier easily stoop in 5-10 seconds. 3. His sitting balance is improved than before, earlier had fear to tilt sideways. 4. His spasticity in lower limb has reduced. 5. His speech has become clear and with proper pauses. 6. He can do roll over on bed with ease and less assistance from caretaker than before. Stem ...

By: neurogenbsi

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