California Stem Cell Directors to Finalize IOM Response Next Week

Directors of the California stem cell
agency will meet March 19 in Burlingame to complete action on
their response to blue-ribbon recommendations for sweeping changes at
the eight-year-old research enterprise.

CIRM Chairman J.T. Thomas last week
told the San Diego U-T editorial board that he regarded approval as
“largely ministerial.”
Thomas has been visiting newspaper
editorial boards around the state, touting his plan, which was
initially approved by the board in January. The main focus has been
on its provisions dealing with conflicts of interest, which would
have 13 of the 29 governing board members voluntarily remove themselves from
voting on any grant applications. The 13 are linked to recipient
institutions. Two other board members linked to recipient
institutions also sit on the board.
About 90 percent of the $1.8 billion
that has been awarded by the CIRM board has gone to institutions
linked to past and present members of the board.
In December, the Institute of Medicine cited major
problems with conflicts at the stem cell agency. It recommended
creation of a new, independent majority on the board, which would
mean that some members would lose their seats. The IOM report also
recommended a host of additional changes that have become eclipsed by
the controversy about conflicts, which were built into the board by
Proposition 71, the ballot measure that created it in 2004.
An analysis in January by the
California Stem Cell Report of the IOM report, which CIRM
commissioned at a cost of $700,000, showed that agency's response fell far short of what the IOM proposed to improve the agency's
Also on the agenda for the March 19 is
approval of applications in a $30 million effort by the agency
involving reprogrammed adult stem cells. The agency said the goal of
the initiative is “to generate and ensure the availability of high
quality disease-specific hiPSC resources for disease modeling, target
discovery and drug discovery and development for prevalent,
genetically complex diseases.”  


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