Spirituality for the Spiritually Rebellious: Katie Sabira Rubin at TEDxGrassValley – Video

Spirituality for the Spiritually Rebellious: Katie Sabira Rubin at TEDxGrassValley
Actress, Writer, Solo Performer and Vocalist Katie Rubin, continues to tackle addiction recovery and spirituality on stage. Only this time, she #39;s doing it Stand Up Comedy Style! In thespirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x=independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized. *(Subject to certain rules and regulations)From:TEDxTalksViews:0 0ratingsTime:19:06More inEducation

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Spirituality for the Spiritually Rebellious: Katie Sabira Rubin at TEDxGrassValley - Video

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