Stoopville Farms: Online Healing Community For Trauma Survivors

NEWTOWN, Pa., Oct. 9, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --Trauma survivors now have a forum to foster support and camaraderie with the newly unveiled community that encourages spiritual healing and transformation. The Stoopville Farms Communityis the first of its kind to unite spirituality and healing in a forum that allows visitors to anonymously dialogue about their journeys toward healing.

(Logo: )

The site was founded by victims of trauma who wished to create a safe place for fellow survivors to come together and heal from rape, sexual abuse, depression, addiction, chronic illness, war, loss, grief, bullying, hurt and other difficult or traumatic experiences. "Being a trauma survivor can feel so lonely and isolating," says a founder, inspired by close-knit farming communities of the past, where barn raisings and crop plantings were done with the help of others. "Here we are helping to seed transformation. Our online community creates a safe place to interact with others, allowing visitors to dialogue and explore their path toward healing and spiritual growth."

Instead of revealing personal names, visitors choose an "avatar" to maintain anonymity. Members share with, learn from, and empower one another on their quest for healing and growing. In addition to sharing, users can read blogs, find information about spirituality, meditation, self-love practices, healing and more.

Stoopville Farms offers visitors a unique experience as it does not tell people how to live or what to believe but rather creates an opportunity for visitors of any faith to explore their own spirituality through a wide variety of traditions and practices, augmenting their own path to healing, recovery and growth. The site is nondenominational and encourages participation and exploration from people of any faith or spiritual tradition.

The website store,, sells high quality, unique products relating to traditions and spirituality. These products, introduced with stories written by Healing Farmer, include items such as jewelry, incense, candles, music, pottery, artwork as well as kits with instructions for special meditations and prayers to inspire daily spiritual practice. The Stoopville Farms store will also give users an opportunity to make charitable donations to organizations that are aligned with Stoopville Farms' mission. These organizations include Heifer International, an organization dedicated to ending poverty and hunger, Laurel House, an organization that helps victims of domestic violence and their families, and RAINN: Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network, which works with rape crisis centers around the country to help survivors heal and cope. Stoopville Farms will also be matching any donation made by customers.

Stoopville Farms is a private organization headquartered in Newtown, Pennsylvania, dedicated to seeding transformation and promoting spiritual healing. Founded in 2012 by victims of trauma, it is the first of its kind to unite spirituality and healing in a forum that allows visitors to join discussions under unanimous avatars and find support towards healing from rape, depression, addiction, chronic illness, war, loss, grief, and other difficult or traumatic experiences. For more information:

Amanda Bruck (267)-716-4848

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Stoopville Farms: Online Healing Community For Trauma Survivors

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