Secrets about YOUR horoscope – Video

Secrets about YOUR horoscope
CLICK HERE- The most important concept about your own personal horoscope is to not share your horoscope with everyone. The moment you start showing your horoscope to your close friends family or even if a astrologer shows his horoscope to his students, it can bring bad luck to the native. Since every human being is emitting some sort of a radiation from within which has been proven now, that we are emitting very tiny amount of infrared, it just goes to show you what the sages of old times said, that our thoughts, our body is emitting wavelength at a certain frequency which effects everything around us through collective consciousness. Since the birth chart is a snapshot or a blue print of your DNA, it too is emitting an energy and when someone else #39;s energy looks at your horoscope and mixes in with it, it can bring negative energy into your life. This concept of our thoughts being a radio wave has been discussed by lot of people, from Deepak Chopra to nassim haramein to Dr. Wayne Dyer. Many people online post their horoscope for other #39;s to discuss, or they go to many, many astrologers, while no realizing that only a certain type of a astrologer would look at their horoscope, someone who knows the science of looking and cleaning themselves before analyzing a horoscope. Only the astrologer who does meditation before looking at a chart is rightfully so to do that, someone who is inclined towards spirituality and not money. Those astrologer will not ...From:KRSchannelViews:40 5ratingsTime:06:00More inEntertainment

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Secrets about YOUR horoscope - Video

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